Are WCF Web Service suitable for non-microsoft SOAP client? - wcf

I need to create a web service to collect data from my customer’s applications.
Those applications are programmed with different technologies and they all have one thing in common: they can consume plain SOAP Web Service.
I already have a WCF Service that could be exposed but as it was built for internal purpose only, I never had to secure it.
I did read a lot of articles on how to secure WCF service and how to consume it from a Microsoft client application. However, I'm really concern about the customer’s non-microsoft applications abilities to implement a standard WCF Service security. I must keep in mind that some of them might be stateless and unable to hold on to a session or anything that might be required by a secure WCF Service.
So here are the options I have right now.
1) Add username/password parameters to each WCF function and perform a credential check on every call. (I do have an SSL certificate... is it enough to consider this option as secured?)
2) Drop my WCF Service and create a plain SOAP Web Service with username/password parameters as mentioned in option #1 to be closer to my customer’s applications capabilities.
3) Implement standard WCF security and let the customers find a way to deal with it on their own. (The real question here: is WCF security simple enough to be implemented by any SOAP client?)
4) Change my name and move to Jamaica with my customer’s money before they find out that I’m a Web Service security noob.
5) Something else…
So what is the my best option here?

Yes, I can offer the option we use. It sounds like you want basicHttpBinding.
We have a WCF web service using basicHttpBinding and set IIS to use basic http authentication.
Therefore non-.NET clients can consume it easily (basicHttpBinding) and we can give them an Active Directory domain account that allows them access via IIS. No usernames / passwords to constantly send back and forth through the web service and it runs over HTTPS for security.
It's currently being consumed by PHP, Java and .NET clients. Yes, .NET clients can still import this as a service reference which makes thing like trapping FaultExceptions easier.
No solution is perfect for everyone but works great for our needs.

Yes, but certain configurations favour certain vendors. See the WCF Express Interop Bindings project on CodePlex:
They offer settings for interop with:
Oracle WebLogic
Oracle Metro
IBM WebSphere
Apache Axis2
The Oracle Metro (previously known as SUN WSIT) stack is by far the most advanced as regards the WS-*/Oasis standards.


WCF - Advice Required

I am starting a new webservice project which will be consumed by multiple consumer applications done in different technology like ASP, ASP.Net and PHP. I am planning to develop this service as a WCF service. I am new to WCF and I understand WCF is like umbrella tech which has all the features for developing a distributed SOA applications.
I would like to get your advice on whether my choice of opting WCF service over classic asmx service is correct. The consumer applications are existing application done different technologies as I said before. This service is a simple service that creates and updates user information in a centralized DB.
If my decision of choosing WCF is correct, then please let me know if there are any specific things I need to consider so that the existing application can consume my WCF service without any hiccups. In other words, I can provide a asmx service for this which they can consume directly without any issues (and currently they are consuming some of our asmx service. Since the current requirement is new I want it to be done with WCF). Likewise, the consumer should be able to consume my service like they consume asmx service.
I am asking this question because WCF provides additional features like security, etc. and hence the consumers should also follow the practice to communicate with the service.
Any advice is highly appreciated.
You probably want to use BasicHttpBinding in your WCF service and, although I'm not a PHP developer, I understand that PHP 5 has a SOAP library that can be used to create a service proxy based on the WSDL document exposed by the WCF service, assuming metadata exchange is enabled.

WCF - Tips for creating a solid WCF application

I've very new at WCF, and I'm creating a prototype application to learn, which might turn into a commercial application. I understand the very basics of WCF, and I have my application WCF functional, at a basic level.
What are some tips experienced WCF users can give regarding pitfalls and steps I can take to make the app rock solid, at least regarding the WCF layer?
Couple of points to ponder:
make sure to implement rock-solid exception handling on your server side - implement the IErrorHandler interface on each service, define proper fault contracts
make sure to enable WCF tracing on the server side - those message logs are eminently useful when diagnosing problems!
make sure to think about versioning - make sure to use namespaces for both your service contracts and data contracts that will allow you to distinguish later version from the older ones (by means of the contract namespace)
think hard about your production hosting - IIS seems like a logical choice, but it's typically plagued by too many issues and problems that you don't have if you self-host. It's a bit more work yourself to create all those hosts - but it pays off with increased stability and better control on your side
Use security for your web service, particularly those bindings that support digital certificates.
Ensure your web service is interoperable with other web service frameworks, so that potential clients do not necessary need to be created using .NET and WCF.
Allow for endpoints (methods) to be retired in case they become obsolete. This allows clients of your web service to be informed of these retired endpoints so that they can be updated accordingly. Your retired endpoint could inform callers of what endpoint they should be using instead.
i am new to WCF but i learn this recently and thought to share with you.
if you are hosting your services on IIS then its best practice to make this a new account that you can control the direct privileges too, since NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
uses the default and can have a bit higher level of permissions. You can change this under the Application Pool in IIS that your website hosting WCF is running as.

