SQL Server deleted identity columns - sql

in SQL SERVER 2010, I deleted some columns that made use of identity fields.
I like to insert rows where the identity columns were deleted with the original values but not sure how to do so.
I tried edit but the identity columns were greyed out
UPDATE table

--do your update/insert query here

Can you explain why you care whether there are gaps in your identity columns? If you just want some pretty ID number next to a label (and aren't worried about related data in other tables, or whether the 2nd row retains the ID 2 even if ID 1 is deleted), you can always derive these meaningless ID numbers at runtime, e.g.
SELECT col, MeaninglessID = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY col)
FROM dbo.table

You need to reseed the identity:
dbcc checkident (mytable, reseed, 30)


Identity specification

I have a problem with identity specification when I create a table in SQL Server 2016.
In column Id I set Identity Increment and Identity Seed equal 1.
Next I add new record to new table.
In column Id show up 2 value. Why? Why not 1 value?
Next drop the first record and add new. In column Id show up 3 value. Why? Why not 1 value.
Next I use command ' update nametable set id=1' and receive answer cannot update identity column Id. Why?
This is probably easier to explain with some code:
SomeCol varchar(5));
INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable (SomeCol)
VALUES('abc'); --Will get ID 1
INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable (SomeCol)
VALUES('def'),('ghi'); --Will get 2 and 3.
FROM dbo.YourTable;
DELETE FROM dbo.YourTable;
INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable (SomeCol)
VALUES('abc'); --Will get ID 4, because 1-3 have been used. Deleting doesn't let you reuse values.
FROM dbo.YourTable;
DELETE FROM dbo.YourTable;
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('dbo.YourTable', RESEED, 1);
INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable (SomeCol)
VALUES('abc'); --Will get ID 2, as you seeded back to 1; so the NEXT ID is used.
FROM dbo.YourTable;
INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable (SomeCol)
VALUES('abc'); --Will get ID 4, because 1-3 have been used.
FROM dbo.YourTable; --Will get ID 1, as the column was reseed with the TRUNCATE
DROP TABLE dbo.YourTable;
For your specific question on reseeding, the next value after the seed your define is use. The seed you define is the one you are saying was last used. This is covered in the documentation Forcing the current identity value to a new value:
Because the table has existing rows, the next row inserted will use 11
as the value – the new current identity value defined for the column
plus 1 (which is the column's increment value).
The only way to define a table doesn't have existing rows is the TRUNCATE it, which is what I do later on in the above batch (and why 1 is reused).
At the end of the day, the value of your IDENTITY is meaningless other than to provide the row with a single use value (which is not guarenteed to be unique on it's own). Combined with the Primary key/Unique constraints, it makes a good Clustered index candidate, as the next value is always greater than the last used, and values aren't reused.
If having sequential values is important, then what you need to use is a SEQUENCE, not the IDENTITY property. The latter doesn't guarantee uniqueness, or sequential values on it's own (as they could be skipped due to deletes, failed inserts, an unexpected shutdown, etc), but it does guarantee it will not reuse values once they have been (without a RESEED): IDENTITY (Transact-SQL) - Remarks. A SEQUENCE can be used to ensure the values are indeed sequential (apart from due to a DELETE).
Welcome to the forum :)
If you created the table using
Then the first record inserted will have Id = 1, however, if the insert statement fails or the transaction is rolled back the consumed identity be marked as used (or lost) and the next insert statement will proceed from Id = 2.
Have a look at Microsoft documentation on this topic:
When deleting inserted rows (which also happens when those inserts are rolled-back in a transaction, by the way), the identity value is not automatically reset. The identity functionality "remembers" its last value.
Gaps in the identity values will also NOT be filled when older records are deleted from the table and new records are inserted into the table.
That's just how identity works. It's a simple and safe mechanism.
If you (occasionally!) want to reset the identity value, you can take a look at DBCC CHECKIDENT. I personally tend to use it like this:
(I execute both lines, in this order.)
I would advice against this practice in production environments, however.

