Relation many-to-one retrieved from custom cache - nhibernate

It's more like theoretical question.
I have one table to hold dictionary items, and the next one for hold Users data.
User table contains a lot reference collumns of type many to one indicated on dictionary item table. It's looks like:
public class User
public int Id;
public Dictionary Status;
public Dictionary Type;
public Dictionary OrganizationUnit;
I want retrieve all dictionary on startup of aplication, and then when i retrieved user and invoke reference property to dictionary the dictionary object should be taken from cache.
I know i can use a 2nd level cache in this scenario, but i'm interested about other solution. Is there any?
It's posible to make my custom type and said that: use my custom cache to retrieved value of dictionary??

Across multiple session the second level cache is the best answer, the only other solutions to populate objects from a cache without using second level cache i can think of would be to use an onLoad interceptor (and simply leave your dictionaries unmapped) or do it manually somewhere in your application.
But why don't you want to use the seocondlevel cache? If your views on caching is very different from the storages there are providers for in hibernate it is possible for you to implement your own provider?

Why not store it in the session? Just pull the record set one time and push it into session and retrieve it each time you want it. I do something similar for other stuff and I believe my method should work for you. In my code I have a session manager that I call directly from any piece of code needs the session values. I choose this method since I can query the results and I can manipulate the storage and retrieval methods. When relying on NHibernate to do the Caching for me, I don't have the granularity of control to cause specific record sets to only be available to specific sessions. I also find that NHibernate is not as efficient as using the session directly. When profiling the CPU and memory usage I find that this method is faster and uses a little less memory. If you want to do it on a site level instead of session, look into HttpContext.Current.Cache.
The following example works perfectly for storing and retrieving record sets:
// Set the session
SessionManager.User = (Some code to pull the user record with relationships. Set the fetch mode to eager for each relationship else you will just have broken references.)
// Get the session
User myUser = SessionManager.User;
public static class SessionManager
public static User User
get { return GetSession("MySessionUser") as User; }
set { SetSession("MySessionUser", value); }
private static object GetSession(string key)
// Fix Null reference error
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current == null || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session == null)
return null;
return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key];
private static void SetSession(string key, object valueIn)
// Fix null reference error
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key] == null)
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.Add(key, valueIn);
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = valueIn;


Is there a Session-unique identifier that can be used as a cache key name?

I'm porting a legacy ASP.NET WebForms app to Razor. It had stored an object in the Session collection. Session storage is now limited to byte[] or string. One technique is to serialize objects and store as a string, but there are caveats. Another article suggested using one of the alternative caching options, so I'm trying to use MemoryCache.
For this to work as a Session replacement, I need a key name that's unique to the user and their session.
I thought I'd use Session.Id for this, like so:
ObjectCache _cache = System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default;
string _keyName = HttpContext.Session.Id + "$searchResults";
//(PROBLEM: Session.Id changes per refresh)
//hit a database for set of un-paged results
List<Foo> results = GetSearchResults(query);
if (results.Count > 0)
//add to cache
_cache.Set(_keyName, results, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(20));
//Called from multiple places, wish to use cached copy of results
private void BindResults()
CacheItem cacheItem = _cache.GetCacheItem(_keyName);
if (cacheItem != null) //in cache
List<Foo> results = (List<Foo>)cacheItem.Value;
...but when testing, I see any browser refresh, or page link click, generates a new Session.Id. That's problematic.
Is there another built-in property somewhere I can use to identify the user's session and use for this key name purpose? One that will stay static through browser refreshes and clicks within the web app?
The answer Yiyi You linked to explains it -- the Session.Id won't be static until you first put something into the Session collection. Like so:
HttpContext.Session.Set("Foo", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
_keyName = HttpContext.Session.Id + "_searchResults";
ASP.NET Core: Session Id Always Changes

