How to disable ParseKit's default Parsers? - objective-c

From Parsekit: how to match individual quote characters?
If you define a parser:
#start = int;
int = /[+-]?[0-9]+/
Unfortunately it isn't going to be parsing any integers prefixed with a "+", unless you include:
#numberState = "+" // at the top.
In the number parse above, the "Symbol" default parser wasn't even mentioned, yet it is still active and overrides user defined parsers.
Okay so with numbers you can still fix it by adding the directive. What if you're trying to create a parser for "++"? I haven't found any directive that can make the following parser work.
#start = plusplus;
plusplus = "++";
The effects of default parsers on the user parser seems so arbitrary. Why can't I parse "++"?
Is it possible to just turn off default Parsers altogether? They seem to get in the way if I'm not doing something common.
Or maybe I've got it all wrong.
I've found a parser that would parse plus plus:
#start = plusplus;
plusplus = plus plus;
plus = "+";
I am guessing the answer is: the literal symbols defined in your parser cannot overlap between default parsers; It must be contained completely by at least once of them.

Developer of ParseKit here.
I have a few responses.
I think you'll find the ParseKit API highly elegant and sensible, the more you learn. Keep in mind that I'm not tooting my own horn by saying that. Although I built ParseKit, I did not design the ParseKit API. Rather, the design of ParseKit is based almost entirely on the designs found in Steven Metsker's Building Parsers In Java. I highly recommend you checkout the book if you want to deeply understand ParseKit. Plus it's a fantastic book about parsing in general.
You're confusing Tokenizer States with Parsers. They are two distinct things, but the details are more complex than I can answer here. Again, I recommend Metsker's book.
In the course of answering your question, I did find a small bug in ParseKit. Thanks! However, it was not affecting your outcome described above as you were not using the correct grammar to get the outcome it seems you were looking for. You'll need to update your source code from The Google Code Project now, or else my advice below will not work for you.
Now to answer your question.
I think you are looking for a grammar which both recognizes ++ as a single multi-char Symbol token and also recognizes numbers with leading + chars as explicitly-positive numbers rather than a + Symbol token followed by a Number token.
The correct grammar I believe you are looking for is something like this:
#symbols = '++'; // declare ++ as a multi-char symbol
#numberState = '+'; // allow explicitly-positive numbers
#start = (Number|Symbol)*;
Input like this:
++ +1 -2 + 3 ++
Will be tokenized like so:
[++, +1, -2, +, 3, ++]++/+1/-2/+/3/++^
Two reminders:
Again, you will need to update your source code now to see this work correctly. I had to fix a bug in this case.
This stuff is tricky, and I recommend reading Metsker's book to fully understand how ParseKit works.


ANTLR4 and parsing a type-length-value format

I am trying create a grammar for a format that follows a type-length-value convention. Can ANTLR4 read in a length value and then parse that many characters?
NO ...
From your question (which is very short so I could miss something ...) I gather you are mixing grammar and encoding rules.
When you say type-length-value, it sounds like an encoding rule to me (how to serialize a data). In my experience, you write this code yourself.
A grammar is at a higher level: it's a piece of text that describes something. Antlr will help you breaking this text into tokens and then into a tree that you can navigate.
This step only handles text: if you were going that way to solve your problem, you would still have to handle type, length and value yourself.
with a bit of googling I found this

Using a ParseKit grammar to parse timestamps

I've a fairly simple question about ParseKit and parsing timestamps... how do I go about forcing the symbolic-nature of a dot/period.
For example, if I am trying to parse 2008-01-25, I could use something like date = /\d{4}/ '-' /\d{2}/ '-' /\d{2}/. In fact, there is a date.grammar shipped with ParseKit that does exactly this (interestingly enough, though, the provided grammar doesn't work in the DemoApp unless you add #symbolState='-';, but I digress...)
However, what do I do if I want to parse a date with dots in it... for example, 2008.01.25 or 2008-01-25-12.34.45. I've tried added '.' to the #symbolState directive but it just keeps getting ignored. Note that I am relying on the DemoApp to test my grammars at the moment... not sure if that makes any difference.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Developer of ParseKit here.
First, thanks for the heads up on the bug in the date.grammar file. I have fixed it.
As for your main question, I'm pretty sure what you are trying was not possible with ParseKit until now.
That is, ParseKit's tokenizer (PKTokenizer) was not able to produce only whole number Number tokens. Numbers were always tokenized as floating point which means it was impossible to parse input like 3.14 as three separate tokens 3 (Number) . (Symbol) 14 (Number). Rather it would always be tokenized as 3.14.
Good news: I've added this capability with a new method:
-[PKNumberState allowsFloatingPoint]
which defaults to YES.
And I added a matching Tokenizer Directive which you can use in your ParseKit Grammars like:
#allowsFloatingPoint = NO;
NOTE you'll need to checkout the latest HEAD of trunk on Google Code to see this feature.
So, here's an example date grammar which does roughly what you were asking for with the new feature:
#symbolState = '.';
#allowsFloatingPoint = NO;
#start = date;
date = year dot month dot day;
year = /\d{4}/;
month = /\d{2}/;
day = /\d{2}/;
dot = '.';
I'm wondering if a simpler idea might be to get parseKit to simply parse the date as a string, and then hand it off to the NSDate::dateWithNaturalLanguageString:locale: orNSDate::dateWithNaturalLanguageString: for processing.

