How change the tomcat port in XAMPP - apache

I have a problem.
I use XAMPP 1.7.7 under Windows XP.
I've changed the port in server.xml because I have this port with other application.
I start tomcat server from catabalina.bat perfect in the new port.
I change the port for tomcat in XAMPP.INI with the new port.
Restart the computer.
And I try again to start tomcat server from XAMPP Control Panel but I see log as "Busy port - Tomcat 8080".
The tomcat server start but I want to avoid this message in the XAMPP Control Panel.
So when you press de button for going to the tomcat by browser the url is with the old port.
Where can change the port?
What Can I do?

most of the time the tomact port 8080 is blocked by oracle 10g's "TNSLSNR.EXE". Before start tomcat from XAMPP control panel, start the task manager, click on to the process tab of the task manager window.Find the "TNSLSNR.EXE" process. select "TNSLSNR.EXE", click on the end process button. If you don't show the "TNSLSNR.EXE" in the process list, then click show processes from all user button to find the "TNSLSNR.EXE". "TNSLSNR.EXE" process will be available in the processes list. Select "TNSLSNT.EXE", click on the end process button. After stopping the "TNSLSNR.EXE" start the tomcat from XAMPP control panel. Click on to the admin button of tomcat in xampp control panal. The admin page will run on browser.

I have tried this with Xampp for Windows v7.2.1 and XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.2
Go to the xampp installation directory. \xampp
You will find a file xampp-control.ini . Open it and go to the Service Ports section.
I have modified all the three tomcat ports as shown below. Earlier it was 8080, 8009 and 8005.
For the safe side also change the ports in the file server.xml under \xampp\tomcat\conf
change all the ports as required

This is link to modify config
after that you have to start and stop service

if you are using Xwamp 7.1.4 + then no need to do so many things for port changes.
Just go to XWamp panel > Config > click on "Tomcat tab" and changes the port no.
Restart your xWamp.
it will work.
Pappu Mehta.

In addition to the steps Ram Sharma provided here, I had to also do the following to get my Tomcat to work.

In the xampp directory, go to C:\xampp\tomcat and double click "catalina_start.bat" This should start up tomcat in the port you specified. you can check that it is running correctly by going to
hope this helps.

You can Do One Thing.
Go to Your conf folder TomCat directory in Xampp Installation Directory.
for Example in my Computer it is C:\xampp\tomcat\conf.
Here you can find 'server' file.It is an XML file.
Open it using administrator rights,Search for tag
change the Port to any 8001 to 8010.
Thats it!
Restart the Xampp Control Panel and Go to Browser And To Go to
There You Can See The Cat!


How to solve "Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly"?

