Using a variable inside a variable objective-C - objective-c

No longer need help!
I used tags and a bunch of loops to reference them at anytime.
I never knew you could store so many images in one UIImageView!
I have an application that deals with a a lot of images and what i want to do is use an integer inside the variable name so i don't have to write code for each image. Ex:
- (void)addIconClicked {
if (icons < 28) {
icons += 1;
if (icons == 2) {
UIImageView * iconImage2 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"icon1.png"]];
//modify image view like setting the frame, setting the title, etc... (not important)
else if (icons == 3) {
// iconImage 3 set up
this continues all the way up to iconImage26!
so i was wondering if i could use the integer "icons" as part of the variable name so i don't have to run the code 26 different times!!
- (void)addIconClicked {
if (icons < 28) {
icons += 1;
/*some how insert the "icons" int where (icons) is. Like NSString uses
stringWithFormat ([NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", icons])*/
UIImageView * iconImage(icons) = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"icon%i.png", icons]]];
-----edit----- (to clarify what i want)
my problem is that i want to make an unlimited amount of image views but if i use the same variable more than once, it would show up on the view fine, but it would be released and i can't edit it anymore.
- (void)addIconClicked {
if (icons < 28) {
icons += 1;
NSString * iconName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"icon%i.png", icons];
//if i ran this 100 times, 100 images would show up, but i can no longer edit any of them except the newest.
iconImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:iconName]];
so i need to know how to make an unlimited amount of images that i can still edit individually.
i thought i might be able to use the integer's value inside a variable name when i create it, but i guess i can't:(
so if anyone knows, please explain!!
so to sum it up...
my exact problem is that i want to create an unlimited number of UIImageView's using a different image each time.
You think i could just use 1 variable for all of the images (which would show up) but then i can't edit them at all because they are released.
I just need a way to create an unlimited amount of Global UIImageViews that i can edit and access at any time.

The best way to do this is with an array.
NSMutableArray* allIcons = [NSMutableArray array]; //First, you'll need this empty array.
//Then, when you create your icon...
NSString* iconName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"icon%lx.png",icons];
UIImageView * newIcon = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:iconName]];
[allIcons addObject:newIcon]; //This adds the icon at the next index, starting at 0.
Then, when you use your icons, instead of icon1, icon2, and so on, use [allIcons objectAtIndex:0], [allIcons objectAtIndex:1], and so on.
This is a pretty common concept--you should consider checking out a few beginning Cocoa tutorials; you might find it in use.

You can use an array for storing UIImageView references. Or you can set their tags and find them later using viewWithTag.
EDIT: Ok I am home now and I can explain:
Use tagging:
UIImageView * anImageView= [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat#"icon%i.png",icons]]];
[parentView addSubview: anImageView];
UIImageView *theOneYouWant = (UIImageView)[parentView viewWithTag:someTag];
or use a c-array of UIImageView pointers to store references if you don't mind scope:
UIImageView * imageViews[28]; // put this into class interface
imageViews[icons]= [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat#"icon%i.png",icons]]];


Changing UIImageView picture which name stored in a string

Hi there i have image views in my application to change pictures in them. but their name like imageview1, imageview2, and so.. i create a string which like:
`("imageview%i", number)`
so my string is imageview1 for example. and i need to change
self."**mystring**".image = [uiimage ...]
I looked key-value coding but i couldn't get it exactly. i searched the forum and i can't get anything either. what could i do to resolve this. i think i must do an array with my uiimageviews inside of it. than compare their name with my string (i didn't know how can i get property names as nsstring). then return that image view. Please help.
If you want to do that in runtime, either hack your way using selectors or use tags on your UIImageViews. They are not really good programming concepts, but they work. Examples:
for(int i=0; i < 4; i++){
NSString* propName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"imageview%d", i];
UIImageView* imageView = [self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(propName)];
[imageView setImage:/*your image*/];
for(int i=0; i < 4; i++){
UIImageView* imageView = [self.view viewWithTag:i];
[imageView setImage:/*your image*/];
If you want to do that in compile time you'll have to use preprocessor macros, but I don't think that's your case.

