sql, query optimisation with and inner join? - sql

I'm trying to optimise my query, it has an inner join and coalesce.
The join table, is simple a table with one field of integer, I've added a unique key.
For my where clause I've created a key for the three fields.
But when I look at the plan it still says it's using a table scan.
Where am I going wrong ?
Here's my query
select date(a.startdate, '+'||(b.n*a.interval)||' '||a.intervaltype) as due
from billsndeposits a
inner join util_nums b on date(a.startdate, '+'||(b.n*a.interval)||'
'||a.intervaltype) <= coalesce(a.enddate, date('2013-02-26'))
where not (intervaltype = 'once' or interval = 0) and factid = 1
order by due, pid;

Most likely your JOIN expression cannot use any index and it is calculated by doing a NATURAL scan and calculate date(a.startdate, '+'||(b.n*a.interval)||' '||a.intervaltype) for every row.
BTW: That is a really weird join condition in itself. I suggest you find a better way to join billsndeposits to util_nums (if that is actually needed).

I think I understand what you are trying to achieve. But this kind of join is a recipe for slow performance. Even if you remove date computations and the coalesce (i.e. compare one date against another), it will still be slow (compared to integer joins) even with an index. And because you are creating new dates on the fly you cannot index them.
I suggest creating a temp table with 2 columns (1) pid (or whatever id you use in billsndeposits) and (2) recurrence_dt
populate the new table using this query:
SELECT PID, date(a.startdate, '+'||(b.n*a.interval)||' '||a.intervaltype)
FROM billsndeposits a, util_numbs b;
Then create an index on recurrence_dt columns and runstats. Now your select statement can look like this:
SELECT recurrence_dt
FROM temp t, billsndeposits a
WHERE t.pid = a.pid
AND recurrence_dt <= coalesce(a.enddate, date('2013-02-26'))
you can add a exp_ts on this new table, and expire temporary data afterwards.
I know this adds more work to your original query, but this is a guaranteed performance improvement, and should fit naturally in a script that runs frequently.
Another thing I would do, is make enddate default value = date('2013-02-26'), unless it will affect other code and/or does not make business sense. This way you don't have to work with coalesce.


Do I need to filter all subqueries before joining very large tables for optimization

I have three tables that I'm trying to join with over a billion rows per table. Each table has an index on the billing date column. If I just filter the left table and do the joins, will the query run efficiently or do I need to put the same date filter in each subquery?
I.E. will the first query run much slower than the second query?
select item, billing_dollars, IC_billing_dollars
from billing
left join IC_billing on billing.invoice_number = IC_billing.invoice_number
where billing.date = '2019-09-24'
select item, billing_dollars, IC_billing_dollars
from billing
left join (select * from IC_billing where IC_billing.date = '2019-09-24') on billing.invoice_number = IC_billing.invoice_number
where billing.date = '2019-09-24'
I don't want to run this without knowing whether the query will perform well as there aren't many safeguards for poor performing queries. Also, if I need to write the query in the second way, is there a way to only have the date filter in one location rather than having it show up multiple times in the query?
That depends.
Consider your query:
select b.item, b.billing_dollars, icb.IC_billing_dollars
from billing b left join
IC_billing icb
on b.invoice_number = icb.invoice_number
where b.date = '2019-09-24';
(Assuming I have the columns coming from the correct tables.)
The optimal strategy is an index on billing(date, invoice_number) -- perhaps also with item and billing_dollars to the index; and ic_billing(invoice_number) -- perhaps with IC_billing_dollars.
I can think of two situations where filtering on date in ic_billing would be useful.
First, if there is an index on (invoice_date, invoice_number), particularly a primary key definition. Then using this index is usually preferred, even if another index is available.
Second, if ic_billing is partitioned by invoice_date. In that case, you will want to specify the partition for performance.
Generally, though, the additional restriction on the invoice date does not help. In some databases, it might even hurt performance (particularly if the subquery is materialized and the outer query does not use an appropriate index).

Left join or Select in select (SQL - Speed of query)