Using global variable in ASP.NET Core controller

The question is simple but I don't know how use it.
For example there is a controller
public class MainController : Controller
private int a;
public IActionResult Index(bool set = true)
if (set) a = 10;
return View(a)
If I get in Index page at first time, I set a = 10. And I get in Index page again (for example refresh Index page or paging in Index page, i.e. move in same page) Actually, I get in Index page with url : ~Index?set=False after first access.
Then the a has 0 (default for int variable). I did not know the Controller page (Controller class) is always initialized when I gen in it even when I move to same page.
So, I want to use variable like global variable not using session.
Is there any way?
It sounds like you wish to persist a variable between requests.
Per user
If you wish to store a variable that persists but is only visible to the current user, use session state:
public int? A
return HttpContext.Current.Session["A"] as int?;
HttpContext.Current.Session["A"] = value;
Note that we are using int? instead of int in order to handle the case where the session variable has not yet been set. If you prefer to default to 0, you can simply use the coalesce operator, ??.
Truly global
If you wish to persist a variable in a manner where there is only one copy for all users, you can store it in a static variable or in an application state variable.
So either
static volatile public int a;
public int? A
return HttpContext.Current.Application["A"] as int?;
HttpContext.Current.Application["A"] = value;
Obviously variables that are shared between users can change at any time (due to activity in other threads), so you should be careful about how you handle them. For variables that are int-sized or smaller, the processor will perform atomic reads and writes, but for variables larger than an int you may need to use Interlocked or lock to control access.
You do not need to worry about thread synchronization for session variables; the framework handles it for you.
Note: The above is just an example to help you find the right API. It does not necessarily demonstrate the best pattern-- accessing HttpContext via the static method Current is considered bad form, as it makes it impossible to mock the context. Please see this article for ways to expose it to your code via DI.

