update date format in SQL developer - sql

I need to convert date format in SQL
The current format is yyyy/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss:sss and I need to convert it to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss CST
I don't really know SQL but did some research and found that I can use instr to find the string and replace it, however, no matter what I try,there is always something off :(
Could anyone here help me with it? thanks in advance.
By the way, it's in oracle sql developer so syntax are different from previous answer. Thanks again

If your current column is stored as a varchar (which it looks like it is based on your example) you can convert it the following way to a datetime.
declare #date varchar(25)
set #date = '2012/02/16-09:40:30:000'
select Convert(datetime, Left(#date, 4) + '-' +
substring(#date, 6, 2) + '-' +
substring(#date, 9, 2) + ' ' +
substring(#date, 12, 8)) As NewDate
And the result would be 2012-02-16 09:40:30.000
There are lots of sites that have details on converting datetime:
If the date is stored as a datetime, then you can get your format by doing:
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 120)

thank you so much for your guys help! I got this sorted out by other user's help, the command is,
update b
set first= to_char(substr(FIRST,1,4)||'-'||substr(FIRST, 6, 2)||'-'||substr(FIRST, 9, 2)||' '||substr(FIRST, 12, 8))
Thanks :)

The CONVERT() function is normally used for this. The third parameter lets you specify the required date formatting.
If the date is already in a string, then convert it first into a date type and then convert it back to a string in the required format.

If you're using SQL Server and it's a date field you can do:
Replacing getdate() with the column name

If the date is stored as a DATETIME, then you can convert it to a string in the format you want by doing the following:
FROM YourTable

declare #ds varchar(23)='2012/02/16 12:57:03:002'; --your current format
select convert(varchar(30),cast(#ds as datetime),120)+' CST' --new format you specified


Using Substring and Convert Datetime Sql Server 2017

This is my query:
declare #date char(10)
set #date = '11.08.1982'
select substring(#date,1,2)+ '/'+
SUBSTRING(#date,3,1)+ '/'+ SUBSTRING(#date,4,4) as resultat
I want to use CONVERT function to convert the result to datetime. How can I do this?
You can't convert this to date and time, however you can use replace function :
select replace(#data, '.', '/')
SQL Server is pretty good about picking up the format of a date with no conversion format. So, this works on db<>fiddle, assuming you intend MM.DD.YYYY for the format:
select convert(date, '11.08.1982')
If you want DD.MM.YYYY, then you can explicitly use the "104" format:
select convert(date, '11.08.1982', 104)
You don't have a time component, so I converted these to date. The same works for datetime.

Convert date to varchar in SQL Server

How do I convert a column which is date type to varchar?
Sample data:
'1947-12-01 00-00-00'
Requested results:
If I understand the question correctly, you need the ENDDATE of value '1947-12-01 00-00-00' as 121947. You can use the below query
If you are working with 2012 version or higher, you can use format. For earlier versions you can use convert with some string manipulations:
DECLARE #D as date = '1947-12-01'
SELECT REPLACE(RIGHT(CONVERT(char(10), #d, 103), 7), '/', '') As charValue2008,
FORMAT(#d, 'MMyyyy') as charValue2012
charValue2008 charValue2012
121947 121947
Please note that Format runs relativley slow, so if you have a lot of rows you might want to choose another way to do that.

