Equivalent of "Dim As String * 1" VB6 to VB.NET - vb.net

I have some VB6 code that needs to be migrated to VB.NET, and I wanted to inquire about this line of code, and see if there is a way to implement it in .NET
Dim strChar1 As String * 1
Intellisense keeps telling me that an end of statement is expected.

That's known as a "fixed-length" string. There isn't an exact equivalent in VB.NET.
Edit: Well, OK, there's VBFixedStringAttribute, but I'm pretty sure that exists solely so that automated migration tools can more easily convert VB6 code to VB.NET for you, and it's not really the ".NET way" to do things. Also see the warnings in the article for details on why this still isn't exactly the same thing as a fixed-length string in VB6.
Generally, fixed-length strings are only used in VB6 if you are reading fixed-size records from a file or over the network (i.e. parsing headers in a protocol frame).
For example, you might have a file that contains a set of fixed-length records that all have the format (integer, 1-character-string, double), which you could represent in VB6 as a user-defined type:
Public Type Record
anInteger As Integer
aSingleCharacter As String * 1
aDouble As Double
End Type
This way, VB6 code that reads from the file containing records in this format can read each fixed-sized record stored in the file, and in particular, it will only read 1 byte for aSingleCharacter. Without the * 1, VB6 would have no idea how many characters to read from the file, since a String can normally have any number of characters.
In VB.NET, you can do one of the following, depending on your needs:
If the length matters (i.e. you need to read exactly one byte from some data source, for example) consider using an array instead, such as
Dim aSingleByteArray(1) As Byte
Alternatively, you could use one of the Stream classes. In particular, if you are reading data from a network socket or a file, consider using NetworkStream or FileStream, respectively. A Stream is meant for byte-for-byte access (i.e. raw binary access). StreamReader is a related class that simplifies reading data when it is text-based, so that might be good if you are reading a text file, for example. Otherwise (if dealing with binary data), stick with one of the Stream classes.
If the length doesn't matter, you could just use a "normal" String. That is to say:
Dim aNormalString As String
Which answer is "correct" really depends on why it was declared that way in the original VB6 code.

The fixed length strings has been deprecated in VB.NET because there are several better options.
Since your fixed length string is just one character long, you can use the Char type in this case, as Mark suggested.
Dim strChar1 As Char

Seeing as you're doing a VB6 migration, I'd definitely consider VBFixedStringAttribute as well as the other options listed by Mike Spross, but, in this case, because it is a single character, a Char may be an option in this case too.
As mentioned elsewhere VBFixedString is only acknowledged by the Get and Put VB I/O API. So the best solution (other than rewriting your code that references the "fixed length string") is to write your own equivalent of Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.FixedLengthString. See this answer for more details.

VBFixedStringAttribute Class
<VBFixedString(1)> Dim strChar1 As String

ALthough this question was asked ages ago, VB.NET actually has a native fixed-length string -- <VbFixedArray(9)> Public fxdString As Char() 'declare 10-char fixed array. Doing this with scalars actually creates VB6-style Static Arrays.


Import txt file data and store it in Multidimensioanl array in Vb.net

Sorry if the problem is so basic, I'm a bit used to python not VB.net
I'm trying to read text file data (numbers) and store it in array/list
# Sample of text
# PS: I can control the output of the numbers to have delimiter = ',' or space between numbers, whatever is easier to import
I wrote the following code to read string data and store it. yet, I don't know how to have a multidimensional array (2D or 3D) instead of 1D string (e.g. for the text above, it would be 2x3 array)
' Import Data
Comp_path = FinalPath & "Components_colors.txt"
reader = New StreamReader(Comp_path)
Dim W As String = ""
Dim wArray(10) As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do Until reader.Peek = -1
W = reader.ReadLine()
wArray(i) = W
i += 1
Moreover, I don't know the length of the text file, so I can't determine the length of the array like I did in the code above for the string wArray
For a file like this, you should turn to NuGet for a dedicated CSV parser. There are parsers built into .NET you could also use, but pulling one off of NuGet will also let you parse the values directly into something other than a string.
But if you really don't want to do that you can start with this (assuming Option Infer):
Public Function ImportData(filePath As String) As IEnumerable(Of Double())
Dim lines = File.ReadLines(filePath)
Return lines.Select(Function(line) line.Split(",").Select(AddressOf Double.Parse).ToArray())
End Function
And use it like this:
Comp_path = FinalPath & "Components_colors.txt"
Dim result = ImportData(Comp_path)
Note this code doesn't actually do any meaningful work yet. It doesn't even read the file. What it does is give you an object (result) that you can use with a For Each loop or linq operations. It will read the file in a just-in-time way, parsing out the data for each line as it goes. If you want an array (or List, which you should use in .Net more often), you can append a ToList() call to the end:
Comp_path = FinalPath & "Components_colors.txt"
Dim result = ImportData(Comp_path).ToList()
But you should try to avoid doing that it. It's much less efficient in terms of memory use. The first sample will only ever need to keep one line of the file in memory at a time. Adding ToArray() or ToList() needs to load the entire file.
Some more notes:
Many newer dynamic platforms like Python don't actually use real arrays in the formal computer science sense (fixed block of contiguous memory). Rather, they use collections, and just call them arrays. .Net has collections, too, but when you declare an array, you get an array. This has nice benefits for performance, but if you don't know you want that or how to take advantage of it you're probably better off asking for a generic List most of the time instead.
Thanks to cultural/internationalization issues, parsing numeric (or date) values to string and back again is much slower and more error-prone than you've believed in the past, especially coming from a dynamic platform. It is slow on these other platforms, too, but they want you to pretend it isn't. The first introduction to a strongly-typed platform like .Net can feel stifling in this area, but once you understand the performance and and reliability benefits, you won't want to go back.
In strongly-typed platforms it is very important to understand the data types you are working with at every level of an expression. Otherwise, building and reading statements like the Return line in my answer will be way more difficult and frustrating than it needs to be.

