Itunes Search API Returns Incorrect Podcasts - api

I am new to the Itunes Search API... I have referenced Apple's documentation and I'm trying to retrieve podcast entries but I think I'm doing something wrong.
The following podcast author has 8 podcasts listed:
However, when I use the search API as the json result file only contains 1 entry... I cannot figure out what modification to my search API url must be made to retrieve details about all 8 podcasts in the file.
Please help.

Look more closely at the JSON results:
means that the search returned 1 album, not 1 track. Later on in the entry:
tells you that the album it found (in this case the "album" of all the podcasts by this user) contains 8 separate podcasts. It's not the best method ever, but this is how their results are meant to be interpreted.


Retrieve all the results from App Store for certain keywords

I am looking at the search API provided by Itunes, however I noticed it set limit to 200 which means if there are more than 200 results to be returned it will only return 200.
What I want to realize is I want to search certain keywords and retrieve all the apps related to this keyword, is it possible? Thanks a lot!
The following are examples of fully-qualified URLs for specific search requests:
• To search for all Jack Johnson audio and video content (movies, podcasts, music, music videos, audiobooks, short films, and tv shows), your URL would look like the following:
• To search for all Jack Johnson audio and video content and return only the first 25 items, your URL would look like the following:
• To search for only Jack Johnson music videos, your URL would look like the following:
• To search for all Jim Jones audio and video content and return only the results from the Canada iTunes Store, your URL would look like the following:
• To search for applications titled “Yelp” and return only the results from the United States iTunes Store, your URL would look like the following:
Please refer to below Apple docs:
To Search on iOS apps for all countries:
It sounds like the term you're looking for is offset, and you can add this to your search parameters, to view x results after your limit of x.
For example, the search above will give you the next 200 results (assuming there's more results for your search of course.)
Should work for search endpoints, but not lookup endpoints according to this post.

Server query to YouTube API “is there any YouTube video containing this specific word?” - if so, what is the link, upload date etc

Do you think we could use the YouTube Data API to get to know which products have any YouTube review/video. Then paired with our system via, for instance, Video Name?
Your question isn't very clear. However, you want to try this.
You can set type to snippet and q to the words you want to search for.

Get multiple values in URL encoding

I'm not sure how to go about searching this but I'm trying to read the tumblr API and get all posts of type=audio OR type=photo, so I only want to see audio and photo posts.
This doesn't work:
it only retrieves type=photo posts. What is the syntax for type=photo OR audio?
Based on the documentation here:
type - The type of posts to return. If unspecified or empty, all types
of posts are returned. Must be one of text, quote, photo, link, chat,
video, or audio.
I would assume the way to get multiple categories is using a comma.,photo
The difference is in the total post count. With no type it is 1344, but with audio,photo it is 276.
Your current url ( is just overriding the audio parameter.
Otherwise, you are going to have to do two calls; one photo and one audio. Then merge and sort them however you choose. This answer may also help: How to query multiple tags in Tumblr's read api?

YouTube API Return List of All Videos from Specific Category

I'm new to the YouTube Rest API v3 and I'm trying to see if there's a way to list every video in a specific category. The best I've been able to get is this:{MY API KEY}
category ID 17 is equal to 'Sports' (and of course there is pagination on the API response which is fine). The problem is that in order to use the parameter 'videoCategoryID', I also am required to use the parameter 'chart' and then only acceptable value for 'chart' is 'mostPopular' according to this page:
I'm wondering if there is a way to get a list of the videos in a specific category (all videos not just Most Popular)?
There was this Stack Overflow post but it's for YouTube API v2 (Getting a complete list of all YouTube videos in a given category).
Thanks for your help!
Try search and add type=video in order to list just videos{YOUR API KEY}

Search Apple App store by genre with iOS/Obj-c

How would you use Obj-c to search the Apple App store to do the following...
Return the details of the top 100 in the games overall category or a
specific games category
Return the details of a specific games in the games category
Well, as far as I know you have two methods to search the App Store:
Search API;
RSS feed generator.
There are many differences between those but the most relevant for your example is that with the Search API you cannot sort the results as they come sorted by relevance and it requires always a search term. The RSS feed generator already has Top Free, Top Paid and Top Grossing categories for you.
Given this I'm going to start answering your question for the RSS feed generator.
You use the RSS feed generator to generate feeds like this for the top 100 free games in the US store:;
Take a loot at this link to get games sub genres;
You use NSXMLParser library to parse the RSS which already includes the app details.
You may use the initWithContentsOfUrl: method of NSXMLParser;
A quick how-to for this part can be found here.
You can also use StoreKit to get the details of the apps by their ID or show a modal view controller with a specific app but that will require an extra network request.
For the sake of completeness I'll also cover how you can use the Search API.
Use the Search API to create a URL that describes your search:
A URL like this allow you to search for apps with that matches "angry birds" -
Process the results using NSJSONSerialization library. That already includes the app details.
Take a loot at this tutorial on how to use the NSJSONSerialization library.
In the end, as #Numan said, this two methods accomplish different things. You said you wanted to have the top 100 games from a specific category and also said you needed to search for a specific game.
You can use my descriptions to create one class that interacts with the App Store in these two ways and return an object defined by you that describes an app (or an array of objects).
You can access this info by RSS, look here
Also you can generate RSS feed