For a lanuage to work with com object does it need to have an api and compiler developed specific for com? - com

In the documentation for com it says that it works literally with every language. Do you need to have a specific API for that language so it can interface with com, or can any language literally just use it out of box? Also do you need a special compiler? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I have never used it before, and I have been trying to find this answer. When I look at demos of com examples it all seems to access the objects in a c style syntax, are their bindings and apis for other languages (literally all)?

The key thing about COM is that it is a "binary standard": which is to say that it doesn't care what the language used is, so long as the bits and bytes in memory end up in the right place.
COM basically specifies that all COM objects must have a specific layout in memory: the interface pointer points to a pointer that in turn points to a table of function pointers, which has at least three members, the first three of which are pointers to the IUnknown functions (AddRef, Release, QueryInterface), and the remainder are pointers to the other functions in the interface. COM also specifies how arguments are passed to these functions - so that the caller and callee agree on how the stack is used, and who pops off the values.
This requirement happily matches how C++ just happens to work on Windows; so most C++ classes that implement IUnknown will just happen to ends up as being valid COM classes: this is because Microsoft's implementation of C++ happens to use an object layout that matches what COM requires: the C++ object vtable pointer is the same as the COM pointer-to-table-of-function-pointers, the C++ table of function pointers is exactly what COM requires for its table-of-function-pointers, and so on. (This isn't entirely just a happy coincidence: COM was likely designed to take advantage of the most common way that C++ objects are implemented in memory which is the technique that MS's compiler uses. Note that C++ the language specification doesn't actually specify any particular object layout - so you could have a 3rd party C++ compiler that implemented C++ in a way that gave you classes that are not usable by COM. But no compiler vendor in their right mind would do that, since they would appear to be broken compared to the others!)
In plain C, you can create a COM object by creating suitable structs-containing-pointers manually. This works because C essentially allows you to specify binary-level memory layout for structs manually; you can create structs that you know will have the appropriate layout that COM is expecting.
In other languages, especially those that don't allow the user to specify memory layout explicitly, you need support from the language to allow for COM support. All the .Net languages - C#, VB.Net, and so on - use support in the .Net runtime that understands what COM expects, and produces the appropriate wrappers as needed to allow the interop to work.
So, long story short, it's not the case that any language under the sun will automatically work with COM; it's really the case that a couple of languages - namely C and C++ - are already aligned with COM's requirements; and most other languages will need some compiler support to make it work.


Accessing Windows Contacts (pre Win10) from JScript (or any ActiveScripting)

I want to use the COM object with the progID Windows.Contact.1 via ActiveScripting (JScript, VBScript, Python, etc).
This COM resides in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\wab32.dll. It seems, there is no TypeLib available for it. The COM delivers, amongst others, IContact for the "Windows Address Book" (storing contacts as XML in folders, as in Windows 7). IContact is documented here.
In JScript I did:
var co = new ActiveXObject("Windows.Contact.1");
typeof co; // results in: unknown
Since it results in unknown, I have the suspicion, that this COM could not be usable for scripting. Somewhere I read, that everything, that inherits from IUnknown can not be used for scripting, instead it must inherit from IDispatch. But I am unsure, as to how much of this is valid, and whether there are workarounds.
I would like to ask for acknowledgement of my suspicions (since I am new to all of this and have no C++ or C# background) or to ask for a way, as to how to use Windows.Contact.1 from scripting, including a way, to find out, which methods/objects I can use, without resorting to a TypeLib.
I have access to pages like Programming Windows Contacts and related ones, but first I need to get an instance in ActiveScript (JScript, VBScript, Python, Lua will do). I also have access to applications like "MS OLE View" and "OLEView DotNet". Thank you.
There are entire books on the subject, but here's a very simplified story. There are basically 3 "categories" of COM interfaces:
Interfaces deriving from IUnknown
aliases for programming against: early binding, (custom) vtable binding
the simplest way to implement a COM "server"
it's only a binary contract (methods layout, method signature, parameters behavior like in/out for cross-apartment/process support, ...)
you need to somewhow tell your callers what is this binary contract you support (you can use .idl, .tlb or anything that your caller can understand)
there are some official ways of documenting your IUnknown-derived interfaces: .idl -> .h and .tlb is the most standard one
only supported by a certain class of languages (for example C/C++, .NET, Delphi), those who understand .tlb (or .idl, or equivalent .h), or those who allow redefining layout manually (like .NET). You can perfectly define a language that can do that w/o ever using .tlb. That's the beauty of COM, it's just a binary contract.
if your language doesn't support it, you just can't use it, you'll have to write or use a wrapper with a language that supports it and exposes it in a way your language supports. Powershell for example doesn't support IUnknown-derived interfaces (I'm not 100% sure) but supports .NET so it can use .NET as a "super wrapper".
IDispatch interface
only requires one IUnknown well-known interface implementation: IDispatch
aliases for programming against: late binding, OLE automation, COM automation, or simply Automation (not to confuse with UI Automation)
invented for higher level languages (VB/VBA first, ActiveScripting a bit later)
only supported by a certain class of language, and the way it's supported varies (for example it's supported in C++ of course but it's not super easy w/o wrappers or tooling like Visual Studio's C++ #import directive). JScript and VBScript don't exactly support the same set of features with regards to Automation.
you're supposed to use only a predefined list of types "Automation-Compatible types":
these types where initially very related to VB/VBA (VARIANT, SAFEARRAY, BSTR which means "Basic String"...)
from the higher level language, it really makes COM much transparent and easier as that was the whole point (and can make it harder from the lower level ones...), it also allows "syntactic sugar" niceties
note the IDispatch implementation can be very dynamic and really late-bound at runtime (get id of name -> invoke) but most available programming tooling quite freezes the list of ids/names at compile time (ex: .NET) because they support Dual interfaces.
Dual interfaces:
interfaces that implement a custom IDispatch-derived interface and implement IDispatch itself to match the custom interface (both implementations supposedly being "equivalent" of course). Have a look at the link below, it has nice images.
because of IDispatch, you're supposed to use only Automation compatible data types in the IDispatch-derived method.
it's more work to implement (so it's usually done by programming tools, for ex: ATL)
a bit easier for native (C/C++, etc.) callers (no need to use IDispatch wrappers) but you still have to digest automation data types
IMHO, one of the best 1-page introduction to COM is here: Introduction to COM

