SQL insert into using Union should add only distinct values - sql

So I have this temp table that has structure like:
col1 col2 col3 col3
intID1 intID2 intID3 bitAdd
I am doing a union of the values of this temp table with a select query and storing
it into the same temp table.The thing is col3 is not part of the union query I will
need it later on to update the table.
So I am doing like so:
Insert into #temptable
select intID1,intID2,intID3
select intID1,intID2,intID3
Table A
Issue is that I want only the rows that are not already existing in the temp table to be added.Doing it this way will add a duplicate of the already existing row(since union will return one row)How do I insert only those rows not existing in the current temp table in my union query?

MERGE INTO #temptable tmp
USING (select intID1,intID2,intID3 From Table A) t
ON (tmp.intID1 = t.intID1 and tmp.intID2 = t.intID2 and tmp.intID3 = t.intID3)
INSERT (intID1,intID2,intID3)
VALUES (t.intID1,t.intID2,t.intID3)

Nice and simple with EXCEPT
INSERT INTO #temptable (intID1, intID2, intID3)
SELECT intID1,intID2,intID3 FROM TableA
SELECT intID1,intID2,intID3 FROM #temptable

I see where you are coming from. In most programming languages #temptable would be a variable (a relation variable or relvar for short) to which you would assign a value (a relation value) thus:
#temptable := #temptable UNION A
In the relational model, this would achieve the desired result because a relation has no duplicate rows by definition.
However, SQL is not truly relational and does not support assignment. Instead, you are required to add rows to a table using SQL DML INSERT statements (which is not so bad: the users of a truly relational database language, if we had one, would no doubt demand a similar shorthand for relational assignment!) but you are also required to do the test for duplicates yourself.
The answers from Daniel Hilgarth and Joachim Isaksson both look good. It's good practice to have two good, logically sound candidate answers then look for criteria (usually performance under typical load) to eliminate one (but retaining it commented out for future re-testing!)


Save return values from INSERT...RETURNING into temp table (PostgreSQL)

I have a table table1 with columns id,value1 and value2.
Also I have a query
INSERT INTO table1(value1,value2) SELECT value3,value4 FROM table2 RETURNING id
that returns set of ids.
I want to store return values (these ids) in some temp table. Something like that:
INSERT INTO TEMP temp1 INSERT INTO table1(value1,value2) SELECT value3,value4 FROM table2 RETURNING id
How can I do it?
DBMS is PostgreSQL
with inserted as (
INSERT INTO table1 (value1,value2)
SELECT value3,value4
FROM table2
insert into temp
select id
from inserted;
This requires Postgres 9.2 or later.
Two options.
If you need it just for one follow-up query, a with statement (see the horse's answer) is the easiest.
If you need it for more than one follow-up query, the other option is to not use insert ... returning, but rather create table as:
SELECT value3,value4 FROM table2
Caveats: if necessary, create the indexes you need on the table -- and analyze it if you do.

How to select data and insert those data using single sql?

I want to select some data using simple sql and insert those data into another table. Both table are same. Data types and column names all are same. Simply those are temporary table of masters table. Using single sql I want to insert those data into another table and in the where condition I check E_ID=? checking part. My another problem is sometime there may be any matching rows in the table. In that time is it may be out sql exception? Another problem is it may be multiple matching rows. That means one E_ID may have multiple rows. As a example in my attachment_master and attachments_temp table has multiple rows for one single ID. How do I solve those problems? I have another problem. My master table data can insert temp table using following code. But I want to change only one column and others are same data. Because I want to change temp table status column.
insert into dates_temp_table SELECT * FROM master_dates_table where e_id=?;
In here all data insert into my dates_temp_table. But I want to add all column data and change only dates_temp_table status column as "Modified". How should I change this code?
You could try this:
insert into table1 ( col1, col2, col3,.... )
SELECT col1, col2, col3, ....
FROM table2 where (you can check any condition here on table1 or table2 or mixed)
For more info have a look here and this similar question
Hope it may help you.
EDit : If I understand your requirement properly then this may be a helpful solution for you:
insert into table1 ( col-1, col-2, col-3,...., col-n, <Your modification col name here> )
SELECT col-1, col-2, col-3,...., col-n, 'modified'
FROM table2 where table1.e_id=<your id value here>
As per your comment in above other answer:
"I send my E_ID. I don't want to matching and get. I send my E_ID and
if that ID available I insert those data into my temp table and change
temp table status as 'Modified' and otherwise don't do anything."
As according to your above statements, If given e_id is there it will copy all the columns values to your table1 and will place a value 'modified' in the 'status' column of your table1
For more info look here
You can use merge statement if I understand your requirement correctly.
As I do not have your table structure below is based on assumption, see whether this cater your requirement. I am assuming that e_id is primary key or change as per your table design.
MERGE INTO dates_temp_table trgt
USING (SELECT * FROM master_dates_table WHERE e_id=100) src
ON (trgt.prm_key = src.prm_key)
INSERT (trgt.col, trgt.col2, trgt.status)
VALUES (src.col, src.col2, 'Modified');
More information and examples here
insert into tablename( column1, column2, column3,column4 ) SELECT column1,
column2, column3,column4 from anothertablename where tablename.ID=anothertablename.ID
IF multiple values are there then it will return the last result..If not you have narrow your search..

