Difference between MSBuild with DeployOnBuild and Visual Studio Publish - msbuild

I have an WCF project that if i use the Visual Studio option "Publish" gets published fine.
But if I use the MSBuild parameter DeployOnBuild it does not get published correctly. I'm getting an "Could not load type" error, and all of de dlls are there.
I using the MSBuild in a Build Definition in order to have a Continuous Integration Build.
The build parameters I'm using are:
My main problem with this scenario is that the build targets are the same, and the build definition actualy publishes the files, but somehow they are not the same.
Any insights ???

I dont like to answer my on question, but since it may help someone else is the cause of the problem.
One of the projects had a post-build command to copy the resulting
dll to another project specific directory (its not a reference
because it using dependency injection in runtime).
The dlls did not get checked in to TFS because they are not checkout automaticaly
Continuous Integration Build fetches the sources from TFS and the dlls are out of sync
The solution was to checkout the dlls before the build so that the checkin updates them


Why does NuGet pack break with VS2019 build tools?

We have a number of .NET Framework projects with a "nuget pack MyProject.csproj" command in the post-build step. We have been using VS2010 (:O I know) until now, and it has been happily spitting out nupkg files.
We recently updated our build tools to the 2019 version (running the new version of varsall.bat before calling msbuild), and the "nuget pack" command now fails:
Error NU5012: Unable to find 'MyProject.dll'. Make sure the project has been built.
What I've tried:
Adding a "nuget spec" step before packing
Upgrading the nuget CLI executable to the latest version
Updating from packages.config to PackageReferences
This allows you to use MSBuild -t:pack. However, two issues:
When running this in the post-build step on my machine, it starts dozens of cmd & MSBuild processes and pegs my CPU.
Our developers are stuck on VS2017 for now, but the 2017 build tools are no longer available for our build server (so we use 2019). The 2017 & 2019 installs put MSBuild in different locations. We could set path variables for all the machines, but that seems brittle.
I'm playing with upgrading one of the projects to the new csproj format, but it is rather involved. Upgrading all of our projects will be an effort all its own, and I'm still exploring the ramifications.
Is there something simple I'm missing which will allow this to work without large modifications?
Error NU5012: Unable to find 'MyProject.dll'. Make sure the project
has been built.
This message indicates that the nuget.exe can't find the output assembly. So you must make sure the assembly is created successfully.
And one point you need to take care, normally we use command like nuget pack foo.csproj -Properties Configuration=Release to pack the assembly built in release mode. If you use command like nuget pack xx.csproj in post-build-event, no matter which configuration you use msbuild to build the project, nuget will always try to find the assembly in ProjectDir/bin/debug.
So when you deploy the project to remote server without bin and obj folders, if you try to use command like msbuild xx.csproj /p:Configuration=Release, the build is in release mode while nuget.exe will search the bin\debug instead of expected bin\release. You should check if you're in same situation.
Why does NuGet pack break with VS2019 build tools?
This issue is not about the build tools package. Since the error message you got came from nuget. Msbuild just help call the nuget.exe, and the cause of the issue is nuget.exe can't find the needed assembly by one specific path. Please check if the path in the error message is right, and then check if the assembly is in that path.
I also ran into the same issue during our TFS upgrade to Azure Devops. The new Nuget task doesn't have the switch for -Build. The fields in the Nuget task screen for Pack also doesn't allow you to add this switch, that's why it's complaining about not finding the dll or the output of the build. I modified the nugetpack.js file on the agent's task folder to test the theory and now the pack options build successfully.
This is the line I added to the js file (towards the bottom of the page):
what would be nice is to have this option represented as check box to cover if there is use case to call Nuget pack without -Build switch