C++/CLI: Console::WriteLine() or cout?

I am going back to school where we have to take a C++ class.
I am familiar with the language but there's a few things I have never heard of...
Generally, my teacher said that plain C++ is "unsafe". It generates "unsafe code" (whatever that means). That's why we have to use C++/CLI which is supposed to make "safe" code.
Now... isn't CLI just a Microsoft .NET extension?
He is also telling us to use Console::WriteLine() instead of cout. Since Console::WriteLine() is "safe" and cout is "unsafe".
All this seems weird to me... Can anyone clarify this?
To put it very blunt and simple.
By "safe code" you teacher probably means managed code. That is code where you don't have to "care" about pointers and memory, you have a garbagecollector that takes care of this for your. You are dealing with refrences. Examples of languages built like this is java and c#. Code is compiled to a "fictional" opcodes(intermediate language, IL for C#), and compiles and run realtime(JIT, just in time compilation). The IL generated code, will have to be converted to real native platform based opcodes, in java this is one of things the jvm does. You may easily disassemble code from languages like these. And they may run on several platforms without a recompilation.
By "unsafe code" the teacher means ordinary native c++ unmanaged code, where all memory and resource management is handled by you. This makes room for human error, and memory leaks, resource leaks and other memory errors, you don't usually deal with in managed languages. It also compiles to pure bytecode (native assembly opcodes), which means that you have to compile your code for each platform you intend to target. You will encounter that you will have to make a lot of code specific for each platform, depending on what you are going to code. It's nice to see that simple things such as threading, which where platform dependent, now is a part of the c++ standard.
Then you have c++/CLI, which basicly is a mix. You may use managed code from the .net framework in c++, and it may be used as a bridge, and be used to make wrappers.
Console::WriteLine() is managed .net code, safe.
cout is standard iso c++ from <iostream>, unsafe
You find a related post here, with a broader answer here and here :)
As pointed out by Deduplicator below this is also of interest for you
Hope it helps.
In the world of .NET, "safe" is synonymous with "verifiable" type safety. In Visual C++, it's enabled by /clr:safe.
/clr:safe will prevent you from using std::cout or any other function or type implemented in native code, because the metadata needed by .NET's verifier does not exist for native functions. MSIL which Stigandr mentioned can be used for just-in-time compilation, but even when compilation to native code is performed ahead of time, the MSIL is provided alongside the compiled native code and serves as a proof of its type safety which the verifier inspects.
Standard (native / unmanaged) C++ does check type safety during compilation. But that can be disabled by casts, and without runtime type checks, which C++ does not provide as part of the language, pointer arithmetic (e.g. array index out of bounds) can also violate type safety, as can using pointers to freed objects. C++ isn't just a language though, it is also a standard library, where you find smart pointers and smart collections that do the necessary runtime checks, so it can be just as type-safe as any managed framework.

Is C++/CLI an extension of Standard ISO C++?