Confused about wcf despite my reading

I am learning wcf but I have trouble understanding the benefits. Is there ever a time I would want to use traditional web services?
I read another thread with these benefits:
Opt in model for members using a certain attribute
Better security
No need to worry about binding (can't understand how this is true)
No need to worry about the xml
I read Programming WCF Services however this was an advanced book a bit like CLR via C#. I am now reading Learning WCF Services and will read Essential WCF (is recommended).
What would happen if I use a normal class to try to talk to a web/service reference? I know this sounds really naive, it's just my lack of experience in web services.
I am coding some WCF services so I am getting exposed to the specifics. They are interacting with a SOAP web service provided by my web host so I can get stats on my site. Is there anything wrong in this approach?
WCF is a unified programming model for developing connected systems. What this means is that you use a single framework to develop service-oriented solutions. WCF allows you to keep your service implementation relatively unaware and care free of what's going on under the covers as far as how your service is consumed by clients and communication is handled. This allows you to take your service implementation and expose it in various ways by configuring it differently without touching your service implementation. This is the unified part. Without WCF, you have to get familiar with a framework specific for a particular communication technology such as ASP.NET asmx web service, .NET remoting, MSMQ etc and usually those frameworks impose on your service implementation and creep in such as using WebMethod attribute or having to derive from MarshallByRefObject object etc and you just can not take your service implementation and easily expose it over another communication stack. If I have a service that adds two numbers, why can it not be exposed over http or tcp easily without having to worry about low level details? This is the question in your post regarding binding. Binding allows you take a service and configure it so that it can be exposed over different transports and protocols using different encodings without ever touching your service implementation.
Is there ever a time I would want to use traditional web service?
Web service uses well defined, accepted, and used standards such as HTTP and SOAP. So if you want your service to be consumed by wide range of clients, then you would want to expose your service as a web service. WCF comes with pre-configured bindings out of the box that allows your service to be exposed as a web service easily: basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding. You may also want to consider RESTful services which is an architectural style that fits more natural with the HTTP model. WCF supports RESTful services as well
What would happen if I use a normal
class to try to talk to a web/service
reference? I know this sounds really
naive, it's just my lack of experience
in web services.
WCF service can expose the wsdl for a service just like ASP.NET asmx web service does. You can generate a client side proxy by simply adding a service reference to your client project. There is also a command line tool called svcutil that also generates the client side code that allows you to easily communicate with the service. The client side service class basically mirrors the service interface. You create an instance of the client side proxy for the service and then simply call methods on it just like any other .NET object. Under the covers, your method call will get converted to a message and sent over the wire to the server. On the server side, that message will get dispatched to the appropriate service method.
I hope this helps a bit.There are lots of online content such as videos on MSDN and channel 9 that you check out. The more you pound on it and expose yourself to it, the clearer WCF will get I am sure. Also, WCF is THE framework Microsoft recommends to develop connected system in .NET. The other technologies ASP.NET asmx, WSE, and .NET Remoting will most likely still be available going forward but may not be supported and developed further.
There are a number of existing approaches to building distributed applications. These include Web services, .NET Remoting, Message Queuing and COM Services. Windows Communication Foundation unifies these into a single framework for building and consuming services.
Here is a link from MSDN Why Use Windows Communication Foundation?
WCF is really the "new" standard and new generation of web service - and even more generally, communications - protocols and libraries for the .NET world.
Whenever you feel the need to have two systems talk to one another - think WCF. Whether that'll be behind the corporate firewall in your company LAN, whether it's across the internet, by means of a direct call or a delayed message queueing system - WCF is your answer. Mehmet has written a really nice summary of how WCF is the unification of a great many communication standards that existed in the Microsoft world before WCF.
I would think with the "Learning WCF" book, you should be a lot better off than with Programming WCF - that's quite advanced stuff already!
One of the mainstays of WCF is the architecture that you always talk to your service through a proxy - whether that service runs on the same machine using NetNamedPipe binding or halfway around the world in Down Under on a server - no difference, you always go through a proxy. That then also allows WCF to be so extensible - thanks to the proxy always being between the client (your application) and the service, it offers excellent ways of extending the behavior and the inner workings of WCF to your liking and needs.
WCF basically builds on SOAP communications - so interfacing and using existing SOAP services should be no problem at all. With the WCF REST Starter Kit and in the upcoming .NET 4.0 release cycle, WCF will also extend its reach into the REST style web communications, if that's ever going to be a requirement of yours.
All this really shows one of the biggest strenghts of WCF: it's a unified and extremely flexible and extensible communication framework, that can handle just about anything you throw at it. That alone is more than enough reason to learn WCF (which can be dauting at first, I agree!), and you won't regret the effort you put into this endeavor.
Have you a specific application you are writing for, or just getting your feet wet?
Google protocol buffers, is a very good choice of communications. John Skeet & Marc Gravell have both done C# implementations. See here

Which to use...REST, ASMX, WSE or WCF?

