How to send new passwords securely across to the server - wcf

My client-side code calls the REST WCF service for changing passwords. I defined changePassword with "UriTemplate" set to "?user={userName}&oldPwd={oldHashPwd}&newPwd={newEncryptPwd}"
My question is: how to encrypt the new password on the client side so that we can successfully decrypt it on the server side ? Please be specific. Thanks.

Use HTTPS. If the whole communication is encrypted, you won't even need to encrypt/decrypt the password individually.

Beyond HTTPS, you could use a secure, salted password hash on the client side. That would mean even interception of the URL would be safe - having the hash would allow efficient "proof of ownership", but not discovery of the password.

Yinfang. You don't need to be worry to encrypt your password from client side that would only be decrypted on the server side. Now a days, there are so many channels through which you can protect you personal data like your passwords. One way is to check that whether yo use "HTTPS" for your browsing because it will provide you secure channel to send you information from one place to another.
On the other hand you can get VPN connection. Through which all of your information gets encrypted and provided secure channel to pass your personal sensitive data from client side to server. There are so many providers of VPN connection are available in the market like PureVPN, Hidemyass,switchvpn etc etc. If you want all of your information encrypted ans secure you can use these useful information.

Hope this could help. I use to encrypt data using Rijndael
Sample code here:
You can create logic on backend side and be used by the client side for encrypting and decrypting data.

You have 2 options to go with either "https" or "VPN/Proxy". Going through 'https' won't hazel much while encrypting anything on the web. I will give you smooth path to surf the web and do whatever you want. But the point is that if you are looking to get something more than just encryption then you should try VPN/Proxy. If you can google around then you will find that proxy is not that much safer. However, going through VPN is completely opposite to proxy. VPN is one of the best and most reliable feature that a user can have for their web. VPN absolutely anonymize one's identity and allow the local ISP to surf (encrypt/decrypt) user data with out any threats from hackers.


secure api communication between two backend servers

I need to secure the communication between two backend servers. A simple api key was rejected by our security policy since attackers would be able to intercept it.
IP restriction also, because it could be spoofed.
I was suggested to use a nonce, but wouldn't this mean that a request requires two roundtrips? I don't really like the idea of having twice the latency.
without your description it's hard to be able to suggest the best way to do it.
If both servers are inside the same Datacenter, you can have some solution to have a private network.
If that's not the case, you can have and authentication system (oauth?) with a token which will be create and validated.
You can use some other techno to sign your data with private and public keys.
The nonce could be good too.
But if your servers are in a DC, they should have the same IP and not move. So why not have a whitelist (IP based) and something else like a nonce or a token

SSL Certificate Authentication

We have a HTTP endpoint where a form request is posted containing transaction data from a 3rd party https website.
We are investigating ways that our HTTP endpoint can contain code to check that the host that posted the request is the 3rd party website and no-one else (i.e. a hacker).
Is there any way our HTTP endpoint can authenticate with the website where the posted form request originated? Maybe by SSL Certificate Authentication?
Many thanks in advance.
To guarantee that the server on the other side is who they say they are the safest way is to have them use an SSL Certificate. If the they also need to trust who you are then each side should have their own SSL Certificate.
The IP Range solution provided in the comment could be a possible hack but it's quite brittle and it couldn't be applied in a very serious environment.
The Shared Key solution will work and it's reliable but you have to change keys from time to time depending on the volume of traffic between the two servers.
Hope this helps.
It might be better to use message-level security instead of transport-level security (SSL/TLS).
The third party website would sign the message using its certificate (or to be precise, using the private key matching its certificate), and your website would verify this signature.
This could allow for that message to be relayed by the user's browser, without needing a direct connection between the two servers.
This sort of mechanism already exists in the Identity Management world, for example with SAML and Shibboleth. (You can still have direct connections between the servers to get additional information too.)

