What's the difference between NSInvocation and block? - objective-c

when i say block i mean:
^(int a) {return a*a;};
besides, block is only support by iOS4 and above.
What is the difference between these two?

An NSInvocation is a message (using a selector) to an object, with optional parameters, which can be executed later (or now), and outside the current context (mind of course what you copy vs retain or reference if you move it). NSInvocation has the benefit that you can selectively copy/refer to exactly what you need.
The block is a secret local function definition, which is able to capture portions of the current thread's context, or altogether. It's also a little easier to configure than an NSInvocation because it automatically captures, copies, and retains the thread (or scope) local context. Blocks can increase your binary size slightly, similar to functions. If taken out of the local context (e.g. when you copy a block), blocks can require quite a bit more CPU time and memory - when compared to NSInvocation.

NSInvocation is an object that encapsulates a message call: the target object, the selector, the arguments and the return value. A block is an object that encapsulates a section of code and some information about the state of the program leading up to that section: specifically it records the variables on the call stack up to the creation of the block.
Both of these can clearly be used as callbacks: you can use an invocation to send a message to an object, or you can execute a block's code just like a function. What's different about them is the way you'd transport state in each case. With an invocation, you either need the target object or one of the parameters to represent the context in which the message is appearing. With a block, this context is captured automatically from the state when the block was created.

To put it very simply, NSInvocation is less powerful than blocks. It just encapsulates a single method call on a single object, whereas blocks can wrap many lines of arbitrary code. Even your very simple squaring block is impossible to represent using an invocation without support from an existing class that would do the squaring itself.


smalltalk: about method- "withArgs:executeMethod:"

I'm trying to understand the method "withArgs: executeMethod: " in smalltalk, squeak.
1. I am trying to understand what is the role of the method?
2. What arguments need to be passed to it for it to be carried out?
A good way to understand this method is by considering it as a syntactic variant of the general expression
object msg: arg (*)
where object is the receiver of the message with selector msg: and arg its argument. There are of course variants with no or multiple arguments, but the idea is the same.
When object receives this message (*) the Virtual Machine (VM) looks up for the CompiledMethod with selector msg: in the object's hierarchy, and transfers it the control, binding self to object and the formal argument of the method to arg.
Notice that this invocation is managed by the VM, no by the Virtual Image (VI). So, how could we reflect the same in the VI? Well, there are two steps in this behavior (1) find the method and (2) bind its formal receiver and arguments to the actual ones and let it run.
Step (1) is the so called lookup algorithm. It is easily implemented in Smalltalk: just ask the receiver its class, check whether the class includes the selector #msg: and, if not, go to the superclass and repeat. If all checks fail, issue the doesNotUnderstand: message.
Step (2) exactly requires what #withArgs:executeMethod: provides. It allows us to say
object withArgs: {arg} executeMethod: method
where method is the CompiledMethod found in step (1). [We have to use {arg} rather than arg because the plural in withArgs: suggests that the method expects an Array of arguments.]
Why would we want this?
Generally speaking, giving the VI the capability to mimic behavior implemented in the VM is good because it makes metaprogramming easier (and more natural).
More practically, a relevant example of the use of this capability is the implementation of Method Wrappers. Briefly described, given any particular method, you can wrap it (as the wrappee) inside a wrapper method, which also has a preBlock. If you then substitute the original method in the MethodDictionary where it belongs, with the wrapper, you can let the wrapper first execute the preBlock and then the intended method. The first task is easy: just send the message preBlock value. For the second we have the method (the wrappee), the receiver and the arguments (if any). So, to complete the task you only need to send to the receiver withArgs:executeMethod: with the actual argument(s) and the wrappee.
Ah! Let's not forget to mention that one of the reasons for having Method Wrappers is to measure testing coverage.
Note also that withArgs:executeMethod: does not require the second argument, i.e., the method to execute, to be in any class, let alone the class of the receiver. In particular, you could create a CompiledMethod on the fly and execute it on any given object. Of course, it is up to you to make sure that the execution will not crash the VM by, say, using the third ivar of the receiver if the receiver has only two etc. A simple way to create a CompiledMethod without installing it in any class is by asking the Smalltalk compiler to do so (look for senders of newCompiler to learn how to do that).