I have something like this:
SELECT CompanyId
FROM Company
WHERE CompanyId not in
(SELECT CompanyId
FROM Company
WHERE (IsPublic = 0) and CompanyId NOT IN
(SELECT ShoppingLike.WhichId
FROM Company
ShoppingLike ON Company.CompanyId = ShoppingLike.UserId
WHERE (ShoppingLike.IsWaiting = 0) AND
(ShoppingLike.ShoppingScoreTypeId = 2) AND
(ShoppingLike.UserId = 75)
It has 3 select, I want to know how could I have it without making 3 selects, and which one has better speed for 1 million record? "select in select" or "left join"?
My experiences are from Oracle. There is never a correct answer to optimising tricky queries, it's a collaboration between you and the optimiser. You need to check explain plans and sometimes traces, often at each stage of writing the query, to find out what the optimiser in thinking. Having said that:
You could remove the outer SELECT by putting the entire contents of it's subquery WHERE clause in a NOT(...). On the face of it will prevent that outer full scan of Company (or it's index of CompanyId). Try it, check the output is the same and get timings, then remove it temporarily before trying the below. The NOT() may well cause the optimiser to stop considering an ANTI-JOIN against the ShoppingLike subquery due to an implicit OR being created.
Ensure that CompanyId and WhichId are defined as NOT NULL columns. Without this (or the likes of an explicit CompanyId IS NOT NULL) then ANTI-JOIN options are often discarded.
The inner most subquery is not correlated (does not reference anything from it's outer query) so can be extracted and tuned separately. As a matter of style I'd swap the table names round the INNER JOIN as you want ShoppingLike scanned first as it has all the filters against it. It wont make any difference but it reads easier and makes it possible to use a hint to scan tables in the order specified. I would even question the need for the Company table in this subquery.
You've used NOT IN when sometimes the very similar NOT EXISTS gives the optimiser more/alternative options.
All the above is just trial and error unless you start trying the explain plan. Oracle can, with a following wind, convert between LEFT JOIN and IN SELECT. 1M+ rows will create time to invest.

Is there some equivalent to subquery correlation when making a derived table?

I need to flatten out 2 rows in a vertical table (and then join to a third table) I generally do this by making a derived table for each field I need. There's only two fields, I figure this isn't that unreasonable.
But I know that the rows I want back in the derived table, are the subset that's in my join with my third table.
So I'm trying to figure out the best derived tables to make so that the query runs most efficiently.
I figure the more restrictive I make the derived table's where clause, the smaller the derived table will be, the better response I'll get.
Really what I want is to correlate the where clause of the derived table with the join with the 3rd table, but you can't do that in sql, which is too bad. But I'm no sql master, maybe there's some trick I don't know about.
The other option is just to make the derived table(s) with no where clause and it just ends up joining the entire table twice (once for each field), and when I do my join against them the join filters every thing out.
So really what I'm asking I guess is what's the best way to make a derived table where I know pretty much specifically what rows I want, but sql won't let me get at them.
An example:
id tag value
-- ----- -----
1 first john
1 last smith
2 first sally
2 last smithers
id occupation
-- ----------
1 carpenter
2 homemaker
select table2.occupation, firsttable.first, lasttable.last from
table2, (select value as first from table1 where tag = 'first') firsttable,
(select value as last from table1 where tag = 'last') lasttable
where table2.id = firsttable.id and table2.id = lasttable.id
What I want to do is make the firsttable where clause where tag='first' and id = table2.id
DERIVED tables are not to store the intermediate results as you expect. These are just a way to make code simpler. Using derived table doesnt mean that the derived table expression will be executed first and output of that will be used to join with remaining tables.Optimizer will automaticaly faltten derived tables in most of the cases.
However,There are cases where the optimizer might want to store the results of the subquery and thus materilize instead of flattening.It usually happens when you have some kind of aggregate functions or like that.But in your case the query is too simple and thus optimizer will flatten query
Also,storing derived table expression wont make your query fast it will in turn could make it worse.Your real problem is too much normalization.Fix that query will be just a join of two tables.
Why you have this kind of normalization?Why you are storing col values as rows.Try to denormalize table1 so that it has two columns first and last.That will be best solution for this.
Also, do you have proper indexes on id and tag column? if yes then a merge join is quite good for your query.
Please provide index details on these tables and the plan generated by your query.
Your query will be used like an inner join query.
select table2.occupation, first.valkue as first, last.value as last
inner join table1 first
on first.tag = 'first'
and first.id =table2.id
inner join table1 last
on last.tag = 'last'
and table2.id = last.id
I think what you're asking for is a COMMON TABLE EXPRESSION. If your platform doesn't implement them, then a temporary table may be the best alternative.
I'm a little confused. Your query looks okay . . . although it looks better with proper join syntax.
select table2.occupation, firsttable.first, lasttable.last
from table2 join
(select value as first from table1 where tag = 'first') firsttable
on table2.id = firsttable.id join
(select value as last from table1 where tag = 'last') lasttable
on table2.id = lasttable.id
This query does what you are asking it to do. SQL is a declarative language, not a procedural language. This means that you describe the result set and rely on the database SQL compiler to turn it into the right set of commands. (That said, sometimes how a query is structured does make it easier or harder for some engines to produce efficient query plans.)