Convert date format doesn't take effect on self made date string in SQL Server

I have a rather strange issue here. I have a date string, which I've created partly by myself to incorporate a variable. The problem is, that I'm setting another language settings. In this case, I have to also convert the string to fit the language settings format. I'm using this code:
cast(convert(varchar, cast(cast(getdate() as date) as varchar) + ' ' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(#HR as varchar), 2) + ':00:00.000', 120) as datetime)
I get the error "The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.", which is normal if you assign wrong date format before casting.
The problem is, that when I try to convert the personally created date string, it doesn't change its format no matter what format code I set it in. That doesn't change even when I hardcode a number instead of my variable:
convert(varchar, cast(cast(getdate() as date) as varchar) + ' 0' + CAST(2 as varchar) + ':00:00.000', 101)
results in 2016-09-14 02:00:00.000
For example,
convert(varchar, dateadd(Hour, 2, getdate()), 101) as datetime
Results in 09/14/2016.
Even though I have a different language setting, isn't SQL server supposed to always recognize the date format in the standard format?
Please give me an advice so I can overcome this issue.
Thanks in advance!
PS: I managed to solve my issue by inserting converted datetime column in a variable before setting bulgarian language. I'm still very interested to know what causes the problem though.
Ok I may have a soution for the question: Why is the format differently handled in SQL-SERVER when converting.
The STYLEvalue only applies for date/time.
So it's because of the datatype that the output is different.
See following example:
SELECT convert(varchar, dateadd(Hour, 2, getdate()), 101) as datetime
You get the result:
Here your are converting a datetime datatype into a varchar and the STYLE-value with 101 applies for CONVERT and the output is converted in that format.
Example 2 is the same but the inner most part is casted into a varchar before converting it:
SELECT convert(varchar, CAST(dateadd(Hour, 2, getdate()) AS varchar), 101) as datetime
The result you get is:
Sep 14 2016 4:09PM
So because we are trying to convert a varchar into a varchar the STYLE-value doesn't apply for the conversion.
That is also why the first query is handled diffrent then the other:
SELECT convert(varchar, cast(cast(getdate() as date) as varchar) + ' 0' + CAST(2 as varchar) + ':00:00.000', 101)
Here you cast into varchar cast(cast(getdate() as date) as varchar) before converting. So the STYLE-value is not applying because it's not from datatype date/time.
I hope it made it a bit clear. Let me know if this helped.
When you use convert to format the datetime, you can pass a style number to it.
Looky here or here for those numbers.
The query below converts custom created datetimes to the 126 (ISO8601) format.
declare #d int = 2;
CONCAT(FORMAT(GETDATE(),'yyyy-MM-dd'),' ',#d,':0')
,126) AS MyDateStamp1,
CONVERT(varchar,GETDATE(),102)+' '+convert(varchar,#d)+':0'
,126) AS MyDateStamp2;
The FORMAT & CONCAT functions can be used in SQL Server 2012 and beyond.
But if you have an earlier version then CONVERT should work instead.
Additional tip:
If you're using the CONVERT solution above, note that
"convert(varchar, CAST(dateadd(Hour, 2, getdate()) AS varchar), 101)" calls for you to set datatype to varchar.
I just came across code
and since style 101 is mm/dd/yyyy, and the output was yyyy-mm-dd, I knew something was wrong. By changing the code to
the proper date style was displayed in the result set.

Convert a string ddmmyyyyhhmi into yyyy-mm-dd in SQL server

how can I convert a string ddmmyyyyhhmi into yyyy-mm-dd?
A string 210420161701 (a varchar) into 2016-04-21 (a datetime data type).
I tried a combination of sub-string, cast, convert but can't seem to make it work.
Please kindly help thanks.
The first 2 lines are just setting up the variable, but the following works (as long as the format is always the same). You may also need to make sure the date format of your SQL installation is correct (SET DATEFORMAT). You can also change the datatype from date to datetime if required.
DECLARE #Date Varchar(100) = '210420161701'
DECLARE #DateVariable date
SELECT #DateVariable = SUBSTRING(#date,5,4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(#date,3,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(#date,1,2)
SELECT #DateVariable
SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(10),'210420161701',103),5,4)+ '-'+

Convert from nvarchar to DateTime with am pm?

In my table I have myDate column of type nvarchar(50).
The result I need is to select this date/time: 07/11/2013 11:22:07
And I need to get 07/11/2013 11:22:07 am from it (add am/pm to the original date&time).
I tried everything but get only the original data without am/pm.
This is an example from my query :
select convert(dateTime,myDate,100) as Date from Info
select convert(dateTime,myDate,0) as Date from Info
What am I missing ?
try this !!
declare #date datetime
set #date='07/11/2013 11:22:07'
SELECT cast(convert(varchar(20),substring(convert(nvarchar(20),#date, 9), 0, 21)
+ ' ' + substring(convert(nvarchar(30), #date, 9), 25, 2),105) as datetime)
Your field is a NVARCHAR field so just return it without any conversion. In your query you convert string representation into the DATETIME type and returns it. Your browser software which shows query results convert DateTime value into string representation to show it to you and conversion format depends on this software usually you can change it changing Windows Regional Settings.
You can get AM/PM data using following query
declare #date datetime
select #date= CAST('07/11/2013 11:22:07' AS datetime)
select RIGHT ( CONVERT(VARCHAR,#date,9),2)