Magento API, Return Orders with NULL values - api

Using the magento api version 1 and soap.
Need to return all orders with 'coupon_code'=> NULL
The call I'm attempting:
$order_listAR = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'sales_order.list', array(array('coupon_code'=>array('null'=>'null'))));
The ouput I want returned is this:
array(237) {
string(8) "complete"
string(8) "complete"
["coupon_code"]=> NULL
So far this seems to work properly, but I'm not sure if ('null'=>'null') is the proper way to find NULL values in the array. Can someone explain why this works, and, or if this is the correct syntax? I don't have any margin for error on this.

Yes, the syntax you use is correct to filter against null.
'coupon_code' => array(
'null' => 'this_value_doesnt_matter'
Magento maps* the API method sales_order.list to Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Api::items().
public function items($filters = null)
$collection = Mage::getModel("sales/order")->getCollection()
if (is_array($filters)) {
try {
foreach ($filters as $field => $value) {
if (isset($this->_attributesMap['order'][$field])) {
$field = $this->_attributesMap['order'][$field];
$collection->addFieldToFilter($field, $value);
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
$this->_fault('filters_invalid', $e->getMessage());
The items() method uses a Mage_Sales_Model_Resource_Order_Collection to fetch the orders for the API call. That collection is based on Varien_Data_Collection_Db, so
$collection->addFieldToFilter($field, $value)
from above essentially does call
If you follow the latter, you'll hit Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql::prepareSqlCondition() in the end, params being
$fieldName = 'coupon_code'
$condition = array('null' => 'null')
Excerpt of that method:
public function prepareSqlCondition($fieldName, $condition)
$conditionKeyMap = array(
'eq' => "{{fieldName}} = ?",
'notnull' => "{{fieldName}} IS NOT NULL",
'null' => "{{fieldName}} IS NULL",
'sneq' => null
$query = '';
if (is_array($condition)) {
$key = key(array_intersect_key($condition, $conditionKeyMap));
if (isset($condition['from']) || isset($condition['to'])) {
} elseif (array_key_exists($key, $conditionKeyMap)) {
$value = $condition[$key];
if (($key == 'seq') || ($key == 'sneq')) {
$query = $this->_prepareQuotedSqlCondition($conditionKeyMap[$key], $value, $fieldName);
} else {
In your case _prepareQuotedSqlCondition() will be called with
$text = '{{fieldName}} IS NULL'
$value = 'null'
$fieldName = 'coupon_code'
which will result in $query = 'coupon_code IS NULL'.
If you take a closer look at the conversion method
protected function _prepareQuotedSqlCondition($text, $value, $fieldName)
$sql = $this->quoteInto($text, $value);
$sql = str_replace('{{fieldName}}', $fieldName, $sql);
return $sql;
you'll also see, why the value of the 'null' => 'null' key/value pair does not matter at all. That's because $text will be '{{fieldName}} IS NULL', i.e. not containing any binding ?.
Hence, there's nothing to replace for _quoteInto()^^
* see app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/api.xml


Implement Phalcon 4 Database Existence validator (similar to Uniqueness)

Often I need to validate if given value is existing in certain column (attribute) of a table (model).
This can be useful in foreign keys of a model, to check if the given values exists.
Most probably the validation logic can be mostly the same as for Uniqueness, except the comparison here can be something like > 0.
A possible usage scenario could be like below:
new ExistenceOnDbValidator(
'model' => Organization::class,
'expr'=> ' id = %s ',
'excludeNullValue'=> true,
'message' => 'Organization does not exist.',
Finally I implemented myself a validator called ExistenceOnDbValidator and it works fine.
$validator = new Validation();
new ExistenceOnDbValidator(
'model' => Organization::class,
'expr' => ' id = %s ',
'ignoreNullValue' => false,
'message' => 'Selected organization does not exist.',
use Phalcon\Messages\Message;
use Phalcon\Validation;
use Phalcon\Validation\AbstractValidator;
use Phalcon\Validation\ValidatorInterface;
class ExistenceOnDb extends AbstractValidator implements ValidatorInterface
public function validate(Validation $validator, $attribute): bool
$expr = $this->getOption('expr');
$model = $this->getOption('model');
$value = $validator->getValue($attribute);
$ignoreNullValue = true;
if ($this->hasOption('ignoreNullValue')) {
$ignoreNullValue = $this->getOption('ignoreNullValue');
if ((is_null($value) || empty($value)) && $ignoreNullValue == true) {
return true;
$expr = sprintf(
$result = $model::findFirst($expr);
if ((is_null($result) || empty($result))) {
$message = $this->getOption('message');
$validator->appendMessage(new Message($message));
return false;
return true;

Yii2-How to access a variable from model to a controller?

