create HTTPClient in Titanium - titanium

I have used Ti.Network.createHTTPClient in Titanium and see that the control goes neither inside onLoad nor onError. What could be the reason?
var loader = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
loader.onload = function() {
loader.onError = function(e)
alert("Error: " + e.error);

Add these 2 lines to make it work! You did not send the request, nor did you send the URL
// add url in here"GET",'[URL HERE]');
// Send the request.

var xhrSitelogin = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();'POST', webservice_url);
method : "userlogin",
username : username,
password : password
xhrSitelogin.onerror = function() {
showAlertBox('Service timed out. Please try again.');
//Hide Indicator
xhrSitelogin.onload = function() {
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Hi dosth try with this am not sure it will work if it work i will be happy
var taskRequest = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
var api_url = '' +
Ti.App.Properties.getString("userID") + '/tasks';
taskRequest.onload = function() {
var tasks = [];
// code populating the tasks array
callback( tasks ); // invoke the callback
}'GET', api_url, false);
taskRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
//get the response
Use this pattern.
If you need to set any header then use loader.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); after the open()/before onload() and send()


How to use POST to set the results of a SurveyJS survey?

Is it possible to use POST to set the results of a SurveyJS survey?
I can use GET to get the survey results, but I am struggling with setting.
Here is the code I use to GET the results:
urlToSurvey = "";
$.get(urlToSurvey, function(res) {
I want to use SurveyJS to store students' progress in an open-source plugin (Adapt Learning), so I want to directly post the progress data to SurveyJS as I cannot run a stand-alone html in the plugin.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
You can check this file -
Here is the code responsible for sending the result:
public sendResult(
postId: string,
result: JSON,
onSendResult: (success: boolean, response: any) => void,
clientId: string = null,
isPartialCompleted: boolean = false
) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", dxSurveyService.serviceUrl + "/post/");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
var data = { postId: postId, surveyResult: JSON.stringify(result) };
if (clientId) data["clientId"] = clientId;
if (isPartialCompleted) data["isPartialCompleted"] = true;
var dataStringify: string = JSON.stringify(data);
var self = this;
xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = function() {
if (!onSendResult) return;
onSendResult(xhr.status == 200, xhr.response);
The required params are the postId and result json. You can get your postId from the MySurveys page of the service ( note that MySurveys page requires authorization).
This is a TypeScript code, but I'm sure it can easily be converted to the JS.

vline add remote stream for callee fail

I am trying to use your api in a custom app with imported users.
Everything works fine (auth_token, login, call initiation) , but when the callee should get a response and add the remotestream nothing happens. no errors get shown in the console.
I would appreciate if someone takes a look at the code and tells me what i m missing.
I tried the vline demo at and it worked with the same browsers and conditions between the two computers. In my app it is a http , but i tried it also with https, and the same problem came up. This is some simplified code i used to test the api.
var Streams = [];
var Vsession = null;
var Vline = (function(){
var Client;
var authToken;
var service_id = 'freeofcinema';
var profile = null;
var Person;
var Calls = [];
var onMessage = function(event){
var msg = event.message, sender = msg.getSender();
console.log(sender.getDisplayName() +'sais: '+ msg.getBody());
var onMediaSession = function(event){
var mediaSession =;
function Call(mediaSession) {
on('change', alert_info);
function alert_info(b){
function InitSession(mediaSession){
mediaSession.on('mediaSession:addRemoteStream', function(event) {
mediaSession.on('mediaSession:addLocalStream', function(event) {
mediaSession.on('mediaSession:removeLocalStream mediaSession:removeRemoteStream', function(event) {
Calls.push(new Call(mediaSession));
return {
init : function(){
profile = {
"displayName" : //some getusrname function...
$.post('vtoken.php',{//get auth token
id : Comm.Voip_user().id
authToken = data;
Client = vline.Client.create({
"serviceId": service_id,
"ui" : true
Client.on('recv:im', onMessage , this);
Client.on('add:mediaSession', onMediaSession, this);
Client.on('login', function(e) {
Vsession =;
//alert('loged in');
Client.login(service_id, profile, authToken);
getPerson : function(id){//id of user to call
Person = person;
Thank you for your response.
I tried with one user from the app, and another from the, and the same problem occured. Also the call (in pending state) gets terminated after a short while..
When passing ui:true when creating the client, you do not have to handle the media sessions yourself. Just comment the line Client.on('add:mediaSession', onMediaSession, this); and it should just work.

