Cocos2D: Gap in scrolling background - objective-c

I´ve seen tons of people having this problem but I can´t seem to find a solution for my case. Like the title explains I have a scrolling background, using two sprites containing the same image. I´ve set the height to 321 (321x480) believing that would fix the problem, boy, it did not.
Well, this is my setup in the init:
background = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"level1BG.png"];
background.position = ccp(background.contentSize.width/2, background.contentSize.height/2);
[self addChild:background];
background2 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"level1BG.png"];
background2.position = ccp(background2.contentSize.width/2, -background2.contentSize.height/2);
[self addChild:background2];
Nothing fancy here, just an setup.
And this is my schedule scroll(with has a ccTime parameter of course):
Oh, the background scrolls upwards, increasing the y-value.
background.position = ccp(background.position.x, background.position.y + GAME_SPEED*dt);
background2.position = ccp(background2.position.x, background2.position.y + GAME_SPEED*dt);
if(background.position.y >= background.contentSize.width){
background.position = ccp(background.position.x, -background.contentSize.height/2 + 1);
}else if(background2.position.y >= background2.contentSize.width){
background2.position = ccp(background2.position.x, -background2.contentSize.height/2 + 1);
GAME_SPEED is defined to 50.0. I´ve added the "+ 1" believing THAT would fix the problem, wrong again though!
So, to the question, does anyone know a way to remove the gap in this case? Would be forever grateful!

Here is some old code that i use to make clouds appears over an scene
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "cocos2d.h"
#interface Clouds : CCLayer {
CCSprite *first;
CCSprite *second;
float firstX0;
float secondX0;
float firstXf;
float secondXf;
float height;
float firstWidth;
float secondWidth;
float Yvalue;
float duration;
id moveFirstDone;
id moveSecondDone;
#import "Clouds.h"
#implementation Clouds
-(id) init{
if( (self=[super init] )) {
first = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"clouds_1.png"];
firstWidth = first.contentSize.width;
height = first.contentSize.height;
second = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"clouds_2.png"];
secondWidth = second.contentSize.width;
Yvalue = 220.0f;
duration = 200.0f;
CGSize size = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
firstXf = -1 * (secondWidth - size.width + firstWidth/2);
secondXf = -1 * (firstWidth + secondWidth/2);
firstX0 = size.width + firstWidth/2;
secondX0 = size.width + secondWidth/2;
moveFirstDone = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(callFirstDone:)];
moveSecondDone = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(callSecondDone:)];
first.position = ccp(firstX0 + -1*firstX0,Yvalue);
second.position = ccp(secondX0,Yvalue);
[self addChild:first];
[self addChild:second];
[first runAction:[CCSequence actions:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:duration position:ccp(firstXf,Yvalue)],moveFirstDone,nil]];
[second runAction:[CCSequence actions:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:duration*2 position:ccp(secondXf,Yvalue)],moveSecondDone,nil]];
return self;
second.position = ccp(secondX0,Yvalue);
[second runAction:[CCSequence actions:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:duration*2 position:ccp(secondXf,Yvalue)],moveSecondDone,nil]];
first.position = ccp(firstX0,Yvalue);
[first runAction:[CCSequence actions:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:duration*2 position:ccp(firstXf,Yvalue)],moveFirstDone,nil]];
Clouds *clouds = [Clouds node];
[self addChild: clouds z:0];
you add the node to your main layer/scene
I don't know if this is exactly what you need but maybe it helps. See a video of the effect that i get using this approach

Just for clarification, when you set height to 321 pixels, do you adjust position?
background.position = ccp(background.contentSize.width/2, (background.contentSize.height - 1)/2);
background2.position = ccp(background2.contentSize.width/2, -(background2.contentSize.height - 1)/2);
For clouds case I would propose alternative: use one sprite with tiled in horizontal direction cloud texture (texture must be with power-of-two size). Then scroll texture coordinates instead of moving sprite. But looks like this functionality is not present in official cocos2d sources, so you need to get it from here and merge with CCTextureNode class. Then:
set GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S texture parameter for cloud texture via [cloudTexture setTexParameters: ...]
scroll texture with TextureMoveBy action, or by adjusting cloudTexture.texPosition in update method


