Dual mode ARC/GC and Core Foundation bridging - objective-c

I am writing code intended to work both under ARC and under Garbage Collection.
Here's a bit of code that uses Core Foundation as it might be written specifically for ARC:
CFTypeRef ref=CFCopySomething();
// At this point ref has retain count 1.
id obj=(__bridge_transfer id)ref;
// Ref still has retain count 1 but is now managed by ARC.
[obj doSomething];
// ARC will release ref when done.
It seems this is equivalent to:
CFTypeRef ref=CFCopySomething();
// At this point ref has retain count 1.
id obj=(__bridge id)ref;
// Now ref has retain count 2 due to assigning to strong variable under ARC.
// Now ref has retain count 1.
[obj doSomething];
// ARC will release ref when done.
The benefit of the latter being that the CFRelease call allows the GC to collect the object. But I'm not sure about calling the CFRelease after transferring to ARC with the bridge-casted assignment.
It certainly seems to work. Is this code OK?

Your second code snippet is correct, and indeed is the best way to handle both ARC and GC. You could also use CFMakeCollectable when creating the object, and then have the CFRelease done as follows:
if ([NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] == NULL) CFRelease(myCFString)
But I like better what you have with just one call that works for both environments.

As the CFObjects are not handled by ARC, you may actually want to keep the manually managed code here. ARC is really focused on Cocoa and not Core Foundation. That said, you said the code works but does it leak? Remember ARC code with the wrong compiler flags fails by leaking. In this Apple documentation, they claim that ARC does not manage CF objects: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#releasenotes/ObjectiveC/RN-TransitioningToARC/Introduction/Introduction.html. Hence, I think your __bridge code leaks and await your confirmation or rejection from Instruments' leaks tool.


Calling release on object obtained from CFBridgingRelease

serial (a NSString *) is obtained using CFBridgingRelease
The file that has this code does not use ARC (-fno-objc-arc
compiler flag)
Will ARC take care of releasing this memory,
in-spite of the above flag, or it must be manually released? In
certain situation using release seems to be causing crash
(EXC_BAD_ACCESS) and the stack-trace shows some autoreleasepool
related code there.
NSString *serial = nil;
io_service_t platformExpert = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault,
if (platformExpert) {
CFTypeRef serialNumberAsCFString =
kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
if (serialNumberAsCFString) {
serial = CFBridgingRelease(serialNumberAsCFString);
[serial release];
You should use the static analyzer (shift+command+B or choose "Analyze" on Xcode's "Product" menu) and it will tell you precisely what's wrong. And if you click on the icon next to the error message, it will show the trail of logic as to how it concluded there was an issue:
Note, as the Transitioning to ARC Release Notes says:
__bridge_retained or CFBridgingRetain casts an Objective-C pointer to a Core Foundation pointer and also transfers ownership to you.
You are responsible for calling CFRelease or a related function to relinquish ownership of the object.
__bridge_transfer or CFBridgingRelease moves a non-Objective-C pointer to Objective-C and also transfers ownership to ARC.
ARC is responsible for relinquishing ownership of the object.
So, you really shouldn't be using CFBridgingRelease at all with non-ARC code. The CFBridgingRelease available in manual reference counting "is intended for use while converting to ARC mode only." And if you look at the definition of this function in manual reference counting code, it really does an autorelease (simulating the clean up ARC would do for you). But as the documentation says, it's only intended while actively transitioning your code base to ARC.
But, as you can see, if that's doing an autorelease, and you manually release it as well, you're over releasing.
Bottom line, if you're writing manual reference counting code and you want to transfer ownership so you'll release it later, you should use CFBridgingRetain. If you replace CFBridgingRelease with CFBridgingRetain in your snippet and re-analyze your code, the warning will go away.
If you've written manual reference counting code, don't be disheartened when you first run the static analyzer, as you may see many issues pop up. But just plug through them, one-by-one, until you get a clean bill of health.
There are two things, which look strange:
The last [serial release]; looks strange. You have passed its value with CFBridgingRelease(). If you use ARC you can't send release. If you don't use ARC, you should set serial to nil after that, but I suppose you want use its value later. So you shouldn't release it.
I don't know IOServiceGetMatchingService() but you don't own it (see Get Rule). Thus, you shouldn't release it.
Edit: As #Rob stated in a comment below. You're owner of the service object after all, and you must release it. Strange times we live in.