Is Microsofts C++/CLI built on top of the C++ Standard (C++98 or C++11) or is it only "similar" and has deviations?
Or, specifically, is every ISO standard conforming C++ program (either C++98 or C++11), also a conforming C++/CLI program?
Note: I interpret the Wikipedia article above only comparing C++/CLI to MC++, not to ISO Standard C++.
Sure, it is an extension to C++03 and can compile any compliant C++03 program that doesn't conflict with the added keywords. The only thing it doesn't support are some of the Microsoft extensions to C++, the kind that are fundamentally incompatible with managed code execution like __fastcall and __try. MC++ was their first attempt at it, kept compatible by prefixing all added keywords with underscores. The syntax was rather forced and not well received by their customers, C++/CLI dropped the practice and has a much more intuitive syntax. Stanley Lippman of C++ Primer fame was heavily involved btw.
The compiler can be switched between managed and native code generation on-the-fly with #pragma managed, the product is a .NET mixed-mode assembly that contains both MSIL and native machine code. The MSIL produced from native C++ source is not exactly equivalent to the kind produced by, say, the C# or VB.NET compilers. It doesn't magically become verifiable and doesn't get the garbage collector love, you can corrupt the heap or blow the stack just as easily. And no optimizer love either, the MSIL gets translated to machine code at runtime and is optimized just like normal managed code with the time restrictions inherent in a jitter. Getting too much native C++ code translated to MSIL is a very common mistake, the compiler hides it too well.
C++/CLI is notable for introducing syntax that got later adopted into C++11. Like nullptr, override, final and enum class. Bit of a problem, actually, it begat __nullptr to be able to distinguish between a managed and a native null pointer. They never found a great solution for enum class, you have to declare it public to get a managed enum type. Some C++11 extensions work, few beyond the ones it already had, auto is fine but no lambda expressions, quite a loss in .NET programming. The language has been frozen since 2005.
The C++/CX language extension is notable as well, one that makes writing C++ code for Store and Phone apps palatable. The syntax resembles C++/CLI a great deal, including the ref class and hats in the syntax. But with objects allocated with ref new instead of gcnew, the latter would have been too misleading. Otherwise very different from C++/CLI at runtime, you get pure native code out of C++/CX. The language extension hides the COM interop code that's underneath, automatically reference-counting objects, translating error codes into exceptions and mapping generics. The resemblance to C++/CLI syntax is no accident, they basically perform the same role. Mapping C++-like syntax to a foreign type system.
CLI is a set of extensions for standard C++. CLI has full support of standard C++ and adds something more. So every C++ program will compile with enabled CLI, except you are using a CLI reserved word and this is the weakness of the extension, because it does not respect the double underscore rule for extensions (such reserved words has to begin with __).
You can deactivate those extensions in the GUI by:
Configuration Properties -> General -> Common Language Runtime Support
Even Bjarne Stroustrup calls CLI an extension:
On the difficult and controversial question of what the CLI binding/extensions to C++ is to be called, I prefer C++/CLI as a shorthand for "The CLI extensions to ISO C++". Keeping C++ as part of the name reminds people what is the base language and will help keep C++ a proper subset of C++ with the C++/CLI extension
Language extensions could always be called deviations from the standard, because it will not compile with a compiler without CLI support (e.g. the ^ pointer).

What OCaml standard library types cannot be marshalled?

I have a failure Marshaling a data structure (error abstract type (Custom)). There is one known abstract type in use, namely Big_int. However that Marshals fine. There is no custom C code in the application. Apart from Nums, Unix library is also used (however I don't believe there are any active objects of that type). We're Marshal'ing with Closures.
Two (only) third party libraries are in use: OCS Scheme (Scheme interpreter, pure Ocaml) and Dypgen (extensible GLR parser, also pure Ocaml). The problem is with a new feature of Dypgen, saving a dynamically extended parser.
The Ocaml error message is next to useless (it doesn't identify which abstract type with Custom tag is the culprit).
We suspected Lexbuf as the culprit because it contains a closure over an Ocaml channel, and can't be Marshal'ed, but it seems this isn't the problem. So my question is:
Which standard library components can't be Marshall'd?
Weak arrays cannot be marshaled. I am not familiar with OCS Scheme, but I would expect an interpreter for a garbage-collected language written in OCaml to use weak pointers (they let you piggy-back on OCaml's memory management).
In OCaml's defense, I do not think that the Custom method block contains the name of the type (retrospectively, that seems like a good thing to have).
EDIT: Yep:
$ grep Weak ~/Downloads/ocs-1.0.3/src/*.ml
/Users/pascal/Downloads/ocs-1.0.3/src/ SymTable = Weak.Make (HashSymbol)
As pointed out by ygrek, there is room for a name in the custom method block. I should also clarify that weak arrays are not custom values, since my answer seemed to imply that. Weak arrays have the Abstract tag and are chained using the first word of data so that the garbage collector can traverse them in special weak-pointer-related phases of the collection cycle.

What is COM?