Objective-C ParseKit Errors

I'm going through the ParseKit example and trying to modify it to suit my needs and running into this problem. As soon as I pass in the grammar file to parserFromGrammar:assembler, I get an error:
[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array
I thought maybe it was because my grammar files had token names with underscores in them. Does ParseKit support underscores? What would the method name be that gets called back? Aka would the token name "foo_bar" call a method didMatchFoo_bar?
I then took out all the underscored names and it still gives me that error. I'm using the example grammar file from the ParseKit website:
#start = sentence+;
sentence = adjectives 'beer' '.';
adjectives = cold adjective*;
adjective = cold | freezing;
cold = 'cold';
freezing = 'freezing';
Developer of ParseKit here. 2 things:
To answer your first question, I believe the answer is YES.
I just tried out the grammar and it seems to work for me. However, I am using the latest version of ParseKit from Google Code (not GitHub. GitHub is out of date. sorry.)
So checkout ParseKit from Google Code here:
And then select the "DebugApp" target and "DebugApp" Executable and run.
In the Xcode project, do a global search for "cold freezing beer". you'll see I've added your example as the default example run in DebugApp. Seems to work ok.

Bison input analyzer - basic question on optional grammar and input interpretation

I am very new to Flex/Bison, So it is very navie question.
Pardon me if so. May look like homework question - but I need to implement project based on below concept.
My question is related to two parts,
Question 1
In Bison parser, How do I provide rules for optional input.
Like, I need to parse the statment
Example :
-country='USA' -state='INDIANA' -population='100' -ratio='0.5' -comment='Census study for Indiana'
Here the ratio token can be optional. Similarly, If I have many tokens optional, then How do I provide the grammar in the parser for the same?
My code looks like,
%start program
where all the tokens are defined in the lexer. Since there are many tokens which are optional, If I use "|" then there will be many different ways of input combination possible.
Question 2
There are good chance that the comment might have quotes as part of the input, so I have added a token -tag which user can provide to interpret the same,
Example :
-country='USA' -state='INDIANA' -population='100' -ratio='0.5' -comment='Census study for Indiana$'s population' -tag=$
Now, I need to reinterpret Indiana$'s as Indiana's since -tag=$.
Please provide any input or related material for to understand these topic.
Q1: I am assuming we have 4 possible tokens: NAME , '-', '=' and VALUE
Then the grammar could look like this:
attr attrs
| attr
'-' NAME '=' VALUE
Note that, unlike you make specific attribute names distinguished tokens, there is no way to say "We must have country, state and population, but ratio is optional."
This would be the task of that part of the program that analyses the data produced by the parser.
Q2: I understand this so, that you think of changing the way lexical analysis works while the parser is running. This is not a good idea, at least not for a beginner. Have you even started to think about lexical analysis, as opposed to parsing?

