typo3 file saving from backen with dynamic path - dynamic

I have to save some posts with images. i create a directory for each post and save images there, but in backend if i edit/save the post the relation between images and post dies, any ideea how can i configure the saving path for the backend?
thanks anticipated.

i guess you forgot to set the directory also in file: ext_emconf.php
its not done when only creating the dir in the extension itself. this maybe is your (or typo3) problem
go into file: ext_emconf.php: and edit the array 'createDirs' => '


What is the best place to store module uploaded images

I am creating a module that allows to create some objects and upload images for them.
For the moment, I am uploading images in the module folder itself. But I think it is better to store them in PS img folder like for product and category images. One of the reasons is to avoid their deletion when module is deleted mistakenly from backoffice.
Is there any other reason to store/ not store images in img folder? What is the best place to store a huge number of uploaded images?
Your ideas are much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Yes, it's better to save your images in the img folder. The most important reason for doing this: this route will never be blocked by robots.txt.
In my modules, (in order to be more orderly,) I create a folder called "module" and then inside this folder, I create another folder called the my-module-name.

Issue with Random Image module in Joomla 3.9.13?

I created the folder and uploaded 3 jpg images. And putting the right path in Image Folder. But it still not show the images on page.
What am I doing wrong?
This looks correct to me.
I suggest trying an alternative path for the Image Folder such as:
I also suggest renaming the folder to remove the underscore to see if that helps.

path of suporting files in OS X program?

I need some help for my OS X program.
I need the URL of a file inside the supporting files.
I have an array in which I save URLs from images and add them to a table view and if no images are chosen I want to add a question mark image (it is called "bild.jpg")
This bild.jpg is inside the supporting files but for later use I can't just save the name of the image because the array stores also URLs.
I need to have the URL of that image in the supporting file because it's easier to use the array for image initialization.
Is there a function to get the path or is there a standard path to the supporting files? I already search on the net but couldn't find anything that could help.
You seem to be talking about the application bundle and its resources directory rather than, say, a subdirectory in ~/Library/Application Support/..., in which case you probably want something like:
[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"bild" withExtension:#"jpg"]
(See the documentation for NSBundle.)

ProcessingJS - loadImage() and loadStrings() path problem

I have a path problem when using loadImage() and loadStrings() in Processingjs. I would like to have my sketches and their associated files (images, text files) in one place and to be able to call them from another on my site.
For example, I am trying to run a Processingjs sketch located at
www.example.com/sketches/mysketch.pde from the page www.example.com. This works fine when there are no external files.
Alas the problem starts when I need to use loadImage() and loadStrings() to look for images and texts to load. It defaults to www.example.com/image.jpg and not to the sketch location, www.example.com/sketches/image.jpg.
The need for #pjs preload makes matters worse.
Without moving the files and without hardcoding, is there a way to
tell Processingjs to look for the files to load in the same folder as
the .pde and not the .html?
I hope this is clear. Any help would be appreciated!
Short answer: no.
Even native Processing won't behave the way you want in this sense, because you'll be executing your sketch from [...]/sketches/ and any resource call is local to that directory.
Similarly, with processing.js your resources are located relative to the "directory" you're in, which for www.example.com/ is just the base dir. What you can do, however, is place your .pde file in the same dir as your .html file, or vice versa.
#pjs preload is necessary to effect "immediate" file loading. If you don't preload it, your sketch will have to deal with asynchronous load instructions. Quite literally, loadImage without a preload directive behaves the same as requestImage (http://processing.org/reference/requestImage_.html)

How to Modify Login Block to make 'Create New User Account' link redirect to page other than user/register in Drupal 6.x

I would like to have my (Create New Account) redirect to a page other than registration page. I found a workaround in which one inserts a simple code into the template.php file. This works very well if the theme is Garland or alike. The problem with me is: I am using Ad-novus theme in which I could not find the template.php file where I should have inserted the solver code. Can anyone please help with this by telling me whether there is an alternative file that I can use instead of the template.php. Thanks
You just have to create a template.php file and paste that simple code. That's all :-)
Drupal theme engine system will load that file automatically and load your code snippet. And remember to flush cache if it don't work [1]
[1] /admin/settings/performance