Compare data between two tables with in single database

My requirement to compare two table data with in one database and stored the uncommon data in separate table named relation data within same database.
How to compare this tables data?
To compare is their any tools and can we stored uncommon data in separately table using any tool?
i forgot to tell one thing that two tables having same data but different column names that means for example first table having 20 columns and 2 and table having 50 columns but in that 4 columns are matched data with different number of rows and different column names in each table.based on these columns data matching i need to find rows and stored into another table
As an alternative to writing a SQL script, you could copy the entire results from both tables to a .csv file and then use win merge to compare the two:
I have used this technique in the past when comparing mass amounts of data and it has worked quite well.
This can be accomplished in t-sql with not a lot of effort. However in your question you were asking for a tool to accomplish this. If you are simply looking to purchase a tool to do this, at my job, we use the Redgate tools for deploying code from test to production, and I believe if you were a little creative you could get the SQL Data Compare Tool to do what you are asking for.
If you select and compare these two tables, it will generate a change script from one to the other. If you only take the changes from one, save off the script, then come back, click on the arrow and take only the changes from the source the other way, you should have the uncommon attributes.
Try this query, I think its work
insert into relational(r1,r2,r3,....rn)
(select s1,s2,s3,...sn from
information info where info.informationcity not in (select customercity from customer)
and info.informationstate not in (select customerstate from customer) )
Assuming you both tables have the same structure
Quick and dirty?
;WITH cte AS (
SELECT 1 AS OriginTable, *
FROM OriginTable1
UNION SELECT 2 AS OriginTable, *
FROM OriginTable2
SELECT {put here the list of all your columns}
INTO [YourDeltaTable]
FROM cte
GROUP BY {put here the list of all your columns}
You can use the following query for inserting data into target table by retrieving data from multiple tables
insert into TargetTable(list_of_columns)
(select list of columns from
Table1 t1 join Table2 t2
on (t1.common_column != t2.common_column))
The src column list count and target column list count should be equal
Here's a simple example that assumes your table structures are the same
DECLARE #a table (
val char(1)
DECLARE #b table (
val char(1)
INSERT INTO #a (val)
VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C');
INSERT INTO #b (val)
VALUES ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E');
DECLARE #mismatches table (
val char(1)
INSERT INTO #mismatches (val)
SELECT val -- All those from #a
EXCEPT -- Where not in #b
FROM #b;
INSERT INTO #mismatches (val)
SELECT val -- All those from #a
EXCEPT -- Where not in #b
FROM #a;
FROM #mismatches

Difference between Select Into and Insert Into from old table?