Sending password to server

I am asking myself. What is the best way to send personal information from your iOS device to the server.
At this moment I encrypt the password in the app ( sha1 salt password pepper ) then I send post data using from iOS to the server.
What is the best way to protect the user and secure for any MITM attacks. Is my way secure enough?
I added the SSL certificate. To make sure the user only has to login once I store a key generated when the user registered. I fetch them when the user logins for the first time. In oombination with the username and user id. Is this a good way? Only jailbroken users can read it and have risk.
Hashing the password on the client side will help prevent the password itself from being detected in eavesdropping, but it really doesn't provide any security on its own, as the credential then becomes the hashed version of the password, not the original password itself. An eavesdropper could just grab the hashed version, and then send the hash themselves.
By far the easiest solution is to simply use SSL/TLS. Since you mentioned 'post', that means you're probably using HTTP. Instead, you could just connect via HTTPS and post the data, exactly the same as you're doing already. Long as the certificate is checked for validity (I believe the iOS framework already does such by default), then the connection should be largely secured.
That should be good enough for most situations. There are some more complicated and involved techniques you can use to harden further, but SSL/TLS does a massive amount on its own.

Setting up a web application to automatically run authenticated calls over HTTP to a remote website without repeated human authentication

I want to be able to set up a web application to automatically (i.e. on a cron run) send a POST request to a remote website. The remote website requires a username/password combination to be sent as part of the POST data. I want the web application to be able to make the POST requests of the remote website without requiring the user to provide the password to be sent with the POST data, each time the request is made.
It seems to me that the only way to do this is to store passwords directly in the database, so that the cron run can execute a POST request that includes the password as part of its POST data. Without storing the password in some form in the database, it seems it would be impossible to provide it in the POST data, unless the user provides it each time the request is made.
Question 1: Am I mistaken and somehow overlooking something logical?
Question 2: Assuming I have to store the passwords in the database, what is the safest procedure for doing so? (MD5 and similar one-way encryption clearly will not work because I have to send an unencrypted password in the POST request.)
Thank you for your help!
a. if you don't know the password... you can't authenticate, that's the idea of a password !
b. if you need to know the password - you need to save it in a decryptable way - hence - less secured.
c. if you own the site, you can use a cookie with a very long timeout value, but - you still need to authenticate at least once.
d. unless you're guarding money / rocket science, you need to encrypt the password and store it in the DB and decrypt it every time before use, at least you are guarded from DB theft.
e. make sure you're authenticating over secure channel (as https) so the password will no be sent as clear text.
One good solution is probably to use SSL (i.e. HTTPS). You can create a certificate authority on the server side, then have this certificate authority sign a client certificate that you generate. Make sure the HTTP server is configured to trust the newly created certificate authority.
Once this is done, you should install the certificate on the client side. The client must present the certificate when talking to the HTTP server. You have to configure the HTTP server to require a trusted certificate when POSTing to your secure URLs.
Awesome example of how to do this with Apache HTTPD is posted right here!
The document I linked doesn't describe how to set up the certificate authority and create self-signed certificates, but there are tons of examples out there, for example here.
This is a good solution because:
no passwords are stored in the clear
if the private key of the client's certificate is stolen or compromised, you can revoke it on the server side
The key here is that the client is providing its credentials to the server, which is the opposite of what is usually done in a browser context. You can also have the client trust your newly created certificate authority so that it knows it's talking to the right server and not a man in the middle.
Given that you have to send the password in clear-text and do it repeatedly without user-interaction you'll need to store and retrieve the same from a data-store (file/database/memory).
What you really need to consider is the last-line-of-security of the password store.
Whether you encrypt it or not doesn't matter. The person/program with access to the data or the cipher key will be able to read that password.
Sort this issue out, document it - (this becomes your security policy for the app) and then implement it.
Security is only a level of difficulty you implement to lessen a risk.
Fortunately, Tumblr now implements OAuth, which solves this problem.

