Submit status to web services dynamically without having any prior knowledge of them - wcf

I'm developing a WCF SOAP web service based on this schema.
Basically it takes product orders from many clients.
As part of the submit operation the client is allowed to provide a URL where it expects asynchronous status updates on the order and it's line items.
I want to know if anyone has experience with a similar architecture? How did you go about implementing this?
Can i use a dynamic web reference as stated here? I would think this won't work very well in this situation. I'm pretty sure i'll need Chuck Norris to handle all the exceptions that get throw at the presence of any client service that is not identical or slightly different... even if it does pass schema validation.
The best thing i can think of is building the status object, serializing it into the SubmitResponse request soap message xml then sending it off using curl. something like:
curl -d "<my soap message xml>" ""
Any ideas?
Question FOCUS
The problem i'm trying to solve is how to submit status responses to web service urls dynamically without having any prior knowledge of them.


WCF - quick response with status then continue doing longer process

I spent few days search on this case. I checked out all wcf asynchronous implementaions.
I wasn't able to find what I was looking for.
Below is scenario.
WCF is running to accept xml
WCF needs to response to user for success receiving xml and release
the request immediately
WCF then needs to do processing to save xml to database and parsing xml to
convert something else.
I don't want to use separate service to process above. I want to use one service to handle all 3 cases above.
I checked out asynchronous way of coding in WCF, but this doesn't release the request right away. What is the best practice for this? Is there any sample code I can use?
Thank you in advance.
I think you would be better suited to using a different technology. Maybe look at Windows Workflow Foundation.
You can host WCF Workflow Services the same way as you host a standard WCF service, the main difference is that you can create specific workflows that can continue after acknowledging receipt of the original message.
You do this by persisting the message and returning to the user. WF allows you to create actions that continue after sending response back to the caller.
Visual studio provides you with a design surface that allows you to drag and drop components to create custom workflows. Additionally you can also make calls to other services if required.
With .net 4.5 you can now use C#, in previous versions of WF you had to use
You can read about it on the MSDN site here:
Hope this helps

How do I create and Axis2 client

I've been given a WDSL file and have to create a web service client using axis2. I've been able to generate the CallbackHandler and Stub using WSDL2java. I've tried following this tutorial to create the Client
I'm not sure if I implemented the client properly. It runs, but I'm not sure how you view any output results. I've never dealt with web services before. The Stub file that was generated contains so much code, how am I supposed to know what I should be calling? All tutorials I've found give example Clients, but I want to know what I need to look at to create my own.
If anyone has any advice or links to creating clients that are easy to understand, it would be appreciated.
I think that this probably went un-answered for a while due to the fact that the question is not clear and you probably need an introduction to Web Services and SOAP in general. If you are given the WSDL (or can pull it from a URL out there somewhere) then you are using the Web Service as a client - you have (from the post) already created the stub for client use. You simply need to use it. You are sending a request to the server (Web Service) and sending it the data that it requires (as the SOAP parameters that are laid out in the Web Service schema). Based on this SOAP request you will get a response. Your stubs that are created for the client act as the invocation and response points for your client.
So your question as to how do you test it: you decide what to do with the response as this is what you are coding into the client.
And about creating your own Web Service - you would need to start with a schema (often times you write your objects/data and the functions that you want them to perform and tools (like Axis2) will generate the server code (for Web Services and SOAP transport) on top of this.
So in your question, I think that you need to a) check out some Web Services books/online tutorials to figure out what it is, b) code your client to display the results and stuff - and just make sure that you are actually sending and getting responses from the Web Service, and c) also see what it would take to create your own Web Service (for whatever purpose you are planning the service to be established for, before creating your own.
Effectively I think that you just need to get your feet wet with Web Services in the first place. And the tutorial that you pointed out ( is excellent for anyone looking to get a web services client started - thanks for posting that.

WCF 4.0 Routing and Manipulating responses at Router

Can anyone point me in the right direction with this issue? We have a WCF central router and we want to manipulate the responses passing through the router based on some xpath criteria. Basically we want to remove a lot of the details from some error requests and sub some extra details in. Ideally we would also like to log the error.
I know it is generally better practice to update the web services to do this but in our case this is not possible and needs to be performed on the router if at all possible.
Also it would be great if we could log each request and response but that is likely a different solution to the manipulation of the responses.
Not sure if you have solved this but...
You should be able to use WCF Behaviours to do what you need.
Have a logging behaviour to log the requests and responses and another one to log errors/manipulate responses
We use behaviours to log to app fabric, and we have one (nasty) behaviour which catches all exceptions and returns a valid response with an error message. I personally don't like this 'feature' but you can basically do anything to your requests/responses with behaviours

WCF Rest - what are the best practices?