I am working on yii2. I have came across a point in which I have to send an email to a person when a meter is installed and it's images are uploaded to the server. Fro this I have already configured the swift mailer.
There is a model named Installations which have a function which saves all the installation data.
public static function saveAll($inputs){
$coutner = 0;
$arr_status = [];
foreach ($inputs as $input) {
$s = new Installations;
foreach ((array)$input as $key => $value) {
if($key != 'image_names') {
if ($s->hasAttribute($key)) {
$s->$key = $value;
$user = Yii::$app->user;
if (isset($input->auth_key) && Users::find()->where(['auth_key' => $input->auth_key])->exists()) {
$user = Users::find()->where(['auth_key' => $input->auth_key])->one();
$s->created_by = $user->id;
if (Installations::find()->where(['ref_no' => $input->ref_no])->exists()) {
$arr_status[] = ['install_id' => $input->install_id, 'status' => 2, 'messages' => "Ref # Already exists"];
$s->sync_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:sā€Šā€Š');
if ($s->istallation_status == 'Installed') {
Meters::change_status_byinstall($s->meter_msn, Meters::$status_titles[4]);
else if ($s->istallation_status != 'Installed' && $s->comm_status =='Failed')
Meters::change_status_byinstall($s->meter_msn, Meters::$status_titles[5]);
$arr_status[] = ['install_id' => $input->install_id, 'status' => 1];
if (isset($input->doc_images_name)) {
foreach ($input->doc_images_name as $img) {
$image = new InstallationImages;
$image->image_name = $img->image_name;
$image->installation_id = $s->id;
if (isset($input->site_images_name)) {
foreach ($input->site_images_name as $img2) {
$image2 = new InstallationImagesSite;
$image2->image_name = $img2->image_name;
$image2->installation_id = $s->id;
$arr_status[] = ['install_id' => $input->install_id, 'status' => 0, 'messages' => $s->errors];
$status = $s->istallation_status;
$msn = $s->meter_msn;
$com = $s->comm_status;
// want to pass these variables to the controller function
return ['status' => 'OK', 'details' => $arr_status, 'records_saved' => $coutner];
Now There Is a Controller name InstallationController. This controller contains all the APIs for my mobile application. Below are two main functions in it
public function actionAddnew()
$fp = fopen('debugeeeeeee.txt', 'w+');
fwrite($fp, file_get_contents('php://input'));
$inputs = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
return Installations::saveAll($inputs);
public function actionSavephoto()
try {
$count = 0;
foreach ($_FILES as $f) {
$dd = pathinfo($f['name']);
if (!isset($dd['extension']) || !in_array($dd['extension'], array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'))) {
return ['status' => 'ERROR', 'uploaded_files' => $count, 'message' => 'Invalid File'];
if (move_uploaded_file($f['tmp_name'], Installations::UPLOAD_FOLDER . $f['name'])) {
return ['status' => 'OK', 'uploaded_files' => $count];
} else {
return ['status' => 'ERROR', 'uploaded_files' => $count];
} catch (Exception $x) {
return ['status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => $x->getMessage()];
The mobile application will call the Addnew() api and after that it will call the savephoto. Now I want to pass $msn,$status and $com values from the Model to the controller function Savephoto.
For this I have tried to use session variables but still I am unable to get by desired result(s).
I have also checked the question Yii, how to pass variables to model from controller?
but it didn't worked for me.
How can I achieve it?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
The only way to get those values out of saveAll() is to return them. Presently, they are defined on an object in $s that is overwritten each loop. The best way to do that seems to be creating an array outside of your foreach ($inputs... loop and appending each created Installations object.
Return that at the end, and pass it (or just the relevant element from it) into actionSavephoto() as a parameter. Then, those values will be accessible of properties of that passed object. This handling will occur in the code that is not pictured which calls actionAddNew() and then actionSavephoto()