I've just re-installed XAMPP, and when I try to start my Apache server in the XAMPP Control Panel, I now get the following errors:
16:50:25 [Apache] Status change detected: running
16:50:26 [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
16:50:26 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
16:50:26 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
16:50:26 [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
16:50:26 [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
16:50:26 [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
16:50:26 [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
16:50:26 [Apache] entire log window on the forums
How do I solve this?
As I am working in a corporate environment where developers faces firewall issues, none of the other answers resolved my issue.
As the port is not used by Skype, but by some other internal applications,
I followed the below steps to resolve the issue:
Step 1 - From the XAMPP Control Panel, under Apache, click the Config button, and select the Apache (httpd.conf).
Inside the httpd.conf file, somehow I found a line that says:
Listen 80
And change the 80 into any number / port you want. In my scenario I’m using port 8080.
Listen 8080
Still from the httpd.conf file, I found another line that says:
ServerName localhost:80
Change 80 to 8080.
ServerName localhost:8080
Step 2 - From the XAMPP Control Panel, under Apache, click the Config button again, but this time select the Apache (httpd-ssl.conf). Inside the httpd-ssl.conf file, find line that says
Listen 443
And change the 443 into any number / port you want. I’ll using 4433 as the new port number.
Listen 4433
Still from the httpd-ssl.conf file, find another line that says
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
ServerName localhost:443
And change 443 to 4433.
<VirtualHost _default_:4433>
ServerName localhost:4433
Remember to save the httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.conf files after performing some changes. Then restart the Apache service.
Open Skype.
Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Connection.
Uncheck the "Use port 80 and 443 for alternatives for incoming connections" checkbox
Sign Out and Close all Skype windows. Try restarting your Apache.
In XAMPP Control Panel V3.2.1, click on "NetStat" button on top right. Make sure port 80 is not used by any other program. Then click on "Shell" Right below it. Issue this command in the shell prompt;
or type "ap" then tab the TAB key two times which will similarly generate the above command.
You will actually see the exact error why Apache failed. It will be mostly likely virtual host configuration issue or may be something else. It will display the line number on which the error is occurring. Just fix that error. Note that in RootDocument a trailing \ can be a source of error as well. Remove any trailing "".
One thing you can do is to stop the services on port 80 by issuing
net stop http
in a cmd. You'll be asked if you're sure you want to stop those services. I found out that I had a few services I wasn't using and disabled them.
To see who else is using port 80 type in a cmd
netstat -abno
I'm assuming you want to run Apache on port 80. If this is the case and you want to keep the conflicting services you will need to associate them to a new port.
If the problem is not a busy port you can also try the following: select "show debug information" in the XAMPP config panel. When starting Apache you'll be shown something like "Executing "c:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe". If you run that
in a cmd you will get some more information (I once for instance had some issue with my httpd.conf file).
Related: How do I free my port 80 on localhost Windows? and Apache won't run in xampp
Follow these steps:
Open your XAMPP control panel then click its "Config"
Choose the "Apache (httpd.conf)" and find this code below and change it into this one:
#Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below
#to prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.
#Listen [::]:80
Listen 80
# Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
Save it (Ctrl + S)
After that, go back to the XAMPP control panel and click its config again.
Choose "Apache (httpd-ssl.conf)", find this code below, and change it again:
# Note: Configurations that use IPv6 but not IPv4-mapped addresses need two
# Listen directives: "Listen [::]:443" and "Listen"
#Listen [::]:443
Listen 443
Save it (Ctrl + S)
Then, click the "config" (note: above the netstat) and click the "service and port settings".
Change "Main Port" to 8080 and "SSL Port" to 4433, then save it.
Finally, go to the "control panel" -> "Programs & Features" -> "Turn Windows On or Off".
Uncheck your "Internet Information Services", and then click OK.
Just wait for it and your computer/laptop will be automatically restart and try to open your XAMPP control panel again, and then start your Apache.
My problem was that in httpd.conf the DocumentRoot and <Directory> entries were pointing to non-existing folders.
