FluentNHibernate: Getting Column & Table Names After Mapping Conventions Are Applied - fluent-nhibernate

I am wondering if it is possible to find the run-time column name for a class/component that has been mapped with FluentNHibernate after all conventions have been applied.
For example, given the simple model:
public class Address{
public string Street {get; set;}
public string Zip {get; set;}
public class AddressMap : ComponentMap<Address>{
Map( x => x.Street );
Map( x => x.Zip );
public class PersonMap : ClassMap<Person>
public PersonMap(){
Id( x => x.Id );
Map( x=> x.Ssn );
Map( x=> x.Name );
Component( x => x.Address )
public class ClassConvention : IClassConvention
public void Apply( IClassInstance instance )
instance.Table( "tbl" + instance.EntityType.Name );
Table Name: tblPerson
Id Name Ssn ADDRESS_Street ADDRESS_Zip
1 Brian 11223344 123 Example St. 12345
What I'm looking for and what I am not sure how to do is the following:
var mappings = FluentNHibaernate.CompileMergeAndBuildAllMappings();
var zipCodeColumnName = mappings.FindMappedType<Address>().ColumnName(a => a.Zip)
// Here I'm interested in the run-time & final column name with the
// prefix applied from the PersonMap class.
var personTableName = mappings.FindMappedType<Person>().TableName;
// I'm interested in the final table name after the ClassConvention
// modified the table name.
Additional Clarification
I'm only interested in the result of FluentNHiberante's application of the conventions and mappings. Not in the actual SQL that is generated by NHibernate.
Thanks for the help,

public void test4()
var ssnColumn = RuntimeNames
.ColumnName<Person>( x => x.Ssn );
ssnColumn.ShouldEqual( "Ssn" );
var addressColumn = RuntimeNames
.ColumnName<Person>( x => x.Address.Street );
addressColumn.ShouldEqual( "ADDRESS_Street" );
var personTableName = RuntimeNames
personTableName.ShouldEqual( "tblPerson" );
public static class RuntimeNames
private static Configuration cfg = Fluently.Configure()
.Database( MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005 )
.Mappings( m => m.FluentMappings
public static string ColumnName<T>( Expression<Func<T, object>> property )
where T : class, new()
var accessor = FluentNHibernate.Utils.Reflection
.ReflectionHelper.GetAccessor( property );
var names = accessor.Name.Split('.');
var classMapping = cfg.GetClassMapping( typeof( T ) );
return WalkPropertyChain( classMapping.GetProperty(names.First()), 0, names );
private static string WalkPropertyChain(Property property, int index, string[] names)
if( property.IsComposite )
return WalkPropertyChain( ((Component)property.Value).GetProperty( names[++index] ), index, names );
return property.ColumnIterator.First().Text;
public static string TableName<T>() where T : class, new()
return cfg.GetClassMapping( typeof(T) )

since component column names can be different for each application of the Component you have to know which property you want.
var config = Fluently.Configure()
var map = config.GetClassMapping(typeof(Person));


How to change the collection name on an index

When I save a document that has a generic type DataView<Customer>, I'm manually setting the collection name to "customers". However, I'm having some trouble making an index using AbstractIndexCreationTask with a non-default collection name. Here's my index:
public class customers_Search
: AbstractIndexCreationTask<DataView<Customer>, customers_Search.Result>
public class Result
public string Query { get; set; }
public customers_Search()
Map = customers =>
from customer in customers
where customer.Data != null
select new
Query = AsDocument(customer.Data).Select(x => x.Value)
Index(x => x.Query, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
When this gets deployed, it looks like this:
from customer in docs.DataViewOfCustomer
where customer.Data != null
select new {
Query = customer.Data.Select(x => x.Value)
This doesn't work obviously, and if I change DataViewOfCustomer to "customers" it works just fine.
I'd rather not have to use non-type-checked (string) indexes to deploy. Is there a way to set the collection name that from the AbstractIndexCreationTask class?
Since my data class is generic, I made a generic index which fixes up the names.
public class DataViewQuery<TEntity>
: AbstractIndexCreationTask<DataView<TEntity>, DataViewQueryResult>
private readonly string _entityName;
private readonly string _indexName;
// this is to fix the collection name for the index name
public override string IndexName { get { return _indexName; } }
// this is to fix the collection name for the index query
public override void Execute(IDatabaseCommands databaseCommands, DocumentConvention documentConvention)
var conventions = documentConvention.Clone();
conventions.FindTypeTagName =
type =>
typeof(DataView<TEntity>) == type
? _entityName
: documentConvention.FindTypeTagName(type);
base.Execute(databaseCommands, conventions);
public DataViewQuery(string entityName)
_entityName = entityName;
_indexName = String.Format("{0}/{1}", entityName, "Query");
Map = items =>
from item in items
where item.Data != null
select new
Query = AsDocument(item.Data).Select(x => x.Value)
Index(x => x.Query, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
public class DataViewQueryResult
public string Query { get; set; }
Then I can create a specific index which has all the configuration in it.
// sets the collection type (DataView<Customer>) for the index
public class CustomerQuery : DataViewQuery<Customer>
// sets the collection name for the index
public CustomerQuery() : base(EntityName.Customers) { }
You need to configure this in the conventions.
The property to configure is FindTypeTagName

