Apache2 SSL configuration in several files? - ssl

I have setup Apache2 with SSL on a Debian Linux (squeeze) box. In the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl the SSL Engine is already configured and working. Packages with web software often come with an extra pkg-apache.conf file with some virtualhost, alias and directory directives. How could I make such package available via https without putting the content of pkg-apache.conf into default-ssl? Adapting the to *:433 results in load errors.

You can use the Include directive within your SSL virtual host to point to your extra configuration file. You'll need to make sure that the directives within that extra file can be used within a VirtualHost section.


how to find ssl.conf file in apache

I am trying to install self signed ssl on IP address. I have apache in centos7. I have mod_ssl installed. I have been able to create self signed certificate with openssl req. Now I need to add this certificate to virtual hosts. I found two different files in tutorials for this purpose.
etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf and second option is etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.
But I could find apache2 folder in etc but not sites-availabe and no httpd in etc. Where do I find the relevant file to edit virtual hosts?
Thank you.
you can just create the folder sites-available if you want inside of the Apache folder. The important thing is to check the Main Apache Config file and make sure that it is loading up the default-ssl.conf file. Usually its done by putting an Include /*. That would load up everything in that folder.
Config files for Apache under Centos should be at /etc/httpd/ instead of /etc/apache/

Apache as a proxy for multiple nginx servers

I'm starting from the bitnami jenkins stack. Everything is working perfectly with jenkins.
http://sample:8080/jenkins (works fine)
I'm trying to add additional directories to apache to proxy to nginx:
I can get to the other_tool homepage, but references to that other tool break down because they are looking for http://sample:8080/relative_url rather than http://sample:8080/other_tool/relative_url
I can pull config settings from the necessary files as needed, but it is on an air-gapped network so wholesale posting would be a challenge
The apache conf looks like:
<Directory /other_tool>
ProxyPass http://localhost:9999
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:9999
The nginx configuration is a standard "/" with root directory. I'm not as familiar with nginx so I can't recall the exact information off the top of my head. If needed I will provide it.
I could try to switch the jenkins hosting over to nginx, but I'm not sure that simplifies anything.
I can't open more ports on the machine. I can't use a subdomain as that would require additional DNS entries that I do not control.
Ideas or suggestions?

Set AllowOverride ALL on Apache 2.4 as default for domains

I recently updated from Apache 2.2 to Apache 2.4 and noticed my sub-directories on some domains were no longer showing (visiting via http resulted in a blank page). I am 50% confident this has something to do with the switch to default AllowOverride to 'none'.
Where do I set this to ALL so that the sub-directories will display again and is there a universal fix I can use to make it act as Apache 2.2 did or do I need to do it on a domain by domain or even directory by directory basis?
I am on a cPanel server (LAMP) with CentOs.
I think best way its use WHM EA Custom Templates
To create custom template files that affect how cPanel & WHM builds entries for all virtual hosts, perform the following steps:
Create a copy of one or more of the following files:
Apache 2.2 with SSL — /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_2/ssl_vhost.default
Apache 2.4 with SSL — /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/ssl_vhost.default
Apache 2.2 without SSL — /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_2/vhost.default
Apache 2.4 without SSL — /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/vhost.default
Rename the copied file to one of the following filenames:
vhost.local — Use this filename if you copied the vhost.default file.
ssl_vhost.local — Use this filename if you copied the ssl_vhost.default file.
Edit the *.local files to make the desired changes to your virtual host configuration.
It's easy. After create your custom template
service httpd restart

Apache - virtualhosts and global apache config

I have an apache server configured with multiple NameVirtualHosts running on the same IP. This all works fine.
However, because of the "include conf.d/*" directive, apache also picks up config for cacti and phpmyadmin, which add in aliases for /cacti and /phpmyadmin, and those aliases appear to be valid for all virtualhosts. That is to say, I can go to http://firstvirtualhost/cacti and also http://secondvirtualhost/cacti, and I get the same page.
In my case, the default namevirtualhost is publicly visible, and I do not want tools like phpmyadmin or cacti to be visible under that URL
In fact, I don't want any random package to be able to make itself visible across all virtualhosts simply by creating a file for itself in conf.d.
You have to delete the line include conf.d from the global Apache configuration file, and optionally add it to your own private virtual host configuration file.

mod_proxy with apache tomcat, how do I set it up?

I have my app that serves on localhost:8080. I want to configure things so that it just servers on localhost:80 (or localhost without the port specified). I was told to follow these instructions.
My apache-tomcat that I downloaded is located at /home/myusername/tools/appname/apache-tomcat-6.0.33
I can't find an httpd.conf file in that dir... so I can't make the changes that the above article mentions. I am not sure what to do. I am new to apache/tomcat. Any help would be great!
Those instructions are for apache, which is different from apache's tomcat. What you have (the 6.0.33 thing) is apache's tomcat, which hosts/runs webapps but isn't typically used as a general webserver. You need to download and install apache, then you'll be able to follow those instructions.
You can download the apache webserver here: http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi
Or if you are using an OS with a package manager, use your OS'es package manager instead.
Typically, the httpd.conf file should be at /etc/apache2/httpd.conf (or /etc/apache/httpd.conf).