When I press Ctrl + Alt + L, IDEA removes unused import. I want to turn this feature off, leave the unused imports there. Where can I affect this setting?
First check:
File | Settings | Editor | Formatting | Show "Reformat Code" dialog
Then when you hit Ctrl + Alt + L pop-up dialog will appear.
Uncheck Optimize imports and check Do not show this dialog in the future. Hit Enter or click Run. That's it!
In IDEA 2018, you can hit Ctrl + Alt + Shift + L and the reformat file pop-up will appear. Then you can check/uncheck the "Optimize Imports" option.
I use SAS Enterprise Guide and Teradata Studio Express to code for my day job. WindowsOS.
I use CTRL + / shortcut to comment lines of code out in both apps. Suddenly, this shortcut has stopped working. I've checked all my keyboard and Code Shortcut Key settings in both apps and nothing seems out of place!
All other shortcuts seem to work in both apps, common ones I use like CTRL+C (copy), CTRL+X (cut), CTRL+V (paste) etc
I've got no idea why the 'comment out' shortcut is unable to register. Anyone else encounter this same annoying issue?
CTRL + : will pack your line in /* and */
If you have selected a range, Enterprise Guide will do that with every line from which you selected any character.
CTRL + Shift + : will unpack them
You just have to define it again.
Go to Tools-->options-->Enhanced Editor Keys
Select the Command "Comment the selection...." and press Assign keys
within "Press new shortcut key:" enter the ctrl + : key and press assign
There is a way in webstorm to comment or uncomment a specific line or selected block of source code with shortcut?
I try to use CTRL + / but doesn't work for me
Try to use Ctrl+Slash or Ctrl+Shift+Slash for block comment
If this doesn't work show in your Setting -> Keymap -> Search comment
Use CTRL+/, but with the / located on the numpad.
The question remains why commenting with / (the one besides .) does not work (it does not for me, either).
Ctrl + / ==> To comment/uncomment a line .
Ctrl + Shift + / ==> To comment/uncomment block of code.
Ctrl + Y ==> To delete a line.
On a Mac with an extra keyboard it is CMD + Numpad's /.
The one on the native Macbook keyboard I did not get to work.
Check this post as well: Intellij comment shortcut opens help tab on the Mac menu bar
On Windows with a German keyboard layoout the default keyboard shortcut for the comment lines action Ctrl+/ conflicts with the bookmark shortcut Ctrl+7. You need to remove the keyboard shortcut for bookmarks in order to get this to work.
#Note Shortcut IntelliJ IDEA
Ctrl + / => comment or uncomment a line -> //
Ctrl + shift + / => comment or uncomment block of code -> /**/
Ctrl + y => delete a line
Ctrl + d => duplicate a line
If Ctrl + Shift + / doesn't work , try Ctrl + Shift + Num Pad /.
You can check the exact configuration in settings->keymap.
Commenting out each line of selected code for Mac users without numpad would have to add a keyboard shortcut:
Navigate to settings: Preferences > Keymap > Main menu > Code
Double click on Comment with Line Comment
Insert your shortcut, for example: cmd + shift + 7 would be interpreted as shift + cmd + 7 but works the same.
I have an AZERTY keypad in French, so this was the answer for me :
Ctrl + Shift + / on the numpad
Because / out of the numpad was detected as :, even with Caps Lock on.
You can check how the keystrokes are actually detected by IntelliJ in :
On Windows :
Settings > Keymap > click on the icon of Magnifying glass with cubes (tooltip is "Find Actions By Shortcut"). In the little tooltip that opens, you stroke the keys and observe the registered results.
On Ubuntu :
Settings > Keymap > click on the icon of Keyboard, right next to the search input (tooltip is "Find Actions By Shortcut"). In the little tooltip that opens, you stroke the keys and observe the registered results.
You need to activate this option:
'Settings' > 'Keymap' > 'Use national layouts for shortcuts (requires restart)'
As said before on Mac Montery 12
on Idea 2020.3
CMD + NumPad /
or from Action dialog:
It is necessary to switch to the English layout
its possible to use inellij IDEA by the way you customized before with an IDE like VisualStudio
Settings -> KeyMap -> Choose your old IDE its a grate! feature life saver :)
try ctrl + shift + 7 or num lock and then ctrl + /
control + / (this is the mathematical one which is located on the numbad)
On Windows, and I think Mac, holding alt + left click on a section of code when paused in the debugger will evaluate the expression and show the value in a tooltip. It's much more convenient than alt + f8 and ctrl + alt + 8.
In Linux Mint, holding alt and clicking doesn't do anything (I've disabled Mint's "Special key to move and resize windows").
Is there a way to map it to alt + left click, or a different key combination to evaluate an expression by clicking on it?
Found it mapped to ctrl + alt + shift + left click under Quick Evaluate Expression as a Mouse Shortcut.
Settings -> keymap, change from "Default for XWin" to "Default"
I know that Ctrl + N is to find classes and it is very useful. But what about methods?
ctrl + F12 (cmd + F12 on macOS) will show all members of the current class in a popup window and let you pick up one. It works exactly like the ctrl + o shortcut in eclipse, much faster than ctrl + alt + shift + n
Windows : ^ ctrl + F12
MacOS : ⌘ cmd + F12
Above commands will show the functions/methods in the current class.
