iOS: MFMessageComposeViewController for iPad - objective-c

Is it possible to open the SMS message app (MFMessageComposeViewController) in iPad? I already have an app that implements this functionality; tested it in simulator it works good but in iPad, it displays the default error message that it does not support the SMS function. Is there any way to open an SMS app in iPad?

Answer is simple, without Jailbreak there is no way to send SMS from iPad.


Quick fix to solve XMPP iOS VoIP background execution rejection by appestore

I developed an xmpp ios chat application. The application requires the functionality of receiving the chat messages even if the application in background state. In order to achieve this, i used VoIP background execution to stay the user session alive instead of implementing apple push notification . The application is working fine. But the problem is that, the application is rejected by the appstore(Meta data rejection). Is there any quick way to solve this issue ??? Thanks in advance.
By giving background mode capabilities would not allow to make your app live if there is no functionality of VOIP in the app.
Use Pushkit ( Silent push notification ) like whatsapp, facebook etc chat app to keep your chat functionality in background or kill state.
Let me know if i could help you in push kit or anything else.

how to send push notification without apple device

is it possible to send push notification for apple without apple device? I would like to send push notification using any page or service from apple, but not using an app created in xcode for example. My app that will get the push is ready and working, but I would like to send the push from a normal page, not from mac or iphone app.
Apple push notifications can only be send to Apple devices (iOS, OSX or Safari for Mac).
However, you can send the notification from any type of operating system using the Apple Push Notification Service API:
Yes, you can do that for free with using a push notification API, such as Spontit.
See the API docs here:
See the Python wrapper here:

How to forward a call from one iOS device to Other device in iphone sdk

I want to forward a call from iPhone device to iPad and viceversa. I used Phone URL Scheme but it is not working. Can any one suggest me How it is doable?
No, it's not possible.If there is a way to do so, it's only through a private API, which will cause your app to be rejected from the App Store.

iOS: Open Settings app Programmatically as Youtube app does

As we know Apple disabled this feature in iOS 5.1 and later:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs://"]];
that allowed users launch for ex Settings app from any apps.
I'm wondering how YouTube iPhone app does it? Because it can still launch Settings app from it's application with iOS 5.1 and later.
Maybe there is no solution but, I just wondering about the way, YouTube app developer found :))
The YouTube app developer is Apple. They're not subject to the same rules as the rest of us.
Updated since someone kindly downvoted this four-year-old answer and brought it to my attention: you can now do this by opening a URL made from the UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString string constant.
I don't really get a response for this question but can bring an argument to the discussion.
The RunKeeper app is able to launch the iphone pref app on iOS 6.1. I don't know how it makes that but you can verify by disabling the iPhone GPS location service and then go to the RunKeeeper. Sometimes, the app is able to allow you launching the iPhone Pref app by a Settings button in an alert view.
I don't think the RunKeeper developers have specific privileges from Apple.

How can I send an SMS from iPhone simulator 4.0?

I have gone through this tutorial for sending SMS from an iPhone.
This is giving me an alertView with the message:
textMessage is not enabled on this device.
Where is the problem?
The iPhone Simulator does not simulate in-app SMS. You can only test this functionality on an iPhone device.
You can’t send messages from the Simulator.