Deferring a Dojo Deferred

I'm having a bit of a problem getting a deferred returned from a method in a widget. The method is itself returns a Deferred as it's an xhrPost. The code is as such (using dojo 1.8)
Calling Code:
quorum = registry.byId("quorumPanel");
var deferredResponse = quorum.updateSelectionCount();
console.log("Success: ", data);
}, function(err){
console.log("Error: ", err);
and the code in the widget:
updateSelectionCount: function() {
var self = this;
var deferredResponse ={
url: "ajxclwrp.php",
content: [arguments here],
handleAs: "json"});
deferredResponse.then(function(response) {
var anotherDeferred = new Deferred();
var _boolA = true;
var _boolB = true;
dojo.forEach(response.result, function(relationshipInfo){
[do a bunch of stuff here too set _boolA and/or _boolB]
self.quorumInfo.innerHTML = quorumHtml;
// Below is not working
return anotherDeferred;
Do I need to set up another promise and use promise/all. Im confused/frustrated at this point.
the .then() method returns another deferred. You just need to put a return statement in.
updateSelectionCount: function() {
var self = this;
var deferredResponse ={
url: "ajxclwrp.php",
content: [arguments here],
handleAs: "json"});
return deferredResponse.then(function(response) {
var _boolA = true;
var _boolB = true;
dojo.forEach(response.result, function(relationshipInfo){
[do a bunch of stuff here too set _boolA and/or _boolB]
self.quorumInfo.innerHTML = quorumHtml;
return "foo";

PhoneGap FileTransfer with HTTP basic authentication

I'm attempting to upload a file from PhoneGap to a server using the FileTransfer method. I need HTTP basic auth to be enabled for this upload.
Here's the relevant code:
var options = new FileUploadOptions({
fileKey: "file",
params: {
id: my_id,
headers: { 'Authorization': _make_authstr() }
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload(image, 'http://locahost:8000/api/upload', success, error, options);
Looking over the PhoneGap source code it appears that I can specify the authorization header by including "headers" in the "params" list as I've done above:
JSONObject headers = params.getJSONObject("headers");
for (Iterator iter = headers.keys(); iter.hasNext();)
String headerKey =;
conn.setRequestProperty(headerKey, headers.getString(headerKey));
However, this doesn't seem to actually add the header.
So: is there a way to do HTTP basic auth with PhoneGap's FileTransfer, for both iPhone and Android?
You can add custom headers by adding them to the options rather than the params like so:
authHeaderValue = function(username, password) {
var tok = username + ':' + password;
var hash = btoa(tok);
return "Basic " + hash;
options.headers = {'Authorization': authHeaderValue('Bob', '1234') };
The correct location for the headers array is as an immediate child of options. options->headers. Not options->params->headers. Here is an example:
//Variables used below:
//1 - image_name: contains the actual name of the image file.
//2 - token: contains authorization token. In my case, JWT.
//3 - UPLOAD_URL: URL to which the file will be uploaded.
//4 - image_full_path - Full path for the picture to be uploaded.
var options = {
fileKey: "file",
fileName: 'picture',
chunkedMode: false,
mimeType: "multipart/form-data",
params : {'fileName': image_name}
var headers = {'Authorization':token};
//Here is the magic!
options.headers = headers;
//NOTE: I creaed a separate object for headers to better exemplify what
// is going on here. Obviously you can simply add the header entry
// directly to options object above.
$cordovaFileTransfer.upload(UPLOAD_URL, image_full_path, options).then(
function(result) {
//do whatever with the result here.
Here is the official documentation:
You can create a authorization header yourself. But you can also enter the credentials in the url like this:
var username = "test", password = "pass";
var uri = encodeURI("http://"+username + ':' + password +"#localhost:8000/api/upload");
See FileTransfer.js for the implementation (line 45):
function getBasicAuthHeader(urlString) {
var header = null;
// This is changed due to MS Windows doesn't support credentials in http uris
// so we detect them by regexp and strip off from result url
// Proof:
if (window.btoa) {
var credentials = getUrlCredentials(urlString);
if (credentials) {
var authHeader = "Authorization";
var authHeaderValue = "Basic " + window.btoa(credentials);
header = {
name : authHeader,
value : authHeaderValue
return header;

Node JS POST method with authorization

I can't find anything in the docs on exactly how to do this.
I need to make a Node js POST with authorization something similar to this in ruby:
url = URI.parse('')
req =
req.basic_auth 'jack', 'pass'
I am trying to essentially do this:
var client = http.createClient(80, '');
var rq = client.request('POST', '/path/',
'authorization' : [account, password]
'key': value,
Just encode the string account:password in base64 using a Buffer and set it has header with the key Authorization, prefixed with the word Basic.
Here's an example for us more ignorant (Improvements can be made!). Works for twitter's streaming API. Listen for response and then data, as per usual when making requests.
var hackClient = http.createClient(80, '');
var request = hackClient.request("GET", '/1/statuses/filter.json?'+querystring.stringify(params),{
"Authorization":"Basic " + new Buffer('user' + ":" + 'pass').toString('base64'),
"User-Agent": "Twitter-Node"
request.on('response', function(response) {
response.on('data', function(chunk) {
stream.receive(chunk); //example usage, no stream object in this example exists
response.on('error', function(error) {
stream.emit('error', error); //again, for example
response.on('end', function () {
request.on('error', function(error) {
stream.emit('error', error);