Objective-C Proper Memory Management & Clean up with ARC

Coming from the world of managed memory, wondering what would be the proper way to clean up objects when using ARC.
For example: if declaring an instance variable in C#, .NET will allow the GC to pick it up once it leaves scope (method/loop body, etc)
What's the proper way to clean-up in Objective-C? Just set the reference/pointer to nil or call dealloc or will ARC detect that no external references are pointing to the instance once execution leaves scope and do the job for you?
ARC means "Automatic Reference Counting" and is just a way to let the compiler add the calls to retain/release/autorelease for you. It's not the same as GC but in most cases, you can consider that objects lifetime is automatically managed for you, like in GC.
If you want more information, you should read LLVM document on ARC
Last note: never call dealloc yourself. dealloc is the object's finalizer which is called once the ObjC runtime determines that the object reference count has reached 0. This method is only meant to be overriden by subclasses. In ARC mode, you generally don't need to do that, except if your object references non-object ivars that need to be finalized once the object itself is finalized.
will ARC detect that no external references are pointing to the
instance once execution leaves scope and do the job for you
Basically, yes, that's exactly what ARC will do. You don't need to clean up objects when you're using ARC; in fact, you can't (it stops you from trying to perform manual memory management).
You might want to consult the relevant discussion in my book:
It explains what's really happening behind the scenes (how memory is actually managed) and then goes on to describe how ARC shields you from most of it.
Note that (as I explain in the URL referenced above) it mostly isn't done by anything like garbage collection: it's done by inserting invisible explicit memory management throughout your code.
Well, in the past, iOS programmers were responsible for telling the system when they were done using an object that they allocated by sending the object a release message. That was done in accordance with a memory management system known as manual reference counting. As of Xcode 4.2, programmers no longer have to worry about this and can rely on the system to take care of releasing memory as necessary. This is done through a mechanism known as Automatic Reference Counting, or ARC for short. ARC is enabled by default when you compile new applications using Xcode 4.2 or later.
You can also disable ARC, in your Xcode interface, go to your main project (not main.h) your actual Xcode project, and select it, you should see a window in Xcode that displays the settings for your project, there will be one that says 'Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting' and it will be set to 'Yes', deactivate it (to 'No') and you shouldn't worry about the ARC, if you come from the world of data management and memory as you said, but keep in mind that it would be easier to you to keep updated to the iOS new features system, that are easier to the programmer to program, it just makes our life easier.
And now, the 'proper way to clean-up in Xcode' with ARC is with 'alloc' and 'init'.
With ARC in Xcode you do not need to worry for 'cleaning' that's the job of Xcode now, you just need to:
1) Create a variable.
2) Allocate.
3) Initialize.
That's it.
An example here:
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
Variable *myVariable;
// Create an instance of a Variable and initialize it
myVariable = [Variable alloc];
myVariable = [myVariable init];
// Set variable to 4/20
[myVariable setNumerator: 4];
[myVariable setDenominator: 20];
// Display the variable using the print method
NSLog (#"The value of myVariable is:");
[myVariable print];
return 0;
Just allocate and then initialize, yo do not need to do any thing else.
Keep in mind getters and setters.

