Sencha Touch - setactiveitem to top level on nested list - sencha-touch

I have a tabpanel with items of nestedlists. Each nested list goes several levels deep. If I drill down one of the nested list, then i click on a different item in the tabpanel, then click back to it, the nested list is still drilled down, instead of refreshing to the top level of the nested list.
How do I get the nestedlist to display the top level instead of the drilled down level everytime I return to it?
Additional Info
OK, I'm part way there. Here's the code I have now:
var tabBar = new Ext.TabPanel({
fullscreen: true,
id : 'footer',
listeners: {
cardswitch: {
fn: function() {
tabBar: {
dock: 'bottom'
items: [/* some nestedlist components */]
So the final problem is that everytime I cardswitch, I see the "drillup/slideback" animation of the nested list sliding back or drilling back to the top level item. How do I get it to just show the top level item without this drill up/slide back animation? I want to preserve the slide forward and drill down animation when the user drills down the nestedlist.

You can try to set the cardSwitchAnimation parameter to false in the setActiveItem method
[UPDATE] Deselect item
Add an event listener for the item tap event on the nested list
nestedList.on("itemtap", function(nestedlist, index, item, e){setTimeout(function(){nestedlist(index);},500);}, this);
[UPDATE] From John
For some reason your code didn't do anything for me. But this one worked:
var nestedList = new Ext.NestedList({
store: store,
listeners: {
itemtap: function(dv, ix, item, e) {
// Clear the selection soon

In March 2014, with version 2.3.1, I had the above problem with the Ext.dataview.NestedList object. The suggested approach of using the "deselect" method did not work for me - probably because of the two years that have gone by since the original question.
To resolve problem, I used the following:
nestedList.goToNode( nestedList.getStore().getRoot() );


Show & Hide events for a Sencha Touch navigation view

I'd like to be able to hide and show certain buttons in a navigation view bar when a view is push and popped onto the view stack. Shame I can't control that from the view config itself (but I'll save that moan for another time).
I wanted to know which events I should be using when a view is push/popped on a navigation view. The docs sometimes lie and I've been told many times not too trust it, so I'm not! Come on Sencha, Microsoft wouldn't get away with this!
So Any ideas? When I try to print out all the events for a view I get very unreliable behaviour:
What I've found:
When I push a view I get:
When I pop a view I get:
What the flip is going on?!?
The code to show events happening:
control: {
myViewRef: {
initialize: function() { console.log("initialize") },
activated: function() { console.log("activated") },
deactivated: function() { console.log("deactivated") },
painted: function() { console.log("painted") },
show: function() { console.log("show") },
hide: function() { console.log("hide") }
The code to actually push/pop a view:
onInBoxListViewItemTap: function(scope, index, item, record) {
var detailsView = this.getEnquiryDetailsViewRef();
// push view
var navview = this.getMyInboxViewRef();
Does this stuff actually work properly i.e. Are there concrete events which are guaranteed to fire when a view is pushed and popped?
First of all - you have a typo in your code. You need to reference activate and deactivate not activate_d and deactivate_d.
Second, I would try to subscribe to push and pop events of navigation view and see if it would get you what you want.
I have the same problem.I use painted handler to solve it.
You can't handle 'painted' event in controller
the painted event description

Sencha Touch 2 How to Detect Top Level on Nestedlist

I would like to create an event listener to detect when my nestedlist is at the top level, and then hide a component on the page. For example:
onNestedlistActiveItemChange: function(container, value, oldValue, options) {
if (this.getMyNestedList().atLevel(0)) <-- seudo code, does not work
Thanks in advance for your help
The _backButton._hidden property of the nested list will return true when the default back button is hidden and false when the button is displayed. The button is hidden only when the nested list is at the top level.
The trick is to use the nested list's "back" event, which returns the state of the toolbar after the back event has occurred:
onMynestedlistBack: function(nestedlist, node, lastActiveList, detailCardActive, options){
if(nestedlist._backButton._hidden) {
That is, if the nested list's back button is hidden, then the list is at the top level, so hide myButton.
There are certainly more rigorous ways to do it, but most of them would involve overriding the toolbar's default button handling.
You can get the list level by checking the index of the list
var idx = nestedlist.getInnerItems().indexOf(list);
if (idx === 0) {
// top level...
You can also check the depth level of the record
var depth = record.getData().depth;
if (depth === 1) {
// top level...