Objective C++ block semantics

Consider the following C++ method:
class Worker{
private Node *node
void Worker::Work()
NSBlockOperation *op=[NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock: ^{
Tool hammer(node);
What, exactly, does the block capture when it captures "node"? The language specification for blocks, http://clang.llvm.org/docs/BlockLanguageSpec.html, is clear for other cases:
Variables used within the scope of the compound statement are bound to the Block in the normal manner with the exception of those in automatic (stack) storage. Thus one may access functions and global variables as one would expect, as well as static local variables. [testme]
Local automatic (stack) variables referenced within the compound statement of a Block are imported and captured by the Block as const copies.
But here, do we capture the current value of this? A copy of this using Worker’s copy constructor? Or a reference to the place where node is stored?
In particular, suppose we say
Worker fred(someNode);
The object fred may not exist any more when the block gets run. What is the value of node? (Assume that the underlying Node objects live forever, but Workers come and go.)
If instead we wrote
void Worker::Work()
Node *myNode=node;
NSBlockOperation *op=[NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock: ^{
Tool hammer(myNode);
is the outcome different?
According to this page:
In general you can use C++ objects within a block. Within a member
function, references to member variables and functions are via an
implicitly imported this pointer and thus appear mutable. There are
two considerations that apply if a block is copied:
If you have a __block storage class for what would have been a
stack-based C++ object, then the usual copy constructor is used.
you use any other C++ stack-based object from within a block, it must
have a const copy constructor. The C++ object is then copied using
that constructor.
Empirically, I observe that it const copies the this pointer into the block. If the C++ instance pointed to by this is no longer at that address when the block executes (for instance, if the Worker instance on which Worker::Work() is called was stack-allocated on a higher frame), then you will get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS or worse (i.e. pointer aliasing). So it appears that:
It is capturing this, not copying instance variables by value.
Nothing is being done to keep the object pointed to by this alive.
Alternately, if I reference a locally stack-allocated (i.e. declared in this stack frame/scope) C++ object, I observe that its copy constructor gets called when it is initially captured by the block, and then again whenever the block is copied (for instance, by the operation queue when you enqueue the operation.)
To address your questions specifically:
But here, do we capture the current value of this? A copy of this using Worker’s copy constructor? Or a reference to the place where node is stored?
We capture this. Consider it a const-copy of an intptr_t if that helps.
The object fred may not exist any more when the block gets run. What is the value of node? (Assume that the underlying Node objects live forever, but Workers come and go.)
In this case, this has been captured by-value and node is effectively a pointer with the value this + <offset of node in Worker> but since the Worker instance is gone, it's effectively a garbage pointer.
I would infer no magic or other behavior other than exactly what's described in those docs.
In C++, when you write an instance variable node, without explicitly writing something->node, it is implicitly this->node. (Similar to how in Objective-C, if you write an instance variable node, without explicitly writing something->node, it is implicitly self->node.)
So the variable which is being used is this, and it is this that is captured. (Technically this is described in the standard as a separate expression type of its own, not a variable; but for all intents and purposes it acts as an implicit local variable of type Worker *const.) As with all non-__block variables, capturing it makes a const copy of this.
Blocks have memory management semantics when they capture a variable of Objective-C object pointer type. However, this does not have Objective-C object pointer type, so nothing is done with it in terms of memory management. (There is nothing that can be done in terms of C++ memory management anyway.) So yes, the C++ object pointed to by this could be invalid by the time the block runs.

what was the second parameter in "id (*IMP)(id, SEL, ...) " used for?

my question as the title says.obviously, the first parameter was used for this pointer , in some taste of c++.what about the second one? thak you.
The signature of objc_msgSend() is:
id objc_msgSend(id self, SEL op, ...);
Every method call is compiled down to a call to this function. I.e., if you call:
[anArray objectAtIndex:42];
That will be compiled as if it were:
objc_msgSend(anArray, #selector(objectAtIndex:), 42);
Now, to your question, why do methods get compiled down to a function that has the SEL as the second argument. Or, more specifically, why is this method:
- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
Exactly equivalent to this C function:
id object_at_index(id object, SEL _cmd, NSUInteger index);
The answer is speed speed speed.
Specifically, by doing this, then objc_msgSend() never has to rewrite the stack frame* and it can also use a tail call optimization to jump directly to the method invocation. This is the same reason why you never see objc_msgSend() in backtraces in the debugger (save for when you actually crash/break in the messenger).
objc_msgSend() uses the object and the _cmd to look up the implementation of the method and then, quite literally, jumps to that implementation.
Very fast. Stack frame untouched.
And, as others have stated, having _cmd around in the method implementation can be handy for a variety of reasons. As well, it also means that the messenger can do neat tricks like proxy support via NSInvocation and the like.
*rewriting the stack frame can be insanely complex and expensive. Some of the arguments might be in registers some of the time, etc... All architecture dependent ABI nastiness. One of the biggest challenges to writing things like imp_implementationWithBlock() was figuring out how to do so without touching the stack because doing so would have been too slow and too bloated to be viable.
The purpose of having the second parameter contain the selector is to enable a common dispatch mechanism. As such, the method dispatch code always expects the second parameter to be the selector, and dispatches based on that, or follows the inheritance chain up, or even creates an NSInvocation and calls forwardInvocation:.
Generally, only system-level routines use the selector argument, although it's rather nice to have it when you hit an exception or are in the debugger trying to figure out what routine is giving you difficulties if you are using forwardInvocation
From the documentation:
This data type is a pointer to the start of the function that implements the method. This function uses standard C calling conventions as implemented for the current CPU architecture. The first argument is a pointer to self (that is, the memory for the particular instance of this class, or, for a class method, a pointer to the metaclass). The second argument is the method selector. The method arguments follow.
In Objective-C when you call a method you need to know the target, the selector and the eventual arguments. Let's suppose that you are trying to do this manually: how can you know which method to call if you don't know the selector? Do you call some random method? No, you call the right method because you know the method name.

When do I release this block?