Releasing an object from ARC method which calls a no-arc C function

I'm using a library that is not ARC compliant from an ARC based project. A function in that library returns a retained UIImage * object. Is there a way to use the __bridge attributes to let ARC know about this so it can manage the retain count of the returned object? I tried:
UIImage *returnedImage;
returnedImage = (__bridge_transfer UIImage *)functionThatReturnsAUIImage();
But it won't allow me to cast the UIImage * to a UIImage *). I also tried:
returnedImage = (UIImage *)(__bridge_transfer void *)functionThatReturnsAUIImage();
Which also didn't work. The compiler suggested __bridge_retained instead of __bridge_transfer, but that I believe would have done the opposite of what I was after (i.e. it would have increased the retain count on the returned UIImage object).
I believe the proper thing to do is to make the C function return an autoreleased object. As best as I can tell, ARC assumes any C function that returns an object will have returned an autoreleased object. I have access to the source for this library, so I can do this, but I was wondering if there was a solution I could employ from the calling side if I wasn't able to modify the library.
It's too bad that the logical bridge modifier isn't working for you.
Two possible approaches leap out at me.
First, while it's not elegant, you could just write your own image release function, for example:
// ImageManualMemoryManagement.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
int releaseImage(UIImage *img);
// ImageManualMemoryManagement.m
#import "ImageManualMemoryManagement.h"
int releaseImage(UIImage *img)
[img release];
return 0;
In your project's target settings, under Build Phases, double click on this one .m source file under "Compile Sources" and add the non-ARC flag, -fno-objc-arc (to allow you to use the release method).
You now have a function you can call that will reduce the retain count of your UIImage and then all is good in the world again.
Second, the more dramatic solution would be to write your own non-ARC wrapper class around the entire C interface that your image library presents, remedying those few methods that aren't returning items with the correct retain count. But it seems like a lot of work for just one retainCount transgression. But if the library has it's own weaknesses (e.g. you're dealing with a clumsy low-level library), you might kill two birds with one stone.
According to apple's Transitioning to ARC Release Notes, __unsafe_unretained should be used here.
__unsafe_unretained specifies a reference that does not keep the referenced object alive and is not set to nil when there are no strong references to the object. If the object it references is deallocated, the pointer is left dangling.
Because ARC and MRC (manual reference counting) has different memory management rules, no keyword that has memory management influence works. The only choice is the keyword __unsafe_unretained which has no memory management influence to both ARC and MRC.