For example, the 'original' httpd.conf had the following entries:
DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/htdocs"
<Directory "c:/Apache24/htdocs">
If you've installed in C:\xampp then you need to change those entries to match, i.e.
DocumentRoot "c:/xampp/htdocs"
<Directory "c:/xampp/htdocs">
This worked for me...
If you are using windows...
Search 'cmd' in the windows search bar.
Enter this:C:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe
Find which file and which line the error occurred.
For example, mine was in the file below
on line 37.
Open the code and fix the error by either removing the line or fixing it.
Done! I should work now.
If you're using Windows 7 . Search for IIS in Windows search (Click the Window icon in left bottom and type in where it says 'Search program and files') .
Open IIS (Internet Information Service) .
In the right side in actions panel. Click Stop.
Note: The stop link is faded in screen shot. As I've stopped it.
Problem Solved!
I had the same issue, and it turns out I forgot to run setup_xampp.bat (portable version).
It seems that no one has answered about executing xampp_start.exe.
I did all the previous answers but it did not fixed my issue. I found out that running xampp_start.exe will give you a detailed info about the issue.
This is what I see on my end:
As you can see I was having a path issue or xampp is pointing to non-existing folder.
When I found that there was no process using port 80 by using commands
netstat -abno | find ":80"
there was not a problem of any process using port 80.
Then I ran command (in cmd)
it showed some error in the virtual hosts configuration in httpd-vhosts.conf file which was recently edited by me for installation in a WordPress PHP environment in the Eclipse IDE. So I deleted those lines and Apache started perfectly.
The simple thing that you can do is to check if Skype or VMware is installed in your machine or not.
Skype uses port 80 and 443 as an additional port for incoming connections. To change the port number in Skype, go to
Tools > Connection Options > Connection
in the Skype window. Now change the default 80 port number to something other.
VMware Workstation uses port 443 for sharing. To change this, open VMware Workstation and goto
Edit > Preferences > Shared Vms
Click "Change Settings" buton
Then Click "Disable Sharing"
Then change the https port number being used (443)
Then you can click "Enable Sharing" button
That's all you have to do. Restart XAMPP and run the Apache server.
I had the same problem sometime back. I had a old laptop, on which almost all the ports were either blocked or were malfunctioning. This is how I did it.
Open the XAMPP control panel.
Click on Config
Then, go into Apache httpd.conf file. Open it with a text editor.
Search for "80" (Do Ctrl + F and find all of them. Replace it with 8080 or 4040 or 4000).
Save the file. And restart XAMPP.
It worked well for me, and I hope it helps you too.
For me, world wide web publishing-service was using port 80. I killed this by running the following command on cmd:
net stop http
After that, XAMPP ran Apache without any problems.
One of the causes could be that you are not running the XAMPP Control Panel as an administrator.
This error occurs because the port, which is allocated for Apache, is used by another program. To check the application which uses the port, which we allocated for Apache, it can be had by clicking,
Netstat button.
This is the Netstat file,
At first, I have allocated port 8080 for Apache, and I recently installed Oracle DB.TNSLSNR.exe has used 8080 port now.
So, by looking at this file we can choose a port which is not clashing with other applications. In my case, port 8060 is not clashing with any application. By selecting that we can change the httpd.conf file (XAMPP control panel -> Config) as mentioned above.
download new xampp apachefriends
install it
remove all VPN app
open folder XAMPP run setup_xampp.bat
run xampp-control.exe
Sometimes the issue is not a port issue but may be due to a misconfiguration that you did and Apache is not logging the error on the Event Viewer in Windows. To go around this, simply
cd C:\xampp\apache\bin
and then run
Apache will then spit out the error for you e.g. as below
AH00526: Syntax error on line 2 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Invalid command 'This', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
I hope that helps some poor soul :)
In my case, this issue was caused by an attempt to download other product of bitnami, like WordPress. That's common when we install WordPress via XAMPP. It is placed in the xampp/app directory that can be accessed from the XAMPP application homepage.
As a solution, I removed the default installed WordPress from the xampp directory and manually installed WordPress in the htdocs folder of WordPress by downloading it and extracting zip files into the htdoc folder. You also need to restart XAMPP or may system after uninstalling/removing the default WordPress. All is OK for me now.
Make at first sure your \xampp folder is in the root! This is important as the path is relative.