get values between two dates in silverstripe

i have added two date fields. i want to retrieve the data between those two table.PaymentDate and ChequePostedDate are two fields. so i need to get the rows between two dates.
simply search content have two date fields. i want to retrieve the rows(data) between those two dates
public function __construct($modelClass, $fields = null, $filters = null) {
$fields = new FieldList(array(
DateField::create('PaymentDate','Payment Date : from')
->setConfig('dateformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
->setConfig('showcalendar', true)
_t('FormField.Example', 'e.g. %s', 'Example format'),
DateField::create('ChequePostedDate','cr Date : to')
->setConfig('dateformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
->setConfig('showcalendar', true)
_t('FormField.Example', 'e.g. %s', 'Example format'),
$filters = array(
'PaymentDate' => new PartialMatchFilter('PaymentDate'),
'ChequePostedDate' => new PartialMatchFilter('ChequePostedDate'),
parent::__construct($modelClass, $fields, $filters);
public function getQuery($searchParams, $sort = false, $limit = false, $existingQuery = null) {
$dataList = parent::getQuery($searchParams, $sort, $limit, $existingQuery);
$params = is_object($searchParams) ? $searchParams->getVars() : $searchParams;
$query = $dataList->dataQuery();
if(!is_object($searchParams)) {
if (isset($params['PaymentDate'])&& $params['ChequePostedDate'] ) {
$query->where('`PaymentNote`.PaymentDate BETWEEN \''.$params['PaymentDate'].' \' AND \''.$params['ChequePostedDate'].'\'');
return $dataList->setDataQuery($query);
You can also use WithinRangeFilter something like the following, but you need to use the setMin(), setMax() methods as per this forum response:
public function getQuery($searchParams, $sort = false, $limit = false, $existingQuery = null) {
$dataList = parent::getQuery($searchParams, $sort, $limit, $existingQuery);
$params = is_object($searchParams) ? $searchParams->getVars() : $searchParams;
$query = $dataList->dataQuery();
if(!is_object($searchParams)) {
if (!empty($params['PaymentDate'] && !empty($params['ChequePostedDate'])) {
return $dataList->filter('PaymentDate:WithinRange', [$params['PaymentDate'], $params['ChequePostedDate']]);
return $dataList;
i solved it..
simply remove $filters
$filters = array(
// 'PaymentDate' => new PartialMatchFilter('PaymentDate'),
//'ChequePostedDate' => new PartialMatchFilter('ChequePostedDate'),
then it works

Laravel4: WhereHas Eloquent Issue (nested). callback function error

I tried doing a search function where the only field would be an <input type='text' /> it'll be stripped into an array() then passed to a whereLoop.
static function generateSearch($fields, $queryString)
return function($query) use($queryString, $fields)
foreach($fields as $field) {
$query = $query->orWhere($field, 'like', $queryString);
$query = $query->whereHas('category', function($_query) use ($queryString)
public static function search($query)
$searchBits = explode(' ', $query);
$query = Lead::with(array('user', 'category'));
$ctr = 0;
if(Category::whereIn('name', $searchBits)->count() != 0) {
$query = $query->whereHas('category', function($query) use ($searchBits)
$ctr = 0;
foreach($searchBits as $bit) {
$bit = "%".$bit."%";
$callback = "orWhere";
$queryFunc = Lead::generateSearch(array('name'), $bit);
if($ctr == 0) {
$callback = "where";
$query = $query->$callback($queryFunc);
}else {
foreach($searchBits as $bit) {
$bit = "%".$bit."%";
$callback = "orWhere";
$queryFunction = Lead::generateSearch(array('name', 'website', 'name', 'email'), $bit);
if($ctr == 0) {
$callback = "where";
$query = $query->$callback($queryFunction);
$query = $query->orderBy('id','desc');
return $query;
Category only has ONE row as of the moment: its - "hot"
if i type in any keyword, it'll directly go to generateSearch()
but if i type in "hot", it'll send an error
Call to undefined method
does anybody know what's up?
found the error. after looking deep within the callstack. i should not have added the
$query = $query->whereHas('category', function($_query) use ($queryString)
inside the generateSearch() or i should create another function for it. its being called by category callback as well.