ARC, non-ARC, and inheritance

I haven't used ARC yet other than to deal with it when it forces it's way into a project via 3rd party code. I've read all the ARC docs but haven't seen an answer to this question:
If I have a class that's defined in a module compiled with -fobjc-arc, can I derive a new class from this in a module that is NOT ARC-enabled?
In my mind it should work fine as long as the derived class doesn't attempt to touch any ivars in the root class. It seems to me that even having a dealloc method that calls [super dealloc] would be fine in the derived class.
And, what about the other way around? Can I derive a ARC-enabled class from a non-ARC class? Should work fine too, right?
Bonus points: are there any gotcha's when mixing ARC and non-ARC code that I should make myself aware of?
There are no issues that I am aware of. You have to realize that ARC is something like a source code preprocessor, adding the memory management calls for you during the compilation. When you arrive at the linking phase, you can’t really tell ARC code from non-ARC code. (This is probably an over-simplification, but one that should work for your purposes.) If your derived class has correct memory management and the super class has correct memory management, the result will work fine.
About the only difference I can think of is handling of weak properties. But I don’t know enough about those to say if it’s possible to arrive at buggy code using some combination of ARC and MRC code with weak properties.
This was a comment, but having thought about it I want to expand what it said.
Have you tried inheriting an ARC class from a normal subclass? My thoughts (without having tried it either) is that this will not work. Firstly, if the ARC class has public properties or ivars using ARC keywords, like weak I think you will get errors during compilation from the header file. Secondly, I don't know how the dealloc would work. Do you need to call [super dealloc] or not? I don't know.
Anyway, if your superclass is ARC, why would you not use ARC in any subclasses? There's no advantage to doing that at all.
Can I derive a ARC-enabled class from a non-ARC class? Should work fine too, right?
I was going to say that won't work either, but I would have been wrong. Virtually everything has to inherit from NSObject which is manual reference counted.
Yes, you may both implement non-ARC ancestor from ARC parent class, and ARC ancestor from non-ARC parent class.
Actually, ARC is a syntax sugar, or you may say, is just preprocessor which analyzes your source code at compile step and inserts appropriate [release] and [retain] calls to your code. At runtime level nothing is changed (except for the weak properties).
ARC means the compiler takes care of memory management, non-ARC means you take care of it, but in both cases memory management works exactly the same way:
If an object must stay alive, its retain counter is increased (that's what retain does)
If an object is not needed anymore, its retain counter is decreased before the reference to it is lost (that's what release does)
If you are done with an object but it must not die yet, e.g. as you need to return it as a method result (and you don't want to return a dead object), it must be added to an autorelease pool that will decrease its retain count at a later time (that's what autorelease does, it's like saying "call release on that object at some future time.")
Newly created objects have a retain count of 1.
If the retain count reaches zero, the object is freed.
Whether you do all that yourself or the compiler does it for you, it plays no role. After compilation, these methods are being called, also with ARC, but with ARC the compiler has decided for you when which method is called. There is some extra magic, e.g. ARC doesn't always have to add objects to autorelease pools when returning them as method result, this can often be optimized away, but you don't have to care as this magic is only applied if the caller and the called method both are using ARC; if one of them isn't, then a normal autorelease is used (which still works in ARC exactly as it used to).
The only thing you must take care of is retain cycles. Whether you use ARC or not, reference counting can't deal with retain cycles. No difference here.
Pitfalls? Careful with Toll Free Bridging. A NSString * and a CFStringRef are in fact the same thing but ARC doesn't know about the CF-world, so while ARC takes care of the NSString, you must take care of the CFString. When using ARC, you need to tell ARC how to bridge.
CFStringRef cfstr = ...;
NSString * nsstr = (__bridge_transfer NSString *)cfstr;
// NSString * nsstr = [(NSString *)cfstr autorelease];
Code above means "ARC, please take ownership of that CFString object and take care of releasing it as soon as you are done with it". The code behaves like the code shown in the comment below; so careful, cfstr should have a retain count of at least one and ARC will release it at least once, just not yet. The other way round:
NSString * nsstr = ...;
CFStringRef cfstr = (__bridge_retained CFStringRef)cftr;
// CFStringRef cfstr = (CFStringRef)[nsstr retain];
Code above means "ARC, please give me ownership of that NSString, I'll take care of releasing it once I'm done with it". Of course, you must keep that promise! At some time you will have to call CFRelease(cfstr) otherwise you will leak memory.
Finally there's (__bridge ...) which is just a type cast, no ownership is transferred. This kind of cast is dangerous as it can create dangling pointers if you try to keep the cast result around. Usually you use it when just feeding an ARC object to a function expecting a CF-object as ARC will for sure keep the object alive till the function returns, e.g. this is always safe:
doSomethingWithString((__bridge CFStringRef)nsstr);
Even if ARC was allowed to release nsstr at any time as no code below that line ever accesses it anymore, it will certainly not release it before this function has returned and function arguments are by definition only guaranteed to stay alive until the function returns (in case the function wants to keep the string alive, it must retain it and then ARC won't deallocate it after releasing it as the retain count won't become zero).
The thing most people seem to struggle with is passing ARC objects as void * context, as you sometimes have to with older API, yet that is in fact dead simple:
- (void)doIt {
NSDictionary myCallbackContext = ...;
[obj doSomethingWithCallbackSelector:#selector(iAmDone:)
context:(__bridge_retained void *)myCallbackContext
// Bridge cast above makes sure that ARC won't kill
// myCallbackContext prior to returning from this method.
// Think of:
// [obj doSomethingWithCallbackSelector:#selector(iAmDone:)
// context:(void *)[myCallbackContext retain]
// ];
// ...
- (void)iAmDone:(void *)context {
NSDictionary * contextDict = (__bridge_transfer NSDictionary *)context;
// Use contextDict as you you like, ARC will release it
// prior to returning from this method. Think of:
// NSDictionary * contextDict = [(NSDictionary *)context autorelease];
And I have to real big gotcha for you that are not that obvious at first sight. Please consider this code:
#implementation SomeObject {
id _someIVAR;
- (void)someMethod {
id someValue = ...;
_someIVAR = someValue;
This code is not the same in ARC and non ARC. In ARC all variables are strong by default, so in ARC this code behaves just like this code would have:
#interface SomeObject
#property (retain,nonatomic) id someIVAR;
#implementation SomeObject
- (void)someMethod {
id someValue = ...;
self.someIVAR = someValue;
Assigning someValue will retain it, the object stays alive! In non-ARC the code will behave like this one:
#interface SomeObject
#property (assign,nonatomic) id someIVAR;
#implementation SomeObject
- (void)someMethod {
id someValue = ...;
self.someIVAR = someValue;
Note the property is different, as ivar's in non-ARC are neither strong or weak, they are nothing, they are just pointers (in ARC that is called __unsafe_unretained and the keyword here is unsafe).
So if you have code that uses ivars directly and doesn't use properties with setters/getters to access them, then switching from non-ARC to ARC can cause retain cycles in code that used to have sane memory management. On the other hand, moving from ARC to non-ARC, code like that can cause dangling pointers (pointers to former objects but since the object has already died, these point to nowhere and using them has unpredictable results), as objects that used to be kept alive before may now die unexpectedly.