Then make sure you run the xampp_control.exe with admin rights.
Then change the files below to avoid issues with blocked port 80.
In \xampp\xampp-control.ini it should be set:
Find \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf and set:
Listen 8080
ServerName localhost:8080
Find \xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf and set:
Listen 4433
<VirtualHost _default_:4433>
Then end all services and restart xampp-control.exe with admin rights. It should run!
I have just encountered this error on my xampp v3.2.2 [win 10 pro x64],
I first tried to run the "net stop http" command in an admin cmd, but it didnt solve the issue, so I went ahead to try the "netstat -abno" command and i found out that the ssl port(443) was in use by vmware.
so my advice, don't just look for what's blocking port 80, also look for potential programs using port 443. because I really don't like changing my default port numbers to 8081 and 4433.
So this is how you can solve this issue...
firstly type the following command
net stop http
then try to start apache, if it still doesn't work. type out the following command
netstat -abno
and you'll definitely get that troublesome app that's using up your precious port.
copy the pid and then use the following command
taskkill /f /pid PID
where PID is the pid you copied.
Hopefully this helps someone.
In my case port was already used by windows IIS service.
You can check if port is being already used from cmd. Open cmd and run this command:
netstat -ano
If it is being used by IIS you can stop it by following command. Open cmd as administrator, then:
iisreset /stop
Now try running XAMPP, it should work.
You can run apache_start.bat file from XAMPP directory for see details about your error details.
Try the following, none of the above solved it for me
Select "Run as administrator"
Then click on the big left box next to Apache
And Choose to uninstall Apache
I have no idea why this worked but it solved my problem directly!
Step 1: In Apache go to Config then select Apache(httpd.conf)
In the notepad, find Listen 80 and add another 80 to change the port to become Listen 8080
Make sure to save before closing the notepad.
Step 2: In Apache go to Config the select Apache(httpd-ssl.conf)
In the notepad, find Listen 443 and add another 3 after 443 to change the port to become Listen 4433
Then search for VirtualHost default:443 and add another 3 to change the port to become VirtualHost default:4433
Make sure to save before closing the notepad.
(Note: There is a similar answer here but it did not work for me until I fond a video on YT)
I solved the problem with stopping the service "Web Deployment Agent Service". Open: System -> Computer Management -> Services -> Web Deployment Agent Service. Stop this service and starting XAMPP works.
I think this is a service by MS Webmatrix.
(German: Systemsteuerung -> System und Sicherheit -> Verwaltung -> Dienste -> Webbereitstellungs-Agent-Dienst)
Best solution
open XAMPP control panel,click on config for Apache, then click on Apache(httpd.config).now in the text editor . ctrl+f --> find "Listen 80" and replace it with "Listen 8079" wtihout the quotations :)
but now you have to use it like this http://localhost:8079/
P.S, I tried to change port settings for skype , stopping the Web Deployment Agent Service which I could not find in windows 10,cmd--> net stop http, and other methods but nothing worked except this .
I had the exact same error message as the OP, but my problem was not addressed by any of the existing answers. Many of the answers deal with conflicts on port 80, which I knew I did not have, since I had had localhost responding on port 80 very recently.
Turns out I had inadvertently changed ServerRoot when I intended to change DocumentRoot (stupid, I know), and though the new ServerRoot directory existed, it did not contain the configuration files and other stuff apache needed, which caused it to fail on startup. The error message probably addresses this scenario by the wording 'missing dependencies'.
On my Windows system, setting ServerRoot back to C:/XAMPP/apache solved the problem.
The Apache server by default runs on ports 80, 443. Your problem is one or both of the two ports are busy. Usually Skype or VMware Workstation use these two ports. So, make sure that they're not running. The best way to make sure the ports are free on windows is :
Click windows button.
In the search bar type resmon, to open the resource monitor resmon.exe.
Open Listening Ports, this will show you the opened used ports.
Now you can see which process is using ports 80 and 443.
Then you can kill the process either from CMD using its PID (which is shown in the resource monitor), or directly from Task Manager.
To kill a process from CMD using PID type Taskkill /PID 26356 /F, where 26356 is the PID.
Best Solution for windows user is :
Open netstat (from XAMPP CONTROL PANEL)
Find PID of process which uses port 80.
Open CMD with Administrative.
Run taskkill /pid PID (instead PID use pid u found from netstat)
Heyy enjoy u Done.....