How to Parse Some Wiki Markup

Hey guys, given a data set in plain text such as the following:
* [[312]] – [[Constantine the Great]] is said to have received his famous [[Battle of Milvian Bridge#Vision of Constantine|Vision of the Cross]].
* [[710]] – [[Saracen]] invasion of [[Sardinia]].
* [[939]] – [[Edmund I of England|Edmund I]] succeeds [[Athelstan of England|Athelstan]] as [[King of England]].
*[[1275]] – Traditional founding of the city of [[Amsterdam]].
*[[1524]] – [[Italian Wars]]: The French troops lay siege to [[Pavia]].
*[[1553]] – Condemned as a [[Heresy|heretic]], [[Michael Servetus]] is [[burned at the stake]] just outside [[Geneva]].
*[[1644]] – [[Second Battle of Newbury]] in the [[English Civil War]].
*[[1682]] – [[Philadelphia]], [[Pennsylvania]] is founded.
I would like to end up with an NSDictionary or other form of collection so that I can have the year (The Number on the left) mapping to the excerpt (The text on the right). So this is what the 'template' is like:
Though I would like the excerpt to be plain text, that is, no wiki markup so no [[ sets. Actually, this could prove difficult with alias links such as [[Edmund I of England|Edmund I]].
I am not all that experienced with regular expressions so I have a few questions. Should I first try to 'beautify' the data? For example, removing the first line which will always be ==Events==, and removing the [[ and ]] occurrences?
Or perhaps a better solution: Should I do this in passes? So for example, the first pass I can separate each line into * [[710]] and [[Saracen]] invasion of [[Sardinia]]. and store them into different NSArrays.
Then go through the first NSArray of years and only get the text within the [[]] (I say text and not number because it can be 530 BC), so * [[710]] becomes 710.
And then for the excerpt NSArray, go through and if an [[some_article|alias]] is found, make it only be [[alias]] somehow, and then remove all of the [[ and ]] sets?
Is this possible? Should I use regular expressions? Are there any ideas you can come up with for regular expressions that might help?
Thanks! I really appreciate it.
EDIT: Sorry for the confusion, but I only want to parse the above data. Assume that that's the only type of markup that I will encounter. I'm not necessarily looking forward to parsing wiki markup in general, unless there is already a pre-existing library which does this. Thanks again!
This code assumes you are using RegexKitLite:
NSString *data = #"* [[312]] – [[Constantine the Great]] is said to have received his famous [[Battle of Milvian Bridge#Vision of Constantine|Vision of the Cross]].\n\
* [[710]] – [[Saracen]] invasion of [[Sardinia]].\n\
* [[939]] – [[Edmund I of England|Edmund I]] succeeds [[Athelstan of England|Athelstan]] as [[King of England]].\n\
*[[1275]] – Traditional founding of the city of [[Amsterdam]].";
NSString *captureRegex = #"(?i)(?:\\* *\\[\\[)([0-9]*)(?:\\]\\] \\– )(.*)";
NSRange captureRange;
NSRange stringRange;
stringRange.location = 0;
stringRange.length = data.length;
captureRange = [data rangeOfRegex:captureRegex inRange:stringRange];
if ( captureRange.location != NSNotFound )
NSString *year = [data stringByMatching:captureRegex options:RKLNoOptions inRange:stringRange capture:1 error:NULL];
NSString *textStuff = [data stringByMatching:captureRegex options:RKLNoOptions inRange:stringRange capture:2 error:NULL];
stringRange.location = captureRange.location + captureRange.length;
stringRange.length = data.length - stringRange.location;
NSLog(#"Year:%#, Stuff:%#", year, textStuff);
while ( captureRange.location != NSNotFound );
Note that you really need to study up on RegEx's to build these well, but here's what the one I have is saying:
Ignore case, I could have left that out since I'm not matching letters.
(?:\* *\[\[)
?: means don't capture this block, I escape * to match it, then there are zero or more spaces (" *") then I escape out two brackets (since brackets are also special characters in a regex).
Grab anything that is a number.
(?:\]\] \– )
Here's where we ignore stuff again, basically matching " – ". Note any "\" in the regex, I have to add another one to in the Objective-C string above since "\" is a special character in a string... and yes that means matching a regex escaped single "\" ends up as "\\" in an Obj-C string.
Just grab anything else, by default the RegEX engine will stop matching at the end of a line which is why it doesn't just match everything else. You'll have to add code to strip out the [[LINK]] stuff from the text.
The NSRange variables are used to keep matching through the file without re-matching original matches. So to speak.
Don't forget after you add the RegExKitLite class files, you also need to add the special linker flag or you'll get lots of link errors (the RegexKitLite site has installation instructions).
I'm no good with regular expressions, but this sounds like a job for them. I imagine a regex would sort this out for you quite easily.
Have a look at the RegexKitLite library.
If you want to be able to parse Wikitext in general, you have a lot of work to do. Just one complicating factor is templates. How much effort do you want to go to cope with these?
If you're serious about this, you probably should be looking for an existing library which parses Wikitext. A brief look round finds this CPAN library, but I have not used it, so I can't cite it as a personal recommendation.
Alternatively, you might want to take a simpler approach and decide which particular parts of Wikitext you're going to cope with. This might be, for example, links and headings, but not lists. Then you have to focus on each of these and turn the Wikitext into whatever you want that to look like. Yes, regular expressions will help a lot with this bit, so read up on them, and if you have specific problems, come back and ask.
Good luck!