comparing datetime variables - sql

How do I compare datetime variable passed to the store procedure with datetime variable in the table.
e.g. In my where clause #paramDate value is 2/10/2012
set sql = 'WHERE product.RegisteredDate >= ' + #paramDate
when I exec(#sql)
it fails, Error:
Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.

SET #sql = '... WHERE product.RegisteredDate >= '''
+ CONVERT(CHAR(8), #paramDate, 112) + ''';';
If #ParamDate is NULL you can probably do this:
SET #sql = 'SELECT ...';
SET #sql = #sql + COALESCE(' WHERE product.RegisteredDate >= '''
+ CONVERT(CHAR(8), #paramDate, 112) + ''';', '');
Or even:
SET #sql = 'SELECT ...';
IF #paramDate IS NOT NULL
SET #sql = #sql + '... WHERE product.RegisteredDate >= '''
+ CONVERT(CHAR(8), #paramDate, 112) + ''';';

Try this:
CONVERT(varchar, #paramDate, 101)
See here for more information:

Since you're trying to execute a dynamic query, you could use sp_executesql instead of exec so that you can use parameters in your generated query. Here are the details for sp_executesql.
For example:
set #sql = 'WHERE product.RegisteredDate >= #dynamicParm'
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sql, N'#dynamicParm DATETIME', #dynamicParm = #paramDate


Dynamic Sp_Executesql failing on datetime conversion error

I have a very simple dynamic SQL query that specifically needs to be called using sp_executesql with parameters. This query works fine in regular dynamic SQL, but fails when using sp_executesql on a conversion error.
I have tried many combinations of dynamic SQL, but none of them seem to work specifically for datetime conversions related to sp_executesql.
#sql_nvarchar nvarchar(max),
#datetime datetime = GETDATE(),
#sqlparams nvarchar(max),
#tablename nvarchar(max) = 'SomeTableName'
Set #sql_nvarchar =
Select *
from ' + #tablename + '
where Date > ''' + convert(nvarchar(23), #datetime, 101) + ''' '
Set #sqlparams =
#datetime datetime,
#tablename nvarchar(max)
EXEC [sp_executesql] #sql_nvarchar,#sqlparams, #datetime, #tablename
The first exec correctly returns the desired query, the second EXEC throws an error: 'Error converting data type nvarchar(max) to datetime.'
You cannot parameterize an identifier, such as a table name. So, phrase this as:
Set #sql_nvarchar = N'
Select *
from ' + #tablename + '
where Date > #datetime
Set #sqlparams = N'#datetime datetime'
exec sp_executesql #sql_nvarchar, #sqlparams,

Dynamic query and use of variables

The query below works if the 2 dates are hard coded, however, I would like to replace them with the 2 variables #FirstDayM and #LastDayM.
When I do so, it returns the following error
"Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"
DECLARE #sql varchar(max)
SELECT #sql = Coalesce(#sql + ' UNION ALL ', '') + 'SELECT COUNT(C1CustID) AS CertsCount, ''' + QuoteName(name)+ ''' as DBname FROM ' + QuoteName(name) + '.dbo.T_C1CustCourse'+
' WHERE C1CertificationDate_N >= '+'''2018-01-01'''+' AND C1CertificationDate_N <= '+'''2018-01-31'''
FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id > 4 AND state = 0;
EXEC (#sql);
Use sp_executesql. Always. It makes it easy to put parameters into queries. Even if the dynamic query does not start with the parameter, you might decide to add one later.
declare #sql nvarchar(max);
declare #firstDayM date;
declare #lastDayM date;
set #firstDayM = ?;
set #lastDayM = ?;
SELECT #sql = Coalesce(#sql + ' UNION ALL ', '') + '
SELECT COUNT(C1CustID) AS CertsCount, ''' + QuoteName(name)+ ''' as
FROM ' + QuoteName(name) + '.dbo.T_C1CustCourse' + '
WHERE C1CertificationDate_N >= #FirstDayM AND C1CertificationDate_N
<= #LastDayM'
FROM sys.databases
WHERE database_id > 4 AND state = 0;
EXEC sp_executesql #sql, N'#FirstDayM date, #lastDayM date',
#FirstDayM=#FirstDayM, #lastDayM=#lastDayM;

Error message Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string

#StartDate DateTime,
#EndDate DateTime
Declare #sql as nvarchar(MAX);
SET #sql = #sql + ';WITH CTE_ItemDetails
MAX(D.Name) as Name,
SUM(ISNULL(DT.col1, 0)) AS col1,
SUM(ISNULL(DT.col2, 0)) AS col2,
SUM(ISNULL(DT.col3, 0)) AS col3,
GROUPING(D.ItemType) AS ItemTypeGrouping
FROM Items D
INNER JOIN Details DT ON DT.ItemId = D.ItemId
INNER JOIN Report R ON R.ReportId = DT.ReportId
where 1=1'
SET #sql = #sql + ' AND (R.ReportDate >= ' + #StartDate + 'AND R.ReportDate <=' + #EndDate +')'
IF #someOtherVariable is not null
SET #sql = #sql + ' AND R.someColumn IN (''' +replace(#someOtherVariableValues,',','')+''+')'
SET #sql = #sql + 'SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM CTE_ItemDetails'
EXECUTE (#sql)
I have a stored procedure that is similar to the T-SQL code above.
(Note that i have removed lots of code that i feel isn't relevant to the error i'm getting)
I'm getting the below error when i execute it.
Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
My parameters have values in below format
exec TEST_01 #StartDate=N'4/1/2016 12:00:00 AM',#EndDate=N'4/30/2016 12:00:00 AM'
It looks like the trouble is in the way i'm dynamically setting the SQL statement at line below
SET #sql = #sql + ' AND (R.ReportDate >= ' + #StartDate + 'AND R.ReportDate <=' + #EndDate +')'
What is the best date formatting i can apply to avoid the error.
You should use parameters via sp_executesql.
But your immediate problem is this line:
SET #sql = #sql + ' AND (R.ReportDate >= ' + #StartDate + 'AND R.ReportDate <=' + #EndDate +')'
It should look more like:
SET #sql = #sql + ' AND (R.ReportDate >= ''' + convert(varchar(10), #StartDate, 121) + ''' AND R.ReportDate <= ''' + convert(varchar(10), #EndDate, 121) +''')' ;
Note the inclusion of explicit type casting to a string and the double single quotes so the date literal is not interpreted as 2016 - 04 - 14 (i.e. 2000).
The better method of using parameters looks like:
SET #sql = #sql + ' AND (R.ReportDate >= #StartDate AND R.ReportDate <= #EndDate)' ;
. . .
exec sp_executesql #sql, N'#StartDate date, #EndDate date)', #StartDate = #StartDate, #EndDate = #EndDate;
It is easier to read the SQL statement. The type issues are handled through parameters. And, the query plan is more readily stashed. Unfortunately, parameters only work for constants, not for column or table names, for instance.

