WCF DataContract - treating derived class as base class for serialization - wcf

I have a simple data contract:
public class MyData
public string AwesomeData { get; set; }
And service contract:
public interface IMyDataService
MyData GetAwesomeData();
In the server-side assembly, I create a derived class for doing processing:
public class MyDataWithInnerds: MyData
public MyDataWithInnerds(object intializationStuff)
AwesomeData = Hypermaxulate(initializationStuff);
and the service implementation:
public class MyDataService: IMyDataService
public MyData GetAwesomeData()
return new MyDataWithInnerds(HupnerRayvakManager.GetInitializationStuff());
MyDataWithInnerds is just the functional implementation of the purely data contract MyData.
Is there anyway without decorating MyData and referencing MyDataWithInnerds to tell the serializer to serialize MyDataWithInnerds as MyData? The assembly with MyData is also given to clients. I don't want the server-side only MyDataWithInnerds to be referenced.
I don't need to de-serialize it to MyDataWithInnerds. I'm guessing I'm going to need to clone the MyDataWithInnerds instance to a MyData instance so it doesn't have any type information associated with MyDataWithInnerds, but it would be really efficient to not have to do that and just let the serializer know "I know this is a MyDataWithInnerds, but you can just treat it like the base MyData"
I was able to add the following to my config file on the server:
<add type="MyClientLib.MyData, MyClientLib">
<knownType type="MyServerLib.MyDataWithInnerds, MyServerLib"/>
And this makes the serialization work properly.
It just leaves two side questions:
In my JSON serialization, I end up with a "__type" member that contains the derived class type. Can I remove that?
Is there a declarative way to do, on the server objects (not MyData), what I have done in configuration (adding KnownType's)?

In the end, I created a copy constructor for my base class and instead of returning the derived class (as the base class), I return new base(derived).
public class MyData
public string AwesomeData { get; set; }
public MyData(MyData obj)
AwesomeData = obj.AwesomeData;
The service implementation then becomes:
public class MyDataService: IMyDataService
public MyData GetAwesomeData()
MyDataWithInnerds data =
new MyDataWithInnerds(HupnerRayvakManager.GetInitializationStuff());
return new MyData(data);
In the simplistic example it looks like overkill, but in the actual application, it works out decently -- without having extra configuration and not emitting extraneous serialized data.


Using DataContract Proxies In WCF

So, I have created a couple of WCF services. Each return lists of a certain type of data contract. However, these data contracts have list properties of other data contracts. I am trying to implement lazy-loading of data contract collections.
What I've thought of is to implement a class at the client that inherits from the data contract with collection properties overriden so the setter and getter methods call the service and get the actual collection items.
My question is: How can I make the base channel to return the class that implements the data contract instead of the actual data contract? how can I control what the base channel returns?
My service client looks like this:
public class ServiceClient : BaseClient<IServiceClient>
public IList<DataObject> FindAll()
// how to control what base.Channel.FindAll return during deserialization.
return base.Channel.FindAll();
Note that I don't want to do something like this:
public class ServiceClient : BaseClient<IServiceClient>
public IList<DataObject> FindAll()
var dtos = base.Channel.FindAll();
var dtoProxies = Mapper.Map<DataObject, DataObjectProxy>();
return dtoProxies;
I want a way so WCF automatically returns a List<DataObject> which elements are actually of type DataObjectProxy.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
EDIT: Sample DataObject class:
public class DataObject
public virtual List<OtherDomainObject> SubItems { get; set; }
public class DataObjectProxy : DataObject
public override List<OtherDomainObject> SubItems
get { // Custom way to retrieve collection... }
set { // Etc.. }
First, decorate the DataObjectProxy with the [DataContract] attribute, WCF requires explicit contract identifications for all the types - no matter what you gonna do with them later. Then, set [DataMember] on each and every field (property in your case) of the data contract types that you want to expose to the client.
Finally, add [KnownType(typeof(DataObjectProxy))] attribute on the DataObject class. KnownType defines all sub-types of the given base for polymorphic substitutions on the client.
This should work.
public class DataObject
public virtual List<OtherDomainObject> SubItems { get; set; }
public class DataObjectProxy : DataObject
public override List<OtherDomainObject> SubItems
get { // Custom way to retrieve collection... }
set { // Etc.. }

Common WCF Response Handler?

I have a WCF Client, and the Endpoint has just been upgraded with a new method (OperationContract). I want to write a common method to handle the response from this new method as well as from the existing method at the endpoint.
I am trying to create a "Base" response class and adding common properties to it provided by the WCF endpoint, but I notice in my handler method, the properties are not being retained.
The code for the class I want all responses to inherit from looks like this :
public class ResponseBase
public string[] ItemsReturned;
public bool ItemsWereAvailable;
So I add partial declarations to get this onto the objects in the endpoint.
public partial class RetrieveResponse :ResponseBase
public partial class RetrieveResponse2 :ResponseBase
This way I have a handler method that just accepts "ResponseBase" as its input.
Am I doing this all wrong?
Any class whose instances will be return values and/or parameters of an operation contract should be decorated with the DataContract attribute, and the properties, as DataMembers:
public class ResponseBase
public string[] ItemsReturned { get; set; }
public bool ItemsWereAvailable { get; set; }
If they are not, the DataContractSerializer doesn't serialize them.