Use of byte arrays and hex values in Cryptography

When we are using cryptography always we are seeing byte arrays are being used instead of String values. But when we are looking at the techniques of most of the cryptography algorithms they uses hex values to do any operations. Eg. AES: MixColumns, SubBytes all these techniques(I suppose it uses) uses hex values to do those operations.
Can you explain how these byte arrays are used in these operations as hex values.
I have an assignment to develop a encryption algorithm , therefore any related sample codes would be much appropriate.
Every four digits of binary makes a hexadecimal digit, so, you can convert back and forth quite easily (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal#Binary_conversion).
I don't think I full understand what you're asking, though.
The most important thing to understand about hexadecimal is that it is a system for representing numeric values, just like binary or decimal. It is nothing more than notation. As you may know, many computer languages allow you to specify numeric literals in a few different ways:
int a = 42;
int a = 0x2A;
These store the same value into the variable 'a', and a compiler should generate identical code for them. The difference between these two lines will be lost very early in the compilation process, because the compiler cares about the value you specified, and not so much about the representation you used to encode it in your source file.
Main takeaway: there is no such thing as "hex values" - there are just hex representations of values.
That all said, you also talk about string values. Obviously 42 != "42" != "2A" != 0x2A. If you have a string, you'll need to parse it to a numeric value before you do any computation with it.
Bytes, byte arrays and/or memory areas are normally displayed within an IDE (integrated development environment) and debugger as hexadecimals. This is because it is the most efficient and clear representation of a byte. It is pretty easy to convert them into bits (in his mind) for the experienced programmer. You can clearly see how XOR and shift works as well, for instance. Those (and addition) are the most common operations when doing symmetric encryption/hashing.
So it's unlikely that the program performs this kind of conversion, it's probably the environment you are in. That, and source code (which is converted to bytes at compile time) probably uses a lot of literals in hexadecimal notation as well.
Cryptography in general except hash functions is a method to convert data from one format to another mostly referred as cipher text using a secret key. The secret key can be applied to the cipher text to get the original data also referred as plain text. In this process data is processed in byte level though it can be bit level as well. The point here the text or strings which we referring to are in limited range of a byte. Example ASCII is defined in certain range in byte value of 0 - 255. In practical when a crypto operation is performed, the character is converted to equivalent byte and the using the key the process is performed. Now the outcome byte or bytes will most probably be out of range of human readable defined text like ASCII encoded etc. For this reason any data to which a crypto function is need to be applied is converted to byte array first. For example the text to be enciphered is "Hello how are you doing?" . The following steps shall be followed:
1. byte[] data = "Hello how are you doing?".getBytes()
2. Process encipher on data using key which is also byte[]
3. The output blob is referred as cipherTextBytes[]
4. Encryption is complete
5. Using Key[], a process is performed over cipherTextBytes[] which returns data bytes
6 A simple new String(data[]) will return string value of Hellow how are you doing.
This is a simple info which might help you to understand reference code and manuals better. In no way I am trying to explain you the core of cryptography here.