I have a Windows Service which performs a certain function, and then needs to send that information off to a webservice for processing. The webservice is hosted by a remote web application. I am trying to ascertain the best way to call the webservice(s) as each web application might be only 2.0, or 3.5 etc. In my windows service, I am defining each "client" in the app.config, e.g.
<Client WebServiceUrl="" Username="" Password="">
The web application must implement two web services that are required for my windows service to run, however not sure the best way to implement the "rules" for the web application.
I'll try and rephrase..
The Windows Service runs every 30 seconds and obtains a list of information. The service supports multiple "clients" as shown above. When each client process is run, the data is collected and is then needed to be sent to the supporting web application.
The windows service does not know what to do with the data, it is just sending it. Each web application for a client would be in different locations, and could possibly be built in 2.0, 3.5, PHP, etc. All the windows service cares about, is that when it performs its processing for a client, it is able to send the data to the webservice location defined in the app.config of the windows service.
What I'm trying to determine is how to connect to the webservice (which I'm leaning towards WCF, however Basic or WS not sure), and what rules need to be defined for the web application in how to build the response.
If the Windows service is to support php applications etc, WSHttpBinding would not be an option, which would mean BasicHttpBinding would then work. The other thing to decide is whether or not to utilise a RESTful service or SOAP service.
Hope this makes more sense.
I'm not really clear on what you are doing.
It seems like you have 3 things: A Windows Service, and then a web service, hosted in a web app.
I think your question is, what to use, REST, ASMX, WSE or WCF, when interconnecting the Windows Service app with the remote web service.
ASMX, WSE and WCF are alternative programming models for the web service. REST is not a programming model. It is not like the other three.
ASMX and WSE will require that you use Web services and SOAP.
WCF can allow you to use Web services and SOAP, REST (XML or JSON) over HTTP, or a binary format over TCP, among other options.
Because it is flexible and current technology, I'd recommend WCF. ASMX is now termed "legacy technology" by Microsoft. Doesn't mean it won't work, but it will not get updates. (Much like WinForms versus WPF). WSE is no longer in mainstream support, as far as I know. For these reasons, I wouldn't recommend starting a new project on WSE, nor on ASMX.
WCF is more general than ASMX and can seem more complicated, for that reason. But once you make some choices and zero in on what you want (for example choose HTTP and REST, or choose binary and TCP), it's more powerful. WCF can be used as the programming model on both the client or sender (in your case, the Windows Service, I guess) and/or on the server (the web service hosted in the web app).
Using WCF on the client side does not imply you must use it on the server side, and vice versa. On the other hand, if you control the source code on both ends, I would recommend using WCF on both sides.
As for "how to implement the rules for the web app" - I don't understand what you are asking there. Maybe if you are more specific on the question there, someone will be able to help out.
Update: Based on your additional explanation, I'm going to suggest you look at the REST stuff in WCF for .NET 3.5. In PHP it's very easy to implement a REST-style service, and with WCF, the same is true for .NET. Now in your case the Windows service is the client and it is sending out a request, an update request, to various servers that reside on your customers' networks. According to REST principles, I'd make those outbound requests PUTs or POSTs, depending on the semantics of the call.
Then you could ship some example service code to your (uppercase) Clients, to get them started on building what they need to receive your outbound PUT/POST messages.
Security is a concern though. You didn't mention it at all, which is surprising. Security is not one of those things best deferred, so that you "add it on later". You should think about it early - it may affect the protocol choices you make. For example, if you need to mutually authenticate the clients and servers (the latter at your "uppercase" Clients' networks), then you may want to go with SOAP, which gives you good options on the protocol side for security. Secure Web services extensions (WS-Sec, etc) are well supported in WCF, but not sure about the status of this capability in PHP.

What are my binding options for a self hosted cross domain WCF service with remote thick clients?

I'm trying to build a WCF self hosted service (eventually in a windows service) that will receive binary and text base messages from remote thick clients that have no accounts on my hosted machine. I'm trying to figure out both my binding options and security options, and in reading the patterns and practices guides, my head has completely spun around at least once.
The clients would be authenticated against a custom SQL based method, so I'd like to be able to pass that info in the initial login request and then set an authorization token of some kind. (This part of the problem is probably outside the scope of the question, but I included it in case it might make a difference.)
Any thoughts at all would be very helpfull.
The choice of binding and security option depends on the usage of your WCF service. Is it just for your rich client or are you planning to expose it to the world as API? If it's just for your rich app, does it run on LAN or over untrusted, unreliable Internet?
With WCF you can configure the service to expose multiple endpoints with different bindings, for example both SOAP and REST. In general, I'd start with something stateless and lightweight like basicHttpBinding and webHttpBinding, passing user and password on every request. Once you have that up and running you can optimize cache authentication, provide binary endpoint etc.. only if it actually helps.
There's no need to have just one binding. Having said that if it's self hosted you're "on your own" here. I've never looked at what's involved.