Read dynamic variable names in Lua - variables

i'd like to know if there is any possibility to read out dynamic variable names?
Since the programm that passes the variables to my script calls them just "in1, in2, in3" etc.
Hopefully there is any way to make a loop, because it is pretty annoying to handle every input separately...
Here is what i've tried so far, but it just gives me an error.
for i=1,19,2 do
myvar[i] = ["in"..i]
I'm quite new to Lua, but i hope the solution is not that difficult :D
Oh I'll try to give you some more information. The "Main" Program is no not written in Lua and just set theese "in1 ... " variables. It is a kind of robotic programmic software and has a lot of funktions build in. Thats the whole thing so i can not simply use other variable names or an array. So it is not a function or anything else related to Lua...
Here is a little Screenshot
At the moment the Lua script just passes the the first input.

It depends on what you mean by "dynamic variable names."
The names of local variables do not exist. Local variables are any variable declared as a function parameter or with the local keyword. Local variables are compiled into offsets into the Lua stack, so their names don't exist. You can't index something by name to get them.
Global variables are members of the global table. Therefore, these ways to set a global variable are equivalent:
globalVar = 4
_G.globalVar = 4
_G["globalVar"] = 4
Since the programm that passes the variables to my script calls them just "in1, in2, in3" etc.
The program that passes variables to your script doesn't get to name them. A variable is just a placeholder for a value. It has no ownership of that value. When your function gets arguments, your function gets to name them.
You haven't said much about the structure of your program, so I can't really give good advice. But if you just want to take some number of values as parameters and access them as inputs, you can do that in two ways. You can take a table containing values as a parameter, or you can take a varargs:
function MyFunc1(theArgs)
for i, arg in ipairs(theArgs) do
--Do something with arg.
function MyFunc2(...)
for i, arg in ipairs({...}) do
--Do something with arg.
MyFunc1 {2, 44, 22} --Can be called with no () because it takes a single value as an expression. The table.
MyFunc2(2, 44, 22)

Whoever wrote the code that spits out these "dynamic variables" didn't do a good job. Having them is a bad habit, and might result in data loss, cluttering of the global name space, ...
If you can change it, it'd be much better to just output a table containing the results.
That said, you're not to far off with your solution, but ["in"..i] is no valid Lua syntax. You're indexing into nothing. If those variables are globals, your code should read:
for i=1,19,2 do
myvar[i] = _G["in"..i]
This reads the values contained by your variables out of the global table.

Try this
myvar={ in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7, in8, in9, in10, in11,
in12, in13, in14, in15, in16, in17, in18, in19 }
if the variables are passed as global variables, or this
myvar = {...}
if the variables are passed as arguments to the script.


Evaluate a local variable inside a Julia macro

I'm writing a Julia macro that takes an expression and serializes it, so that I can run it somewhere else. The macro therefore takes the expression and replaces all symbols with variables. The expression is then serialized and evaluated somewhere else.
My problem is related to evaluating variables that are not in the global scope. I.e. the following works fine, as a is defined in the global scope:
macro myprintf(ex)
# works
a = 2
#myprintf a
This throws an error as the macro doesn't see a, which is defined in the local scope of the loop (run in a new session):
macro myprintf(ex)
# UndefVarError: a not defined
for j=1:3
a = 2
#myprintf a
Is there any way I can access a inside the macro if it is defined in a local scope such as a loop? I'm aware that I'm not necessarily using macros as intended as I am calling eval on the expression inside the macro definition. The overall idea is that I want to serialize the expression that's passed to the macro and evaluate it somewhere else later (e.g. in a different Julia session).
eval only works in global scope. But then I don't see how much use there is in replacing the variables by evaluated literals, resulting in an expression of literals.
Anyway, a different approach to the original problem could be mimick what R does: constructing thunks out of an expression plus its environment at the place where it was called. To recreate that in Julia, you'd have to
Figure out the free variables in the expression
Create an environment data structure of their values
Wrap the original expression in a closure such that it takes the local variables from the environment
Put everything into a new object
for j=1:3
a = 2
#saveexpr a + 2
should expand to something like
for j=1:3
a = 2
(; a),
function (env)
let (a,) = env
a + 2
:(a + 2))
If saving the closure is not feasible in your use case, I guess you have to either implement your own evaluator, or use something like JuliaInterpreter.jl.

