I would like to integrate AspDotNetStorefront with a custom ASP.net application. Any ideas on how to go about it? Any help will be much appreciated.
My advice to you as you start to explore your strategy is to get aquainted with how the whole system works. You will notice that all of your normal Global.aspx Application_Start, Begin_Request methods are located in the ASPDNSF.Core assembly. You will see them somewhere are line 12000 (ish). These are fired as usual just like Global.aspx
public static void Custom_SessionEnd_Logic(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// put any custom session end logic you need here...
// do not change this routine unless you know exactly what you are doing
public static void Custom_Application_Error(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// put any custom application error logic you need here...
// do not change this routine unless you know exactly what you are doing
public static void Custom_Application_EndRequest_Logic(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// put any custom application end request logic you need here...
// do not change this routine unless you know exactly what you are doing
Following the flow of execution will bring you to a non-traditional way of programming asp.net websites. ASPDOTNETStorefront does not incorporate a very good separation of concerns, so often times you will see style code directly injected into the ASPDNSF.controls.dll assembly. This can be very frustrating if your business logic requirements require features not supported out of box. But like anything in .NET its all possible.
I propose that you create a customization folder inside the web solution and create your custom user control from there and deploy them around the site as needed. Try as best to not modify too much of the source code implemented by the ASPDNSF team because many of the application behavior is controlled by the supporting dlls and the administration interface relies heavily on user app-settings set in the backend, as opposed to getting custom arguments from Web.config.
I have been working with ASPDNSF since 2009 and I can tell you that it takes time to migrate a currently successful platform into the website but it is doable. The XML Templates are powerful but a little dated.
One important note: As stated before, try not to mess around modifying the stored procedures, logic and queries packed into the solution as you can find yourself going past the point of no return when seeking to update the system. This happened in my case and I learned my lesson. I have been forced with taking what ASPDNSF team has done and almost completely modifying the original code base of ML9 multi-store.
Good Luck to you:)
Create a asp.net core based solution that permits plugins loaded in runtime, way after IServiceCollection/IServiceProvider have been locked down to change.
IServiceCollection is configured at startup, from which IServiceProvider is developed, then both are locked for change before run is started.
I'm sure there are great reasons to do this....but I rue the day they came up with it being the only way to do things... so:
Attempt #1
Was based on using Autofac's ability to make child containers, falling back to parent containers for whatever is not specific to the child container,
where, right after uploading the new plugin, I create a new ILifetimeScope so that I can add Services given its containerBuilder:
moduleLifetimeScope = _lifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope(autoFacContainerBuilder =>
//can add services now
autoFacContainerBuilder.AddSingleton(serviceType, tInterface);
save the scope and its Container in a dictionary, against controllerTypes found in the dll, so that:
later can use a custom implementation of IControllerActivator to first try with the default IServiceProvider before falling back to try in the child plugin's child container.
The upside was, Holy cow, with a bit of hacking around, slowly got Controllers to work, then DI into Controllers, then OData....
The downside was that its custom to a specific DI library, and the Startup extensions (AddDbContext, AddOData) were not available as autoFacContainerBuilder doesn't implement IServiceCollection, so it became a huge foray into innards...that sooner or later couldn't keep on being pushed uphill (eg: couldn't figure out how to port AddDbContext)
Attempts #2
At startup, save a singleton copy of the original ISourceCollectionin theISourceCollection` (to easily re-get it later)
Later, upon loading a new plugin,
Clone the original ISourceCollection
Add to the clonedServiceCollection new Plugin Services/Controllers found in by Reflection
Use standard extension methods to AddDbContext and AddOData, etc.
Use a custom implementation of IControllerActivator as per above, falling back to the child IServiceProvider
Holy cow. Controllers work, OData works, DbContext works...
Hum...it's not working perfectly. Whereas the Controllers and being created new on every request, it's the same DbContext every time, because it's not being disposed, because it's not scoped by some form of scopefactory.
Attempt #3
Same thing as #2, but instead of making the IServiceProvider when the module is loaded, now -- in the custom IControllerActivator making a new IServiceProvider on each request.
No idea how much memory/time this is wasting, but I'm guessing its ...not brilliant
But sure...but I've really just pushed the problem a bit further along, not gotten rid of it:
A new IServiceProvider is being created...but nothing is actually disposing of it either.
backed by the fact that I'm watching memory usage increase slowly but surely....
Attempt #4
Same as above, but instead of creating a new IServiceProvider on every request, I'm keeping the IServiceProvider that i first built when I uploaded the module, but
using it to built a new Scope, and get its nested IServiceProvider,
hold on to the scope for later disposal.
It's a hack as follows:
public class AppServiceBasedControllerActivator : IControllerActivator {
public object Create(ControllerContext actionContext)
find the cached (ControllerType->module Service Provider)
var scope = scopeDictionaryEntry.ServiceProvider.CreateScope();
httpController = serviceProvider.GetService(controllerType);
actionContext.HttpContext.Items["SAVEMEFROMME"] = scope;
return httpController;
public virtual void Release(ControllerContext context, object controller)
var scope = context.HttpContext.Items["SAVEMEFROMME"] as IServiceScope;
if (scope == null){return;}
scope.Dispose(); //Memory should go back down..but doesn't.