Child SkShapeNode positioning confusion

I've written this code for the game over scene I have for a game:
#import "GameOverScene.h"
#import "SharedInfo.h"
#implementation GameOverScene
-(void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
/* Setup your scene here */
[self setupView];
-(void)showGameEndingWithGameInformation:(NSDictionary *)gameEndingInformation{
SKLabelNode *GOTitle = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:#"Generica Bold"];
GOTitle.fontSize = 40.f;
NSString* text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"GAME OVER"];
[GOTitle setText:text];
GOTitle.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), self.frame.size.height- GOTitle.frame.size.height*1.5);
[GOTitle setFontColor:[[SharedInfo sharedManager]colorFromHexString:#"#2EB187"]];
[self addChild: GOTitle];
SKLabelNode *replayButton = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:#"Quicksand-Bold"];
replayButton.fontSize = 25.f;
NSString* replayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Play Again"];
[replayButton setText:replayText]; = kGOSceneReplayButton;
replayButton.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame)- self.frame.size.height/5);
[replayButton setFontColor:[SKColor whiteColor]];
SKShapeNode *bgNode = [SKShapeNode shapeNodeWithRectOfSize:replayButton.frame.size];
[bgNode setFillColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[replayButton addChild:bgNode];
[self addChild:replayButton];
NSLog(#"replay dimensions: %#",NSStringFromCGRect(replayButton.frame));
SKLabelNode *returnButton = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:#"Quicksand-Bold"];
returnButton.fontSize = 25.f;
NSString* returnText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Return To Main Menu"];
[returnButton setText:returnText]; = kGOSceneReturnToMainButton;
returnButton.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), replayButton.position.y -self.frame.size.height/7 );
[returnButton setFontColor:[SKColor whiteColor]];
[self addChild:returnButton];
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];
SKNode *sprite = [self nodeAtPoint:location];
NSLog(#"sprite name: %#",;
if ([ isEqualToString:kGOSceneReturnToMainButton]||[ isEqualToString:kGOSceneReturnToMainButton]) {
//return to main menu or retry
[self.gameEndingSceneDelegate withOptions:nil]; //Sort out the options later on.
When I run it though, I get this:
There are two issues I'm really confused about. Firstly, why do I have 8 nodes in the scene, where I should really have 4? I think something is doubling the nodes, but that's just a guess.
The more confusing issue is the red SKShapeNode positioning. I've read that scaling the parent node can cause problems to the child SKShapeNode, but I'm not scaling anything. Also, why does it place my red rectangle at a random position (it's not the middle of the parent, or corresponding with the bottom).
Thanks a lot for all the help in advance.
UPDATE 1: So following the suggestion, I checked if my method is being called twice, and thus creating the duplicates. No luck there, as it is only called once. The mystery still going strong!
As for the positioning shenanigans, I changed the code slightly to set the position of the red rectangle to match its parent node:
SKLabelNode *replayButton = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:#"Quicksand-Bold"];
replayButton.fontSize = 25.f;
NSString* replayText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Play Again"];
[replayButton setText:replayText]; = kGOSceneReplayButton;
replayButton.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame)- self.frame.size.height/5);
[replayButton setFontColor:[SKColor whiteColor]];
SKShapeNode *bgNode = [SKShapeNode shapeNodeWithRectOfSize:replayButton.frame.size];
[bgNode setFillColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[self addChild:replayButton];
bgNode.position = replayButton.position;
[replayButton addChild:bgNode];
But after updating, I got this:
In case it helps, this is what I do to present the scene:
SKView * skView = (SKView *)self.view;
skView.showsFPS = YES;
skView.showsNodeCount = YES;
/* Sprite Kit applies additional optimizations to improve rendering performance */
skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES;
scene = [GameOverScene sceneWithSize:self.view.frame.size];
[(GameOverScene*)scene setGameEndingSceneDelegate:self];
[(GameOverScene*)scene setScaleMode: SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill];
[(GameOverScene*)scene showGameEndingWithGameInformation:self.gameEndingInfo];
// Present the scene.
[skView presentScene:scene transition:sceneTransition];
Also, this is the output of my NSLog:
replay dimensions: {{221, 91}, {127, 25}
I've got a feeling that because I set my scene's setScaleMode, it gets strange, but nothing else is out of ordinary, so not sure what to do. I'm thinking maybe just create an image for my label and change the SKLabelNode to SKSpriteNode and set the image, so I skip adding the red rectangle as background for the label node. The reason I wanted to add the rectangle is actually to provide bigger hit target for when the 'Button' is tapped, so if anyone knows an easier, more straightforward way, I'd really appreciate it.
I also tried setting the position of the rectangle to match that of parent label node:
bgNode.position = [replayButton convertPoint:CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame)- self.frame.size.height/5) fromNode:self];
the rectangle ends up at the same place as the last update (all the way to the right of the screen)
There are few issues with your code:
lineWidth property and it's default value of 1.0. It should be 0.0f
verticalAlignmentMode property and it's default baseline alignment. It should be SKLabelVerticalAlignmentModeCenter.
Wrong positioning of a shape node. It should be (0,0)
To fix it, change label's vertical alignment:
replayButton.verticalAlignmentMode = SKLabelVerticalAlignmentModeCenter;
set shapenode's lineWidth property to 0.0f:
bgNode.lineWidth = 0.0f;
and remove this line:
//bgNode.position should be CGPointZero which is (0,0)
bgNode.position = replayButton.position;
Still, I would stay away of this approach. SKShapeNode is not needed in this situation. You can do the same with SKSpriteNode. What is important is that both SKShapeNode and SKLabelNode can't be drawn in batches, which means, can't be drawn in a single draw pass when rendered like SKSpriteNode. Take a look at this. Your example is too simple to make performance issues, but in general you should keep all this in mind.
If your button's text never change during the game, you should consider using SKSpriteNode initialized with texture. If interested in a pre made buttons for SpriteKit, take a look at SKAButton.
Hope this helps!

