What is best practice to interaction with object in objective-c? - objective-c

My questions is next:
For example I have object A (this is data model object). Assume that object A have some property (for example request property). Also I have object B (this is my view object).
So my problem is next: when my data model will be changed (the value for request property changed) I want to know about this events in my view (object B)
How to create this interaction between object.
For example in request is written to "some_value" and after this object B immediately know about it.
Thanks for response!

You can use delegation pattern, NSNotifications, callback blocks and even KVO. Choice depends on situation, in your case delegate or callback block would work.

I would use Key Value Observing. Your view controller (not the view itself) would set itself up as an observer for the data model object and when it gets observer notifications, it would update the view.
[myDataObject addObserver: myViewController
forKeyPath: #"request"
options: NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew
context: nil];
// in the view controller you need
-(void) observeValueForKeyPath: (NSString*) path
ofObject: (id) aDataObject
change: (NSDictionary*) changeDictionary
context: (void*) context]
if (aDataObject == myDataObject
&& [path isEqualToString: #"request"])
// change you are interested in
// Call suoer implementation of this method if it implements it
Don't forget to remove the observer when you are done with it.
Also, be careful in a threaded environment. Observations are notified on the same thread that the change happens on. If this is not the main thread, you'll need to use -performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: to make any changes to the UI.

If you just want object B to know whats up I would suggest using delegation.
If maybe later you want object C, D and E to know too what happend in object A i would suggest using NSNotification.

For example I have class DataModel. In this step I add observer for my property str. For object I will send my view controller.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface DataModel : NSObject
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *str;
- (void)setUpObserver:(id)object;
#import "DataModel.h"
#implementation DataModel
#synthesize str;
- (void)setUpObserver:(id)object
[self addObserver:object forKeyPath: #"str" options: NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context: nil];
In my view controller
#import "DataModel.h"
#implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
dm = [[DataModel alloc] init];
[dm setUpObserver:self];
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context{
if (object == dm && [keyPath isEqualToString: #"str"])
NSLog(#"it's work");
- (IBAction)changeValue:(id)sender {
dm.str = #"test change value";
This is my realization of KVO. Thanks JeremyP for explanation.


How to observe (KVO) count change in an NSMutableArray [duplicate]

I'd like to be notified, when the count, ie. number of items in an NSArray changes..
Of course I wouldn't need this, if I was in control of addition and removal of objects into the array. But I am not, it happens unpredictably with regards to Business Process Model and depends on external factors.
Is there some simple elegant solution?
EDIT: I am correcting this to NSMutableArray of course..
You’ll need to use KVC. But how to go about doing it? After all, NSMutableArray is not Key-Value-Coding compliant for its mutation methods or contents changes. The answer is proxying –as subclassing NS[Mutable]Array is far too much of a hassle.
NSProxy is a great little class that you can use to intercept the messages sent to your array as though you were an NSMutableArray, then forward them on to some internal instance. Unfortunately, it is also not KVC compliant, as the guts of KVC live in NSObject. We’ll have to use that, then. A sample interface might look something like this:
#interface CFIKVCMutableArrayProxy : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *_innerArray;
- (NSUInteger)count;
- (void)insertObject:(id)anObject atIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (void)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (void)addObject:(id)anObject;
- (void)removeLastObject;
- (void)insertObjects:(NSArray *)objects atIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes;
- (void)replaceObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index withObject:(id)anObject;
As you can see, we’re simulating an interface for NSMutableArray, which is necessary, as our proxy should implement everything as though it were an NSMutableArray. This also makes the implementation as simple as possible, as we can just forward the selectors on to our inner NSMutableArray pointer. For the sake of brevity, I’ll only implement two methods to show you what a general outline looks like:
#implementation CFIKVCMutableArrayProxy
- (NSUInteger)count {
return _innerArray.count;
- (void)addObject:(id)anObject {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"count"];
[_innerArray addObject:anObject];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"count"];
- (void)removeLastObject {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"count"];
[_innerArray removeLastObject];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"count"];
If you have no opportunities to wrap an array like this, then try to re-think your code. If an external dependency is forcing you into this kind of corner, try to remove it. It’s always a bad thing to work around your own tools.
To observe changes in a mutableArray one needs to use mutable proxy object given by
- (NSMutableArray *)mutableArrayValueForKey:(NSString *)key
which is KVO compliant, i.e. any change of proxy object sends will/did change notifications.
The following demo class shown the full implementation
#interface DemoClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *items;
- (void)addItemsObserver:(id)object;
- (void)removeItemsObserver:(id)object;
#implementation DemoClass
- (NSMutableArray *)items;
return [self mutableArrayValueForKey:#"_items"];
- (void)addItemsObserver:(id)object
[self addObserver:object forKeyPath:#"_items.#count" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld|NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil];
- (void)removeItemsObserver:(id)object
[self removeObserver:object forKeyPath:#"_items.#count" context:nil];
#interface ObservingClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) DemoClass *demoObject;
#implementation ObservingClass
- (instanstype)init
if (self = [super init]) {
_demoObject = [DemoClass new];
[_demoObject addItemsObserver:self];
return self;
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context
NSLog(#"is called on demoObject.items.count change");
- (void)dealloc
[_demoObject removeItemsObserver:self];
Now every time you add or remove an object in the items you'll see new log in console (observeValueForKeyPath is called).
Any direct change of auto-synthesised ivar _itemsarray will have no effect.
Also note that you strongly need to set the observer on _items.#count (observing items.#count is senseless).
Note that you needn't to init _items or self.items. It will be done behind the scene when you call items getter.
Every time you change the "array" items you will get new object _items with new address. But I can still find it via items proxy getter.

ControlTextDidChange not working for setting string of NSTextField

I'm trying to find a method that monitors the text of NSTextField for changes. I tried the delegate method of -(void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)obj but it only works when the user types into the text field. If the text field string is programmatically set, such as with a button, the controlTextDidChange doesn't work.
Is there a method or another approach that I can use to monitor the contents of a NSTextField for changes?
My ButtonText class (set as delegate for the NSTextField):
#import "ButtonText.h"
#interface ButtonText ()
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *buttonField;
#implementation ButtonText
- (IBAction)buttonTextA:(id)sender {
[_buttonField setStringValue:#"text A here"];
- (IBAction)buttonTextB:(id)sender {
[_buttonField setStringValue:#"and text B stuff"];
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)obj {
NSLog(#"controlTextDidChange: %#", _buttonField.stringValue);
The XIB showing the buttons and text field:
One approach is to use KVO. In particular, add the ButtonText instance as an observer of buttonField's stringValue.
In more detail, in your file ButtonText, once the #property IBOutlet buttonField has been set (i.e. if ButtonText is an NSWindowController subclass, in -windowDidLoad, and if ButtonText is an NSViewController subclass in -loadView), call
[self.buttonField addObserver:self
Define ButtonTextKVOContext previously in the file as follows:
static int ButtonTextKVOContext = 0;
Then override observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: as follows:
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
if (context != &ButtonTextKVOContext) {
[super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
if (object == self.buttonField) {
if ([keyPath isEqualToString:#"stringValue"]) {
NSLog(#"controlTextDidChange: %#", _buttonField.stringValue);
Since ButtonText is not a subclass of NSWindowController or NSViewController, we'll use a slightly different approach. As before, we'll want to start observing "once the #property IBOutlet buttonField has been set". To do this, synthesize the property buttonField to be the member variable mButtonField writing
#synthesize buttonField = mButtonField;
and override buttonField's setter as follows:
- (void)setButtonField:(NSTextField *)buttonField
[self stopObservingButtonField];
mButtonField = buttonField;
[self startObservingButtonField];
We need to make sure that ButtonText stops observing the button field when it deallocates as well, so override -dealloc as follows:
- (void)dealloc
[self stopObservingButtonField];
It remains to define the methods -stopObservingButtonField and -startObservingButtonField:
- (void)stopObservingButtonField
if (mButtonField) {
[mButtonField removeObserver:self
- (void)startObservingButtonField
if (mButtonField) {
[self.buttonField addObserver:self
As a result of this arrangement, we must never set the mButtonField variable outside of the -setButtonField: method. (This isn't quite true, but if we do set mButtonField we must be sure to first of all stop observing its old value's #"stringValue" key path and start observing its new value's #"stringValue" key path. Doing this rather than simply calling -setButtonField: would very likely simply constitute code repetition and not be worthwhile.)
For reference, check out Apple's documentation on the NSKeyValueObserving protocol.
If your goal is to use bindings, then you can override the setter method for the property you have bound to the text field's value, and do whatever monitoring you want to do there. So,for instance, you have a text field whose value is bound to the property, myText, then you could do something like this:
-(void)setMyText:(NSString *) newValue {
_myText= newValue;
// do monitoring here
This should be called any time the user either types in the text field or you change the value in code, as long as you do it through the property, and not by directly accessing the ivar.

How to pass values between 2 View Controllers without protocol?

I have two view controllers, call them viewA and ViewB
All the action happens in main view - ViewA
A menu button is hit, brings up ViewB, all is well and the menu comes up
Now, the user touches one IBAction button, which programmatically just needs to:
change the value of a BOOL, call it myBOOL to YES
dismiss ViewB
pass the myBOOL variables current state of YES back to ViewA
I have declared the same BOOL, set property, synthesized on both Views, but per my NSLog upon dismissal of ViewB and loading back up ViewA, it reverts back to NO
So I know I'm going off on a tangent, I just want to know if you can send the value of a BOOL between two controllers and if so, please show me an example... as searches have found Protocols and Delegate examples with NSString's, and when I attempt with a BOOL I get stuck in an import loop, however I've read that its possible to make a global BOOL, as bad design as it is, I just need to get over this block for now.
A question on this topic should really be focused more on NSNotificationCenter rather than NSUserDefaults, taking note that both are singletons.
The purpose of this class is NOT to pass variables between classes. It's purpose is, well, to store user's defaults. (ie preferences, settings, ... etc).
This class is very handy, and has many different uses, one of which is to broadcast a variable for any class to receive. The receiving class is called the observer. This pattern is known as the Observer Pattern.
NOTE: The NSUserDefaults approach has the advantage of allowing you to set the variable before the other class is initialized, and can be retrieved at anytime. However, that's really sloppy (IMHO) and considered bad practice.
Quick and Dirty code sample on NSNotificationCenter:
// upon initializing the class that wants to observe the changes, we add it as an observer.
// So, somewhere in the A.m, upon being initialized (init, maybe?).
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
return self;
// the selector should look something like this:
- (void)calledUponNotif:(NSNotification *)notif {
id sentVar = [notif object];
// Somewhere in the B.m
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"MyObserveKey"
Another note: After calling the postNotification method, the registered selector in the other class will be called synchronously, so you don't have to worry about that.
This is not a good encapsulation answer but without being able to use protocols or delegates I don't believe it will have good encapsulation.
You can also create a global variable that you can set in one view controller and access in another.
extern NSString *globalVariable;
#interface ViewControllerOne
#import "ViewControllerOne.h"
#implementation ViewControllerOne
NSString *globalVariables = #"Some String in the variable to access in second controller";
#import "ViewControllerTwo.h"
#import "ViewControllerOne.h"
#implemetation ViewControllerTwo
- (void)viewDidLoad
NSLog("%#", globalVariables);
This will print out into the console
Some String in the variable to access in second controller
There is View-independent value keeping tool. You can use:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]setObject:<#(id)#> forKey:<#(NSString *)#>]
For example, you inputs strings or datas in A view, you can store them in above variables. And then, in B view, you can use them by below code:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]objectOrKey:<#(NSString *)#>]
These are a example of NSUserDefaults data using:
View A:
- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)sender
if (sender == homepage) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:homepage.text] forKey:Ever5secHomepagePrefKey];
if( [homepage canResignFirstResponder] ) {
[homepage resignFirstResponder];
} else if (sender == userId) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
setObject:userId.text forKey:Ever5secUserIdPrefKey];
if( [userId canResignFirstResponder] ) {
[userId resignFirstResponder];
} else if (sender == password) {
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
setObject:password.text forKey:Ever5secPasswordPrefKey];
if( [password canResignFirstResponder] ) {
[password resignFirstResponder];
View B:
userId.text = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
password.text = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
homepage.text = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
You don't need to use NSNotificationCenter, NSUserDefaults or global variables.
As long as the view controllers are related (and looking at the OP's question, they certainly seem to be) you can simply set the view controllers up to hold a reference to each another (with one of the references being weak of course in order to avoid a "retain", or "strong reference", cycle). Then each view controller can set the property on the other view controller as needed. Example follows...
NB: This concept is valid for any two related view controllers. However, the following code assumes that:
The view controllers in question are related via a navigation controller and the second view controller is attached to the first via a push segue.
iOS 5.0 or above is in use (as it makes use of storyboards).
#interface FirstViewController : UIViewController
/* Hold the boolean value (or whatever value should be
set by the second view controller) in a publicly
visible property */
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL someBooleanValue;
/* Provide a method for the second view controller to
request the first view controller to dismiss it */
- (void)dismissSecondViewController;
#import "FirstViewController.h"
#import "SecondViewController.h"
#implementation FirstViewController
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
/* Get the reference to the second view controller and set
the appropriate property so that the secondViewController
now has a way of talking to the firstViewController */
SecondViewController *vc = [segue destinationViewController];
vc.firstViewController = self;
- (void)dismissSecondViewController
// Hide the secondViewController and print out the boolean value
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
NSLog(#"The value of self.someBooleanValue is %s", self.someBooleanValue ? "YES" : "NO");
#import "FirstViewController.h"
#interface SecondViewController : UIViewController
// Create a 'weak' property to hold a reference to the firstViewController
#property (nonatomic, weak) FirstViewController *firstViewController;
#implementation SecondViewController
/* When required (in this case, when a button is pressed),
set the property in the first view controller and ask the
firstViewController to dismiss the secondViewController */
- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender {
self.firstViewController.someBooleanValue = YES;
[self.firstViewController dismissSecondViewController];
Of course, the most correct way to handle this sort of inter-viewController communication is to use protocols/delegates/data sources so that the SecondViewController doesn't need to know the specifics of its parent/owner object. However, sometimes it is quicker/simpler to build a solution like this just to prove the concept. Then if all is well and the code is worth keeping, refactor to use protocol(s).
In the case where view controllers don't - and shouldn't - know about each other, it may be necessary to use NSNotificationCenter. Don't use global variables or NSUserDefaults for communication between view controllers.
There are two options available storing and retrieving data in different view controllers.
1)NSUserDefaults is best option for storing data and accessing in any other view controllers.
The NSUserDefaults class provides convenience methods for accessing common types such as float, double, integer, Boolean.
A default object must be a property list, that is, an instance of (or for collections a combination of instances of): NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary.
This is very easy and best method for storing and retrieving data.
if you want to read about NSUserDefaults, here I am sharing document.
NsuserDefaults Document.
2) You would create properties when you want them to be accessible outside the class or other view controllers.
Create property in this way. #property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *arrayData; and then you can use this array value in other view controllers also.
Properties replace the accessor methods for objects.
You can see my answer here. Pass value from one view controller to another
There are two options available storing and retrieving data in different view controllers.
1)NSUserDefaults is best option for storing data and accessing in any other view controllers.
The NSUserDefaults class provides convenience methods for accessing common types such as float, double, integer, Boolean.
A default object must be a property list, that is, an instance of (or for collections a combination of instances of): NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary.
This is very easy and best method for storing and retrieving data.
if you want to read about NSUserDefaults, here I am sharing document.
[NsuserDefaults Document.][1]
2) You would create properties when you want them to be accessible outside the class or other view controllers.
Create property in this way. #property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *arrayData; and then you can use this array value in other view controllers also.
Properties replace the accessor methods for objects.
I think best way to use powerful features of blocks in below ways.
In ViewB.h
typedef void (^CompletionHandler)(BOOL myBool);
#interface ViewB : UIViewController {
CompletionHandler completionHandler;
- (void)dismissHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler;
In ViewB.m
- (void)dismissHandler:(CompletionHandler)handler {
completionHandler = handler;
- (IBAction)dismiss:(id)sender {
completionHandler (YES); // your yes no logic here
In ViewA.m
- (IBAction)showPopup:(id)sender {
ViewB *vc = [[ViewB alloc] init];
[self.view addSubview:vc.view];
[vc dismissHandler:^(BOOL myBool) {
if (myBool) {
//Do your work;

KVO with Run-to-Completion semantics - Is it possible?

I recently ran into reentrancy issues with KVO. To visualize the problem, I would like to show a minimal example. Consider the interface of an AppDelegate class
#interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate>
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIWindow *window;
#property (nonatomic) int x;
as well as its implementation
#implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL) application:(__unused UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(__unused NSDictionary *)launchOptions
__unused BigBugSource *b = [[BigBugSource alloc] initWithAppDelegate:self];
self.x = 42;
NSLog(#"%d", self.x);
return YES;
Unexpectedly, this program prints 43 to the console.
Here's why:
#interface BigBugSource : NSObject {
AppDelegate *appDelegate;
#implementation BigBugSource
- (id)initWithAppDelegate:(AppDelegate *)anAppDelegate
self = [super init];
if (self) {
appDelegate = anAppDelegate;
[anAppDelegate addObserver:self
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[appDelegate removeObserver:self forKeyPath:#"x"];
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(__unused NSString *)keyPath
ofObject:(__unused id)object
change:(__unused NSDictionary *)change
context:(__unused void *)context
if (appDelegate.x == 42) {
As you see, some different class (that may be in third-party code you do not have access to) may register an invisible observer to a property. This observer is then called synchronously, whenever the property's value has changed.
Because the call happens during the execution of another function, this introduces all sort of concurrency / multithreading bugs although the program runs on a single thread. Worse, the change happens without an explicit notice in the client-code (OK, you could expect that concurrency issues arise whenever you set a property...).
What is the best practice to solve this problem in Objective-C?
Is there some common solution to regain run-to-completion semantics automatically, meaning that KVO-Observation messages go through an event-queue, AFTER the current method finishes executing and invariants / postconditions are restored?
Not exposing any properties?
Guarding every critical function of an object with a boolean variable to ensure that reentrancy is not possible?
For example: assert(!opInProgress); opInProgress = YES; at the beginning of the methods, and opInProgress = NO; at the end of the methods. This would at least reveal those kind of bugs directly during runtime.
Or is it possible to opt out of KVO somehow?
Based on the answer by CRD, here is the updated code:
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(__unused NSString *)keyPath
ofObject:(__unused id)object
change:(__unused NSDictionary *)change
context:(__unused void *)context
if (appDelegate.x == 42) {
[appDelegate willChangeValueForKey:#"x"]; // << Easily forgotten
appDelegate.x++; // Also requires knowledge of
[appDelegate didChangeValueForKey:#"x"]; // whether or not appDelegate
} // has automatic notifications
+ (BOOL)automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:(NSString *)key
if ([key isEqualToString:#"x"]) {
return NO;
} else {
return [super automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:key];
- (BOOL) application:(__unused UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(__unused NSDictionary *)launchOptions
__unused BigBugSource *b = [[BigBugSource alloc] initWithAppDelegate:self];
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"x"];
self.x = 42;
NSLog(#"%d", self.x); // now prints 42 correctly
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"x"];
NSLog(#"%d", self.x); // prints 43, that's ok because one can assume that
// state changes after a "didChangeValueForKey"
return YES;
What you are asking for is manual change notification and is supported by KVO. It is a three stage process:
Your class overrides + (BOOL)automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:(NSString *)theKey returning NO for any property you wish to defer notifications for and deferring to super otherwise;
Before changing a property you call [self willChangeValueForKey:key]; and
When you are ready for the notification to occur you call [self didChangeValueForKey:key]
You can build on this protocol quite easily, e.g. it is easy to keep a record of keys you have changed and trigger them all before you exit.
You can also use willChangeValueForKey: and didChangeValueForKey with automatic notifications turned on if you directly alter the backing variable of a property and need to trigger KVO.
The process along with an examples is described in Apple's documentation.

If I write a custom property getter method, will KVO still operate if the getter returns a value by accessing a value from another object?

Assume that I have a class with a readonly property on it.
#interface MyClass
#property (readonly) NSInteger MonitorMe;
Now, let's assume the point of this property is to monitor changes of another property, within another object, and when the property is "observed" it returns a derived value by inspecting a value from the other, external object.
#synthesize MonitorMe;
-(NSInteger) getMonitorMe
return globalStaticClass.OtherNSInteger;
... Inits and Methods ...
Now, let's assume that some where I create an instance of the MyClass object, and I want to add a KVO observer on the MonitorMe property.
#implementation AnotherClass.m
#synthesize instanceOfMyClass;
instanceOfMyMethod = [MyClass init];
[MyClass addObserver: self
forKeyPath: #"MonitorMe"
options: NSKeyValuObservingOptionNew
context: nil];
My question is, since the MonitorMe property only monitors the changes of values in an external object, will the observer method execute when the value of globalStaticClass.OtherNSInteger changes? Also, if the answer is yes, how is this done?
If this works, it would seem like compiler voodoo to me.
I don't think it makes a difference, but I am using ARC for this implementation and I'm compiling for an iOS device. I doubt there are compilation differences between OS X and iOS for this type of question but, if it matters, I have an iOS project that requires such an implementation outlined above.
Also, the example outlined above is a very basic setup of my actual needs. It could be argued that I could/should add an observation to the globalStaticClass.OtherNSInteger value instead of the readonly property, MonitorMe. In my actual circumstance that answer is not sufficient because my readonly property is much more complex than my example.
will the observer method execute when the value of globalStaticClass.OtherNSInteger changes?
No, but you can make that happen, via +keyPathsForValuesAffectingMonitorMe (or the more generic +keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:, if the "globalStaticClass" is actually a property of MyClass. See "Registering Dependent Keys" in the KVO Guide.
Here's a quick mockup:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Monitored : NSObject
#property NSInteger otherInteger;
#implementation Monitored
#synthesize otherInteger;
#interface Container : NSObject
#property (readonly) NSInteger monitorMe;
#property (strong) Monitored * theMonitored;
- (void)changeMonitoredInteger;
#implementation Container
#synthesize theMonitored;
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingMonitorMe {
return [NSSet setWithObject:#"theMonitored.otherInteger"];
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if( !self ) return nil;
theMonitored = [[Monitored alloc] init];
[theMonitored setOtherInteger:25];
return self;
- (NSInteger)monitorMe
return [[self theMonitored] otherInteger];
- (void)changeMonitoredInteger {
[[self theMonitored] setOtherInteger:arc4random()];
#interface Observer : NSObject
#implementation Observer
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
NSLog(#"Observing change in: %# %#", keyPath, object);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
Observer * o = [[Observer alloc] init];
Container * c = [[Container alloc] init];
[c addObserver:o
[c changeMonitoredInteger];
[c changeMonitoredInteger];
return 0;
P.S. Cocoa style notes: properties/variables should have lowercase initial letters, and (this is actually more important now because of ARC) don't name accessor methods to start with "get" -- that has a specific meaning in Cocoa involving passing in a buffer and getting data back by reference.