TeamCity build fails without windows kits reference in proj file

I'm having an issue on teamcity (9.1.7). I don't have visual studio installed on the build server. I have installed visual studio test agents and msbuild tools. Building one of the project fails with this error-
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\AppxPackage\Microsoft.AppXPackage.Targets(694, 9): error APPX1639: File 'Windows.props' not found. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=12395&pver=1.0&plcid=0x409&ar=MSDN&sar=PlatformMultiTargeting&o1=Portable&o2=7.0 for more information
The link doesn't work. After looking up the error, it seems i need to install Windows Kits and I need to add this to my csproj file under the first property group -
<_WindowsKitBinPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86</_WindowsKitBinPath>
<_WindowsPhoneKitBinPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Phone Kits\8.1\bin</_WindowsPhoneKitBinPath>
I really don't want to add this to my csproj file. I don't know why it is required/what impact it has. Can someone explain to me why this is needed? When i build my solution locally with visual studio, it works fine.
The groups of settings are basically bootstrapping parameters that are required by MSBuild in order to compile the project (A native windows phone app??). You've probably got the kit installed locally and something already integrated into Visual Studio, which is why it builds. Uninstall the Visual Studio add-in and it'll probably start failing.
You can setup your compile step to pass in these parameters without requiring them in the .csproj file if you don't want them there.
I normally abstract additional build parameters to a variable in TeamCity
Hope this helps

What is the difference between a Publish and a WebPublish target?

We have a build configuration runner type of Visual Studio.sln setup to read from a csproj with a Publish Profile (/P:PublishProfile=%env.Configuration%.pubxml) to create a Web Deploy Package that we then use in another build step to deploy using MSDeploy.
On TeamCity the Targets options states that
Enter targets separated by space or semicolon. Build, Rebuild, Clean, Publish targets are supported by default
Looking at some other StackOverflow threads, it mentions that using WebPublish as a target works but doesn't say why it works.
TeamCity: How tell MSBuild to take into account publish profile parameters?
I am not sure what the difference between a "Publish" and a "WebPublish" is.
The "Publish" Visual Studio target uses WebDeploy/WebPublish under the hood to do its publishing.

TeamCity can't find the <something>.fakes.dll

I'm setting up a CI with TeamCity 8 (v8.1.4).
I finally managed to setup TFS integration - ie checkout from TFS.
I used the super easy Auto Detect Build Steps [thank you JetBrains for that] to determine the Build Steps necessary.
I used the Get missing NuGet packages step, which works as expected.
Then I have a Visual Studio Solution build step, that seems to build great, just until the point where it wants to build the Unit Test and Integration Test projects, which both use Microsoft Fakes.
Here I can see that TeamCity tries to search everywhere for the [AssemblyNameUnderTest].Fakes.dll - where [AssemblyNameUnderTest] is whatever dll that is tested.
I haven't included that dll to my project nor in TFS, since I thought that it would be regenerated each and every time I change something to the original AssemblyNameUnderTest (ClassLibrary) Project.
Should I include the [AssemblyNameUnderTest].Fakes.dlls to the project and TFS or am I right that they are regenerated ?
And if I'm right with the regeneration, then why TeamCity can't find it ?
Thanks in advance,
Ah, so I found the answer to one of my questions: http://hamidshahid.blogspot.be/2012/11/microsoft-fakes-framework.html
The files in the "Fakes" folder are only generated at the time of
adding the fakes assembly. They are added to the solution and should
be checked into source control.
The "FakesAssemblies" folder and all the files in it are generated
whenever the project is compiled. This is important because if you are
adding fakes for assembly for a changing component, the generation of
FakesAssemblies will ensure that all changes are reflected in the
generated assembly.
So I did that - ie it is the default behaviour.
Above that my .fakes files have the "Fakes" build action, but it still isn't working for TeamCity.
Also, TeamCity uses the MSBuild.EXE from "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin" for the build.
Anyone a bright idea ?
To fix the build, I removed the Fakes stuff and implemented Moq mocks.
Seems to give you more control of what exactly happens.

BizTalk 2010 project compilation using MSBuild

I am trying to use MSBuild to compile a solution with a few BizTalk 2010 projects (maps, schemas, pipelines) and a few non-BizTalk projects (console app, web app).
MSBuild gets triggered by Nant. The problem is that, everytime I run the compilation, the BizTalk projects get recompiled (and the assembly version number changes). This happens even if there are absolutely no changes to any part of the entire solution.
In other words, If I build the solution once, the assemblies get created fine. Immediately, if I build again, the non-BizTalk assemblies do not get re-created (MSBuild reports Skipping target "CoreCompile" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files). But, the BizTalk assemblies happily get re-created. This is annoying.
Please can someone help/advise?
BizTalk Server 2009 and 2010 .btproj project files are, indeed, MSBuild projects. As you have noticed, the way standard BizTalk targets are authored prevents incremental build of BizTalk projects.
Fortunately, MSBuild is extensible and can be customized in many ways. Please, follow the instructions on this post to to alter the standard build logic of .btproj files in order to add incremental support for your build system.