How to create a read only document in latex? [closed] - pdf

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am trying to generate read only pdf's with latex and I am having difficulty finding the best solution. I looked at pdftek but what are other options?

If you want truly read-only pdf's you can do what law firms do and print out the document then scan it back to a pdf.
PDF is an open format and given the right tools you can take it apart and pull out any images and any text. That being said you can add security permissions using the pdftk tool. If you encrypt it you can set permissions (like disabling editing and disabling printing)
See pdftk and permissions in the man page.


How can I make a file that can only be read by my application? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to know if there's a way to create a file that only my application can read but other programs (eg: notepad) can't
For example:
i create a config file from my application, and if i open it with notepad it will be garbled nonsense, like:
½ÁoLG0%­Ö9)9Ìm•~0ý<öKfƒ”ü9´~<ƒ\,Aëxzºv‡#u}ž¹ñ7µK³¨]fÛn {盞Ժî*Ò\úǃ«E%ñ
You're looking for encryption, if you want something readable only to your application but not the end user.
I don't know VB.NET but a quick google search shows me this question which has a pretty well written answer, that seems to explain how to encrypt a file in VB.NET

Designing a PDF in Photoshop and embedding Links in PDF [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have designed a presentation in Photoshop now i want to export each group from the File into a slide in the PDF format. I want to add links to certain text on the Design as well.
I have saved the file as a Photoshop editable PDF. But when i open it in Acrobat i am not able to add links to the text and it says the text is not editable.
Also i want to make sure the text is searchable in the PDF.
If you want to add links or text to your PDF then use Photoshop to add any text. Otherwise save it as a different file type which will make it easier for other programs to edit.

PDF to JPG local conversion [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking for a solution that will allow users to convert PDF files possibly of multiple pages into JPGs. The solution must be local, online solutions are a no go due to security issues and it must be as ridiculously simple as possible so non IT types can use it easily. Licensing is not an issue but would prefer for it to be GPL. Can anyone help?
Ghostscript, with a command line like
gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=page%02d.jpg -r150 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH file.pdf
where 150 is the resolution in dots per inch. You could wrap this in some script that presents a nicer user interface.

pdf to word converter [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Respected friends,
I just wanted to know which is the best professional software application to convert PDF to doc format.
One of the good software application i found through surfing is "NITRO" but is there any better software application which will convert even unique mathematical derivations and its symbols to its word formate.
As the software application cost a lot i wanted to know which s the best one among them. Please help me.
thanking u ,
Well, as to convert PDF to Word, it will be easy to do with a pdf convertion tool like Advanced PDF Converter which allows you to convert pdf to word,excel,ppt.what's more, it can also convert word to pdf files with ease.
Download it from advanced pdf converter official site.

how to merge pdf page [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I have one pdf file which is extract from ppt (power point presentation) and one page in pdf is one slide. How can I merge two pdf page in one page.
pdftk is the tool I use is an online solution. Here's the (linux) command line tool.
Quick googling did bring up this tool:
GPL licenced too.