Sql query optimization using IN over INNER JOIN

Table y
id int clustered index
name nvarchar(25)
Table anothertable
id int clustered Index
name nvarchar(25)
Table someFunction
does some math then returns a valid ID
SELECT y.name
WHERE dbo.SomeFunction(y.id) IN (SELECT anotherTable.id
FROM AnotherTable)
SELECT y.name
JOIN AnotherTable ON dbo.SomeFunction(y.id) ON anotherTable.id
While timing these two queries out I found that at large data sets the first query using IN is much faster then the second query using an INNER JOIN. I do not understand why can someone help explain please.
Execution Plan
Generally speaking IN is different from JOIN in that a JOIN can return additional rows where a row has more than one match in the JOIN-ed table.
From your estimated execution plan though it can be seen that in this case the 2 queries are semantically the same
WHERE dbo.Foo(A.Col1) IN (SELECT Col1 FROM B)
JOIN B ON dbo.Foo(A.Col1) = B.Col1
Even if duplicates are introduced by the JOIN then they will be removed by the GROUP BY as it only references columns from the left hand table. Additionally these duplicate rows will not alter the result as MAX(A.Col2) will not change. This would not be the case for all aggregates however. If you were to use SUM(A.Col2) (or AVG or COUNT) then the presence of the duplicates would change the result.
It seems that SQL Server doesn't have any logic to differentiate between aggregates such as MAX and those such as SUM and so quite possibly it is expanding out all the duplicates then aggregating them later and simply doing a lot more work.
The estimated number of rows being aggregated is 2893.54 for IN vs 28271800 for JOIN but these estimates won't necessarily be very reliable as the join predicate is unsargable.
Your second query is a bit funny - can you try this one instead??
SELECT y.name
FROM dbo.y
INNER JOIN dbo.AnotherTable a ON a.id = dbo.SomeFunction(y.id)
Does that make any difference?
Otherwise: look at the execution plans! And possibly post them here. Without knowing a lot more about your tables (amount and distribution of data etc.) and your system (RAM, disk etc.), it's really really hard to give a "globally" valid statement
Well, for one thing: get rid of the scalar UDF that is implied by dbo.SomeFunction(y.id). That will kill your performance real good. Even if you replace it with a one-row inline table-valued function it will be better.
As for your actual question, I have found similar results in other situations and have been similarly perplexed. The optimizer just treats them differently; I'll be interested to see what answers others provide.

sql join question

I have the following tables
nid timestamp title
82 1245157883 Home
61 1245100302 Minutes
132 1245097268 Sample Form
95 1245096985 Goals & Objectives
99 1245096952 Members
pid src dst language
70 node/82 department/34-section-2
45 node/61/feed department/22-section-2/feed
26 node/15 department/department1/15-department1
303 node/101 department/101-section-4
These are fragments of the tables, and is missing the rest of the data (they are both quite large), but I am trying to join the dst column from the second table into the first one. They should match up on their "nid", but the second table has node/[nid] which makes this more complicated. I also want to ignore the ones that end in "feed" since they are not needed for what I am doing.
Much thanks
EDIT: I feel bad for not mentioning this, but the first table is an sql result from
select nid, MAX(timestamp) as timestamp, title from node_revisions group by nid ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0,5
The second table has the name "url_alias"
select * from table1 inner join table2 on src=concat('node/',nid)
edited to reflect change in OP
select `nid`, MAX(`timestamp`) as `timestamp`, `title` from `node_revisions` inner join `url_alias` on `src`=concat('node/',`nid`) group by `nid` ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,5
I don't know what database you are using. However, I suggest you write a parsing function that returns the nid from that column. Then, you can have this kind of query (assuming GET_NID is the function you defined):
SELECT * from T1, T2
WHERE T1.nid = GET_NID( T2.node)
You have a few options.
write a function that converts src to an nid and join on t1.nid = f(t2.src) -- you didn't say what DBMS you use, but most have a way to do that. It will be slow, but that depends on how big the tables are.
Similar to that, make a view that has a computed field using that function -- same speed, but might be easier to understand.
Create a new nid field in t2 and use the function to populate it. Make insert and update triggers to keep it up to date, then join on that. This is better if you query this frequently.
Convert t2 so that it has a nid field and compute the src from that and another field that is a template that the nid needs to be inserted into.
I'd pull the node id in the second table into a separate column. Otherwise any attempt to join the two tables will result in a table scan with some processing on the src field (I assume you meant the src field and not the dst field) and performance will be problematic.
FROM (SELECT *, 'node/' + nid AS src FROM table1) t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2
ON t1.src = t2.src
You haven't specified with DBMS are you using. Most engines support the SQL-99 standard SIMILAR TO clause which is using regular expression for matching. Some engines also implement this, but use some other keywords instead of SIMILAR TO.
Depending on the scenario you want to this for (if for example you are regularly going to be performing this JOIN and your 2nd table is rather large) you may want to look into a Materialized View.
Write a function that performs all the logic to extract the nid into a separate column. Aside from initial m-view creation, the function will only need to run when the basetable changes (insert, update, delete) compared to running the function against every row each time you query.
This allows a fairly simple join to the materialized view with standard benefits of tables such as Indexing.
NB: looks like I was beaten to it while writing :)