ARC reference counting dealloc, and release

I am getting a bit confused. I am creating an app with storyboard, and running it on iPad 1. the application uses a lot of memory, so reached the 120mb, crashes. accordingly to what I have understood to remove this problem you need to release, dealloc... the point is that with ARC this should be automatic. In fact if I add for e.g.: [label1 release]; it gives me an error. But this ARC automatic release and dealloc does not seem to work! Is this because there are different ways to release with ARC??
You don't need to manually retain/release/autorelease with ARC. However if you have active references to a lot of unused objects they will still remain in memory. Profile your app with Instruments and it will show you how many objects you're creating of each class and how much memory they're consuming.
With ARC you still need to think about memory usage you just don't need to worry as much about memory leaks.
NSObject *bigMemObj = [[BigMemClass alloc] init];
//This creates the object in memory. In both arc and manual counting the retain count is 1
//Do stuff
//Prior to ARC you would have had to call [bigMemObj release]; before setting the variable to nil
bigMemObj = nil
//With ARC you don't have to do anything. The compiler inserts the release at compile time
Also read the documentation on declaring iVars __strong vs __weak.
Without looking at your code it's hard to identify what is consuming all the memory but hopefully that should help you determine where to start looking.
You should implement #autoreleasePool{} inside each method. In essence, each method will look like the following:
//do method stuff
This will ensure that, upon exiting the autoreleasePool, memory is properly released.
I can't vote this back up, otherwise I would. I think Alessandro is asking about ARC vs using release and dealloc, not about what he's loading!
So, Alessandro, your understanding is correct that with ARC you don't release or dealloc. Therefore, those won't work if you're using ARC. Also, there is no alternative to release/dealloc, since ARC doesn't use it.
My suggestion would be to look at what you're using in the app that is taking up all this memory. Do you have a large number of pictures, for example, that are very large? Keep any graphics as small as possible, matching the resolution of the iPad. Especially the iPad 1, which doesn't have the "retina display".
You can use Autorelease pools in ARC. Here is some documentation on when to use them:
NSAutoreleasePool Class Reference
Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide: About Memory Management