What is difference between these in terms of constraints *keys* etc.
Select Into Statement
SELECT column1, column2, someInt, someVarChar
INTO ItemBack1
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
Insert Into Statement
INSERT INTO table1 ( column1, column2, someInt, someVarChar )
SELECT table2.column1, table2.column2,
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
and also
Create table ramm as select * from rammayan
Edit 1:
Database SQL Server 2008
I'm going to assume MySQL here.
The first two are identical, as the documentation states.
The third statement allows for both table creation and population, though your syntax is wrong up there; look at the right syntax for more info.
It's SQL Server =p
SELECT column1, column2, someInt, someVarChar
INTO ItemBack1
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
The first statement will automatically create the ItemBack1 table, based on table2.
INSERT INTO table1 ( column1, column2, someInt, someVarChar )
SELECT table2.column1, table2.column2,
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
The second second statement requires that table1 already exists.
See also: http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2007/08/15/sql-server-insert-data-from-one-table-to-another-table-insert-into-select-select-into-table/
If there's any difference in constraints, it would be because the second statement depends on what you have already created (and if the table is populated, etc.).
Btw, the third statement is Oracle(tm) and is the same as the first statement.
There are some very important differences between SELECT INTO and INSERT.
First, for the INSERT you need to pre-define the destination table. SELECT INTO creates the table as part of the statement.
Second, as a result of the first condition, you can get type conversion errors on the load into the table using INSERT. This cannot happen with a SELECT INTO (although the underlying query could produce an error).
Third, with a SELECT INTO you need to give all your columns names. With an INSERT, you do not need to give them names.
Fourth, SELECT INTO locks some of the metadata during the processing. This means that other queries on the database may be locked out of accessing tables. For instance, you cannot run two SELECT INTO statements at the same time on the same database, because of this locking.
Fifth, on a very large insert, you can sometimes see progress with INSERT but not with SELECT INTO. At least, this is my experience.
When I have a complicated query and I want to put the data into a table, I often use:
SELECT top 0 *
INTO <table>
FROM <query>
SELECT * FROM <query>
Select Into ->Creates the table on the fly upon select execution
Insert Into ->Presumes that the Table DB already exist
Create, simply creates the table from the return result of the query
I don't really understand your question. Let's try:
The 1st one selects the value of the columns "someVarChar" into a variable called "ItemBack1". Depending on your SQL-Server (mysql/oracle/mssql/etc.) you can now do some logic with this var.
The 2nd one inserts the result of
SELECT table2.column1, table2.column2, 8, 'some string etc.'
FROM table2
WHERE table2.ID = 7
into the table1 (Copy)
And the 3rd creates a new table "ramm" as a copy of the table "rammayan"
Generally speaking
Each one has its own particularities, one creates a temporary table, other uses a previously existing table and the third one creates a new table with exact same estructure and formatting
SELECT…INTO creates a new table in the default filegroup and inserts the resulting rows from the query into it
INSERT INTO: fills an already existing table
The third option is known as CTAS (Create Table As Select) do a search and you will get tons of usefull links. Basically it creates a table, not a temporary one, with the structure and types used on the SELECT statement.
I wanted to add some more links but as I'm a new user I'm only allowed to post 2 links to prevent spam.
INSERT INTO SELECT inserts into an existing table.
SELECT INTO creates a new table and puts the data in it.
All of the columns in the query must be named so each of the columns in the table will have a name. This is the most common mistake I see for this command.
The data type and nullability come from the source query.
If one of the source columns is an identity column and meets certain conditions (no JOINs in the query for example) then the column in the new table will also be an identity.
CREATE TABLE ExistingTableName1 (ColumnName VARCHAR(255));
INTO ExistingTableName1
SELECT ColumnaName
FROM ExistingTableName2;
SELECT ColumnName INTO NewTableName
FROM ExistingTableName1;
The SELECT INTO statement copies data from one table into a new table.
SELECT column1, column2, column3, ...
INTO newtable [IN externaldb]
FROM oldtable
WHERE condition;
The new table will be created with the column-names and types as defined in the old table. You can create new column names using the AS clause.
The INSERT INTO SELECT statement copies data from one table and inserts it into another table.
INSERT INTO table2 (column1, column2, column3, ...)
SELECT column1, column2, column3, ...
FROM table1
WHERE condition;
INSERT INTO SELECT requires that data types in source and target tables match
The existing records in the target table are unaffected

"select * into table" Will it work for inserting data into existing table

I am trying to insert data from one of my existing table into another existing table.
Is it possible to insert data into any existing table using select * into query.
I think it can be done using union but in that case i need to record all data of my existing table into temporary table, then drop that table and finally than apply union to insert all records into same table
select * into #tblExisting from tblExisting
drop table tblExisting
select * into tblExisting from #tblExisting union tblActualData
Here tblExisting is the table where I actually want to store all data
tblActualData is the table from where data is to be appended to tblExisting.
Is it right method.
Do we have some other alternative ?
You should try
INSERT INTO ExistingTable (Columns,..)
SELECT Columns,...
FROM OtherTable
Have a look at INSERT
and SQL SERVER – Insert Data From One Table to Another Table – INSERT INTO SELECT – SELECT INTO TABLE
No, you cannot use SELECT INTO to insert data into an existing table.
The documentation makes this very clear:
SELECT…INTO creates a new table in the default filegroup and inserts the resulting rows from the query into it.
You generally want to avoid using SELECT INTO in production because it gives you very little control over how the table is created, and can lead to all sorts of nasty locking and other performance problems. You should create schemas explicitly and use INSERT - even for temporary tables.
#Ryan Chase
Can you do this by selecting all columns using *?
INSERT INTO yourtable2
SELECT * FROM yourtable1
Update from CTE? http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic629743-338-1.aspx