Apache won't run in xampp

I have just installed XAMPP and everything works fine except that I can't get apache to run. It seems that port 80 is the problem, I have disabled Skype to use port 80 but it doesn't seem to fix it. I read somewhere that the SSL port can be the problem and should be changed. But I cant figure out were the port is or how to change it.
"Check the "/xampp/apache/logs/error.log" file"
I have tried to check this file but inside "logs" there isn't anything. From apache I can go to error but there is not any recently changed documents.
The error:
20:34:24 [Apache] Problem detected!
20:34:24 [Apache] Port 80 in use by "system"!
20:34:24 [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
20:34:24 [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
20:34:24 [Apache] or reconfigure Apache to listen on a different port
20:40:50 [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app...
20:40:50 [Apache] Status change detected: running
20:40:51 [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
20:40:51 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
20:40:51 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
20:40:51 [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
20:40:51 [Apache] Check the "/xampp/apache/logs/error.log" file
20:40:51 [Apache] and the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
How to I fix these errors?
If you just want to make Apache run an don't mind which port it is running on, do the following:
In the XAMPP Control Panel, click on the Apache - 'Config' button which is located next to the 'Logs' button.
Select 'Apache (httpd.conf)' from the drop down. (notepad should open)
Do Ctrl + F to find '80'. Click 'find next' three times and change line Listen 80 to Listen 8080
Click 'find next' again a couple times until you see line ServerName localhost:80 change this to ServerName localhost:8080
Do Ctrl + S to save and then exit notepad.
Start up Apache again in the XAMPP Control Panel, Apache should successfully run.
Use http://localhost:8080/ in your browser address bar to check everything is working.
Also you may have problems running XAMPP while running IIS. If you are running IIS it might be worth stopping the service then starting XAMPP.
Find out which other service uses port 80.
I have heard skype uses port 80. Check it there isn't another server or database running in the background on port 80.
Two good alternatives to xampp are wamp and easyphp. Out of that, wamp is the most user friendly and it also has a built in tool for checking if port 80 is in use and which service is currently using it.
Or disable iis. It has been known to use port 80 by default.
There are 2 ways to solving this problem.
If you want to run Apache in another port then:Replace in xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf "ServerName localhost:80" by "ServerName localhost:81" At line 184. After that even it may not work.Then replace
#Listen [::]:80
Listen 80
#Listen [::]:81
Listen 81
at line 45
If you want to use port 80. Then follow this. In Windows 8 “World Wide Publishing Service is using this port and stopping this service will free the port 80 and you can connect Apache using this port. To stop the service go to the “Task manager –> Services tab”, right click the “World Wide Publishing Service” and stop. If you don't find there then Then go to "Run > services.msc" and again find there and right click the “World Wide Publishing Service” and stop.
If you didn't find “World Wide Publishing Service” there then go to "Run>>resmon.exe>> Network Tab>>Listening Ports" and see which process is using port 80
And from "Overview>>CPU" just Right click on that process and click "End Process Tree". If that process is system that might be a critical issue.
Skype, try closing it and then running xampp, if it works then change the skype port to stop using port 80
Take a look at this site:
In my case, it was the SQL Server Reporting Service, but others have seen IIS or the Web Deployment Agent Service.
Open a cmd window and run services.msc, find the service, and stop it. Then try to start Apache. If it works, disable the other service.
Note that this problem usually occure for two reasons:
1-Port 80 is busy.
2-Port 443 is busy.
For number one as the others said, you can kill Skype and SQL Serever Reporter from
Windows Task Manager>"Services" Tab>"Services..." Button.
But if it dosen't worked, it's probably because of port 443, so try this one:
If you use VMware, go to
Windows Task Manager>"Services" Tab>"Services..." Button, and find "VMware Workstation Server" service, double click on it and press "Stop" button.
There is no need to stop other VMware's services.
Then again try to run Apache
logout your account in skype.. then in xampp control panel click start from the line of Apache..
In my case, it was something else. One day earlier I tried to install wordpress using bitnam of xampp, but I was not successfull.
When I saw the error log, there was an error :
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 560 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Could not open configuration file C:/xampp/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-prefix.conf: The system cannot find the path specified.
I opened the httpd.conf and found this line:
Include "C:/xampp/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"
I just commented it with #,
Now it's running fine. :)
In my case the problem was that the logs folder did not exist resp. the error.log file in this folder.
Like Ianshark points out, a common reason for this error in Windows 7 is the Web Deployment Agent service.
The Web Deploy Tool enables administrators to use IIS Manager to deploy ASP.NET and PHP applications to an IIS server.
You can disable it from XAMPP Control Panel by clicking the "Services" button. If you have changed the port in the Apache config file, change it back to 80. Then uninstall Microsoft Web Deploy, if you prefer a more permanent solution.
Do you have Bitnami installed? If so it is most likely one of those installations check by opening command prompt as admin or terminal in linux, enter this...
netstat -b
This will give an application name to those processes and ports in use. Look for :80 or :443
I had the same kind of problems. I finally made it to work.
I successfully changed the apache ports to listen to ports not used by other programs
Port 443 is used by SSL and Skype
I believe that the XAMPP Control Panel has a bug and I have screen shots in my posts to. I do not have enough credibility on this web site to upload pictures.
I have the whole thing written down with screen shots in the following blog posts:
None of the above worked for me. This is what finally worked for me:
1) Start Services (Type services in your start > search)
2) Look for Apache services.It was disabled in my case. Enabling it worked for me.
Some people have also reported duplicate listing of Apache services which has prevented it from starting. If that is the case, delete/disable one of the Apache services which corresponds to the wrong path.
A restart of XAMPP might be required.
In my case I simply had to run the control panel as administrator
just disable "world wide web publishing service" , it solve my problem.
In my case, it was something else. One day earlier I tried to install Magento using bitnami of xampp. And I deleted That Module
I opened the httpd.conf and found this line:
Include "C:/xampp/apps/magento/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"
I just commented it with #,
Now it's running fine. :)
Try stopping Apache and MySql and starting them again in the following order.
Wait for both services to stop properly before restarting. Turning them on and off too quickly gives the same problem.
Inspired by lansharks answer.