Incorrect syntax near 'month' with dynamic number

While running this query
update p_leave_allocation_14122015
set 'month' + #actualMonth = #actualleavedays
where year = #actualYear
and emp_card_no = #emp_card_no
I get an error:
Incorrect syntax near 'month'.
The table p_leave_allocation_14122015 has columns like month1, month2, month3,.....
In my update query what I want is month will be hardcoded and the no of month will be dynamic based on some conditions which I have written.
But when I tried with the above query I got the mentioned error.
I am using SQL Server 2005.
Kindly suggest
You should try something like below,
SET #sql = N'update p_leave_allocation_14122015
SET MONTH'+CAST(#actualMonth AS VARCHAR(2)) +' = ' + CAST(#actualleavedays AS VARCHAR(10))+
' WHERE YEAR = '+ CAST(#actualYear AS VARCHAR(4))+
' AND emp_card_no = '+CAST(#emp_card_no AS VARCHAR(100)) +'';
PRINT #sql --Note: Check the query first before updating.
declare #sql varchar(max)=''
declare #actualMonth int=10
declare #actualleavedays int=20
declare #actualYear int=2015
declare #emp_card_no varchar(8)='Emp1010'
set #sql = 'update p_leave_allocation_14122015
set month' + cast(#actualMonth as varchar(2)) + '='+ cast(#actualleavedays as varchar(3))+
' where year ='+ cast(#actualYear as varchar(4)) + 'and emp_card_no ='+ #emp_card_no
print #sql --check generated sql query
You need to use dynamic query to do this
DECLARE #sql NVARCHAR(max) = ''
SET #sql = 'update p_leave_allocation_14122015 set month'
+ Cast(#actualMonth AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' = '
+ Cast(#actualleavedays AS VARCHAR(10))
+ ' where year = #actualYear and emp_card_no = #emp_card_no '
EXEC Sp_executesql
N'#actualYear int,#emp_card_no int',
Note: If #actualMonth or #actualleavedays is of integer type then you need to cast it to varchar to work in dynamic query
try this
make a string and stored in nvarchar variable and then execute query like below
SET #SqlQuery ='update p_leave_allocation_14122015 set month' + #actualMonth + '=' + #actualleavedays + ' where year = '+ #actualYear + ' and emp_card_no ='+ #emp_card_no

Unable to inject smalldatetime into D-SQL statement

when i try to execute this sql statement i am getting the error.. Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.
Does anyone know what i am doing wrong?
declare #modality varchar(50)
declare #datefrom smalldatetime
set #modality = 'xxxxxxx'
set #datefrom = '20090101'
declare #var1 nvarchar(4000)
select #var1 =
sum('+ #modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(#modality) +'
from dbo.vw_RawData
where >= ' + #datefrom + ''
exec sp_executesql #var1
You are trying to concatenate the smalldatetime with a varchar.
Solution 1
declare #datefrom smalldatetime
declare #datefrom varchar(8)
select #var1 = 'select sum('+ #modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(#modality) +
' from dbo.vw_RawData where >= ' + #datefrom + ''
select #var1 = 'select sum('+ #modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(#modality) +
' from dbo.vw_RawData where >= ''' + #datefrom + ''''
Solution 2
select #var1 = 'select sum('+ #modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(#modality) +
' from dbo.vw_RawData where >= ' + #datefrom + ''
select #var1 = 'select sum('+ #modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(#modality) +
' from dbo.vw_RawData where >= ''' + convert(varchar(10), #datefrom, 121) + ''''
In the statement select #var1 = 'select sum('+ #modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(#modality) +' from dbo.vw_RawData where >= ' + #datefrom + '' SQL Server is trying to do date arithmetic by casting all the surrounding strings to a smalldatetime instead of converting #datefrom to a string and performing string concatenation.
Possible fixes.
Change #DateFrom to a sting so that
the concatenation works. Note you
will have to add some quotes so that
the string in #Var1 is properly
Use convert function to convert #datefrom to a string. Look up the right conversion number in Books online. I don't have time to right now. Don't use cast, it won't give a
Use a paramertized SQL String. Look up sp_executesql in Books Online. (Or wait, StackOverflow always has someone to point out how to avoid dynamic SQL.)
EDIT: Just checked. cast(#DateTime as Varchar(...)) gives a string that I thought might be hard to parse, but it seems to work, might try that instead of convert. Make sure the varchar() is big enough