Programmatically change the state of a UIButton

I've got a pop-up view that loads when a user clicks on a TableView with Core Data elements. On the pop-up view I have a label that represents an int value.
The pop-up view has two butons, one for decreasing the value of the label by 1 and one for increasing it by one. So + and -
What I want to do is to disable the minus button if the label's value is 0. What I've tried is:
NSString *daString = currentVal.text;
NSNumberFormatter * f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[f setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
NSNumber * myNumber = [f numberFromString:daString];
int number = [myNumber intValue];
if (number==0)
minus.enabled = NO;
minus.enabled = YES
The problem with my code is that the button stays disabled after I increase the label's value, and it's no longer equal to 0.
Any suggestions?
You should keep a reference to minus button e.g.
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *minusButton;
Set it with a value of your minus button, or connect outlet in Interface Builder
in your action handler for plusButton, do something like that
-(IBAction)plusAction:(id)sender {
//Do your business logic
self.minusButton.enabled = YES;
//In your minusButton action handler
-(IBAction)minusAction:(id)sender {
//Do your business logic
NSString *daString = currentVal.text;
NSNumberFormatter * f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[f setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
NSNumber * myNumber = [f numberFromString:daString];
int number = [myNumber intValue];
if (number==0)
self.minusButton.enabled = NO;
self.minusButton.enabled = YES
It seems like you have things the other way around. I would take a totally different approach:
Keep an instance variable (which we'll call 'count') in this viewController which holds the number. it can be an NSInteger. now add a target (self) to both buttons with a #selector(buttonPressed:). now this is how this selector should look like:
- (void)buttonPressed:(id)sender{
if (sender==plusButton)
if (sender==minusButton)
label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",self.count];
minusButton.enabled = (self.count>0);
I would just do this with a UIStepper, instead of the 2 buttons. You can set properties right in your storyboard/IB file that specify the max and min, increments, and a bunch of other useful things too. There are a couple video tutorials posted on YouTube that probably cover everything you'll need to know to use it.
Also, I have noticed one thing that...
If the button in disabled state and you are trying to change the title of normal state, it wont work.
I had to change the state to enabled and then I could manipulate title and set back to disabled.

UICollectionView Very Slow Custom Layout

I am using a UICollectionView with a custom layout that lays out cells in a grid format. There can be well over 50 rows and 50 columns. Scrolling occurs both vertically and horizontally. Currently, I am doing all of the layout setup in prepareLayout and storing it in arrays:
- (void)prepareLayout {
NSMutableArray *newLayoutInfo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *newLinearLayoutInfor = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSInteger sectionCount = [self.collectionView numberOfSections];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:0 inSection:0];
self.heightForRows = [delegate collectionViewHeightForAllRows];
self.totalWidthsForRows = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < sectionCount; i++) {
[self.totalWidthsForRows addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
for (NSInteger section = 0; section < sectionCount; section++) {
NSMutableArray *cellLayoutInfo = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSInteger itemCount = [self.collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:section];
for (NSInteger item = 0; item < itemCount; item++) {
indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForItem:item inSection:section];
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *itemAttributes = [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes layoutAttributesForCellWithIndexPath:indexPath];
itemAttributes.frame = [self frameForCellAtIndexPath:indexPath];
[cellLayoutInfo addObject:itemAttributes];
[newLinearLayoutInfor addObject:itemAttributes];
[newLayoutInfo addObject:cellLayoutInfo];
self.layoutInfo = newLayoutInfo;
self.linearLayoutInfo = newLinearLayoutInfor;
Then in layoutAttributesForElementsInRect I have:
- (NSArray*)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(CGRect)rect {
NSArray *rows = [self.linearLayoutInfo filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *evaluatedObject, NSDictionary *bindings) {
return CGRectIntersectsRect(rect, [evaluatedObject frame]);
This works okay, but it is laggy and jumpy when I have over 50 columns and 50 rows. The problem I now have is that I must set
-(BOOL)shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange {
return YES;
This makes it prepare the entire layout every time the bounds change, which, needless to say, has a huge impact on performance and you can barely scroll. The cells consist of just text with an opaque background, so there is no issue there.
I am sure I am not doing this right and that there must be a better way. Thanks for the help in advance.
In custom flow layout I do this and it seems to help:
- (BOOL)shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange:(CGRect)newBounds {
return !(CGSizeEqualToSize(newBounds.size, self.collectionView.frame.size));
-(BOOL)shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange {
return YES;
Causes the layout to do prepareLayout() every time it scrolls, which means anything of heavy computing in prepare will lead to a laggy practice, so one possible direction to solve this is to check what's really taking much time. One possibility is what's inside
for (NSInteger section = 0; section < sectionCount; section++)
// generate attributes ...
in order to generate attributes for the layout. Every time it scrolls, every time this generalization reruns, so that it impacts on the scroll appear to be jumpy and clumsy. So in order to solve this issue, or at least sort out that this is not the really trouble, I suggest setting a flag in this layout algorithm, say, isScrolling, standing for the situation where the layout needs to prepare. Every time in prepareLayout() check the flag, if it is YES, then we'll know there's no need to do for loop to regenerate all the attributes, which alreay exsit ever since the first time the layout is initialised.
ok--I understand now. Here's what I recommend: create 3 collection views... one for the column headers (where each cell is column header), one for the row leaders (each cell = 1 row leader) and one collection view for your cells. Then when the scroll position of any collection view is changed by the user, update the scroll positions for the other 2 collection views as appropriate.

UIImageView.hidden property not functioning?