Access vba eval variable

I created a string Path="E:\" to assign a value to a variable with Eval. But it returned a run-time error 2766: This object cannot contain 'automatic' object 'Path'.
Is there a way that I can work on variables with string? I have strings of variables and strings of values. This would save me lot of time.
Many thanks
You can't use Eval to set a variable within the expression. If you write it like this:
Path = Calcu.Eval("E:\tables")
you'll get the answer in the Path variable. Obviously, this is the same as
Path = "E:\tables"
but that is a different topic. If you want the variable name to be dynamic as well, then you are probably doing something wrong. If you really want it, the you need to have a look at VBIDE.VBProject, but don't go there until you have a fairly good understanding of VBA.

What are anonymous variables?

A program variable is an abstraction of a computer memory cell or collection
of cells. Programmers often think of variable names as names for memory locations, but there is much more to a variable than just a name.
In this case, what is an anonymous variable?
What does the below statement mean?
Variables without names are called anonymous variables.
Can you provide language specific examples for the same?
In C++, reference variable to const can be initialized by constant.
In this point, temporary variable is created in memory to grab the constant.
const int &ref = 3;
like this. so we can call this temporary variable to "anonymous variable".
Variables are where you store you values. 'Variable Name' is the usually the easiest (and more human-like) way to locate your value.For example, if I am a variable, you can get my value by calling my name, and the combination of my value and my name is called 'variable'.
However, not all variables need a name.Sometimes you just use them once and don't need them anymore; and in that case, a name is unnecessary.
The example given by #BAE HA RAM is a telling one,in which case you don't need a name for the value but ref to it by a pointer(But still got a name for that pointer)..
There are also many other anonymous things, anonymous type, anonymous function and so on. Most of them are created to avoid too many meaningless names for the things that you only need to run once.
I'd like to know which language you are using, so more specific example can be given...

return type of who_user in scilab

I work with scilab, but during a project, scilab has to deal with a large number of variables.
I was wondering if i can do the following
var_list = who_user();
for _var_ = var_list do
if _var_ is global then
writetofile(human_readablefile, _var_)
of course this is a pseudocode, and i have a few questions before i implement it.
I can not get var_list = who_user() working. so i believe the function does not return anything. I am reluctant to hack into the code of the "who_user" macro itself. Is there any other way to get the list of user variables in another variable?
Is there a way to find the global variables out of them?
If not, then what are some memory management techniques in scilab?
I am able to answer your first query:
From a slight modification of the who_user function itself:
function nams = who_user1()
//get user variables
[nams,mem]=who('get'); //get all variables
p=predef(); //number of system variable
//modifiable system variables
'%scicos_short','%helps','%helps_modules','MSDOS','who_user','%scicos_display_mode', ...
if n==0 then return,end
//format names on n*10 characters
for k=1:max(m)
if ks<>[] then nams(ks)=part(nams(ks),1:(k*10));end
This function should give you the list you desire (I have modified the name to who_user1).
You can find out whether a specific variable is global or not by using the isglobal() function, but you need to pass a variable to isglobal(), not the string that is the name of the variable. The function I've listed above returns a vector of strings.
An alternative approach you could try would be to rewrite the above function to return the variables (rather than their names) directly using varargout and then testing them for being globals.

Use same name for local variable and function

In VBA, I want to use a name for a local variable that I'd also like to use for a function name. The problem I'd that the function name formatting always changes to the local variable formatting.
Any way to prevent that?
I highly recommend not using the same name for disambiguation purposes. Also, if VBA is not case sensitive, it may not know whether you are referring to the function or the variable and thus give a runtime error (I don't think it is compiled per se, but it goes to a proprietary p-code intermediate.)
Often when you'd like the names to be similar, it can be useful to prepend an underscore to one, such as a local variable. Thus I recommend you name the function FunctionName and the variable _FunctionName if you want to go that route.
If you want to try having the same name for each, you will likely need to edit the code outside of the IDE that is reformatting your code. In an editor that doesn't try to auto-format, you may be able to force it. Then whether it compiles or not is the question.
In Visual Basic, each function already has a variable named after the function. Assigning a value to this variable is the only way to set a return value for this function.
Therefore, declaring yet another variable of the same name creates ambiguity. You cannot do so. It results in the Duplicate declaration in current scope error.
And if by "local" variable you meant a module-level variable, then you cannot do it either: Ambiguous name detected: %s.
And if you are asking about a situation when a function and a variable of the same name belong to different scopes, then VBA will use the case of the line that was edited last. So if you declare a function and then declare a variable in another module, the function name will change case. But if you then return to the function, change its casing back and press Enter, the variable, in its turn, will change its casing to match the function name.