VB.NET Combobox - Auto-complete behaviour for numeric values - vb.net

I have a problem with the auto-complete behaviour of comboboxes in VB.NET (with the .NET framework 2.0).
I am using a combobox to type in numeric values, and its DropDown list to suggest possible numeric values. This list is sorted in ascending order, for example {"10","92", "9000", "9001"}.
The combobox properties are set as follow:
AutoCompleteMode: SuggestAppend
AutoCompleteSource: ListItems
DropDownStyle: DropDown
Sorted: False
The DropDown list is simply filled like this:
When I don't type anything, the order of values of the DropDown list is correct, in original/ascending order. However, when I start typing something, the suggested values in the DropDown list get sorted (alphanumerically): if I type "9", the list of suggestions becomes {"9000", "9001", "92"}.
I would like to prevent this behaviour to get the values of the list in the original/ascending order. I can't figure out how...
A possible work-around would be to pad with zeroes the values in the list, e.g. {"0010", "0092", "9000", "9001"} but I would like to avoid this.
As suggested by bendataclear, one can use a list box to display the suggestions.
This will work for small lists but doesn't scale well to large lists. It may be useful for some applications. Based on the code given by bendataclear, I made it work this way:
Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyUp(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.KeyUp
Dim cursorPos As Integer = ComboBox1.SelectionStart
For Each s In ComboBox1.Items
If s.StartsWith(ComboBox1.Text) Then
End If
If ListBox1.Items.Count > 0 And ComboBox1.Text.Length > 0 Then
ComboBox1.Text = ListBox1.Items(0)
ComboBox1.SelectionStart = cursorPos
ComboBox1.SelectionLength = 0
End If
End Sub
The code has not been thoroughly tested and can be improved, but the main idea is there.
Edit 2:
Using DataGridView leads to better performance; it was sufficient for me. Thanks bendataclear.
Just out of curiosity, any other answer is welcomed :)

Seems to be an issue when the combo box displays the data, as even if you set a custom source it re-orders alphabetically:
ComboBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
I think the only way I can think of is to create your own autocomplete something like (untested):
Dim cbotxt As String = ComboBox1.Text
Dim key As String
key = ChrW(e.KeyCode)
For Each i In ComboBox1.Items
Dim s As String = i.ToString()
If s.StartsWith(ComboBox1.Text & key) Then
End If
If ListBox1.Items.Count > 0 Then
ListBox1.Visible = True
ComboBox1.Text = ListBox1.Items(0)
End If
A good approach for many items (I'm using for 10000+ in an application):
First change from a list box to a datagridview.
Then declare a list of strings and fill with values you want to autocomplete
Dim Numberlist as List<Of String>
' Fill List using Numberlist.Add("String")
Then in the text change property:
Filter = NumberList.FindAll(AddressOf checkNum)
DataGridView1.DataSource = Filter
And add the function to check the strings.
Function checkNum(ByVal b As String) As Boolean
If b.StartsWith(ComboBox1.Text) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
This method runs on my machine with 10k items faster than I can type.


Filtering binding source

This should be easy but I am having a headbanging of a time trying to get this to work! I have done a search and tried all most EVERY SINGLE ONE. Nothing works. I have a datagrid with a binding source. A user will type text into a textbox and the grid is SUPPOSED to change to only show records that contain what user typed in the name. Simple right? NOPE! Not for me! What am I doing wrong? Code below.
Private Sub SearchButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SearchButton.Click
Dim Found As Boolean = False
Dim StringToSearch As String = ""
Dim ValueToSearchFor As String = "%" & SearchTextBox.Text.Trim.ToLower & "%"
Dim CurrentRowIndex As Integer = 0
If ReferencesGrid.Rows.Count = 0 Then
CurrentRowIndex = 0
CurrentRowIndex = ReferencesGrid.CurrentRow.Index + 1
End If
If CurrentRowIndex > ReferencesGrid.Rows.Count Then
CurrentRowIndex = ReferencesGrid.Rows.Count - 1
End If
If ReferencesGrid.Rows.Count > 0 Then
For Each gRow As DataGridViewRow In ReferencesGrid.Rows
StringToSearch = gRow.Cells(1).Value.ToString.Trim.ToLower
If InStr(1, StringToSearch, LCase(Trim(SearchTextBox.Text)), vbTextCompare) Then
TrainingItemBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("Name LIKE '{0}'", ValueToSearchFor)
Exit For
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
You should get rid of pretty much all that code. If you want to filter the data then just filter the data. There's no conditional statements required and loops required. Just set the Filter property and any records that don't match the filter will be hidden:
Private Sub SearchButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SearchButton.Click
TrainingItemBindingSource.Filter = $"Name LIKE '%{SearchTextBox.Text.Trim()}%'"
End Sub
As you can see, it is simple. I've no real idea what you were actually trying to achieve with the rest of that code. That will exclude any records where the Name column does not contain the search text.
Note that there is no need to try to force case-insensitivity by using ToLower or the like. Just like in real SQL, comparisons done this way in a DataTable are case-insensitive by default. You have to explicitly set the CaseSensitive property of the DataTable or its parent DataSet to True to make such comparisons case-sensitive.
I should also point out that the ability to filter is predicated on the data source implementing certain interfaces. If the data source is a DataTable then you have those interfaces for free. If you have actually bound to something else, e.g. a List(Of T), then you won't be able to filter this way because the required members do not exist.