How to write this linq query with Criteria or QueryOver API

Is it possible to convert this code at below, written by using Query(linq) api to Criteria or QueryOver API in NHibernate? I'm using this to format data into DTO's also it works with just one round-trip to db.
Note: I tried transformers.aliastobean but I can only use one transformer at a time. Is it possible to use multiple transformer in one query?
from entityType in Provider.GetSession().Query<crmEntityType>()
.Fetch(x => x.Association)
.Fetch(x => x.Fields)
where instanceIDs.Contains(entityType.Instance.instanceID)
select new EntityTypeDTO()
ID = entityType.ID,
Title = entityType.Title,
Association = entityType.Association.Distinct().Select(asc => asc.ID).ToArray<int>(),
Fields = entityType.Fields.Distinct().Select(fi => new CustomFieldDTO {
ID = fi.ID,
Name = fi.Name,
Value = fi.Value,
EntityType = fi.EntityType.ID,
Type = fi.Type
Let's start with the QueryOver syntax:
// external filter data
instanceIDs = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
// aliasing
EntityTypeDTO entityDTO = null;
CustomFieldDTO fieldDTO = null;
Field field = null;
IQueryOver<EntityType, Field> query = Session.QueryOver<EntityType>()
// filter Entity by ID's list
.Where(Restrictions.On<EntityType>(c => c.ID).IsIn(instanceIDs))
// Join Fields
.JoinQueryOver<Field>(c => c.Fields, () => field)
.SelectList(list => list
// entity
.Select(c => c.ID)
.Select(c => c.Title)
// ... more Entity properties
// field collection
.Select(() => field.ID)
.Select(() => field.Name)
// ... more Field properties
.TransformUsing(new MyTransformer()); // see below
var dtos = query.List<EntityTypeDTO>();
This QueryOver will generate the SQL statement which will contain all EntityTypes with their Fields. Now we have to extract the unique EntityType instances and fill their Fields lists
There is an overview of DTO classes (as well as QueryOver above, these contain only ver few properties as an example):
public class EntityTypeDTO
public virtual int ID { get; set; }
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
public virtual IList<CustomFieldDTO> Fields { get; set; }
public class CustomFieldDTO
public virtual int ID { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
And finally the trick MyTransformer():
public class MyTransformer : IResultTransformer
// rows iterator
public object TransformTuple(object[] tuple, string[] aliases)
var entity = new EntityTypeDTO
ID = (int)tuple[0], // aliases should be used
Title = tuple[1] as string // first two are belong to Entity
var field = new CustomFieldDTO
ID = (int)tuple[2], // last 2 columns are for a Field
Name = tuple[3] as string // see SelectList in QueryOver
entity.Fields = new List<CustomFieldDTO> { field };
return entity;
// convert to DISTINCT list with populated Fields
public System.Collections.IList TransformList(System.Collections.IList collection)
var results = new List<EntityTypeDTO>();
foreach(var item in collection)
var entity = item as EntityTypeDTO;
// was already the same ID appended
var existing = results.SingleOrDefault(c => c.ID.Equals(entity.ID));
if(existing != null)
// extend fields
// new ID found
// DISTINCT list of Entities, with populated FIELDS
return results;
MyTransformer is ad hoc one, only for this purpose... but this approach could be extended