PanelImage is Global allocED and initiated in a method called from ViewDidLoad
PanelImage = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"panel.png"];
[self.view addsubView:PanelImage];
My image comes up properly but
when i try to hide it using
PanelImage.hidden = YES;
it Doesn't hide
i test the property using
if(PanelImage.hidden) but i doesnt pass
i also printed it
NSLog(#"panel is hidden %d",PanelImage.hidden);
it outputs "Panel is hidden 0" even after setting it by
PanelImage.hidden = 1;
please help,atleast tell me some technique to debug it.
there are lots of methods which are using PanelImage.hidden,it used to work before only point where PanelImage.hidden works is the custom initialization function(called from ViewDidLoad)
also this is piece of a very big code.
after lots of debugging i came to a point where PanelImage.hidden goes inoperable
PanelImage.hidden = YES;//works till here here
[self GetSymbolAttr];//wont work after this function is called
definition of GetSymbolAttr
int tmp = 0;
NSArray* PosAndSizeArrForCurrSlot = [[PosAndSizeArr objectAtIndex:SlotId] componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#" "]];
for(NSString* values in PosAndSizeArrForCurrSlot)
PositionAndSize[tmp++] = [values intValue];
as you can see nothing is happening in GetSymbolAttr which will make Pattern.hidden go inoperatble
if PanelImage.hidden = YES; is now working than you can do its alpha.set to zero . PanelImage.alpha = 0 ;
try this:
UIImageView *PanelImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage ...]];
[self.view addsubView:PanelImage];
I didn't find initWithImageNamed method with UIImageView !
Do you set PanelImage.hidden = YES in the same metod, where you're doing UIImageView *PanelImage = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithImageNamed:#"Panel.png"];? Or haven't you class field with the same name PanelImage?

Best way to implement multiple levels within Objective-C roguelike?

I'm working on a roguelike using Objective-C/Cocoa to learn more. I've gotten most of the basic functionality out of the way, but I still have one problem I've been trying to figure out.
Here's a breakdown of the process:
First, the map is loaded:
NSString* mapPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:mapFileName ofType:mapFileType];
NSURL* mapURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: mapPath];
currentMap_ = [[Map alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: mapURL];
worldArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
itemArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self populateMap];
Then, in the populateMap function, it goes through each cell of the loaded map, using NSPoints and a loop, and creates objects based on the data from the map in WorldArray. For items, normal floor is put in where the item is, and an item is then made in itemArray. Both arrays are 30x30, as determined by the height of the map.
Here is the populateMap code:
- (void)populateMap
NSPoint location;
for ( location.y = 0; location.y < [currentMap_ height]; location.y++ )
for ( location.x = 0; location.x < [currentMap_ width]; location.x++ )
char mapData = [currentMap_ dataAtLocation: location];
for ( GameObject *thisObject in worldDictionary )
//NSLog(#"char: <%c>", [thisObject single]);
if ( mapData == [thisObject single])
NSString* world = [thisObject className];
//NSLog(#"(%#) object created",thisObject);
[self spawnObject:world atLocation:location];
for ( Item *thisObject in itemDictionary )
//NSLog(#"char: <%c>", [thisObject single]);
if ( mapData == [thisObject single] )
NSString* item = [thisObject className];
NSString* floor = [NormalFloor className];
//NSLog(#"(%#) object created",thisObject);
[self spawnItem:item atLocation:location];
[self spawnObject:floor atLocation:location];
if ( mapData == '1'
&& [player_ stepsTaken] <= 0)
//NSLog(#"player spawned at (%f, %f)",location.x,location.y);
player_ = [[Player alloc] initAtLocation: location];
if ( mapData == '1' )
//NSLog(#"floor created at (%f, %f)",location.x,location.y);
[worldArray addObject:[[NormalFloor alloc] initAtLocation: location]];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
This is what is called when things are spawned:
- (void)spawnObject: (NSString*) object atLocation: (NSPoint) location
//NSLog(#"(%#) object created",thisObject);
[worldArray addObject:[[NSClassFromString(object) alloc] initAtLocation: location]];
- (void)spawnItem: (NSString*) item atLocation: (NSPoint) location
//NSLog(#"(%#) object created",thisObject);
[itemArray addObject:[[NSClassFromString(item) alloc] initAtLocation: location]];
worldArray and itemArray are what the game works on from that moment onwards, including the drawing. The player is inside of worldArray as well. I'm considering splitting the player into another array of characterArray, to make it easier when I add things like monsters in the not so distant future.
Now, when I load a new level, I had first considered methods like saving them to data and loading them later, or some sort of savestate function. Then I came to the realization that I would need to be able to get to everything at the same time, because things can still happen outside of the player's current scope, including being chased by monsters for multiple floors, and random teleports. So basically, I need to figure out a good way to store worldArray and itemArray in a way that I will be able to have levels of them, starting from 0 and going onward. I do need a savestate function, but there's no point touching that until I have this done, as you shouldn't actually be allowed to save your game in roguelikes.
So to reiterate, I need to have one set of these arrays per level, and I need to store them in a way that is easy for me to use. A system of numbers going from 0-upward are fine, but if I could use something more descriptive like a map name, that would be much better in the long run.
I've figured out my problem, I'm using an NSMutableDictionary for each and storing them with the keys that correspond to each level. Works like a charm. Bigger problems elsewhere now.
I figured it out, I'm using NSMutableDictionaries, one for each array (objects, items, eventually characters). They're stored using the name of the level. Works like a charm.