How to apply constant force to sprite?

I have a sprite that I want to apply a constant force to, as opposed to reapplying that force every update, which is giving me strange results.
I have a sprite that has a mass of 60 kg and is affected by gravity. I want to apply a force that is equal to the force of gravity constantly. The way I'm doing it still causes the sprite to fall of the screen really fast because the force of gravity is somehow greater. I'm wondering how and when the force of gravity is applied, and if it is possible fore me to set a constant force on the object, similar to the force of gravity.
Currently, my scene looks like this:
#import "MyScene.h"
#interface MyScene ()
#property (nonatomic, strong)SKSpriteNode *parachutist;
#implementation MyScene
- (id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size
if (self = [super initWithSize:size])
CGSize spriteSize = CGSizeMake(80.0f, 80.0f);
self.parachutist = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:[SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:#"parachutist.png"] size:spriteSize];
[self addChild:self.parachutist];
self.parachutist.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame));
self.parachutist.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:spriteSize];
self.parachutist.physicsBody.dynamic = YES;
self.parachutist.physicsBody.mass = 60.0; // kg
self.parachutist.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = YES;
return self;
- (void)update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime
// this ought to match the force of gravity
[self.parachutist.physicsBody applyForce:CGVectorMake(0.0f, 60.0f * 9.8f)];
#import "MyScene.h"
#define WEIRD_FACTOR 150.0f
#define GRAVITY -9.8f
#interface MyScene ()
#property (nonatomic, strong)SKSpriteNode *parachutist;
#implementation MyScene
- (id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size
if (self = [super initWithSize:size])
CGSize spriteSize = CGSizeMake(80.0f, 80.0f);
self.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = YES;
self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0.0f, GRAVITY / WEIRD_FACTOR);
self.parachutist = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:[SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:#"Parachutist.png"] size:spriteSize];
[self addChild:self.parachutist];
self.parachutist.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame));
self.parachutist.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:spriteSize];
self.parachutist.physicsBody.dynamic = YES;
self.parachutist.physicsBody.mass = 60.0; // kg
self.parachutist.physicsBody.affectedByGravity = YES;
return self;
- (void)update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime
[self.parachutist.physicsBody applyForce:CGVectorMake(0.0f,
self.parachutist.physicsBody.mass * -GRAVITY)];
See this question for an explanation: applyForce(0, 400) - SpriteKit inconsistency
I am new to sprite kit myself but am currently working on a game as well. I believe that you need to make the vector's Y component be negative.
[self.parachutist.physicsBody applyForce:CGVectorMake(0.0f, -9.8)];
that should apply force straight down at -9.8 units. However unlike gravity I do not believe this to be cumulative. gravity is -9,8 meters per sec squared.
By multiplying the gravity by 60 your essentially making gravity 60 times what it is normally.
Alternatively you could adjust the property for physicsWorld Gravity and that would apply the gravity to any object with a physics body not set to physicsBody.dynamic = YES
self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0, -9.8 );
edit: grammer and punctuation.