Attempt #5
No idea. Hence this Question.
I feel like I'm a little further along...but just not closing the chasm to success.
What would you suggest to permit this, in a memory safe way?
Background Musings/Questions in case it helps?
As I understand it, the default IServiceProvider doesn't have a notion of child lifespan/containers, like Autofac can create.
I see a IServiceScopeFactory makes a new IServiceProvider.
I understand there is some middleware (what name?) that invokes IServiceScopeFactory to make a IServiceProvider on every single request (correct?)
are these per-request IServiceProviders really separate/duplicate, and don't 'descend' from a parent one and falls back to parent if a asked for a singleton?
What is the Middleware doing different to dispose/reduce memory at the end of the call?
Should I be thinking about replacing the middleware? But even if it could -- it's so early that I only would have an url, not yet a Controller Type, therefore don't know what Plugin Assembly the Controller came from, therefore don't know what IServiceProvider to use for it...therefore too early to be of use?
Thank you
Getting a real grip on adding plugin sourced scoped services/controllers/DbContexts would be...wow. Been looking for this capability for several months now.
Other Posts
some similarity to:
Use custom IServiceProvider implementation in asp.net core
but I don't see how his disposing is any different to what I'm doing, so are they too having memory issues?
Short version:
Simply put i would like to inject IOptions<TModuleOptions> (or just TModuleOptions) into an autofac module, but I cannot figure out how to do so without manually wiring up the options class (which sort of defeats the point).
Is this even possible, and how?
The longer version:
I have an ASP.NET Core 3.1 project using Autofac as the DI container, and a module that requires some configuration options. Like a name and a URL for instance.
In the startup i have something like:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Stuff remove for brevity
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
ModuleOptions options = options; // It would be nice with a way to get this here or have it resolved "automagically".
builder.RegisterModule(new CustomModule());
I tried different things, but I can't really see how i might go about doing it in a "nice" manner.
The closet I have gotten is by doing the configuration binding manually like so:
var options = this.Configuration.GetSection("Something").Get<ModuleOptions>();
It works, but "feels" like its not the "idiomatic" .net core way of handling things.
Is it possible to achieve what I want using the DI container similar to how I would do it if I was using the MS DI or RegisterType(context => context.Resolve<IOptions<TModuleOptions>>()) ?
You can't supply IOptions<T> to a module like that because it's a circular dependency. A module executes registrations... but in order to resolve the IOptions<T> you need to build the container, which means you can't register things anymore.
If you think about it, that's actually correct behavior, because technically the IOptions<T> could end up causing something different to be registered, which would affect the IOptions<T>, which would change what gets registered, which would affect the IOptions<T>... yeah.
For bootstrap/app startup code, unfortunately you really can't over-DI it. Your mechanism of getting options from configuration is probably as good as it gets.
The reason you can kind of DI things into Startup is because internally the .NET Core hosting mechanism builds two containers. The first is super barebones and has config, logging, and hosting things in it; the second is the one you build as part of Startup and is your app container.
Anyway... yeah, the best you'll get is the config reading, and I'd recommend sticking with that.
I was working on a presentation and thought the following should fail since the ActionResult isn't being returned on the right context. I've load tested it with VS and got no errors. I've debugged it and know that it is switching threads. So it seems like it is legit code.
Does ASP.NET not care what context or thread it is on like a client app? If so, what purpose does the AspNetSynchronizationContext provide? I don't feel right putting a ConfigureAwait in the action itself. Something seems wrong about it. Can anyone explain?
public async Task<ActionResult> AsyncWithBackendTest()
var result = await BackendCall().ConfigureAwait(false);
var server = HttpContext.Server;
HttpContext.Cache["hello"] = "world";
return Content(result);
ASP.NET doesn't have the 'UI thread' need that many clients apps do (due to the UI framework below it). That context isn't about thread affinity, but for tracking the page progress (and other things, like carrying around the security context for the request)
Stephen Toub mentions this in an MSDN article:
Windows Forms isn't the only environment that provides a
SynchronizationContext-derived class. ASP.NET also provides one,
AspNetSynchronizationContext, though it's not public and is not meant
for external consumption. Rather, it is used under the covers by
ASP.NET to facilitate the asynchronous pages functionality in ASP.NET
2.0 (for more information, see msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/05/10/WickedCode). This
implementation allows ASP.NET to prevent page processing completion
until all outstanding asynchronous invocations have been completed.
A little more detail about the synchronization context is given in Stephen Cleary's article from last year.
Figure 4 in particular shows that it doesn't have the 'specific thread' behavior of WinForms/WPF, but the whole thing is a great read.
If multiple operations complete at once for the same application,
AspNetSynchronizationContext will ensure that they execute one at a
time. They may execute on any thread, but that thread will have the
identity and culture of the original page.