Updating Identity Column of a table with consecutive numbers through SQL Stored Procedure

After deleting the duplicate records from the table,
I want to update Identity column of a table with consecutive numbering starting with 1. Here is my table details
I need to perform this action through a stored procedure.
When i tried following statement in stored procedure
DECLARE #myVar int
SET #myVar = 0
set identity_insert TempTrans_Raw# ON
UPDATE TempTrans_Raw# SET #myvar = Id = #myVar + 1
set identity_insert TempTrans_Raw# off
gave error like...Cannot update identity column 'Id'
Anyone please suggest how to update Identity column of that table with consecutive numbering starting with 1.
--before running this make sure Foreign key constraints have been removed that reference the ID.
--insert everything into a temp table
SELECT (ColumnList) --except identity column
INTO #tmpYourTable
FROM yourTable
--clear your table
-- reseed identity
DBCC CHECKIDENT('table', RESEED, new reseed value)
--insert back all the values
INSERT INTO yourTable (ColumnList)
SELECT OtherCols FROM #tmpYourTable
--drop the temp table
DROP TABLE #tmpYourTable
The IDENTITY keword is used to generate a key which can be used in combination with the PRIMARY KEY constraint to get a technical key. Such keys are technical, they are used to link table records. They should have no other meaning (such as a sort order). SQL Server does not guarantee the generated IDs to be consecutive. They do guarantee however that you get them in order. (So you might get 1, 2, 4, ..., but never 1, 4, 2, ...)
Here is the documentation for IDENTITY: https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/ms186775.aspx.
Personally I don't like it to be guaranteed that the generated IDs are in order. A technical ID is supposed to have no meaning other then offering a reference to a record. You can rely on the order, but if order is information you are interested in, you should store that information in my opinion (in form of a timestamp for example).
If you want to have a number telling you that a record is the fifth or sixteenth or whatever record in order, you can get always get that number on the fly using the ROW_NUMBER function. So there is no need to generate and store such consecutive value (which could also be quite troublesome when it comes to concurrent transactions on the table). Here is how to get that number:
row_number() over(order by id),
from mytable;
Having said all this; it should never be necessary to change an ID. It is a sign for inappropriate table design, if you feel that need.
If you really need sequential numbers, may I suggest that you create a table ("OrderNumbers") with valid numbers, and then make you program pick one row from OrderNumbers when you add a row to yourTable.
If you everything in one transaction (i.e. with Begin Tran and Commit) then you can get one number for one row with no gabs.
You should have either Primary Keys or Unique Keys on both tables on this column to protect against duplicates.
Check this function: DBCC CHECKIDENT('table', RESEED, new reseed value)

Insert value into an old identity field

I have a table which had an identity column.
for many reasons we had to remove the identity from that column.
I have a system that inserts a value to that table by the old way, passes null for the identity column.
is there a simple way to define identity column to receive a value in case it is passed to it, and if a value of null is passed, to make that table to set a unique value to that field that is not found in that table (act like identity).
What i mean is, if there is value, insert it.
And if the system tries to insert null act like an identity.
Thanks in advance.
A trigger seems like a good choice for this situation, but there are a lot of ways you can handle the situation.
The example below creates an INSTEAD OF insert trigger that gets the columns that were supposed to be inserted, and generates a new value via a function if the ID column is null.
CREATE TRIGGER myTrigger ON myTable
INSERT INTO myTable (myIDcolumn, anotherColumn)
SELECT COALESCE(myIDColumn, dbo.SomeMethodToCreateID), anotherColumn
FROM inserted
How that SomeTheodToCreateID function is to work is up to you. One thing you could do is change the SELECT to combine max plus row_number:
(SELECT MAX(myIDColumn) FROM myTable) + ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY anotherColumn)
Try This
DBCC CHECKIDENT ( '[dbo].[Customers]', RESEED, 1 )