List of currently displayed rows in DataGridView

I have a List(Of String) which I want to contain a list of primary keys based on if the associated row in dgv is displayed.
I need to both add and remove values from the list as they are displayed/hidden.
Currently I am doing this:
Private Sub dgv_RowStateChanged(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewRowStateChangedEventArgs) Handles dgv.RowStateChanged
If e.StateChanged = DataGridViewElementStates.Displayed Then
If Not VisibleRows.Contains(e.Row.Cells("SQ").Value.ToString) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
However this will just add an item to my list when a new row is displayed without removing the hidden row's primary keys.
I can remove a value from the list using VisibleRows.Remove(e.Row.Cells("SQ").Value.ToString) however I don't know how to identify that a row is no longer displayed.
What is the result of e.StateChanged when a row is no longer displayed?
DataGridViewElementStates is an enum containing flags. You might want to check for it like this:
If e.StateChanged And DataGridViewElementStates.Displayed = DataGridViewElementStates.Displayed Then
End If
I don't know if the event gets triggered for rows that become invisible. But then again, I would not want to keep track of such a list of strings. Smells not so well.
Personally (if I really need a list of strings containing the visible items), I would do the following:
fill the list only when I need it (for example by using a readonly property that refreshes the list if it is invalid).
invalidate (or simply dispose of) the list in the dgv_RowStateChanged event handler (or perhaps in a more appropriate event handler; I would need to check)
Something like this:
Private _visibleRows As List(Of String) 'Only use this inside the VisibleRows property and the dgv_RowStateChanged event handler. For all other usage of the list, use the VisibleRows property!
Private ReadOnly Property VisibleRows As List(Of String)
If _visibleRows Is Nothing Then
_visibleRows = New List(Of String)
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgv.Rows
If row.Displayed Then
End If
End If
Return _visibleRows
End Get
End Property
Private Sub dgv_RowStateChanged(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewRowStateChangedEventArgs) Handles dgv.RowStateChanged
_visibleRows = Nothing
End Sub
But it still does not smell right. Depending on the rest of your code, this might also have a dramatically bad performance.
You might replace the For-loop in the VisibleRows property with the following code:
Dim index As Integer = dgv.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex
Dim row = dgv.Rows(index)
While (row.Displayed)
index += 1
row = dgv.Rows(index)
End While
This might be faster...
Edit 2:
The code in my first edit has a bug: you might get an index-out-of-range-exception when you scroll down to the bottom of the datagrid. So you also need to check inside the While-loop if the increased index value is valid before you try to fetch that next row or exit the loop otherwise. But I'm not going to correct this. I don't like this entire "solution" at all. ;)

Making One Column of DataGridView AutoComplete for String Data

I am trying to set up a DataGridView in VB.Net where a single column, called "Supplier" acts as a TextBox with an AutoCompleteSource to help users with entering data. This is the code I put together to attempt to accomplish this:
Private Sub OrderData_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles orderData.EditingControlShowing
Dim colIndex = orderData.SelectedCells.Item(0).ColumnIndex
Dim headerText As String = orderData.Columns(colIndex).HeaderText
If headerText.Equals("Supplier") Then
Dim autoText As TextBox = TryCast(e.Control, TextBox)
If autoText IsNot Nothing Then
autoText.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend
autoText.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
autoText.AutoCompleteCustomSource = FillTextBoxData("supplier_name", "suppliers")
End If
End If
End Sub
I kind of works. Unfortunately it adds AutoCompletes to every single editable column in the table, instead of just the "Supplier" column (column index 2).
What do I need to do to fix this?
EDIT: I modified the code a bit to try and fix the issue, and it kind of worked. If I don't selected the "Supplier" column first, then the other columns to not contain an AutoComplete. However if I go from the "Supplier" column to another column, then it contains an AutoComplete. How do I fix this?
When you do
Dim headerText As String = orderData.Columns(2).HeaderText
If headerText.Equals("Supplier") Then
That will be always true, since you are always getting the col 2 header no matter what cell is selected, you need to add that, something like
Dim colIndex = orderData.SelectedCells.Item(0).ColumnIndex
then you can use your code
Dim headerText As String = orderData.Columns(colIndex).HeaderText
Also add an Else clause to the If headerText.Equals("Supplier") Then statement. In the Else portion add the line autoText.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.None