sencha touch - nestedlist - store all the fields' values of "activeItem of nestedlist"

i have a panel which should show the "description" field of "currently activeitem of nestedlist". nestedlist uses the model having fields:
when user taps on any item of nestedList [on selectionchange OR itemtap&backtap], i want to change description in the panel with description of "currently activeItem of nestedList".
Is this possible?
thanks for any help/solution/pointer.
The same problem I had today, and no solution had been found with a nested list, because no single field can be taken from a One solution could be that you have lots of "if-function 'do with all the ID's and then you give each ID a text. But that's not good.
I've decided to make a simple list.
if you want I can show you my solution for the simple list
ps.: I use Sencha Touch 1.1
NotesApp.views.NaviList = new Ext.List({
fullscreen: true,
flex: 1,
layout: 'card',
scroll: false,
useToolbar: false,
itemTpl: '{text}',
store: store,
listeners: {
itemtap: function (obj, idx, el, e) {
var record =;
var tle = record.get('text');
index = record.get('index');
NotesApp.views.notesListContainer.setActiveItem(index, { type: 'slide', direction: 'left' });
My App has the name: "NotesApp".
"notesListContainer" is a Container where all my List are displayed. "index" is an ID that I get from the store and the calls list.
Now when you tap on my NaviList you set a new ActiveItem in this Container.
thanks a lot for the reply. I also tried using simple list with one Ext.button(back button in case of nestedlist). On itemtap and buttonclink, i change list's content by
var t = new and list.setStore(t).
Please let me know if there is any other better option to do it.

Back button on first level of nestedlist

I have a nestedList with a few levels that appears when the user presses a button on the screen. When the nestedList appears, there is no back button (because we're at the top of the tree, so understandably there is nowhere to go back to), whereas tapping on items in the list takes you to screens with a back button.
I'd like to add a back button to the first screen. I have managed to do this, but not without adding the same back button to every sublist in the nestedList - this has the effect of 1 back button at the top level, and 2 back buttons (one to take you out of the nestledList completely, and one to take you up a level) at every subsequent level.
Can anyone help me figure out how to have 1 back button on each screen, including the top level to close the list?
Many thanks
PS a nasty workaround that I'm using at the moment is to have a "close" button in the top right of every screen instead.
I don't know how comfortable you are with the inner workings of Sencha Touch so how you go about doing this is up to you--
The back button is there, hidden, when the nested list is shown (created in the initComponent function with hidden: true), and then onBackTap, onItemTap and setActivePath will all call syncToolbar near the end of their functions which is where the back button is hidden when you are at a depth of 0.
So there are 2 places you need to do something about, first is initComponent which is easy-- just implement initComponent in your nestedList, call the superclass' initComponent and then set the backButton visible
var myNestedList = new Ext.NestedList({
initComponent: function() {;
That takes care of showing it intially.. how you care to deal with fixing syncToolbar is up to you. You can use Ext.override, you can straight up copy and paste the whole syncToolbar function into your nestedList object which would also override it or you could do what you're told never to do and just edit the sencha-touch.js file directly. However you decide to do it, what you're looking to change is
syncToolbar: function(card) {
backToggleMth = (depth !== 0) ? 'show' : 'hide';
if (backBtn) {
if (parentNode) {
... };
You can either change backToggleMth to = 'show' or just delete the if (backBtn {...} all together.
In the Sencha Touch 2.2 I had to use a different code:
Ext.create('Ext.NestedList', {
listeners: {
initialize: function(obj) {
back: function(obj, node, lastActiveList, detailCardActive) {
switch(node.getDepth()) {
case 1:
case 0:

select a field in store

hi can anyone tell ho to selct a field in a store
i made a nestedlist and i want when someone clicks on a leaf the message somes oops, you click on a leaf. and leaf is a boolean field.
this is what i have:
new Ext.NestedList({
title: 'Categorieën',
store: NestedListDemo.Groepen_Store,
flex: 1,
itemtap: function(item)
if (leaf==true)
Ext.Msg.alert('Oops', 'leaf clicked', Ext.emptyFn);
but i have no idea how to do that with sencha touch.
I'm a little confused about where this leaf property exists. If you take a look at the documents for the NestedList, you will see that there is both an itemtap and a leafitemtap event that the list will fire. My recommendation would be to use the leafitemtap to only get events on the items which are leafs.
So if you alter your code using that function:
leafitemtap: function(sublist, index, element, event, card){
Ext.Msg.alert('Oops', 'leaf clicked', Ext.emptyFn);
//find the item
var item =;
//then you can do something with the item