How to get mobile login page when using facebook graph api - authentication

I have a web app that authenticates via Facebook app login
that will redirect to (user is not already logged in)
How can I get facebook to redirect to the mobile login page (
It seems that Facebook does not take the user agent into account here.


Get long access token from instagram mobile app

I'm using `{{ instagramAppId }}&redirect_uri={{ redirectUrl }}&scope=user_media,user_profile&response_type=code
` url to verify user via instagram api.
Is it possible to get access token from instagram mobile app? The web view with insta login needs credentials to login, even though user is logged in mobile app.
Webviews keep their own cookie jars, so you have to log in separately. You can't use the mobile app's tokens. You can open the login page in a browser instead of a web view. Then, if the user is already logged in to Instagram in this given browser, you will instantly get a response from the authorization endpoint. Still, the user needs to be logged in in the concrete browser, being logged in in the app won't help.

Auth0 Guest user login and Rest API login

Lately I started looking into PoC with Auth0 for our use case where we want to allow users to login with Google and Facebook, also want Guest user to login and access our API and once guest user choose to login with Google and Facebook then we can link guest user so that their data will be served once logout.
Here's the things which I am to able to do till now with PoC:
Able to Login with Google and Facebook through client App.
Access authenticated API after getting bearer token from client App.
Things which still need to do, I tried to search but couldn't found good resource:
I want user to login as Guest user and latter if they want they can login with Google/FB and link their account.
Also, I am looking into Rest login API in Auth0 so that we can hit login API after getting access token from Google/FB and register user into Auth0 and get the token for API access.
It would be great if anyone help me on above two points. Thanks!

What will be the Domain name in Facebook or Twitter Page if Social Login is done from Google Chrome Extension?

I'm trying to create a social login Google Chrome Extension But have no idea of what should be the domain name of redirect URL in doing so.
Is there any social login service I can use for creating Facebook and Twitter Login In Chrome-Extension ?

Firebase auth Redirect to Facebook app instead of website for login on mobile

Is it possible configure my firebase project so that if a user is on mobile and they need to log in, they are redirected to the facebook mobile app instead of the facebook website in their browser?. I thought iOS would automatically intercept the link but it just takes you to the facebook site. Users with the app installed might not already be logged in through their browser since they are used to using the app and i'd like to avoid the extra login step for them

Facebook/Google Social Login via HTTP Request

Social providers authenticate users passively (i.e: you open their login page and get redirected after login to a redirect uri you specify that contains the login token or failure message).
How can I:
1. launch the authentication request to a social providers uri from within flutter.
2. after login success/failure read the response from the redirect uri provided as part of the login request.
For Facebook, you can open a browser with the url_launcher plugin. Check out this post: Facebook Oauth login flow with Flutter.
For Google Sign-In, there's a google_sign_in plugin that will let you authenticate with the native Google Sign-In SDK.
You may also rely on Firebase Auth Plugins :
Thanks #collin