I searched hard, but was unable to grasp the whole idea. Can anyone tell me:
What COM actually is?
How do GUIDs work, and how are they used by COM?
How does COM resolve the issues of different DLL versions.
Or at least, point me to a good article somewhere that explains these concepts?
COM is "Component Object Model". It is one of the first technologies designed to allow "binary reuse" of components... Originally, it was the rewrite of what was, in Microsoft Office circa 1988-1992 time frame, referred to as Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), a technology designed to allow the various Office applications to talk to one another. The first attempt to rewrite it was called OLE-Automation (Object Linking and Embedding). But when they got done they renamed it to COM.
How it works:
Essentially, before COM, when a client component wanted to use a component (written as a C++ library), it had to be compiled WITH the library, so it could know exactly how many bytes into the compiled binary file to find each method or function call.
With COM, there is a defined mechanism as to how these methods will be structured, and then the compiler produces a separate file (called a type library or an Interface Definition Language (IDL) file, that contains all this function offset data.
Then, as a user of the component, you have to "register" it, which writes all this information (Keyed off of GUIDs) into the OS Registry, where any client app can access it, and by reading the data from the registry, it can know where in the binary file to find each method or class entry point.
Your question is a little large for a full explanation here. A quick high-level introduction to COM can be found in the book Understanding ActiveX and OLE. A more detailed but still introductory introduction is Inside COM. The best book on the subject is Don Box's Essential COM.
A couple of quick answers:
COM is a binary interface standard for objects. It allows various programs to write to interfaces without all having to have been written in the same langauge with the same compiler. There are also related services available.
GUIDs are globally unique numbers that COM uses to identify interfaces.
COM doesn't resolve different DLL version problems. It only allows a single DLL to be registered for each GUID.
COM enables reusable software. Like building blocks, you can create COM objects (or now Assemblies in .NET) to provide functionality to a larger piece of software. I have used COM to provide DB integration for Excel and MS BizTalk. Software like MS BizTalk use COM/Assemblies to extend the processing capabilities of a standard process; you can insert a COM into the message workflow to do more processing than is implemented by Microsoft. COM also allows use of Component Services providing built in object pooling, security, and control interface.
Wikipedia has a good definition of GUID. Note that Microsoft has a formatting that is not necessarly used in the rest of development community.
COM by itself does not resolve DLL version issues. It enables you to extend software incrementally if you use the COM versioning capability. So if you have an application that uses a COM to convert XML to Text (for example) and you want to enhance, you can create a new version (2.0) which you can roll-out slowly as you update the source application to use the new COM. This way you could (if need be) have a switch statement that can still use the old COM if required by system limitations, or use the new one (they would be different DLLs).
COM is a lot of different things. I recommend Don Box's book, Essential COM as a good way to learn.
At a bare minimum, a COM object is an object that exposes a single interface, IUnknown. This interface has 3 methods, AddRef, Release, and QueryInterface. AddRef/Release enables the object to be reference counted, and automatically deleted when the last reference is released. QueryInterface allows you to interrogate the object for other interfaces it supports.
Most COM objects are discoverable. They are registered in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT with an identifying GUID, called a CLSID (class ID). This enables you to call CoCreateInstance to create an instance of a registered object if you know a GUID. You can also query the registry via a COM API for the CLSID that backs a ProgId (program id), which is a string that identifies the object.
Many COM objects have typelibs that specify the interfaces and methods the object supports, as well as IDispatch which has a method, Invoke, that allows you to dynamically call methods on the object. This enables the object to be used from scripting languages that don't support strong typing.
Some objects support being run in a different process, on a different thread, or on a different machine. COM supports marshalling for these types of objects. If possible, a standard marshaller can use the object's typelib to marshal calls to the object, but custom marshallers can be provided as well.
And there's a whole lot more to COM objects, I'm barely scratching the surface.
10,000 foot view:
COM is the communication mechanism for software components. Example, you can interact with COM interfaces (COM interop in .NET) to use functionality not exposed through a common interface (.NET assembly).
GUIDs are explained fairly decent on Wikipedia
I always understood LIB files to be object files for the C++ linker. They contain the code for all objects in a cpp file. The compiler optimizes when it links disregarding portions of the object file that it doesn't need.
Someone please clarify as I am sure I butchered some of this.
COM is Microsoft's Component Object Model, a binary-compatible interface for programs written in various languages to interoperate with each other. It is the "evolutionary step" between the OLE and .NET technologies.
If you want to learn about COM from the C++ perspective, take a look at Don Box's Essential COM, or ATL Internals by Rector and Sells.
The group is probably the best place to ask questions you can't get answers for here. It's primarily an ATL newsgroup, but it seems to be the newsgroup with the most traffic for general COM questions as well. (just be prepared for the usual newsgroup curtness & impatience)
COM is a method to develop software components, small binary exe, that provides services for applications, OS and other components. Developing custom COM comnponent is like developing Object oriented API. GUID is a Global unique ID and used to identify a COM component uniquely.
You can refer a very good book by Dale Rogerson for more details. Inside COM