I was looking at some code in this thread How do you trigger a block after a delay, like -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:?. I was wondering, if the block does something asynchronously, when should the block be released?
Let's say I have code that looks like this:
- (void)testMethod:(id)parameter
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
SomeAsyncTask *t = [SomeAsyncTask withCompletionBlock:^{
[parameter doAction];
[self performSelector:#selector(executeBlock:)
dispatch_release(block); //I can release the block here because performSelector retains the block
- (void)executeBlock:(id)block
Is the key then, that the completion block in SomeASyncTask will retain the parameter so it's safe to release the block?
Ken Thomases's answer is correct. I want to give a more detailed response to your comments.
First, it is not clear whether you meant performSelector:withObject: or performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:, since performSelector:withObject: is a direct synchronous call, so [self performSelector:#selector(runBlock:) withObject:block_]; is identical to [self runBlock:block_]. I'll assume it's performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:, since performSelector:withObject: is less interesting.
Look at it step by step. performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: retains its argument, so you can release it after giving the block to it. And performSelector:... retains it through the performance of its selector. So during the runBlock, the block is valid because it is still retained by performSelector:.... During the execution of the block, it is still valid (since it is still inside the execution of runBlock). doSomethingAsynchronouslyWithCompletionBlock must retain its argument if it is asynchronous. And so on.
But you don't need to look at it that way. Once you think through it, you will realize that the memory management rules are made so that you don't need to worry about what other code does, only what you need locally.
The memory management rules boil down to the following conditions: Every function / method expects its arguments to be valid when it is called (which usually means through the duration of the function call, since the calling function does not run during this time, so how can it become invalid, unless this function does something which indirectly removes it (like removing from a dictionary)?); and does not have any expectations about how long it will remain valid after the function call. That's it. Everything follows from this.
For example, in your doWork, you only care about how long you need to use the block. Since you don't need it after performSelector:..., you can safely release it. It doesn't matter that performSelector:... might do something with it asynchronously; you may not even know that it is asynchronous (e.g. you could be choosing an unknown method to call dynamically). The point is, what it does doesn't matter. Why? Because the performSelector:... does not assume the argument to be valid any longer than when you called it. So if it needs to keep it longer (and it does), it must retain it (but you don't need to know this). And it will retain it for as long as it needs it.
Similarly, runBlock can assume that the argument it was given is valid for the duration of its call. Since it does not need to keep it around for longer (all it does is call the block), it does not need to retain it. The block does not change this. Why? Again, because the block does not assume its arguments (including the block itself) is valid after its call, so runBlock doesn't need to guarantee it. If the block calls doSomethingAsynchronouslyWithCompletionBlock, that's fine. doSomethingAsynchronouslyWithCompletionBlock does not assume anything is valid beyond its call, so if it is truly asynchronous, it must retain it somewhere. etc.
You can release it immediately after invoking -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:. (I assume you meant to use the after-delay variant.) As usual, you are responsible for your memory management and other code is responsible for its memory management. Which is another way of saying that -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: has to retain the receiver and the object that's passed in until after the selector has been performed.
Edited to add: By the way, why wouldn't you use dispatch_after() as illustrated in the answer to the question to which you linked?
I might just try passing an array with the arguments.

If blocks are objects, how do they keep internal state and what are their advantages over regular objects?

I was under the impression that blocks were supposed to resemble first-class functions and allow for lambda calc-style constructs. From a previous question however, I was told they are actually just objects.
Then I have 2 questions really:
Besides the feature of having access to their defining scope, which
I guess makes them usable in a way resembling C++ "friendship", why
would one go for a block instead of an object then? Are they more
lightweight? Because if not I might as well keep passing objects as
parameters instead of blocks.
Do blocks have a way of keeping an internal state? for instance,
some variable declared inside the block which will retain its value
across invocations.
Besides the feature of having access to their defining scope, which I guess makes them usable in a way resembling C++ "friendship", why would one go for a block instead of an object then?
Flexibility. Less to implement. A block is able to represent more than a parameter list or specific object type.
Are they more lightweight?
Not necessarily. Just consider them another tool in the toolbox, and use them where appropriate (or required).
Do blocks have a way of keeping an internal state? for instance, some variable declared inside the block which will retain its value across invocations.
Yes, they are able to perform reference counting as well as copy stack objects. That doesn't necessarily make them lighter-weight to use than an object representing the parameters you need.
What's the difference between NSInvocation and block?
blocks were supposed to resemble first-class functions [...] they are actually just objects.
They are in fact first-class functions, implemented for the purposes of ObjC as objects. In plain-C, where they are also available, they have a closely-related but non-object-based implementation. You can think about them in whichever way is most convenient at the moment.
why would one go for a block instead of an object then?
A block is an executable chunk of code which automatically captures variables from its enclosing scope. The state and actions of a custom object have to be more explicitly handled, and are less generic; you can't use any old object as a completion argument, whereas an executable object fits that bill perfectly.
Do blocks have a way of keeping an internal state? for instance, some variable declared inside the block which will retain its value across invocations.
Sure, you can declare a static variable just like you could with a function or method:
void (^albatross)(void);
albatross = ^{
static int notoriety;
NSLog(#"%d", notoriety++);