XAMPP on Windows - Apache not starting

I have installed XAMPP on my windows 7 machine but can't get Apache to work.
On start I get the following errors:
13:09:21 [apache] Apache Service Detected With Wrong Path
13:09:21 [apache] Uninstall the service manually first
13:09:21 [apache] Possible problem detected!
13:09:21 [apache] Port 80 in use by "system"!
13:09:21 [tomcat] Tomcat Service Detected With Wrong Path
13:09:21 [tomcat] Uninstall the service manually first
After opening the XAMPP panel and installing Apache service: I have tried start it, it always get stuck "Starting apache service..."
Any advice on how I could resolve this ?
I was able to fix this!
Had the same problems as stated above, made sure nothing was using port 80 and still not working and getting the message that Apache and Mysql were detected with the wrong path.
I did install XAMPP once before, uninstalled and reinstalled. I even manually uninstalled but still had issues.
The fix. Make sure you backup your system first!
Start Services via Control Panel>Admin Tools (also with Ctrl+R and services.msc)
Look for Apache and MySQL services. Look at the patch indicated in the description (right click on service then click on properties). Chances are that you have Apache listed twice, one from your correct install and one from a previous install. Even if you only see one, look at the path, chances are it's from a previous install and causing your install not to work. In either case, you need to delete those incorrect services.
a. Got to command prompt (run as administrator): Start > all programs > Accessories > right click on Command Prompt > Select 'run as administrator'
b. on command prompt type sc delete service, where service is the service you're wanting to delete, such as apache2.1 (or sc delete Apache2.4). It should be exactly as it appears in your services. If the service has spaces such as Apache 2.1 then enter it in quotes, i.e. sc delete "Apache 2.1"
c. press enter. Now refresh or close/open your services window and you'll see it`s gone.
DO THIS for all services that XAMPP finds as running with an incorrect path.
Once you do this, go ahead and restart the XAMPP control panel (as administrator) and voila! all works. No conflicts
my friend this the will fix ur problem ;)
in root of folder ( xampp ) just run this file ( setup_xampp.bat ) then press enter
and try to start the apache server
every things will work like charm ;)
The most likely reason would be that something else is using port 80. (Often this can be Skype, IIS, etc.)
This tutorials shows How to Change the Apache Port in XAMPP
I spent over 3 hours to find out solution. Actually port 80 was being used by "system" service so I tried to change port from 80 to 8080 in "httpd" file but same problem raised "port 80 is used by system". It had driven me mad for 3 hours as every thing was changed like port , localhost server etc pointing to 8080.
At last I found mistake that was server root. Basically "Server Root" in "httpd" should be pointing to apache foler of xampp. In my case that's was
ServerRoot "xampp/apache"
I just changed it as follows:
ServerRoot "C:/xampp/apache"
It has worked successfully and now everything is running with OK status.
refer this:-
and to enable telnet
I encountered the same issue after XAMPP v3.2.1 installation. I do not have Skype as most people would believe, however as a Software Developer I assumed port 80 is already in use by my other apps. So I changed it by simply using the XAMPP Control Panel:
Click on the 'Config' button corresponding to the APACHE service and choose the first option 'Apache (httpd.conf)'. In the document that opens (using any text editor - except MS Word!), locate the text:
Listen 80
And change this to:
Listen 83
This can be any non-used port number.
I know this is somewhat of an old topic, but in case anyone reads this in the future...
I uninstalled xampp, deleted everything under the c:\xampp folder, then reinstalled xampp as administrator and it worked like a charm.
For me, the problem was I had two installations of Apache Tomcat
The following steps solved my problem:
Open up services.msc in command prompt
Select the Apache Tomcat service, right click and select properties
Check the path to the executable of the service
Follow the instructions in
to change the path to "\tomcat\bin\tomcat7.exe" //RS//Tomcat7
Restart XAMPP Control Panel
I had my Apache service not start same as MySQL one.
Please follow these steps if none of above tips works :
Open regedit.exe on any windows this available . Run as administrator. (Only on windows 7 and later editions )
Go to local machine/system/controlset001/services
Find and delete folders of services apache and mysql .
Uninstall xampp . Delete folder of xampp.
Restart computer and reinstall Xampp . After that your Xampp apache and Mysql should work.
Note: Ports 80 and 443 must be unused by any program.
If it is in use . Just edit ports. There is a lot of tutorials about that .