DataContract composite Class

I have a problem with serialization composite class (using WCF Service).
here my class in namespace1 (it is not in service namespace) :
public class UpData
public double Version ;
public UpData()
this.Version = -1;
In my Service namespace (in interface) I deсlare this procedure :
ArrayList GetDownloadPath(Dictionary<string,string> lib1, Dictionary<string,string> lib2);
ArrayList contains UpData objects.
I have error(
How will be right to send ArrayList of UpData objects? (may be specific DataContract?)
Thanks a lot!
I'm not sure if ArrayList is serializable by default. Using a generic list could solve your problem:
List<UpData> GetDownloadPath(Dictionary<string,string> lib1, Dictionary<string,string> lib2);
EDIT: I think you also need to specify a getter and setter for your Version property, i.e.
public class UpData
public double Version { get; set; }
public UpData()
this.Version = -1;
More info here.

access wcf interface method from client

This is one of the classes in Interface file.
public class ClassX
public ClassX()
ClassXParameters = new List<ClassXParameter>();
public void Add(string name, string value)
ClassXParameters.Add(new ClassXParameter() { Name = name, Value = value });
public List<ClassXParameter> ClassXParameters { get; set; }
public class ClassXParameter
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
on the client I'm trying to do something like this
ClassX classx = new ClassX();
classx.Add("testname", "testvalue");
But this .Add method is not even visible.
currently I'm doing
ClassX classx = new ClassX();
List<ClassXParameter> params = new List<ClassXParameter()>;
params.add(new ClassXParameter() {Name="testname", Value="testvalue"});
classx.ClassXParameters = params;
Is there anyway I can do what I'm trying to do?
Note: I am not sure why some of the text above are in bold.
If you autogenerate the client code from scratch, it will generate a new class, which contains those members and properties that are marked with DataContract.
If you have methods that you want available on the client, you can accomplish this by putting the DataContract types in an own assembly, which you reference from both the server and the client. When you generate the service reference you have to choose the option to reuse existing classes instead of generating new ones.
Often it is suitable to put data validation rules in the data contract classes property setters. Reusing the data contract assembly in the client will cause the data validation to occur directly on the client, without the need for a roundtrip. It also causes the error in a place where it is much easier to spot than if it is reported as deserialization error.
Data Contracts are for data only. Any methods will not be visible on the client.
The bold was because of the "-----".

What's the practical way of serializing an instance of subclass by using DataContractSerializer?

What's the practical way of serializing an instance of subclass by using DataContractSerializer?
For example, here are the data types:
public class Car
public Car()
Wheels = new Collection<Wheel>();
public Collection<Wheel> Wheels { get; set; }
public abstract class Wheel
public string Name { get; set; }
public class MichelinWheel : Wheel
public string Wheel1Test { get; set; }
public class BridgeStoneWheel : Wheel
public string Wheel2Test { get; set; }
Then here is the code that creates a car with two differen wheels:
Car car = new Car();
MichelinWheel w1 = new MichelinWheel { Name = "o1", Wheel1Test = "o1 test" };
BridgeStoneWheel w2 = new BridgeStoneWheel { Name = "o2", Wheel2Test = "o2 test" };
Now if I try to serialize the car by using DataContractSerializer, I will get an exception that says MichelinWheel is not expected. And I have to modify the Wheel class like this to make it work:
public abstract class Wheel
public string Name { get; set; }
But this approach is not practical, because I am not able to list all kinds of wheels before they are created. And changing the Wheel class every time after a new brand of wheel is created is also not practical, because they might by created in third-party code.
So, what is the practical approach of serializing an instance of a subclass when using DataContractSerializer?
Check this article using DataContractResolver from WCF 4. You can also use KnownTypeAttribute with passing name of a method that will use reflection to get all types. Anyway service requires that all types are known before it starts.
There are several ways to make known types available to the service.
The simplest you have outlined above, but obviously this requires you to recompile when new types are added, and depending on your configuration can make it awkward to avoid circular dependencies.
You can also configure the KnownTypes:
through the service configuration file (service restart only required),
add them as service known types provided through a static method on the service interface which you could get through reflection as Ladislav Mrnka has indicated (you could probably reflect over all loaded assemblies and return all types that have the DataContact attribute on them as known types, but I couldn't find an example of that.)
implement your own way of getting them (perhaps through some bespoke configuration elements in the config file or just through a text file)