CakePHP Auth Component Using 2 Tables

CakePHP Version 1.2.5
I would like a single user to have multiple email addresses.
I would like a single user to have a single password.
I would like users to log in using any of their multiple email addresses and their single password.
I have created a users table with an id and a password field.
I have created a user_email_addresses table with an id field a user_id field and an email_address field.
How do I modify the auth component minimally to look for the "username" in this case, "email_address", in the user_email_addresses table and the "password" in the users table?
Seems as though modifying the identify method in the auth component might do it. But I think modifying the auth component directly is a bad idea - any ideas on how to extend and still possibly modify the identify method? or possibly nominate a different authenticate object?
Starting line 774:
function identify($user = null, $conditions = null) {
if ($conditions === false) {
$conditions = null;
} elseif (is_array($conditions)) {
$conditions = array_merge((array)$this->userScope, $conditions);
} else {
$conditions = $this->userScope;
if (empty($user)) {
$user = $this->user();
if (empty($user)) {
return null;
} elseif (is_object($user) && is_a($user, 'Model')) {
if (!$user->exists()) {
return null;
$user = $user->read();
$user = $user[$this->userModel];
} elseif (is_array($user) && isset($user[$this->userModel])) {
$user = $user[$this->userModel];
if (is_array($user) && (isset($user[$this->fields['username']]) || isset($user[$this->userModel . '.' . $this->fields['username']]))) {
if (isset($user[$this->fields['username']]) && !empty($user[$this->fields['username']]) && !empty($user[$this->fields['password']])) {
if (trim($user[$this->fields['username']]) == '=' || trim($user[$this->fields['password']]) == '=') {
return false;
$find = array(
$this->userModel.'.'.$this->fields['username'] => $user[$this->fields['username']],
$this->userModel.'.'.$this->fields['password'] => $user[$this->fields['password']]
} elseif (isset($user[$this->userModel . '.' . $this->fields['username']]) && !empty($user[$this->userModel . '.' . $this->fields['username']])) {
if (trim($user[$this->userModel . '.' . $this->fields['username']]) == '=' || trim($user[$this->userModel . '.' . $this->fields['password']]) == '=') {
return false;
$find = array(
$this->userModel.'.'.$this->fields['username'] => $user[$this->userModel . '.' . $this->fields['username']],
$this->userModel.'.'.$this->fields['password'] => $user[$this->userModel . '.' . $this->fields['password']]
} else {
return false;
$model =& $this->getModel();
$data = $model->find(array_merge($find, $conditions), null, null, 0);
if (empty($data) || empty($data[$this->userModel])) {
return null;
} elseif (!empty($user) && is_string($user)) {
$model =& $this->getModel();
$data = $model->find(array_merge(array($model->escapeField() => $user), $conditions));
if (empty($data) || empty($data[$this->userModel])) {
return null;
if (!empty($data)) {
if (!empty($data[$this->userModel][$this->fields['password']])) {
return $data[$this->userModel];
return null;
AuthComponent::identify() takes two parameters, $user and $conditions
if ($conditions === false) {
$conditions = null;
} elseif (is_array($conditions)) {
$conditions = array_merge((array)$this->userScope, $conditions);
} else {
$conditions = $this->userScope;
Looking at the above snippet, if you pass false as the $conditions, the method will execute with no model conditions.
Also, looking at the rest of the code, if you pass a $user value of type string, it won't execute most of the user-related code until it gets here:
} elseif (!empty($user) && is_string($user)) {
$model =& $this->getModel();
$data = $model->find(array_merge(array($model->escapeField() => $user), $conditions));
if (empty($data) || empty($data[$this->userModel])) {
return null;
Here it runs Model::escapeField(), with no parameters, which returns an escaped version of (by default) and maps this field to the string that was passed in. It then merges this with the $conditions array and performs a Model::find().
It should be safe to say that if the string is the user's ID and there are no conditions it will find the person with that ID every time.
As such, you should be able to extend AuthComponent to do what you want like so:
// app/controllers/components/app_auth.php
App::import('Component', 'Auth');
class AppAuthComponent extends AuthComponent {
* Custom user identification
function identify($user=null, $conditions=null) {
// get the model AuthComponent is configured to use
$model =& $this->getModel(); // default is User
// do a query that will find a User record when given successful login data
$user = $model->find('first', array('conditions' => array(
'EmailAddress.' . $this->fields['username'] => $user[$this->userModel][$this->fields['username']],
'User.' . $this->fields['password'] => $user[$this->userModel][$this->fields['password']],
// return null if user invalid
if (!$user) {
return null; // this is what AuthComponent::identify would return on failure
// call original AuthComponent::identify with string for $user and false for $conditions
return parent::identify($user[$this->userModel][$model->primaryKey], false);
You will have to replace all references to Auth with AppAuth in your application unless you follow this handy tip (the approach in the comments is nice).