Visual Basic Iterative enabling of Textbox's

Si I'm working on an assignment where I have 10 RadioButtons indicating how many contesters I have, and depending on what I pick between 1 to 10, I need that many of my corresponding TextBoxes to be enabled so I could fill it with names!
Is there a way for me to make a For loop between 1 and the number I picked from the RadioButton and say something like
For i = 0 to Size
TextBox&i.Enabled = True
Since my TextBoxs are called TextBox1 to TextBox10
I know you can add strings together using &, but how can I do that for an object name?
As of right now I literally have the dumbest way of doing it, which is a click event inside each RadioButton that manually enables the correct number of TextBoxes...
Thank you in advance!
You can iterate over all controls like this:
For Each ctr In Me.Controls
Dim indx As String = ctr.Name
If TypeOf (ctr) Is Textbox Then
' Now compare the name with TextBox&i and do smth
End If
It's not possible to just concatenate a string and use it as an object variable reference like that, but you can search the form's controls by their name property (which is a string) and do it that way. Here's an example:
Private Sub EnableTextBoxes(ByVal Size As Integer)
For i As Integer = 1 To Size
Dim matches() As Control = Me.Controls.Find("Textbox" & i.ToString, True)
If matches IsNot Nothing AndAlso matches.Length = 1 Then matches(0).Enabled = True
End Sub

VB.NET Iterating Form Labels

I have several label boxes on my design form that all share the naming convention lbl_#.text where # ranges from 1 to 60. I want to make a loop that iterates through each lbl_#.text adding some incremental value, let's say multiples of 2 for this question's theoretical purpose.
Something such that the end result would amount to the following:
lbl_1.text = "2"
lbl_2.text = "4"
lbl_3.text = "6"
lbl_60.text = "120"
I'm not sure how to access each of these labels through the coding side, I only know how to explicitly mention each label and assign a value :/
There are a few options here.
In this situation the labels will often have a common container, such as panel or groupbox control. In that case:
Dim formLabels = myContainerControl.Controls.OfType(Of Label)()
For Each formLabel As Label In formLabels
Next formLabel
Of course, this mixes logical groups with visual groupings. Those two things don't always align well, so you can also...
Add them all to a Label array (or List(Of Label) or any other enumerable):
Dim formLabels(60) As Label = {lbl_1, lbl_2, lbl_3 .... }
For Each formLabel As Label in formLabels
Next formLabel
But sometimes that's more trouble than it's worth, even if you use a loop to create the collection, and so you can also
Use the .Name property (in conjunction with a naming convention to identify your desired controls):
Dim formLabels = Controls.Where(Function(c) c.Name.StartsWith("lbl_"))
For Each formLabel As Label In formLabels
Next formLabel
Some combination of the above (for example, code in the form load event to create a list based on the name property).
Notice the actual For Each loop is exactly the same in all of those options. No matter what you do, get to the point where you can write a single expression to identify the label control, and then run a simple loop over the expression result.
This points to a final strategy: think in terms of binding to a data source. With a data source, your labels are created as part of a DataGridView, FlowLayoutPanel, or similar control. Then you can iterate the rows in the grid or panel.
Use the Controls collection:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 3
Dim myLabel As Label = CType(Me.Controls("lbl_" & i), Label)
myLabel.Text = ...whatever value you want to put here
End Sub
End Class
If you don't know how many labels there are, one option is to use a Do Loop.
Dim lblTarget As Label = Nothing
Dim intCursor As Integer = 1
Dim bolFirstIteration As Boolean = True
Do Until lblTarget Is Nothing AndAlso Not bolFirstIteration
If bolFirstIteration Then
bolFirstIteration = False
End If
lblTarget = CType(Me.Controls("lbl_" & intCursor.ToString()), Label)
If Not lblTarget Is Nothing Then
lblTarget.Text = (intCursor * 2).ToString()
End If
intCursor += 1