Decrease the Space Between a Menu Item's Icon and its Text -

In my .net windows form (I am using XP Pro SP3 and VS 2010), I have created a menustrip. In the menustrip are several menu items, each with a dropdown menu. The menu items in the dropdown menus each have an icon with some text. I want to make the menu more compact by decreasing the horizontal space between the icon and the text. (I added a red arrow to the picture to show the space I am talking about).
So far, I have set the padding of all the menuitems to 0, but this seems only to affect the vertical spacing between one menu item and the next.
I want to use the system rendermode for the menustrip (although the problem persists no matter what rendermode I use. The icons in the menu are 16x16, and have the property sizetofit.
Funny thing is that this very same spacing is just the way I want it in the menustrip - the icon is right next to the text.
This will remove the image margin completely, but it removes the images too; I just want to change the width of the image margin.
For Each menuItem As ToolStripMenuItem In menu_main.Items
DirectCast(menuItem.DropDown, ToolStripDropDownMenu).ShowImageMargin = False
What can I do here?

So, this is kinda cheating, and probably isn't going to look as clean as you'd like, but I was able to do it by making the image have the text and then setting following properties in the designer for the menu item:
DisplayStyle = Image
ImageScaling = None


Illustrator toolbars glued together

I am new to Adobe illustrator and i don't really know how to search for my errors.
At the right of my screen i have some 'toolbars' (like pathfinder, swatches, ..) you can enable them by clicking on the 'window' option at the top and then selecting them. So i was arranging them at the right of my screen, when all of the sudden (i must have done something wrong) the pathfinder, swatches, color toolbars are sticking together and i can't 'unstick' them.
Also when i deselect one of them under the 'window' option all of them disappear.
They also don't expand the the bottom of the screen inside a container like element.
click, hold and drag the pathfinder or the menu of your choice to unstick them

IntelliJ IDEA: Increase size of bar on the right side of editor

I'd like to increase the size of the bar on the right side of the Editor in IntelliJ IDEA. It's simply way too small for my taste.
It is the bar where the warnings or usages are displayed.
P. S.: The bar is called Error Stripe.
I agree, the scrollbar is far to small, and hard to see.
Another option you could try is installing the "CodeGlance" plugin which adds a full view of the code and makes scrolling far more intuituve.
Grab it from (as of 15-04-27)
Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + / and select Registry... from the menu that appears.
Look for editor.full.width.scrollbar and tick the box on the right. The change should take effect after clicking the close button. The width of the scroll bar should be marginally wider, it's not a lot but every little bit helps :-)
Unfortunately this setting only affects the scroll bar on the right of the editor window. All the other scroll bars are unaffected.
For those that find transparency effects annoying then look for editor.transparent.scrollbar and untick the box on the right. This change should take effect after clicking the close button and restarting IntelliJ.
It seems like it – or the scrollbar as a whole – can't be resized.
You could scroll to the bottom of the bars properties in the GUI section and change the width to example (100dp). Or you could play around with the XML file that contains the width and height property.

How to have a TextBox control fill a Split Container panel?

I am running Visual Studio 2010 Professional (10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel) with no updates showing in Windows Update. When I drop a TextBox control into a Split Container panel, make it Multiline, then Dock in Parent = Fill, it shrinks down to 1 pixel wide and disappears. Of course, at runtime it is invisible.
Is this a bug? Is there a fix? I actually don't need text input - what I want is to display text in a resizable panel, with scroll bars. I could perhaps put code on the events (SizeChanged, SplitterMoved, SplitterMoving...) but that's an ugly solution. Is that the only one?
Apparently I didn't realize I had put a Flow Layout container inside the Split Container panel. This was preventing it from filling the panel.

WP8 PhoneAccentBrush doesn't affect TextBox focus border

I'm trying to make my WP7 app work well on WP8 (by compiling it as a WP8 app).
In my app, I'm changing the PhoneAccentBrush's Color which seems to work fine still, however TextBox's in WP8 now seem to show a border around it when the textbox is in focus (this wasn't happening for me on WP7). This border seems to always use the System's accent color instead of using the changed color like every other control.
Any idea what's going on here and how to change it? The red accent (if that's what the user has chosen) really clashes with my app's colors!
I would call overriding the accent color a hack. I would avoid setting the accent color and create a template for your textBlock.
Blend makes this very easy by allowing you to copy the default template and make changes to it.
Right Click the textBox in the Objects and Timeline pane, then select Edit Template -> Edit Current. Then select the States tab and select the Focused FocusState, then edit the border brush. Save and reuse the template as needed.
I did notice the textBox control template has changed in 8 and now defines the focus state border brush, although it does default to the PhoneAccentBrush.

ListView in a metro app does not get its vertical scrollbar

I am not experienced in Windows Store (aka Metro) app XAML, so perhaps I am overlooking something simple, but according to books and samples, a vertical scrollbar is a natural part of a ListView control, and unless explicitly disabled will show up when there are invisible items in the ListView.
But on in the case of my app. I have a typical List/Detail page with items in the left pane - they are displayed fine, with scrollbar, and selected item details in the right pane. Selected item contains a collection of subitems, and they are supposed to be displayed with a scrollbar in case there are many of them. I have a simple ListView definition:
ItemsSource="{Binding Elements}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource Custom80ItemTemplate}" />
Strange enough, I never see a scrollbar for this list. Only when I explicitly set its mode to "Visible", I can see a scroll bar, but there is nothing to scroll it with!
Obviously the program believes that the whole list is visible so scroll bar is unnecessary, but what can make it do such judgement?
I've finally fixed the problem. As most of such problems, the error was silly: a Grid control that owns this ListView had an extra (wrong) row definition that had Height property marked with asterisk, i.e. taking all remaining space. But the row that ListView was using had Height marked as "Auto", therefore it expanded to the whole size of its items and never activated its vertical scroll bar.
Try Setting the visibility to auto.