WCF message security without certificate and windows auth

I have a WCF service and client which is going to be deployed to several companies (hundreds). Some companies will run the software in their network and some will run it over the Internet (WCF server at on office, WCF client at another).
We want to encrypt the communication between the WCF server and client. We don't have any need to authenticate the cient / subscriber using WCF security, because we have our own username/password log-in which the clients will use to log on the server.
We can't rely on Windows auth because some of the users will run it over the Internet, and the WCF server may not be on the same domain as the WCF client.
If we use "real" certificates*, companies running the software would have to purchase certificates from a CA and install it, and then configure our software to use it, but this is too complicated for most of them.
We could auto-create certificates during installation of the WCF server, but then we would have to automatically install it into a certificate store and somehow automatically grant IIS permissions to read the certificate. This is more complicated than we would like.
In short, we want a simple solution where the encryption is just based upon a shared secret, in our case the username / password the user is logging on with. I do understand that this won't give the best available encryption, but we're willing to trade some of the security to make the software easier to deploy.
Is this possible?
*With "real" certificates, I mean certificates purchased from a certificate authority, and not one I've created myself / self-signed.
If you want to encrypt the messages on the transport (which is a really good idea!), there has to be some shared knowledge between the sender (the client) and the server. This can be hardcoded, but that's really not a good idea at all - if that "common shared" knowledge is ever compromised, an attacker could decipher and read all your messages.
Also, since it's definitely not recommended practice, there's no support of any kind in WCF to simplify using a shared secret. You're on your own - you have to roll your own 100% of the way.
The only viable way to have a common shared secret exchanged in a safe way is to use a certificate. No way around this, sorry. The certificate doesn't even have to be used for user authentication or anything - but it establishes a shared secret between the caller and the service and thus allows the caller to encrypt the messages in such a way only the intended recipient can actually decrypt and use them.
So I really don't see any way you can get around having certificates on your servers - doesn't need to be on every client, but on every server where your service runs.
PS: if you really want to investigate the "hardcoded shared secret" approach, you'll need to think about this:
how do you store a shared secret safely on each and every single one of your clients?
how do you use information from that stored shared secret to encrypt your messages?
Typically, the approach would be two-fold:
exchange some form of a private/public key pair; the server generates a key pair and keeps the private key to itself and shares the public key with the client (e.g. over a WCF message, for instance)
using that private/public key pair, exchange a common shared secret, e.g. an "encryption key" that will symmetrically encrypt your messages (and since it's symmetrical, the server can use the same key to decrypt the messages)
setup infrastructure on your client (e.g. a WCF extension called a behavior) to inspect the message before it goes out and encrypt it with your shared secret
All in all, it's really not trivial - anything simpler than that is not worth being called "security" at all.
If you look at all that work you will have to do - wouldn't it be easier to just use the WCF built-in certificate mechanisms??
Decent security worth its salt is hard - so why not leverage what's available instead of doing all the work yourself, or worse: come up with a half-baked solution that's so easy to crack you could just as easily send everything in cleartext..... don't under estimate the complexity and amount of code needed to handle even the most basic security scenarios - WCF does this all for you - for free and in a reliable and safe manner - use it! You won't regret it!
Well, with WCF you could use Password credential at message level and SSL at transport level, which I think would be enough in your case.
See here.
For message security, your client provides some credentials and server provides some credentials. For this setup and with your scenario could you not use the client username and password with a Custom Username Validator, and a server certificate to provide the server credentials. This Application Scenario provides a fair chucnk of the configuration setup you would need to achieve this, except the aspNet membership sections, which you would have to replace with your custom validation config.
You would still need valid certificates on your servers (no certificates required on the clients), but I can't see any way around this.
Take a look at the following sample:
It uses certificates but without a certificate store - so no setup is necessary.
Hmm.. maybe something simple could be used. Move the encryption from software to hardware. VPN from each client network to your own and then you can do whatever you like for WCF transport. The line is not clear text and the problem is solved.
Of course this is easier said than done, but most network vendors provide a pretty easy VPN config and it maybe easier than trying to develop an installer for SSL certs and configure the client.
I hope it helps!