Defining unique column in Fluent NHibernate Automap Override

I'm trying to specify a unique column for an entity, using the Fluent NHibernate Automapper Override. For my test class of CodeType, I'd like to make the Type property unique. The goal would be for a "new CodeType()" being created with the same type field as a currently saved CodeType to be overlaid on top of the current entity.
I have the following CodeType class:
public class CodeType : SecurableEntity
public virtual string Type { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// This is a placeholder constructor for NHibernate.
/// A no-argument constructor must be available for NHibernate to create the object.
/// </summary>
public CodeType() { }
I have the following CodeTypeMap Class:
public class CodeTypeMap : IAutoMappingOverride<CodeType>
public void Override(AutoMapping<CodeType> mapping)
//Doesn't work. Need a way to specify a column as unique.
mapping.Map(m => m.Type).Unique();
The override is applied to the AutoMap, through the following:
public AutoPersistenceModel Generate()
var mappings = AutoMap.AssemblyOf<User>(new AutomappingConfiguration());
return mappings;
I'd like the following code to update any existing record with "type" equal to "existingType".
SecurableEntityRepository<CodeType> ctr = new SecurableEntityRepository<CodeType>();
CodeType ct = new CodeType();
ct.type = "existingType";
ct = ctr.SaveOrUpdate(ct);
How can I make NHibernate key off of the type field as unique?
Is this possible?
short answer, what you want is something you have to handle in code because there are so many possibilities. Everytime you create a new CodeType you have to check the db if there is already one
SecurableEntityRepository<CodeType> ctr = new SecurableEntityRepository<CodeType>();
CodeType ct = ctr.GetByType("existingType");
if (ct == null)
ct = new CodeType { type = "existingType" };
SecurableEntityRepository<CodeType> ctr = new SecurableEntityRepository<CodeType>();
CodeType ct = ctr.GetByType("existingType");
if (ct != null)
ctr.Merge(new CodeType{ type = "existingType" });
SecurableEntityRepository<CodeType> ctr = new SecurableEntityRepository<CodeType>();
int ctId = ctr.GetIdByType("existingType");
if (ct != 0)
ctr.Merge(new CodeType{ Id = ctId, type = "existingType" });
and there are some things which can be written differently
public CodeType() { } can be removed or made protected CodeType() { } if not needed for your domain
public AutoPersistenceModel Generate()
return AutoMap.AssemblyOf<User>(new AutomappingConfiguration())