Make CCSprite move towards other CCSprite

I know this has been asked a lot before, but I can't find the solution. I have a CCSprite on the screen, the player, that is steered with the accelerometer. Then on top of the screen other CCSprites are spawned every 2 seconds, the enemies. I want all the enemies to follow the player, if the player moves the player the enemies should change direction and go towards that CCSprite. This is my code this far:
- (void)spawnEnemies
monsterTxt = [[CCTexture2D alloc] initWithCGImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"obj.png"].CGImage resolutionType:kCCResolutionUnknown];
monster = [CCSprite spriteWithTexture:monsterTxt];
//random spawn position etc.
CCMoveTo *movemonster = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:7.0 position:ccp(_rocket.boundingBox.origin.x, _rocket.boundingBox.origin.y)];
[monster runAction:[CCSequence actions:movemonster, nil]];
[_monsters addObject:monster]; //adds the sprite to a mutable array
- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration
//determines new position and move sprite there
[monster stopAllActions];
CCMoveTo *movemonster = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:7.0 position:ccp(_rocket.boundingBox.origin.x, _rocket.boundingBox.origin.y)];
[monster runAction:[CCSequence actions:movemonster, nil]];
Now when I start the game the sprites are going towards the player, but when the player moves the enemies doesn't update their destination, they just continue down and stops at the y-coordinate of the player. And after a while the app crashes. What am I doing wrong?
My guess is that the problem may be in that section of code that you did not post.
In v2.1 of Cocos2d, to receive accelerometer measurements in your layer:
Do this in your init or onEnterTransitionDidFinish call:
self.accelerometerEnabled = YES;
And overload the is method:
-(void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration
CCLOG(#"Acceleration (%f,%f,%f)",
// Do something probably want to send a notification to
// some other scene/layer/logic. It should cache that the acceleration value
// and then do something on an update(...) call with it. Then reset it so that
// it does not get used the next update cycle untila new value comes in (here).
It seems you have this...and you have indicated you are receiving I'm a bit confused.
I created an example project (here) which has a single player sprite being chased by multiple monster sprites. When the user touches the screen (I did not use the accelerometer), the player sprite changes location and the sprites "chase" him. I added some random offset to their target positions so they would not all cluster on top of the player.
Here is the code for (the most important parts of) the file, which is a modified version of the HellowWorldLayer that comes with a cocos2d v2.1 project (I created it from the template):
playerMoved = NO;
if(self.player != nil)
[self removeChild:player];
self.player = nil;
CGSize scrSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
CCSprite* playerSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Icon.png"];
playerSprite.scale = 2.0;
playerSprite.position = ccp(scrSize.width/2,scrSize.height/2);
[self addChild:playerSprite];
self.player = playerSprite;
const int MAX_MONSTERS = 4;
if(self.monsters.count > 0)
{ // Get rid of them
for(CCSprite* sprite in monsters)
[self removeChild:sprite];
[self.monsters removeAllObjects];
CGSize scrSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
for(int idx = 0; idx < MAX_MONSTERS; idx++)
CCSprite* sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Icon.png"];
float randomX = (arc4random()%100)/100.0;
float randomY = (arc4random()%100)/100.0;
sprite.scale = 1.0;
sprite.position = ccp(scrSize.width*randomX,scrSize.height*randomY);
[self addChild:sprite];
[monsters addObject:sprite];
{ // Modify all the actions on all the monsters.
CGPoint playerPos = player.position;
for(CCSprite* sprite in monsters)
float randomX = (1.0)*(arc4random()%50);
float randomY = (1.0)*(arc4random()%50);
CGPoint position = ccp(playerPos.x+randomX,playerPos.y+randomY);
[sprite stopAllActions];
[sprite runAction:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:3.0 position:position]];
playerMoved = NO;
I have a retained array of CCSprite* objects (monsters) and a CCSprite* for the player. I have a flag to tell me if the player has changed position (player moved). In the update loop, if the player has moved, stop all the actions on the monsters and update them.
On the screen it looks like this:
And then when I move the main sprite...
They follow it...
Was this helpful?

How can I have the same sprite in multiple locations dynamically?

