"(null) wants to access twitter" when using ACAccountStore - objective-c

I'm using the Accounts framework from the iOS SDK to handle twitter requests. When my app requests permission from the user to access the twitter account, (null) is shown as the app name in the permission request alert.
What value do I need to set to make this show my actual app name?

It's the value for CFBundleDisplayName in YourApp-Info.plist


Spotify : 403 - User not registered in the Developer Dashboard

I'm making a react-native app with the Spotify API, I'm using the Authorization Code Flow & and I'm on Development mode with only one user added in "Users and access" on my Spotify dashboard: my tester, who is a part of my Spotify Premium Duo.
The app is working fine on my part, but my tester can't see anything related to her account. The /me endpoint is sending a 403 error with this message in the body : User not registered in the Developer Dashboard. Top Tracks / Top Artists endpoints are working fine with her Access Token.
I can't see any email on her Spotify account, but can't change anything because it is linked to her Facebook account. I'm also logged in with my Facebook but it's working fine, and I can see my details when fetching the /me endpoint with my access token.
If you ever stumbled upon this kind of error, any help will be appreciated !
Thank you in advance,
You can see your info using the /me endpoint because you're the owner of the app and automatically registered in the project's dashboard.
In order to use the /me endpoint on other Spotify accounts you have to register them in the dashboard of your project under "Users and access" in the top right corner.
Once the user is registered, the /me should return a 200 response containing all the user's info.
This is probably due to the fact that you're app is in development mode.
The mail to use if the user is logged on Spotify via Facebook, is the Facebook one I'd say.
NOTE: You have to provide the user's real name to grant access: it's case sensitive.

Facebook Login Using UIWebView

My app was rejected by Apple because "Login via Facebook" opens the Safari app, because I am using UIWebView for Facebook login, which is working fine. I am getting the access token as well.
The problem is I also need user information like user ID, email ID, user name etc. because I need to save it on my server.
How do I get the logged-in user's info when I have the access token?
Have you read the FB iOS documentation?
There is an API called FBRequest which can retrieve various information or the Graph API can be used to obtain stuff.
How to integrate FB login with an iOS app is fully documented with example projects.

Can Facebook test apps receive ads_management extended permission from Ads API approved app?

When I create a test app from one that's been approved for the Facebook Ads API that test app doesn't receive the ads_api_extern feature.
Am I missing a setting or other way that I can make ads api requests using a test app?
No, a test app doesn't inherit special permissions like access to the ads api
That would need to be whitelisted separately by whomever granted your existing app that access

How to authorise an application to use Facebook credentials of Setting in iOS?

In my app I want to add Facebook Login. I have already done that but the problem as of now is I get a Pop Up to login via Facebook. I want if user has installed Facebook application in his device there should not come any pop up for login. As the user has already provided his credentials to the device. The basic intention is to use the credentials of setting and log in to the my app without so that Facebook installed app user doest need to give his/her credentials again.

in youtube API 3 user authentication required or registering the app by the developer is enough?

i want to develop an android app using youtube API 3.
It is necessary that the user who will be using the app has to login with his/her gmail credentials to actually view a video?
Or just registering the app here https://developers.google.com/youtube/registering_an_application is fine and the user watching the video or using the app need not login to his/her gmail account.
It is necessary that the user who will be using the app has to login with his/her gmail credentials to actually view a video?
No. Authentication via OAuth is only necessary if your application requires access to "private user data". Simply viewing a video does not meet those requirements.
More details here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication