dojo.connect with dojox.form.DropdownSelect - dojo

Hi I have 3 Controls on my Razor Form. 1) combobox, 2) DropdownSelect 3) Text Input.
First I select value from Combobox and as a result i add options to DropdownSelect. After i select a value from DropdownSelect, i want to enable or disable the 3rd input box.
I am able to populate 2nd Dropdown select when i select a value in 1st Combobox. But I am not able to enable or disable the 3nd input box based on 2nd Dropdown value change.
Here is sample Code.
<input type="text" dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox" style="margin-top: 5px;" class="left" store="regionStore" queryExpr="${0}" hasDownArrow="true"
searchAttr="text" labelAttr="name" title="Region" id="Plan_RegionName" jsId="Plan_RegionName" name="Plan.RegionName" required="true" placeholder="None" ignoreCase="true" />
<select name="Plan.PlanType" id="Plan_PlanType" title="Plan Type" dojoType="dojox.form.DropDownSelect" required="true" maxHeight="125" labelwidth="185px" style="width: 180px">
<option value="" selected="selected">-- Select One --</option>
<option value="Trial">Trial</option>
<option value="PerUser">Per User</option>
<option value="PerUnit">Per Unit</option>
<option value="Reseller">Reseller</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<div dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" style="width: 180px; margin-top: 5px;" id="Plan_Name" title="Plan Name" name="Plan.Name" required="true"
missingMessage="This value is required" promptMessage="Enter a value" value="">
<script text/type="javascript">
dojo.addOnLoad(function () {
dojo.connect(Plan_RegionName, "onChange", Plan_RegionName, function (evt) {
alert("Combo box Changed!");
dojo.connect(Plan_PlanType, "onChange", Plan_PlanType, function (evt) {
alert("Dropdown Changed!");
I get the alert message for Combox box change but not for Dropdown change.
Any ideas. Please advice.

Since "Plan_PlanType is a dojox.form you should be able to check if it is 'valid' as a way to enable the last textbox. So, something like:
dojo.byId("Plan_Name").set("enabled", true);
However, you may need to wrap this in a dojo.connect function.

I used the onChange event of Selectbox.
Here is the example.
<select name="#name" id="#id" title="#ViewData.ModelMetadata.GetDisplayName()" onChange="enablePlanname(this.getValue())" dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox" required="true" maxHeight="125" style="width: 180px; margin-top: 5px;">
#if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model))
<option value="" selected="selected">-- Select One --</option>
#foreach (CurrencyType bt in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CurrencyType)))
bool selected = false;
if (bt.ToString() == Model)
selected = true;
<option value="#bt.ToString()"#(selected ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "")>#bt.GetDisplayName()</option>
<script type="text/javascript">
function enablePlanname(value) {
var CurrentTextBox = dijit.byId('Region_Currency');
if (value == "other") {
CurrentTextBox.set("disabled", false);
else {
CurrentTextBox.set("disabled", true);
Thanks for all your help.


Show/hide next input field based on dropdown selection

I am new to Vue.js. I want to know how to show next input field based on previous dropdown menu selection. I have checked other forums and tried to implement but that didn't work.
Here is my code:
<select v-model="receive_method" id="">
<option value="cheque">Cheque</option>
<option value="eftn">EFTN</option>
<option value="cash">CASH</option>
<div v-if="receive_method === 'Cheque' ">
<input type="integer" v-model="cheque_number" placeholder="Cheque Number">
If I select cheque option from the dropdown list the next input field will appear else it will remain hidden.
Please help.
You need to reference the value of the options element.
If value="cheque" is lowercase, v-if="receive_method === 'cheque'" should too.
This works:
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const receive_method = ref()
const cheque_number = ref()
<select v-model="receive_method" id="">
<option value="cheque">Cheque</option>
<option value="eftn">EFTN</option>
<option value="cash">CASH</option>
<div v-if="receive_method === 'cheque'">
<input type="integer" v-model="cheque_number" placeholder="Cheque Number">
If using Options API
export default {
data() {
return {
receive_method: undefined,
cheque_number: undefined

Exception in getting xpath to a web element: Element should have been "select" but was "a"

There is a dropdown with 9 options in it, all of anchor (a) type. Selecting an option from the list, changes its class & other attributes dynamically.
This is how the html code looks like:
<select data_old_value="Email" id="ActionType-db5ff710-2a01-11e8-9c5f-22000aa79843" name="ActionType-db5ff710-2a01-11e8-9c5f-22000aa79843" onchange="RuleWizardIns.RuleActionChanged($(this))" style="width: 103px !important; height: auto !important; display: none;" aria-disabled="false"><option value="Email" selected="selected">Send Email</option><option value="TaskCreate">Create Task</option><option value="AddActivity">Add Activity</option><option value="AddToList">Add To List</option><option value="LeadUpdate">Update Lead Fields</option><option value="TagLead">Tag Lead</option><option value="StarLead">Star Lead</option><option value="UnStarLead">Unstar Lead</option><option value="Webhook">Call Webhook</option></select>
<option value="Email" selected="selected">Send Email</option>
<option value="TaskCreate">Create Task</option>
<option value="AddActivity">Add Activity</option>
<option value="AddToList">Add To List</option>
<option value="LeadUpdate">Update Lead Fields</option>
<option value="TagLead">Tag Lead</option>
<option value="StarLead">Star Lead</option>
<option value="UnStarLead">Unstar Lead</option>
\<option value="Webhook">Call Webhook</option>
<a class="ui-selectmenu ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-selectmenu-dropdown" id="ActionType-db5ff710-2a01-11e8-9c5f-22000aa79843-button" role="button" href="#nogo" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="ActionType-db5ff710-2a01-11e8-9c5f-22000aa79843-menu" style="width: 103px;" aria-disabled="false"><span class="ui-selectmenu-status">Send Email</span><span class="ui-selectmenu-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"></span></a>
<span class="ui-selectmenu-status">Send Email</span>
<span class="ui-selectmenu-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"></span>
I tried to get the control on Update Lead Fields option by using below code, but unfortunately its not working.
Select ActionType = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[#data_old_value='Email']/following-sibling::span/a")));
ActionType.selectByVisibleText("Update Lead Fields");
I'm getting below error: Element should have been "select" but was "a"
And there is no ui for select attribute as you can see from below image:
A Select object can only be created by getting the WebElement with tag is "select" that's what the errormessage is about. I created an C# example which I tested giving expected result.
Driver.Url = ("
var valuesSelectElement = Driver.FindElement(By.Name("select"));
var selectElement = new SelectElement(valuesSelectElement);
// To select an option by value
// To select an option by text
selectElement.SelectByText("Value 2");
var options = selectElement.Options;
//To click on one of the options
foreach (var option in options)
if (option.Text.Equals("Value 3"))

How can I add class="required" in the following select v-model?

<div v-for="value in day" class="checkboxFour">
<input type="checkbox" id="need" value="value.val" v-model="value.selected" style="width: 10%!important;">
<label for="need" style=" width: 30%!important;">{{}}</label>
<select v-model="value.from" class="select-style">From
<option value="08:00">08.00</option>
<option value="12:00">12.00</option>
<option value="20:00">20.00</option>
<option value="23:00">23.00</option>
<select v-model="" class="select-style">To
<option value="08:00">08.00</option>
<option value="12:00">12.00</option>
<option value="20:00">20.00</option>
<option value="23:00">23.00</option>
This is select option. When I use required="". I am getting getAttribute error. How can I able to correct the same?
Also how can I use selected in the following case? My target is select a particular value previously and then user can change according to his need? Please help me to obtain the same?
The required attribute is a boolean (an not a class). You don't need to give it a value; if it is present in the select tag, the select is required.
You can also bind it to a boolean value to change whether the select is required.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
isRequired: false
[required] {
outline: thin solid red;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<select required>
<option>An option</option>
</select> This one is always required
<select :required="isRequired">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="isRequired"> Is Required: {{isRequired}}
As it mentioned in Vue.JS docs you can use v-bind:class to achieve what you wanted:
<select v-model="value.from" v-bind:class="{required: isRequired}">
which required is data, computed field in your app/component.
Update 1:
new Vue({
el: "#myApp",
data: {
// you should define a variable in your data
isRequired: false
methods: {
doSomething: function(){
this.isRequired = true;

how to set selected dropdown list in html

this is my code for dropdown list,plz guide me.
<div class = "form-inline">
<label class = "">Situation</label>
<select selected="" name="sit" id="situ" class='form-control'style="margin-left: 30px; width: 145px;">
<option value="" >select</option>
if ($situation != '') {
$revise = $situation;
foreach ($revise as $row):
<option value="<?= $row['id']; ?>"><?= $row['situation']; ?></option>
<? endforeach; ?>
For the item you want selected for a dropdown list, add the attribute selected.
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1" selected="selected">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
In this case, 1 will be selected.
To get the value of this dropdown after form submit, it depends on the method of your form being POST or GET.
In this example, I'm assuming it's POST. <form method="POST">
<div class = "form-inline">
<label class = "">Situation</label>
<select selected="" name="sit" id="situ" class='form-control'style="margin-left: 30px; width: 145px;">
<option value="" >select</option>
if (isset($_POST['sit']))
$selected = $_POST['sit'];
if ($situation != '') {
$revise = $situation;
foreach ($revise as $row):
$selectedHTML = '';
if (isset($selected) && $row['id'] == $selected)
$selectedHTML = ' selected="selected"';
<option value="<?= $row['id']; ?>"<?= $selectedHTML; ?>><?= $row['situation']; ?></option>
<? endforeach; ?>
You can try something like this.
if (isset($_POST['sit']))
$selected = $_POST['sit'];
What this does is check if $_POST['sit'] value is found. If yes then we'll make that $selected, else we'll leave it.
$selectedHTML = '';
if (isset($selected) && $row['id'] == $selected)
$selectedHTML = ' selected="selected"';
And then in the foreach loop, we will first initialize $selectedHTML as empty string. It will not add anything to <option> unless it got its value changed.
We will check if $selected is defined or not and if it is, we will check if the current value of $row['id'] within the foreach loop is equal to the submitted value which is $selected. If so, we will set $selectedHTML which will add selected="selected" only to the current <option>.

Getting Radio button selection

NO JQUERY! When the user selects Have a Baby or Military leave radio buttons pop up. I am having trouble getting the values of the selected buttons and changing the innerHTML with id="choice" to the value. Can someone please help??
//this function deals with changing the event
function changeMessage(oElement) {
//have a baby
if (oElement.value == "100") {
document.getElementById("btn").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("radio").style.display = "inline-block";
document.getElementById("rd1").innerHTML = "C-Section";
document.getElementById("rd2").innerHTML = "Regular Birth";
document.getElementById("rd1").value = "C-Section";
document.getElementById("rd2").value = "Regular Birth";
//military leave
} else if (oElement.value == "15") {
document.getElementById("btn").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("radio").style.display = "inline-block";
document.getElementById("rd1").innerHTML = "Training";
document.getElementById("rd2").innerHTML = "Active Duty";
document.getElementById("rd1").value = "Training";
document.getElementById("rd2").value = "Active Duty";
//no value, the first, blanck value
} else if (oElement.value == "0") {
document.getElementById("btn").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("radio").style.display = "none";
} else {
document.getElementById("btn").style.display = "inline-block";
document.getElementById("radio").style.display = "none";
<div style="margin-left:250px;">
<select id="leave" onchange="changeMessage(this);">
<option value="0"></option>
<option value="5">Get Married</option>
<option value="100">Have a Baby</option>
<option value="90">Adopt a Child</option>
<option value="35">Retire</option>
<option value="15">Military Leave</option>
<option value="25">Medical Leave</option>
<button id="btn" style="display:none" onclick="getInfo()"type="button">Process</button>
<div id="radio" style="display:none">
<div id="rd1"></div><input type="radio" name="sex" value="" />
<div id="rd2"></div><input type="radio" name="sex" value=""/>
<div id="choice">Radio Choice</div>
Your input values are never set so will always be null.
When you changed your code in your previous question you moved the id from the input to a <div> so your JavaScript is no longer setting the input's value.
You need to change the JavaScript to set the input correctly and then something like:
<input type="radio" name="sex" value="" onclick="showChoice(this)"/>
function showChoice(input) {
document.getElementById('choice').innerHTML = "Radio Choice=" + input.value;
should append the selected input's value in the <div id="choice">