Xcode Instance method not found - objective-c

sometimes I get the Warning for example :
Instance method '-PushBottom' not found (return type defaults to 'id')
because the function PushBottom is under this function (where it called) declared.
For fixing this warning I put the function PushBottom about this function (where it called).
Is there any way to get fix this warning without put function PushBottom about the function where it called?

you could declare the push button in the .h file
or -(IBAction)PushButton:(id)sender;
depending on what the function is.
just declare it in the .h file above the #end and u should be good to go

I would define it in your .m file (the .h file is your public api file and unless you want it to be public, I wouldnt put it in there as suggested in another answer).
Above the #implementation In your .m file write:
#interface yourClassName()


how do i write the name of a method with multiple parameters in the .h file

I am new to iOS. I have defined the following method in a .m file and need to add its name to the .h file.
-(Boolean) addBookFromArrayOne:(Book*)bookOne bookTwo:(Book*)bookTwo mergeByThisField:(NSString*)field sortDescending:(Boolean)
This post Method Syntax in Objective C was very helpful in learning the Objective C method syntax. The answer
in Objective-C, the name of a method is composed of all of the
portions of the declaration that are not arguments and types. This
method's name would therefore be: pickerView:numberOfRowsInComponent:
was particularly helpful.
But it does not show how to generalize to multiple parameters.
I took a guess at the syntax in the header file but am clearly getting it wrong:
#property Boolean addBookFromArrayOne:bookTwo:mergeByThisField:sortDescending;
Can somebody show me how to define this method name in the header file?
Just copy method declaration from implemetation to header
-(Boolean) addBookFromArrayOne:(Book*)bookOne bookTwo:(Book*)bookTwo mergeByThisField:(NSString*)field sortDescending:(Boolean)desc;
Don't use a property to declare a method; to declare a method in your header file just write:
-(Boolean) addBookFromArrayOne:(Book*)bookOne bookTwo:(Book*)bookTwo mergeByThisField:(NSString*)field sortDescending:(Boolean)descending;

objective c - static variables puzzling behavior

In an .h file I have the following line (outside of any #interface block):
static NSMutableDictionary *dictLookup;
In the corresponding .m file I try to initialize that static in the init method of the class:
dictLookup = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dictLookup setValue:#"Hello?" forKey:#"Goodbye"];
However, when I insert breakpoints and do checks, dictLookup never becomes anything other than nil.
Also, I get a bizarre warning "Unused variable dictLookup" at compile time. Bizarre because if I delete the static declaration, then I get an "Undeclared identifier" compiler error at the lines in the init method.
I've since discovered there are better ways of doing what I want. But what was going on here? (1) Why can't I set dictLookup to anything?
Some sources seem to say that in C a static variable can only be used in the file in which it is declared. (2) If so, then why doesn't compiler fail with an error in the .m file? Given (1) that would seem to be the logical thing to design the compiler to do.
And (3) When I designed a new 'test' project from scratch, with a new .h/.m file combo like the one described, I WAS able to set dictLookup and insert keys. Why could accoutn for this difference?
When you put a declaration of a static variable in a .h file, it gets re-defined in every .m file from which the header is included. A brand-new variable will be created in each file, with the same name.
This is not an error in the .m file: the variable is local to that file, and invisible to the linker, so there are no "multiple definitions" error.
That's because your test project used a single .m file.
Some sources seem to say that in C a static variable can only be used in the file in which it is declared.
That is absolutely correct: a static variable is very much like a file-scoped global variable, it should be defined in the .m file. If you want to share a variable, it needs to be a global then. Declare it in the header with the extern keyword, like this
extern NSMutableDictionary *dictLookup;
and then define it in one of the .m files like this:
NSMutableDictionary *dictLookup;