Fluent NHibernate: Mapping HasManyToMany by convention

I'm using Fluent NHibernate's AutoMap feature to map my entities. Most of my entities inherit from a base class Entity which has a property public IList<Tag> Tags.
The tags are in a separate table in the database, so I use a many-to-many relation. But Fluent NHibernate creates mappings for a one-to-many relation.
I'd like to write a convention to override these mappings to use HasManyToMany(...) if the class inherits from Entity. Is this possible and how?
The convention could either rely on the property's type or its name.
Some code for illustration:
// entities
public class Entity
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
// ... some other properties
public virtual IList<Tag> { get; set; }
public class Tag
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string TagName { get; set; }
public class Event : Entity
// ... some properties
// Fluent NHibernate configuration
public static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
var config = new CustomAutomappingConfiguration();
return Fluently.Configure()
.Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey("Sql")))
.Mappings(m =>
I don't think you can accomplish the mapping with conventions. However, if you want to keep one linking table between the entities and tags, you can do the following:
.Override<Entity>(map =>
map.HasManyToMany(e => e.Tags)
Notice that I changed IgnoreBase<Entity>() to IncludeBase<Entity>(). This will add an Entity table, but will keep one linking table. With this mapping, you will get the following table DDL:
create table [Entity] (
primary key (Id)
create table TagToEntity (
Entity_id INT not null,
Tag_id INT not null
create table Event (
Entity_id INT not null,
primary key (Entity_id)
create table [Tag] (
TagName NVARCHAR(255) null,
primary key (Id)
alter table TagToEntity
add constraint FKD7554554A8C4CA9
foreign key (Tag_id)
references [Tag]
alter table TagToEntity
add constraint FKD75545564C9EC79
foreign key (Entity_id)
references [Entity]
alter table Event
add constraint FKA2FD7DF664C9EC79
foreign key (Entity_id)
references [Entity]
If you choose to do an Override<> per subclass, you will have a linking table per subclass.
In my case, I wanted to use an attribute to indicate a property that should participate in a many-to-many relationship where only one side of the relationship is declared. You could easily modify this to map by other conventions.
Many-to-many relationships are handled by FluentNHibernate.Automapping.Steps.HasManyToManyStep, an IAutomappingStep returned by the DefaultAutomappingConfiguration. This step will only map a property if it discovers a corresponding property of the related type (so both ends of the many-to-many relationship have to be declared).
The approach I've taken is to:
Create a decorator class for HasManyToManyStep that supports detecting and mapping many-to-many properties based on the presence of an attribute (or some other convention)
Create a class derived from DefaultAutomappingConfiguration to when automapping and override GetMappingSteps, wrapping any instance of HasManyToManyStep with the decorator
Here's the decorator, which tries to use the default HasManyToManyStep functionality first. Otherwise, if HasManyToManyAttribute is defined for the member, it will also create the relationship. The code used to create the relationship is nearly identical to the code used by HasManyToManyStep - just without reference to the other side of the relationship.
class ExplicitHasManyToManyStep : IAutomappingStep
readonly IAutomappingConfiguration Configuration;
readonly IAutomappingStep DefaultManyToManyStep;
public ExplicitHasManyToManyStep(IAutomappingConfiguration configuration, IAutomappingStep defaultManyToManyStep)
Configuration = configuration;
DefaultManyToManyStep = defaultManyToManyStep;
#region Implementation of IAutomappingStep
public bool ShouldMap(Member member)
if (DefaultManyToManyStep.ShouldMap(member))
return true;
//modify this statement to check for other attributes or conventions
return member.MemberInfo.IsDefined(typeof(HasManyToManyAttribute), true);
public void Map(ClassMappingBase classMap, Member member)
if (DefaultManyToManyStep.ShouldMap(member))
DefaultManyToManyStep.Map(classMap, member);
var Collection = CreateManyToMany(classMap, member);
CollectionMapping CreateManyToMany(ClassMappingBase classMap, Member member)
var ParentType = classMap.Type;
var ChildType = member.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var Collection = CollectionMapping.For(CollectionTypeResolver.Resolve(member));
Collection.ContainingEntityType = ParentType;
Collection.Set(x => x.Name, Layer.Defaults, member.Name);
Collection.Set(x => x.Relationship, Layer.Defaults, CreateManyToMany(member, ParentType, ChildType));
Collection.Set(x => x.ChildType, Layer.Defaults, ChildType);
Collection.Member = member;
SetDefaultAccess(member, Collection);
SetKey(member, classMap, Collection);
return Collection;
void SetDefaultAccess(Member member, CollectionMapping mapping)
var ResolvedAccess = MemberAccessResolver.Resolve(member);
if (ResolvedAccess != Access.Property && ResolvedAccess != Access.Unset)
mapping.Set(x => x.Access, Layer.Defaults, ResolvedAccess.ToString());
if (member.IsProperty && !member.CanWrite)
mapping.Set(x => x.Access, Layer.Defaults, Configuration.GetAccessStrategyForReadOnlyProperty(member).ToString());
static ICollectionRelationshipMapping CreateManyToMany(Member member, Type parentType, Type childType)
var ColumnMapping = new ColumnMapping();
ColumnMapping.Set(x => x.Name, Layer.Defaults, childType.Name + "_id");
var Mapping = new ManyToManyMapping {ContainingEntityType = parentType};
Mapping.Set(x => x.Class, Layer.Defaults, new FluentNHibernate.MappingModel.TypeReference(childType));
Mapping.Set(x => x.ParentType, Layer.Defaults, parentType);
Mapping.Set(x => x.ChildType, Layer.Defaults, childType);
Mapping.AddColumn(Layer.Defaults, ColumnMapping);
return Mapping;
static void SetKey(Member property, ClassMappingBase classMap, CollectionMapping mapping)
var ColumnName = property.DeclaringType.Name + "_id";
var ColumnMapping = new ColumnMapping();
ColumnMapping.Set(x => x.Name, Layer.Defaults, ColumnName);
var Key = new KeyMapping {ContainingEntityType = classMap.Type};
Key.AddColumn(Layer.Defaults, ColumnMapping);
mapping.Set(x => x.Key, Layer.Defaults, Key);
HasManyToManyAttribute class, because there is no other convention I can easily rely on in my case:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class HasManyToManyAttribute : Attribute
Configuration class derived from DefaultMappingConfiguration class:
class AutomappingConfiguration : DefaultAutomappingConfiguration
public override IEnumerable<IAutomappingStep> GetMappingSteps(AutoMapper mapper, IConventionFinder conventionFinder)
return base.GetMappingSteps(mapper, conventionFinder).Select(GetDecoratedStep);
IAutomappingStep GetDecoratedStep(IAutomappingStep step)
if (step is HasManyToManyStep)
return new ExplicitHasManyToManyStep(this, step);
return step;