Save array to file

I have a string array that is populated with thousands of entries. I am wanting the quickest way to save this data to disk and to also load it back up.
Currently I am looping through the array and appending this data to a string and then saving this string. This takes a long time.
What is the fastest/most efficient way to do this?
Dim FileName as string=Application.StartupPath & "\myarray.txt"
Dim FileName as string=Application.StartupPath & "\myarray.txt"
Dim myarray() As String = File.ReadAllLines(FileName)
How important is it that the resulting file be human-readable? If it's mostly there to be read later by the program, you should definitely use serialization:
public void SaveArray (string[] array)
NetDataContractSerializer serializer = new NetDataContractSerializer();
using (FileStream file = System.IO.File.Create(_filename))
serializer.Serialize(file, array);
To summarize the advantages of this method over the other two suggested below, the first being using a StringBuilder to concatenate a big string and then saving it to disk, and the second using WriteAllLines to write the string array to disk:
The first method will completely lose fidelity to the original list of strings, since it will glob them together into one string. Can you separate them later? Are there well-known delimiters between them? Not necessarily. It's more efficient than just calling + between them, but it's not a good way to store them.
The second method is better, since each string will be saved to a different line, and can be read back with ReadAllLines, but you're still on shaky ground here. What happens if any string contains the NewLine character? It will be one string when written, but two different strings when read back. Again, calling WriteAllLines/ReadAllLines relies on newlines being good delimiters, when that's not necessarily the case.
Using a serializer - and it doesn't matter if it's the NetDataContractSerializer, BinaryFormatter or any other - will maintain full fidelity with your original data structure, with only a little bit of overhead.
Try using StringBuilder
See the msdn reference for more
Why stringbuilder?
When dealing with large files. It is advisible to use the StringBuilder class rather than the regular string class.
Appending strings together, requires the old string to be copied into a new string.
String Builders are buffers that can change size easily and you can append and delete faster.
You should loop through your data using a string builder which is much faster than ordinary string.
then create a stream writer/ reader (when you want to load the file) from IO library and create the file on your disk.

Trailing Ampersand in VB.NET hexadecimal?

This should be an easy one for folks. Google's got nothing except content farms linking to one blurb, and that's written in broken English. So let's get this cleared up here where it'll be entombed for all time.
What's the trailing ampersand on VB hexadecimal numbers for? I've read it forces conversion to an Int32 on the chance VB wants to try and store as an Int16. That makes sense to me. But the part I didn't get from the blurb was to always use the trailing ampersand for bitmasks, flags, enums, etc. Apparantly, it has something to do with overriding VB's fetish for using signed numbers for things internally, which can lead to weird results in comparisons.
So to get easy points, what are the rules for VB.Net hexadecimal numbers, with and without the trailing ampersand? Please include the specific usage in the case of bitmasks/flags and such, and how one would also use it to force signed vs. unsigned.
No C# please :)
Vb.net will regard "&h"-notation hex constants in the range from 0x80000000-0xFFFFFFFF as negative numbers unless the type is explicitly specified as UInt32, Int64, or UInt64. Such behavior might be understandable if the numbers were written with precisely eight digits following the "&", but for some reason I cannot fathom, vb.net will behave that way even if the numbers are written with leading zeroes. In present versions of VB, one may force the number to be evaluated correctly by using a suffix of "&" suffix (Int64), "L" (Int64), "UL" (UInt64), or "UI" (UInt32). In earlier versions of VB, the "problem range" was 0x8000-0xFFFF, and the only way to force numbers in that range to be evaluated correctly (as a 32-bit integer, which was then called a "Long") was a trailing ampersand.
Visual Basic has the concept of Type Characters. These can be used to modify variable declarations and literals, although I'd not recommend using them in variable declarations - most developers are more familiar these days with As. E.g. the following declarations are equivalent:
Dim X&
Dim X As Long
But personally, I find the second more readable. If I saw the first, I'd actually have to go visit the link above, or use Intellisense, to work out what the variable is (not good if looking at the code on paper).

How do I save a Byte Array to a Database in vb.net

I have a byte array of a file and I need to save it into my database in a field that has been set aside of type image.
However I have a problem my data access class takes a sql string and commits it to the database for example.
"EXECUTE stored proc #parm1, #parm2, #parm3"
However the problem is I cannot figure out how to transfer the byte array to string so that I can add it as an argument.
I hope this make sense.
I also understand that I can build parameters in com objects but I do not want to do this as it will disrupt my whole data access class and I am not prepared to do this at the moment.
Thanks for any help.
In SQL statements, you can use the hexadecimal notation "0x1323235..." to represent binary data but it's not really a good way to deal with it. You should be using parameters:
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parameterName", byteArrayInstance)
Answering question of how to burn byte array into a string.
Convert the byte array to a string
byte[] b = new byte[100];
string s = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(b);