I am having all the time this issue after running my app

I don't know why, but after a while working without problems I added some buttons, then I launched my app and this error appeared:
ld: duplicate symbol _x in
for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit
code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Whenever I have duplicate symbol errors, it is almost always because I have a circular #import in my headers. The solution is quite simple, use forward declarations where possible, and #import .h files from .m files instead.
There are just two cases where you need to #import one .h from another:
if you are extending the class in the #import
you are implementing a protocol in the #import
Specifically, you do not need to import files just to use a class name or protocol in your signatures; instead use forward declarations.
For example, this (in Bar.h):
#import "Foo.h"
might become this (Bar.h):
#class Foo;
#protocol FooDelegate;
and bar.m:
#import "Foo.h"
Here is a link to the documentation on forward declarations.
The "duplicate symbol" message means that you're declaring some name (in this case, _x) twice in the same scope. Say you had code like this:
int _x = 1;
int _x = 2;
You'd expect to get an error then, right? You can use the same name for two things at the same time.
The error you're getting is essentially the same. You're declaring _x somewhere, and from the compiler's point of view you're doing it twice. There are a few ways to deal with this, depending on what _x represents.
chrahey's answer explains about forward class declarations. I won't cover that again here except to say that a forward declaration helps you resolve circular references, where the definition of class A depends on class B and vice versa.
If _x is a variable, it's likely that you're trying to declare it in a header file. The compiler basically copies the contents of each header file that you import into the source file, so if you declare a variable in a header file and then import that header into two or more implementation files, you'll end up with multiple declarations of that variable. To get around that, use the extern keyword to tell the compiler "this name will be declared somewhere else" and then put the real declaration in an implementation file:
extern int _x;
int _x;
Pretty much the same thing goes for functions. It doesn't appear that _x is a function, but if it were, and if you were silly enough to put the function definition in a header file, then you'd again get an error if that file were imported into more than one implementation file. This is why header files contain prototypes, not definitions:
int foo(int a);
int foo(int a)
return a + 10;

Newbie question -multiple parameters

I am trying to implement a private method which takes an NSMutableDictionary and a Player object as its parameters. As it is a private method, the only place that it exists is in the ".m" file.
It is declared as
-(void) incrementScore: (NSMutableDictionary*) scoreboard forPlayer: ( Player* ) player {
and I call it as follows :
[ self incrementScore:deuceScore forPlayer:p];
However,it won't compile - I get
may not response to message -incrementScore:forplayer
I'm not sure where my error lies - do I need to declare the method in the ".h" file, or elsewhere in the ".m" file, or have I just got the syntax completely wrong?
The compiler needs to find a declaration for your method somewhere before you use it. This be done in three way:
Declare the method in the (public) #interface for the class in its .h file .
Declare the method in a class extension (a semi-private #interface, usually at the top of the .m files).
Define the method somewhere in the #implementation before your first use of it.
This is only a warning not a compile error... (if you changed preferences to treat all warnings like error it'll be a compile error).
Probably the line calling the method is above (in the .m file) the declaration method. Move the method just below #implementation directive, or above the method with the calling line. The warning/error should disapper.

What class of Objective-C variable is this?

I am working my way through some Objective-C code that I did not write and have found a variable declaration style that I am unfamiliar with. Can anyone tell me the scope of the variable 'myVar' in the class implementation below? Note that this appears in the '.m' file and not the interface declaration.
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize ivar1, ivar2;
NSString* myVar; // <- What is the intent?
- (id)init {
To me the intention appears to be similar to that of a member variable. What are the advantages of declaring a variable in this way instead of using an ivar in the #interface declaration?
It's just a plain old global variable. There's only one instance of it, and it can be accessed by any code within the same file translation unit (the final file you get after running the preprocessor). Other translation units (that is, other .m files) can also access that global variable, but in order to do so, they need to use an extern statement:
extern NSString *myVar;
extern says "this is the name of a global variable, but it's defined in a different translation unit". The linker resolves all of the extern declarations at link time.
a poorly named global variable...
I'm not too experienced in ObjC but I'd say that is a global.