AutoMapper map IdPost to Post

I'm trying to map int IdPost on DTO to Post object on Blog object, based on a rule.
I would like to achieve this: BlogDTO.IdPost => Blog.Post
Post would be loaded by NHibernate: Session.Load(IdPost)
How can I achieve this with AutoMapper?
You could define AfterMap action to load entities using NHibernate in your mapping definition. I'm using something like this for simmilar purpose:
mapperConfiguration.CreateMap<DealerDTO, Model.Entities.Dealer.Dealer>()
.AfterMap((src, dst) =>
if (src.DepartmentId > 0)
dst.Department = nhContext.CurrentSession.Load<CompanyDepartment>(src.DepartmentId);
if (src.RankId > 0)
dst.Rank = nhContext.CurrentSession.Load<DealerRank>(src.RankId);
if (src.RegionId > 0)
dst.Region = nhContext.CurrentSession.Load<Region>(src.RegionId);
you can do this easily with the ValueInjecter
it would be something like this:
//first you need to create a ValueInjection for your scenario
public class IntToPost : LoopValueInjection<int, Post>
protected override Post SetValue(int sourcePropertyValue)
return Session.Load(sourcePropertyValue);
// and use it like this
post.InjectFrom(new IntToPost().SourcePrefix("Id"), postDto);
also if you always have the prefix Id than you could set it in the constructor of the IntToPost
and use it like this:
Create a new Id2EntityConverter
public class Id2EntityConverter<TEntity> : ITypeConverter<int, TEntity> where TEntity : EntityBase
public Id2EntityConverter()
Repository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<Repository<TEntity>>();
private IRepository<TEntity> Repository { get; set; }
public TEntity ConvertToEntity(int id)
var toReturn = Repository.Get(id);
return toReturn;
#region Implementation of ITypeConverter<int,TEntity>
public TEntity Convert(ResolutionContext context)
return ConvertToEntity((int)context.SourceValue);
Configure AM to auto create maps for each type
public class AutoMapperGlobalConfiguration : IGlobalConfiguration
private AutoMapper.IConfiguration _configuration;
public AutoMapperGlobalConfiguration(IConfiguration configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
public void Configure()
//add all defined profiles
var query = this.GetType().Assembly.GetExportedTypes()
.Where(x => x.CanBeCastTo(typeof(AutoMapper.Profile)));
foreach (Type type in query)
//create maps for all Id2Entity converters
private static void MapAllEntities(IProfileExpression configuration)
//get all types from the my assembly and create maps that
//convert int -> instance of the type using Id2EntityConverter
var openType = typeof(Id2EntityConverter<>);
var idType = typeof(int);
var persistentEntties = typeof(MYTYPE_FROM_MY_ASSEMBLY).Assembly.GetTypes()
.Where(t => typeof(EntityBase).IsAssignableFrom(t))
.Select(t => new
EntityType = t,
ConverterType = openType.MakeGenericType(t)
foreach (var e in persistentEntties)
var map = configuration.CreateMap(idType, e.EntityType);
Pay attention to MapAllEntities method. That one will scan all types and create maps on the fly from integer to any type that is of EntityBase (which in our case is any persistent type).
RecognizePostfix("Id") in your case might be replace with RecognizePrefix("Id")