In your code, HttpContext is a member of your AsyncController base class. It is not the current context for the executing thread.
Also, in your case, HttpContext is still valid, since the request has not yet completed.
I'm unable to test this at the moment, but I would expect it to fail if you used System.Web.HttpContext.Current instead of HttpContext.
P.S. Security is always propagated, regardless of ConfigureAwait - this makes sense if you think about it. I'm not sure about culture, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was always propagated too.
It appears because the Controller captures the Context whereas using System.Web.HttpContext is live access to what is part of the synchronization context.
If we look at the ASP.NET MVC5 sources we can see that the ControllerBase class that all controllers inherit from has its own ControllerContext which is built from the RequestContext.
I would assume this means that while the synchronization context is lost after a ConfigureAwait(false); the state of the Controller in which the continuation is happening still has access to the state of the control from before the continuation via the closure.
Outside of the Controller we don't have access to this ControllerContext so we have to use the live System.Web.HttpContext which has all the caveats with ConfigureAwait(false);.
I have a solution with several projects most of which are code or control libraries. I have a main windows forms application that references and uses these libraries. What i am trying to do is create a 2nd windows application that extends the main one, but i would like to be able to deploy them as separate exe's.
When i try to add a reference to the new app referencing the main app; all seems fine until i try to run the new app i get several error msgs similar to below:
Error 1 Could not find file 'ADODB.dll' referenced by assembly 'D:\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\X\XX\bin\Debug\XXX.exe.manifest'. <newAppName>
i have tried adding references to all the dll's in the error messages and they are still listed when i try to run the new app. I thought of a few work arounds but they require user changes to maintain separate exe's at deployment. I would like to avoid this if possible. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance, Jeff
Your windows forms applications should not be the point that you extend, the exe files should really just be a shell for launching your process (as much as possible anyways). So this response doesn't answer your specific problem of reference exes as this is not considered good practice.
All the extensions should be made to your code or control libraries off a known interface or contract. Generally the process for extending applications like this is to use alternate or additional DLLs which are loaded at runtime.
Say you have an application called clock which is to display the time.
You can structure your application with a set of contracts (or interfaces) in a referenceable DLL "Clock.Contracts.dll":
public interface ITimeService
public string Name { get; }
public Date GetTime();
You then have each implementation of this in another DLL ("Clock.LocalComputer.dll", "Clock.InternetTime.dll"
public class LocalTime : ITimeService
public string Name
{ get { return "Local Time"; }}
public Date GetTime()
{ return Date.Now; }
In the UI/EXE you always reference the interface don't call the implementation.
How do you get an instance of the implementing class, using Reflection to identify if a class in a DLL implements the interface and Activator.CreateInstance to generate the class.
There are patterns like Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection which help to address these things in a standardized way in your application. 3rd party libraries like Castle Windsor, Spring can assist. A google search on these will give you some reading material.
I will say that it can take a while to fully get your head around these things.
ok i found a reasonable work around. Basically you add all the reused forms as existing items, but instead of just clicking add you click the drop down arrow and choose add as link.
It would be great to redesign as JTew suggested above but this gets me where i need to be without having to move code.
You can find more information here
Thanks for all your time looking this over and hopefully is helpful to more
Jeff Spo
I need to extend my WCF Data Service to include additional methods, not only the database tables..
But it doesn't seem to be working correctly.
Firstly i want to ask if this is legal? or frowned upon?
The reason i need to do it is i need add additional REST methods that will make a call to ASP.NET Membership services (the tables are in the db) to validate a login i.e.
public bool IsValidLogin(string username, string password)
return System.Web.Security.Membership.ValidateUser(username, password);
Here is what i have (i have simplied the IsValidLogin for testing).
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "TestMe")]
public bool IsValidLogin()
return true;
// This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies.
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
// TODO: set rules to indicate which entity sets and service operations are visible, updatable, etc.
// Examples:
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("IsValidLogin", ServiceOperationRights.All);
Now when i go to
It seems to work i get an true back in the form of XML. But i have set a URI so i thought i could do this
But it fails? I am really confused, any ideas?
Also for it to work I needed to add this line, but a little but confused here
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("IsValidLogin", ServiceOperationRights.All);
Any help really appreciated
Not commenting on the REST dicsussion above, just posting a link on documentation on how to do so called "service operations": http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc668788.aspx
The ServiceOperation notion is a tacked on capability to provide exactly the escape you needed when you wanted to do something other than read data from a table.
Unfortunately, the default path in WCF REST has lead you to misunderstand how RESTful systems are supposed to work. REST is not just about exposing some data at URLs.
You really have two choices, either stick with RPC style of distributed computing that WS-*/SOAP based WCF provides or spend some time learning what REST is really all about. There are some links here to get you started.
I can't tell you what is the right approach for your scenario. What I can tell you is that you are not going to learn how to do REST from using the current WCF REST implementation. I'm not saying it is impossible to do, you just will be doing a lot of swimming upstream.