Matching the beginning characters in a LIKE clause - sql

Suppose in my like clause for my query, i would like to match all records that begins with the characters 'Harris' in my specified column. But their can also be names such as 'Harrison' that I would also like to match. How would I go about finding this

select *
from MyTable
where somecol LIKE 'Harris%'


check if column contains one of many values

i have an array of strings and a column which may contain one or more of those strings(seperated by space) i want to get all rows where this column contains one of the strings. Since the values all have 3 letters and therefore can't contain each other, i know i could just write
column LIKE '%val1%' OR
column LIKE '%val2%' OR
column LIKE '%val3%' OR
column LIKE '%val4%'
But i'm wondering if there isn't an easier statement, like column IN ('val1', 'val2', 'val3', 'val4') (This one seems only to work when the entry is equal to one of the values, but not if it just contains them)
Try reading this Is there a combination of "LIKE" and "IN" in SQL? and Combining "LIKE" and "IN" for SQL Server , this will solve you question.
Something like this from the first link.
SQL Server:
WHERE CONTAINS(t.something, '"bla*" OR "foo*" OR "batz*"')
Ist oracle you could use regular expressions
select *
from table
where regexp_like (column,'val(1|2|3|4)')

Is there a way to express AND in SIMILAR TO ignoring order of matches?

I have a Redshift table column that contains 1 to many hashtags (e.g. #a, #b, etc.). I want to write a query that finds rows where all tags from a given set exist (e.g. #a and #b) while not picking up other rows that have some but not all of the tags (e.g. only #a or only #b).
I can see how to do this with multiple LIKE statements (e.g. LIKE '%#a %' AND LIKE '%#b%') but I would really like to do it with a single statement. I can see how to do this with SIMILAR TO but not in a way that ignores ordering. The following would work but only if I include all possible combinations of ordering.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE field SIMILAR TO '(%#a%)(%#b%)|(%#b%)(%#a%)'
This works but having to list all combinations of the tags I'm looking for would be a royal pain and prone to error. Is there a way to express 'AND' in SIMLAR TO (or another function) in Redshift that ignores order?
Make sure to capture the whole tag in any position and not match on incomplete tags:
FROM table
WHERE (field LIKE '#a#%' OR field LIKE '%#a') AND
(field LIKE '#b#%' OR field LIKE '%#b')
This avoids matching data such as #ac#b
Use AND and LIKE:
FROM table t
WHERE field LIKE '%#a%' AND
field LIKE '%#b%';

Finding numeric values in varchar field

sorry if this is a duplicate, I wasn't able to find what I was looking for in the answered questions.
I'm looking to query for only records with a field formatted like this numbers (0-9), hyphen (-), number (0-9), hyphen (-), numbers (0-9). This is what I have tried:
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(LOC_NAME)) LIKE '[0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9]'
The result set I'm looking for would be 123456-123-1234.
I thought at first they may have spaces so I trimmed the field but still no results are showing with the ABOVE query. The BELOW query returns them, but with other results:
WHERE LOC_NAME LIKE '%[0-9]-[0-9]%'
But I would get results like 1-2-3 Place...
I think this does what you want:
This checks that the field has no non-hyphens or non-digits.
If you specifically want two hyphens, separated by digits, then:
LTRIM(RTRIM(LOC_NAME)) LIKE '[0-9]%-[0-9]%-[0-9]%' AND
The second pattern requires at least two hyphens and a digit in all three parts of the name. The third forbids three hyphens.
I would do this way
select *
from table_1
where isnumeric(replace(LOC_NAME, '-','')) = 1;
Update (2018-Jun-12)
After reading the comments of #EzLo, I realized that the OP may just need two hyphens (no more, no less), so I am updating my answer with the following demo code
create table #t (LOC_NAME varchar(100));
insert into #t (loc_name)
values ('a12-b12-123'), ('123456-123-11'), ('123-123-123-123')
select *
from #t --table_1
where isnumeric(replace(LOC_NAME, '-','')) = 1
and len(loc_name)-len(replace(LOC_NAME, '-',''))=2
The result is:

PostgreSQL: return row where any column value like variable

I am trying to have the user search for a value in a SQL table, and the user is returned with any row that contains that value. At the moment, I can make it work such that the code is:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE lower('foo') in (lower('col1'),lower('col2'),etc)
However, I would like it to be able to search every column and return any row LIKE 'foo'. For instance,
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (lower('col1'), lower('col2'), etc) like lower('%foo%')
But that doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
I believe you need to use multiple WHERE clauses instead of grouping them all into one statement. Try this:
WHERE lower(col1) like lower('%foo%')
OR lower(col2) like lower('%foo%')
OR etc like lower('%foo%')
You can convert the whole row to a string and then use LIKE on the result of that:
select *
from the_table
where lower(the_table::text) like '%foo%';
the_table::text returns all columns of each row as a comma separated list enclosed with parentheses, e.g. (42,Arthur,Dent). So the above is not 100 identical to a LIKE condition applied on each column - but probably does what you want.

Delete rows if letters in cell SQL Server

I needed some guidance as to how I can exlude rows that contains any form of letter in a cell that is supposed to contain integers only.
This is what the data looks like now:
AS you can see in the table, the first,ID contains letters. How can I remove complete rows if a cell were to contain any form of letters?
How about this where clause?
where CustomerId not like '%[^0-9]%'
It filters out any values that have a non-digit. Unfortunately, SQL Server doesn't support regular expressions, but this will do what you want.
If you specifically wanted to look for letters, you can do:
where CustomerId like '%[a-zA-Z]%'
SQL Server can match on a specific pattern in your statement using like. It looks somewhat like regex, but isn't exactly that.
Use this statement if you want to match on all CustomerIds that contains characters in the range A-Z and a-z:
select *
from table
where CustomerID like '%[A-za-z]%'