How to set xampp open localhost:8080 instead of just localhost

I use XAMPP 1.7.3. Apache and MySQL installed. Nothing else.
Apache installed on default port 80. Clicking on Admin next to Apache opens http://localhost/xampp/. Which works as expected.
I navigated to xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf and edited it. Set Listen 8080. Now http://localhost:8080/xampp/ works as expected but the Admin button still opens http://localhost/xampp/ which does not open anything. I have restarted the computer after doing so with no results.
How to make XAMPP apache admin open localhost:8080/xampp ?
The port that the Admin button references is configurable. In the XAMPP install folder there is a xampp-control.ini file. Changing the Apache entry under [ServicePorts] will affect the url the Admin button opens.
I believe the admin button will open the default configuration always. It simply contains a link to localhost/xampp and it doesn't read the server configuration.
If you change the default settings, you know what you changed and you can enter the URL directly in the browser.
you can get loccalhost page by writing localhost/xampp or by writing you will get the local host page. After starting the apache serve that can be from wamp, xamp or lamp.
Steps using XAMPP GUI:
Step-1: Click on Config button
Step-2: Click on Service and Port Settings button
Final step: Change your port and Save
I agree and found this file under xammp-control the type of file is configuration.
When I changed it to 8080 it worked automagically!
Open XAMPP look below the X to close the program there is a Config option click it then click service and port settings then under Apache change your main port to whatever you changed it to in the config file then click save and your good to go.

Unable to start Apache in XAMPP

I have downloaded xampp-win32-1.7.7-usb-lite.7z and unzip it to C drive in my VirtualBox. Then i tried to start Apache through xampp-control.exe. when i press Start button in-front of Apache label, apache started port 80 display in text area in that window. but nothing happen. Start button not change to stop. but mysql is start properly. how could i start Apache ?
Try ZendServer CE, it works great in a Virtual Box. Apache gives problem inside a Virtual Box.
You can also refer this post: Apache won't start in VirtualBox
Try to Restart Xampp from the option Explore
Xampp Contorl-> Explore-> Xampp-Restart
If you have other service installed like .NET SQL Server it may block xampp
Xampp Contorl-> SCM -> SQL server-> Manual from Automatic
Xampp Control-> SCM-> Web client->Disabled
If you like to run service always Check SVC for both Apache Mysql It will ask you to install service click YES to install
Finally Restart your machine
i don't know whether your issue is resolved or not,if not please try the below mentioned cases
1.if your Skype account is logged in,please log out from that(usuall skype uses default Ports numbers 80 and 443 )
2.check whether any other application is running on the port 80,if so please change that port number to see that from a command prompt, run netstat -a. This will output a list of ports that are currently running.
(how to change the default port number is open your httpd.conf file and search for localhost you will find 80 there and change that to your desired number)
i think these are the main cases so please go through this cases also..