ActiveConnection Error - sql

I am just using sql store procedures inside classic asp to perform queries and data insertions etc. However I seem to be getting errors on the following:
.ActiveConnection = db
The only error I get is
error '80004005'
I get this error whenever I try calling a store procedure, whether it be a store procedure in a function file or in the actual file being executed. I seems to work if I put the connection details directly above it however it then fails for the next store procedure. I have never had this issue before and I can only think it may have something to do with the other process I am carrying out, which is reading data out of a CSV with with the data reader object. Thanks

Take a look at this which provides a nice list of different 80004005 error conditions and how to go about fixing them.
As #RogerSpear00 says it is hard to help if you don't post a fuller code snippet.


php pdo how to update records in mysql database using pdo php [duplicate]

This is my PHP SQL statement and it's returning false while var dumping
$sql = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO users(full_name, e_mail, username, password) VALUES (:fullname, :email, :username, :password)');
$result = $sql->execute(array(
':fullname' => $_GET['fullname'],
':email' => $_GET['email'],
':username' => $_GET['username'],
':password' => $password_hash));
Always have set PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE to PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION in your PDO connection code. It will let the database tell you what the actual problem is, be it with query, server, database or whatever. Also, make sure you can see PHP errors in general.
Always replace every PHP variable in the SQL query with a question mark, and execute the query using prepared statement. It will help to avoid syntax errors of all sorts.
Sometimes your PDO code produces an error like Call to a member function execute() or similar. Or even without any error but the query doesn't work all the same. It means that your query failed to execute.
Every time a query fails, MySQL has an error message that explains the reason. Unfortunately, by default such errors are not transferred to PHP, and all you have is a silence or a cryptic error message mentioned above. Hence it is very important to configure PHP and PDO to report you MySQL errors. And once you get the error message, it will be a no-brainer to fix the issue.
In order to get the detailed information about the problem, either put the following line in your code right after connect
(where $dbh is the name of your PDO instance variable) or - better - add this parameter as a connection option. After that all database errors will be translated into PDO exceptions which, if left alone, would act just as regular PHP errors.
After getting the error message, you have to read and comprehend it. It sounds too obvious, but learners often overlook the meaning of the error message. Yet most of time it explains the problem pretty straightforward:
Say, if it says that a particular table doesn't exist, you have to check spelling, typos, letter case. Also you have to make sure that your PHP script connects to a correct database
Or, if it says there is an error in the SQL syntax, then you have to examine your SQL. And the problem spot is right before the query part cited in the error message.
You have to also trust the error message. If it says that number of tokens doesn't match the number of bound variables then it is so. Same goes for absent tables or columns. Given the choice, whether it's your own mistake or the error message is wrong, always stick to the former. Again it sounds condescending, but hundreds of questions on this very site prove this advice extremely useful.
Note that in order to see PDO errors, you have to be able to see PHP errors in general. To do so, you have to configure PHP depends on the site environment:
on a development server it is very handy to have errors right on the screen, for which displaying errors have to be turned on:
while on a live site, all errors have to be logged, but never shown to the client. For this, configure PHP this way:
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
Note that error_reporting should be set to E_ALL all the time.
Also note that despite the common delusion, no try-catch have to be used for the error reporting. PHP will report you PDO errors already, and in a way better form. An uncaught exception is very good for development, yet if you want to show a customized error page, still don't use try catch for this, but just set a custom error handler. In a nutshell, you don't have to treat PDO errors as something special but regard them as any other error in your code.
Sometimes there is no error but no results either. Then it means, there is no data to match your criteria. So you have to admit this fact, even if you can swear the data and the criteria are all right. They are not. You have to check them again. I've short answer that would help you to pinpoint the matching issue, Having issue with matching rows in the database using PDO. Just follow this instruction, and the linked tutorial step by step and either have your problem solved or have an answerable question for Stack Overflow.
Some time ago I had the same problem of not seeing any error messages from mysql. After a research it turned out that the problem has got nothing to do with PHP itself, but with mysql server configuration. The default value of the variable lc_messages_dir pointed to non existing directory. After adding a line in mysqld.cnf, then restarted the mysql server, and finally I was able to see the error messages. For me the following was the right one:
It is described in the mysql reference manual:

WIS 10901 error while refreshing Webi report

While refreshing Webi report I am getting an error:
A database error occured. The database error text is: (CS) "Unexpected behavior" . (WIS 10901)
All the objects are parsing in the universe and Server is also responding. What can be the possible reason?
We are also able to run query in the database using database client tool.
If the error message appears after the a long time it might just be a timeout issue.
Else, you could try to import a version of the report that works in CMS to your local drive, rename it and run again.
It can be caused by some special character in the data combined with the fact that the server language settings do not foresee such character and therefore Business Objects cannot parse it for presentation.
If that is the case you might need to configure an environment variable of the server (like NLS_LANG) setting it to a value such that those special characters in your data can be handled by Business Objects.
In my situation, the error appera when some objet from the data base has changed or does not exists anymore. So we need to delete this object in the Universe or be sure that the field exists in the data base with the same name and type.
I had same problem with my reports. After couple hour of "investigation", I found.
I create Object in my universe, and set inappropriate type of object data Number, when value in database have type Character.
It throw me oracle Error (ORA-01722), and Bussiness Object error (WIS 10901), though SQL copied from report creator interface, executed directly on database return proper data.

Customize error messages in adp project - SQL 2005

Hi I have a adp/SQL project running with my db.
Everything is ok but is there a way to customize error messages.
Example: read user cannot update one field so he receives the standard SQL error msg. Is there a way to make it more user friendly?
If you're using stored procedures, you can raise a custom error message, or you can have an output procedure that is returned with the error message.
If you're using direct sql syntax, then you can check the ADO error object and convert it to some sort of user defined error message.
Hope that helps

SQL error:8152, but not over max?

I'm part of a team writing an ERP using , Seam, and Jboss, and on one of my pages, I keep getting an SQL error: 8152 whenever I try to input something. SQL error:8152, for those of you who don't know, is when you try to input a value over the maximum limit of the column.
I've double checked my entity and the database, and their maximum value limits are the same (50 nvarchars). In addition, I'm pretty sure that we're not using audit tables. I then put System.out.println(""); all over the place, and found that the error was happening in between these two println(s):
System.out.println("Flushing complete");
Which is part of a method that process all changes to the table. But I'm pretty new to programming and not sure what's going on.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance, Jeff.
P.s. Code on request, but I didn't post it because there is a lot of it all over the place.
I would verify the SQL that is being executed when the flush() is performed. That way you can see the length of your data and verify that it is too big as shown by the DB error.
If you are using Hibernate, you can output SQL to the console. You don't say what your DB is, but if it's SQL Server you can use the profiler to see what SQL is being executed.

Getting the SQL from a Doctrine Migration

I have been researching a way to get the SQL statements that are built by a generated Migration file. These extend Doctrine_Migration_Base. Essentially I would like to save the SQL as change scripts.
The execution path leads me to Doctrine_Export which has methods that build the SQL statement and executes them. I have found no way of asking for just them. The export methods found in Doctrine_Export only operate on Doctrine_Record models and not Migration scripts.
From the command line './doctrine migrate version#' the path goes:
create, drop, alter methods with sql
Has anyone tackled this before? I really would not like to change Doctrine base files. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Could you make a dev server, and do the migration on that, storing a SQL Trace as you go?you don't have to keep the results, but you would get a list of every command.
Taking into account Rob Farley's suggestion, I modified:
When the execute method is called the optional argument 'dryRun' is checked. If true
then a 'Doctrine_Connection_Profiler' instance is created. The 'dryRun' value is then passed onto
the 'Doctrine_Core::migrate' method. The 'dryRun' value of true allows the changes to rollback when done executing the SQL statements. When the method returns, the profiler is parsed and non-empty SQL statements
not containing 'migration_version' are saved and displayed to the terminal.