MVC 3/EF repository pattern and proper data access

Being rather new to MVC 3 and EF, I'm trying to understand the best architectural approach to developing an application for my company. The application will be a large-scale application that potentially handles hundreds of users at the same time, so I want to make sure I understand and am following proper procedures. So far, I've determined that a simple repository pattern (such as Controller -> Repository -> EF) approach is the best and easiest to implement, but I'm not sure if that is definitely the best way to do things. The application will basically return data that is shown to a user in a devexpress grid and they can modify this data/add to it etc.
I found this article and it is rather confusing for me at this time, so I'm wondering if there is any reason to attempt to work with a disconnected EF and why you would even want to do so:
So to summarize my question(s):
Is the code below acceptable?
Should it work fine for a large-scale MVC application?
Is there a better way?
Will unnecessary connections to SQL remain open from EF? (SQL Profiler makes it look like it stays open a while even after the using statement has exited)
Is the disconnected framework idea a better one and why would you even want to do that? I don't believe we'll need to track data across tiers ...
Note: The repository implements IDisposable and has the dispose method listed below. It creates a new instance of the entity context in the repository constructor.
Example Usage:
Controller (LogOn using Custom Membership Provider):
if (MembershipService.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password))
User newUser = new User();
using (AccountRepository repo = new AccountRepository())
newUser = repo.GetUser(model.UserName);
Membership Provider ValidateUser:
public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
using (AccountRepository repo = new AccountRepository())
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password.Trim()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(username.Trim()))
return false;
string hash = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(password.Trim(), "md5");
bool exists = false;
exists = repo.UserExists(username, hash);
return exists;
return false;
Account Repository Methods for GetUser & UserExists:
Get User:
public User GetUser(string userName)
return entities.Users.SingleOrDefault(user => user.UserName == userName);
catch (Exception Ex)
throw new Exception("An error occurred: " + Ex.Message);
User Exists:
public bool UserExists(string userName, string userPassword)
if (userName == "" || userPassword == "")
throw new ArgumentException(InvalidUsernamePassword);
bool exists = (entities.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserName == userName && u.Password == userPassword) != null);
return exists;
catch (Exception Ex)
throw new Exception("An error occurred: " + Ex.Message);
Repository Snippets (Constructor, Dispose etc):
public class AccountRepository : IDisposable
private DbContext entities;
public AccountRepository()
entities = new DbContext();
public void Dispose()
What's acceptable is pretty subjective, but if you want to do proper data access I suggest you do NOT use the repository pattern, as it breaks down as your application gets more complex.
The biggest reason is minimizing database access. So for example look at your repository and notice the GetUser() method. Now take a step back from the code and think about how your application is going to be used. Now think about how often you are going to request data from the user table without any additional data. The answer is almost always going to be "rarely" unless you are creating a basic data entry application.
You say it your application will show a lot of grids. What data is in that Grid? I'm assuming (without knowing your application domain) that the grids will combine user data with other information that's relevant for that user. If that's the case, how do you do it with your repositories?
One way is to call on each repository's method individually, like so:
var user = userRepository.GetUser("KallDrexx");
var companies = companyRepository.GetCompaniesForUser(user.Id);
This now means you have 2 database calls for what really should be just one. As your screens get more and more complex, this will cause the number of database hits to increase and increase, and if your application gets significant traffic this will cause performance issues. The only real way to do this in the repository pattern is to add special methods to your repositories to do that specific query, like:
public class UserRepository
public User GetUser(string userName)
// GetUser code
public User GetUserWithCompanies(string userName)
// query code here
So now what happens if you need users and say their contact data in one query. Now you have to add another method to your user repository. Now say you need to do another query that also returns the number of clients each company has, so you need to add yet another method (or add an optional parameter). Now say you want to add a query that returns all companies and what users they contain. Now you need a new query method but then comes the question of do you put that in the User repository or the Company repository? How do you keep track of which one it's in and make it simple to choose between GetUserWithCompany and GetCompanyWithUsers when you need it later?
Everything gets very complex from that point on, and it's those situations that have made me drop the repository pattern. What I do now for data access is I create individual query and command classes, each class represents 1 (and only 1) query or data update command to the database. Each query class returns a view model that only contains the data I need for one specific user usage scenario. There are other data access patterns that will work too (specification pattern, some good devs even say you should just do your data access in your controllers since EF is your data access layer).
The key to doing data access successfully is good planning. Do you know what your screens are going to look like? Do you know how users are going to use your system? Do you know all the data that is actually going to be on each screen? If the answer to any of these is no, then you need to take a step back and forget about the data layer, because the data layer is (or should be for a good application) determined based on how the application is actually going to be used, the UI and the screens should not be dependent on how the data layer was designed. If you don't take your UI needs and user usage scenarios into account when developing the data access, your application will not scale well and will not be performant. Sometimes that's not an issue if you don't plan on your site being big, but it never hurts to keep those things in mind.
No matter what you do, you may consider moving instantiation and disposing of your context to your controller like this:
public class MyController : Controller
private Entities context = new Entities();
public override void Dispose()
You can then pass that context into any method that needs it without duplicating the overhead of creating it.
I disagree that the repository pattern is necessarily bad for the same reason. You create multiple classes to break up your code to make it manageable and still reuse the same context. That could look something like this:
In this case "Users" is a lazy loaded instance of your user repository class which reuses the context from your repository. So the code for that Users property in your repository would look something like this:
private UserRepository users;
public UserRepository Users
If (users == null)
users = new UserRepository(this);
return users;
You can then expose your context to these other lazy loaded classes via a property.
I don't think this necessarily conflicts with KallDrexx's pattern. His method simply flips this so instead of
You would have something like
UserQuery query = new UserQuery(repository.Users);
This then becomes an issue of syntax. Do you want this:
repository.Area.Query(value1, value2, ...);
Or this:
AreaQuery query = new AreaQuery { Property1 = value1, ... };
The latter actually works nicer with model binding but obviously is more verbose when you actually have to code it.
Best advice KallDrexx gave is to just put your code I your actions and then figure it out. If you are doing simple CRUD, then let MVC instantiate and populate your model, then all you have to do is attach and save. If you find you can reuse code, move it to where it can be reused. If your application starts getting too complicated, try some of these recommendations until you find what works for you.