Press ⇧ SHIFT TWO times if you want to search both class and method in the whole project.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N allows you to search for symbols, including methods.
The primary advantage of this more complicated keybinding is that is searches in all files, not just the current file as Ctrl + F12 does.
(And as always, for Mac you substitute Cmd for Ctrl for these keybindings.)
Android Studio on Mac
Command + Option + O
Opens up the Symbol lookup that you can jump to most of the methods/functions in your currently opened document.
Intellij IDEA 2017.3.4 - 2018.2 (Ultimate) on OSX
CMD + fn + F12
will show all members of the current class in a popup window, then you can search method in that class.
BUT, this answer is depends on your Keyboard setting. If your keyboard setting in
System Preferences > Keyboard > Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys
is selected, then the shortcut becomes
CMD + F12
CTRL + F12 brings up the File Structure navigation menu, which lets you search for members of the currently open file.
IntelliJ IDEA Version 12.13 Ultimate Edition:
command + option + shift + N
or on Menu -> Navigate > Symbol ...
Slightly beside the actual question, but nonetheless useful: The Help menu of Intellij has an option 'Default Keymap reference', which opens a PDF with the complete mapping. (Ctrl+F12 is mentioned there)
If you just want to look for methods:
On mac OS X 10.5+ binding, it is Alt + ⌘ + O
By Default XWin Key binding, it is Shift + Ctrl + Alt + N
You can also press double SHIFT then, you can search anything (not only method, but also class, files, and actions)
It is worth adding that if you want to search for a method of a class, you can use a . (dot) between the class and method name inside of either the search everywhere or search symbols dialog. This even works with IDEAs usual search benefits. For example, you can search for LDT.now and LocalDateTime::now will pop up as a result. (As long as you are searching All Files and not just Project Files).
If you click on a method, you can do Ctrl + B to go to that method's declaration. Similar to F12 in MS Visual Studio.
To Find the actions build in the IDEA(reindent, create new, ...) you can use
then type indent for example and ENTER.
If I need navigate to method in currently opened class, I use this combination: ALT+7 (CMD+7 on Mac) to open structure view, and press two times (first time open, second time focus on view), type name of methods, select on of needed.
Intellij v 13.1.4, OSX
The Open Symbol keyboard shortcut is
Ctrl + Shift + Alt+ 7 after selecting the method
I tried SHIFT + SHIFT and ALT + CMD + O
But I think the most powerful and easy to use feature is find in all files CMD + SHIFT + F.
Choose regex and write .*partOfMethodName.*\( and it shows all places and can see the actual source code in place without going to that specific file.
In FireFox, I'm constantly using the Ctrl + 1-9 shortcut to switch tabs. Basically Ctrl + 1 will take me to the first tab, Ctrl + 2 will take me to the second one and so on.
Is there an equivalent for this shortcut in IntelliJ IDEA?
You can now assign keyboard shortcuts to navigate to the specific tab number:
Original obsolete response:
There is no such feature in IDEA, however you can use Alt + Arrows and Ctrl + E (Recent Files) to navigate between tabs.
Other handy actions from the Go To menu:
Back / Forward (Ctrl + Alt + ←/→)
Last Edit Location (Ctrl + Shift + Backspace)
Another option is to use the GoToTabs third-party plug-in:
The plugin adds menu actions allowing you to go to a specific tab. You
can of course assign keyboard shortcuts the individual actions and for
example achieve the behavior known from other editors/IDEs where you
can switch between tabs with alt+num.
The IDE itself still doesn't support it but I've created a plugin (GoToTabs) that will add "Go to tab #" actions you can assign keyboard shortcuts to (e.g. ctrl+1).
you also can use ctrl + tab to active switcher
after ctrl + tab and keep holding ctrl for other operations
ctrl + number is for bookmarks feature.
Since this is one of the first hits when Googling this, note that as of IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 EAP this is now possible. From the feature request tracker:
In upcoming 2018.3 EAPs you're welcome to assign shortcuts you need for new actions in the group 'Other', see a screenshot. With these actions you can select tab1..tab9 and also the last tab.
To accomplish this:
Go to Keymap in Preferences
Search for "select tab"
Individually assign Command+<number> to each of the tab numbers mappings
You can use this short cut on mac
Shift + Command + { or }
Not sure what you asking is possible but Navigate as below in intellij idea (13) to switch tabs in one level,
└────── Editor Tabs
Where yo can map for actions "Select Next Tab" and "Select Previous Tab", under "Editor tabs" in keymaps. Following is an example for emacs keymap.
cmd+shift+[ - go to previous tab
cmd+shift+] - go to next tab
Actually, there is an option, pressing Alt + Tab a switcher will pop up.
Like this:
If you are using IntelliJ's IdeaVim plugin, the vim style shortcut works as well:
gt, go to next tab
gT, go to the previous tab
1gt, go to the first tab
2gt, go to the second tab
3gt, ....
If a tab has a number with an underline like this example, you can use Alt + 9 to switch to it. But not all tabs have a underlined number.
Next tab: ⇧ + ⌘ + ]
Previous tab: ⇧ + ⌘ + [
if you use ideavim, you can use num+gt to go to the specific tab. for example, 2gt lead you to the second tab.
Keymap -> Other -> Tabs.
Then setup what you want