Just started my first WCF rest project and would like some help on what are the best practices for using REST.
I have seen a number of tutorials and there seems to be a number of ways to do things...for example if doing a POST, I have seen some tutorials which are setting HttpStatusCodes (OK/Errors etc), and other tutorials where they are just returning strings which contain result of the operation.
At the end of the day, there are 4 operations and surely there must be a guide that says if you are doing a GET, do it this way, etc and with a POST, do this...
Any help would be appreciated.
OK I left the comment REST best practices: dont use WCF REST. Just avoid it like a plague and I feel like I have to explain it.
One of the fundamental flaws of the WCF is that it is concerned only with the Payload. For example Foo and Bar are the payloads here.
public Foo Do(Bar bar)
This is one of the tenants of WCF so that no matter what the transport is, we get the payload over to you.
But what it ignore is the context/envelope of the call which in many cases transport specific - so a lot of the context get's lost. In fact, HTTP's power lies in its context not payload and back in the earlier versions of WCF, there was no way to get the client's IP Address in netTcpBinding and WCF team were adamant that they cannot provide it. I cannot find the page now but remember reading the comments and the MS guys just said this is not supported.
Using WCF REST, you lose the flexibility of HTTP in expressing yourself clearly (and they had to budge it later) in terms of:
HTTP Status code
HTTP media types
ETag, ...
The new Web API, Glenn Block is working addresses this issue by encapsulating the payload in the context:
public HttpResponse<Foo> Do(HttpRequest<Bar> bar) // PSEUDOCODE
But to my test this is not perfect and I personally prefer to use frameworks such as Nancy or even plain ASP NET MVC to expose web API.
There are some basic rules when using the different HTTP verbs that come from the HTTP specification
GET: This is a pure read operation. Invocation must not cause state change in the service. The response to a GET may be delivered from cache (local, proxy, etc) depending on caching headers
DELETE: Used to delete a resource
There is sometimes some confusion around PUT and POST - which should be used when? To answer that you have to consider idempotency - whether the operation can be repeated without affecting service state - so for example setting a customer's name to a value can be repeated multiple times without further state change; however, if I am incrementing a customer's bank balance this cannot be safely be repeated without further state change on the service. The first is said to be idempotent the second is not
PUT: Non-delete state changes that are idempotent
POST: Non-delete state changes that are not idempotent
REST embraces HTTP - therefore failures should be communicated using HTTP status codes. 200 for success, 201 for creation and the service should return a URI for the new resource using the HTTP location header, 4xx are failures due to the nature of the client request (so can be fixed by the client changing what they are doing), 5xx are server errors that can only be resolved server side
There's something missing here that needs to be said.
WCF Rest may not be able to provide all functionality of REST protocol, but it is able to facilitate REST protocol for existing WCF services. So if you decide to provide some sort of REST support on top of the current SOAP/Named pipe protocol, it's the way to go if the ROI is low.
Hand rolling full blown REST protocol maybe ideal, but not always economical. In 90% of my projects, REST api is an afterthought. Wcf comes in quite handy in that regard.

View underlying SOAP message using

I have a VB.NET web service that calls a third party web service. How can I view the SOAP message generated by .NET before it is sent to the third party web service and how can I see the SOAP response before it is serialized by .NET.
When creating a standalone EXE, I see the Reference.vb file that is automatically generated, but don't see a similar file when my project is a web service. I have found lots of C# code to do this, but none in VB.NET.
Edit - Fiddler and TCP loggers are great, but will not work for my purposes. I need to be able to access the raw SOAP messages from within the application so I can log them or modify them. I need to do more than just see the messages going back and forth.
You can use fiddler or a tcp sniffer to filter and identify all outgoing and incoming traffic on your host.
This is if you want to see the xml request and response.
How about using an extension to allow you to examine the SOAP message?
Accessing Raw SOAP Messages in ASP.NET Web Services
I was trying to do the same thing and this seems to work for me:
Dim message As String = OperationContext.Current.RequestContext.RequestMessage.ToString()
I didn't think it would be that easy since most of the time ToString() returns the name of the class, but I tried it out and low and behold.
I know you asked this back in January so if since then you've figured out a better way let me know.
Please note that if you're catching the exception in a class that implements IErrorHandler then you have to perform this operation from within the ProvideFault() method instead of the HandleError() method because the context is closed before it gets to call the HandleError() method.
Hope this helps.