RavenDB Catch 22 - Optimistic Concurrency AND Seeing Changes from Other Clients

With RavenDB, creating an IDocumentSession upon app start-up (and never closing it until the app is closed), allows me to use optimistic concurrency by doing this:
public class GenericData : DataAccessLayerBase, IGenericData
public void Save<T>(T objectToSave)
Guid eTag = (Guid)Session.Advanced.GetEtagFor(objectToSave);
Session.Store(objectToSave, eTag);
If another user has changed that object, then the save will correctly fail.
But what I can't do, when using one session for the lifetime of an app, is seeing changes, made by other instances of the app (say, Joe, five cubicles away), to documents. When I do this, I don't see Joe's changes:
public class CustomVariableGroupData : DataAccessLayerBase, ICustomVariableGroupData
public IEnumerable<CustomVariableGroup> GetAll()
return Session.Query<CustomVariableGroup>();
Note: I've also tried this, but it didn't display Joe's changes either:
return Session.Query<CustomVariableGroup>().Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults());
Now, if I go the other way, and create an IDocumentSession within every method that accesses the database, then I have the opposite problem. Because I have a new session, I can see Joe's changes. Buuuuuuut... then I lose optimistic concurrency. When I create a new session before saving, this line produces an empty GUID, and therefore fails:
Guid eTag = (Guid)Session.Advanced.GetEtagFor(objectToSave);
What am I missing? If a Session shouldn't be created within each method, nor at the app level, then what is the correct scope? How can I get the benefits of optimistic concurrency and the ability to see others' changes when doing a Session.Query()?
You won't see the changes, because you use the same session. See my others replies for more details
Disclaimer: I know this can't be the long-term approach, and therefore won't be an accepted answer here. However, I simply need to get something working now, and I can refactor later. I also know some folks will be disgusted with this approach, lol, but so be it. It seems to be working. I get new data with every query (new session), and I get optimistic concurrency working as well.
The bottom line is that I went back to one session per data access method. And whenever a data access method does some type of get/load/query, I store the eTags in a static dictionary:
public IEnumerable<CustomVariableGroup> GetAll()
using (IDocumentSession session = Database.OpenSession())
IEnumerable<CustomVariableGroup> groups = session.Query<CustomVariableGroup>();
CacheEtags(groups, session);
return groups;
Then, when I'm saving data, I grab the eTag from the cache. This causes a concurrency exception if another instance has modified the data, which is what I want.
public void Save(EntityBase objectToSave)
if (objectToSave == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objectToSave"); }
Guid eTag = Guid.Empty;
if (objectToSave.Id != null)
eTag = RetrieveEtagFromCache(objectToSave);
using (IDocumentSession session = Database.OpenSession())
session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;
session.Store(objectToSave, eTag);
CacheEtag(objectToSave, session); // We have a new eTag after saving.
I absolutely want to do this the right way in the long run, but I don't know what that way is yet.
Edit: I'm going to make this the accepted answer until I find a better way.
Bob, why don't you just open up a new Session every time you want to refresh your data?
It has many trade-offs to open new sessions for every request, and your solution to optimistic concurrency (managing tags within your own singleton dictionary) shows that it was never intended to be used that way.
You said you have a WPF application. Alright, open a new Session on startup. Load and query whatever you want but don't close the Session until you want to refresh your data (e.g. a list of order, customers, i don't know...). Then, when you want to refresh it (after a user clicks on a button, a timer event is fired or whatever) dispose the session and open a new one. Does that work for you?

How to work around NHibernate caching?

I'm new to NHibernate and was assigned to a task where I have to change a value of an entity property and then compare if this new value (cached) is different from the actual value stored on the DB. However, every attempt to retrieve this value from the DB resulted in the cached value. As I said, I'm new to NHibernate, maybe this is something easy to do and obviously could be done with plain ADO.NET, but the client demands that we use NHibernate for every access to the DB. In order to make things clearer, those were my "successful" attempts (ie, no errors):
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For<User>()
.Add(Expression.Eq(UserField.Id, userid));
return GetByDetachedCriteria(criteria)[0].Id; //this is the value I want
var JobLoadId = DetachedCriteria.For<User>()
.Add(Expression.Eq(UserField.Id, userid));
ICriteria criteria = JobLoadId.GetExecutableCriteria(NHibernateSession);
var ids = criteria.List();
return ((JobLoad)ids[0]).Id;
Hope I made myself clear, sometimes is hard to explain a problem when even you don't quite understand the underlying framework.
Edit: Of course, this is a method body.
Edit 2: I found out that it doesn't work properly for the method call is inside a transaction context. If I remove the transaction, it works fine, but I need it to be in this context.
I do that opening a new stateless session for geting the actual object in the database:
User databaseuser;
using (IStatelessSession session = SessionFactory.OpenStatelessSession())
databaseuser = db.get<User>("id");
//do your checks
Within a session, NHibernate will return the same object from its Level-1 Cache (aka Identity Map). If you need to see the current value in the database, you can open a new session and load the object in that session.
I would do it like this:
public class MyObject : Entity
private readonly string myField;
public string MyProperty
get { return myField; }
if (value != myField)
myField = value;
googles nhforge
This may be able to help you.