SQL Reset Identity ID in already populated table

hey all. I have a table in my DB that has about a thousand records in it. I would like to reset the identity column so that all of the ID's are sequential again. I was looking at this but I'm ASSuming that it only works on an empty table
Current Table
ID | Name
1 Joe
2 Phil
5 Jan
88 Rob
Desired Table
ID | Name
1 Joe
2 Phil
3 Jan
4 Rob
Thanks in advance
The easiest way would be to make a copy of the current table, fix up any parentid issues, drop it and then rename the new one.
You could also temporarily remove the IDENTITY and try the folowing:
Or, if you don't care about the order of the records, this
SET #id = 0;
SET #id = ID = #id + 1;
one way, wrap this in a transaction
select id,name into #temp from YourTable
truncate table YourTable
insert YourTable (name)
select name from #temp
Quick solution would be to:
create a new table with the same schema
copy the old table to the new one (except for the identity column)
delete the old table
rename the new table
Because you have foreign keys in the same table (per your comment), you will need to preserve the mapping from old to new somewhere and re-instate the foreign keys to match the new identities.
There are a number of approaches for doing this, but I would strongly question the need to update your primary keys, especially since you already have foreign keys referencing them, and it's just a surrogate key. It's not like you are changing your surrogate key to a GUID or something special.
Here's how I reset identity fields. The CTE (Common Table Expression) above version is overkill. Just use the current Row Number to update the identity column using a simple update statement with a join:
UPDATE [YourTable] SET ID = rn.RowNumber FROM [YourTable]
FROM [YourTable]) rn ON rn.ID = [YourTable].ID
This statement may be refactored to be even simpler. If so, I would love to see the simpler version.
I hope this helps someone.
Use DBCC CHECKIDENT. the table doesn't need to be empty:
Current identity value is not reset.
DBCC CHECKIDENT returns the current
identity value and the current maximum
value of the identity column. If the
two values are not the same, you
should reset the identity value to
avoid potential errors or gaps in the
sequence of values.
DBCC CHECKIDENT ( table_name ) or DBCC CHECKIDENT ( table_name, RESEED )
If the current identity value for a
table is less than the maximum
identity value stored in the identity
column, it is reset using the maximum
value in the identity column.
DBCC CHECKIDENT ( table_name, RESEED, new_reseed_value )
Current identity value is set to the
new_reseed_value. If no rows have been
inserted into the table since the
table was created, or if all rows have
been removed by using the TRUNCATE
TABLE statement, the first row
inserted after you run DBCC CHECKIDENT
uses new_reseed_value as the identity.
Otherwise, the next row inserted uses
new_reseed_value + the current
increment value.
If the table is not empty, setting the
identity value to a number less than
the maximum value in the identity
column can result in one of the
following conditions:
If a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint exists on the identity
column, error message 2627 will be
generated on later insert operations
into the table because the generated
identity value will conflict with
existing values.
If a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint does not exist, later
insert operations will result in
duplicate identity values.

Using ##IDENTITY in SQL on a specific table

How can I get the ##IDENTITY for a specific table?
I have been doing
select * from myTable
as I assume this sets the scope, from the same window SQL query window in SSMS I then run
select ##IDENTITY as identt
It returns identt as null which is not expected since myTable has many entrie in it already..
I expect it to return the next available ID integer.
myTable has a ID column set to Primary key and auto increment.
IDENT_CURRENT( 'table_name' )
Note that IDENT_CURRENT returns the last identity value for the table in any session and any scope. This means, that if another identity value was inserted after your identity value then you will not retrieve the identity value that you inserted.
You can only truly use SELECT ##IDENTITY after an insert - the last insert into a table that has an IDENTITY column is the value you'll get back.
You cannot "limit" it to a table - the value in ##IDENTITY - and by the way, I'd strongly recommend using SCOPE_IDENTITY() instead!! - is the last value on any IDENTITY column that was set.
The problem with ##IDENTITY is that it will report back the last IDENTITY value inserted into any table - if your INSERT into your data table will cause e.g. a trigger to write an entry into an Audit table and that Audit table has an IDENTITY field, you'll get back that IDENTITY value - not the one inserted into your table. SCOPE_IDENTITY() solves that.
IDENT_CURRENT does what you want. But don't.
This is in addition to marc_s' answer
I've never known ##IDENTITY to be used this way, i've only ever used it to access the ID of a newly inserted record.
That's correct. ##IDENTITY cannot be used the way you think it can be. It can only be used after an INSERT into a table. Let's consider this for a scenario:
You have two tables: Order (Primary Key: OrderID), OrderDetails (Foreign Key: OrderID)
You perform
-- Note that OrderId is not mentioned in Values since it is auto number (primary key)
Now you want to perform insert into OrderDetail. But you don't always remember how many records there were in Order table prior to you having inserted the record for 'Pillows' and hence you don't remember what was the last PrimaryKey inserted into Order table. You could but even then you wouldn't want to specifically mention to insert (let's say OrderID of 1) when you insert into OrderDetail table.
Hence, your OderDetail insert would work kinda like so:
VALUES (##IDENTITY,'Soft Pillows')
Hope this explains the user of ##IDENTITY.