How can I have the same sprite in multiple locations dynamically? I have already seen the other question, but, you can only do that with three sprites. I want to have a dynamic number of sprites. My objective is that I am trying to make, instead of shooting only one bullet, I want it to shoot three or more. I have all of the math done, but, I need to draw the three sprites in a for-loop. Here is what I have so far.
- (void)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint pointOne = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];
CGSize size = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
CGPoint position = turret.position;
CGFloat degrees = angleBetweenLinesInDegrees(position, pointOne);
turret.rotation = degrees;
pointOne.y = size.height-pointOne.y;
CCSprite *projectile = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"projectile.png"];
projectile.position = turret.position;
// Determine offset of location to projectile
int angle = angleBetweenLinesInDegrees(position, pointOne);
int startAngle = angle-15;
int shots = 3;
NSMutableArray *projectiles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:shots];
// Ok to add now - we've double checked position
for(int i = 0;i<shots;i++) {
[self addChild:projectile z:1];
int angleToShoot = angle;
int x = size.width;
int y = x*tan(angle);
CGPoint realDest = ccp(x,y);
projectile.tag = 2;
if (paused==0 ) {
[_projectiles addObject:projectile];
// Move projectile to actual endpoint
[projectile runAction:
[CCSequence actions:
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1 position:realDest],
[CCCallBlockN actionWithBlock:^(CCNode *node) {
[_projectiles removeObject:node];
[node removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES];
This gives me the error: 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'child already added. It can't be added again'
you need to create 3 different sprite and add all 3 of them as a child.
usually for doing stuff like this is better to use a CCBatchNode (take a look to the cocos doc).
With a batchnode you get all the childs be drawn in 1 draw call with the only constrain that all the childs of the batchnode needs to have the texture on the same spriteSheet (or in your case if they have the same "filename")
for just 3 projectiles you wont have performance problems but its the correct way to design it, if you will need to have dozens of projectiles on screen without using a batchnode the game wont run smooth.
to recap:
create a ccbatchnode,
add the batchnode as a child of self (i suppose its ur layer or main node)
create 3 sprites and add them as a child of the batchnode

How to slice/cut sprites in iOS (Core Graphics)

I am working on a game and I would like to add a proper slicing feature in it.. so when a sprite sliced, 2 new sprites should be created.. please check here
At the moment, I am just reducing the size and duplicating the sprites.. Something like this.. Thanks in advance..
- (BOOL) sliceSprite: (Sprite *) sprite withPath: (UIBezierPath *) slicePath
CGSize size = sprite.size;
size.width /= 2;
size.height /=2;
sprite.size = size;
sprite.sliced = YES;
Sprite *newSprite = [[Sprite alloc] initWithImage: sprite.image];
newSprite.position = sprite.position;
newSprite.size = size;
newSprite.sliced = YES;
newSprite.inView = YES;
newSprite.xVelocity = SLICE_SPEEDUP * sprite.yVelocity;
newSprite.yVelocity = SLICE_SPEEDUP * sprite.xVelocity;
newSprite.angularVelocity = -SLICE_REVUP * sprite.angularVelocity;
[sprites addObject: newSprite];
[newSprite release];
sprite.angularVelocity = SLICE_REVUP * sprite.angularVelocity;
sprite.xVelocity = -SLICE_SPEEDUP * sprite.xVelocity;
sprite.yVelocity = -SLICE_SPEEDUP * sprite.yVelocity;
return YES;
- (void) sliceSpritesInSwipePath
CGRect swipeRect = [swipePath bounds];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [sprites count]; i++)
Sprite *sprite = [sprites objectAtIndex: i];
if ([sprite intersectsWithPathInArray: swipePoints
inRect: swipeRect])
if ([self sliceSprite: sprite withPath: swipePath])
[self resetSwipe];
if (![sliceSound isPlaying])
[sliceSound play];
Is the specific line of splitting required? Fruit Ninja just spawns two halves of the fruit, as if it was split down the middle, this would be quite easy to do:
Create two sprites which are half the width of the original sprite
Position them 1/4 and 3/4 of the way along the original sprite's horizontal centre line
Add rotation/acceleration etc.
Modify texture coordinates so that the left sprite has the left half of the texture and the right sprite has the right half of the texture.
Since you're using CoreGraphics here, why not simply use a clipping path when drawing the sprite(s)?
Duplicate the sprite to be sliced, then apply simple polygons masking the two halves as their respective clipping paths. The function you need is called CGContextClip and a short tutorial can be found here.
Edit: The tutorial lists this example:
CGContextBeginPath (context);
CGContextAddArc (context, w/2, h/2, ((w>h) ? h : w)/2, 0, 2*PI, 0);
CGContextClosePath (context);
CGContextClip (context);
This sets the current path to a circle, then applies the current path as the clipping region.