Querying attributes where value is not yet set - rally

Any of you guys know how to query rally for a set of things where an string attribute value is currently not yet set?
I can’t query for the value equal to an empty string. That doesn’t parse. And I can’t use “null” either. Or rather, I can try “null” and it parses fine but it doesn’t result in finding anything.
query = #rally_api.find(:defect, :fetch =>true,
:project_scope_up => false, :project_scope_down => false,
:workspace => #workspace,
:project => #project) { equals :integration_i_d, "" }
This was followed up by telling the me to substitute "" with nil which didn't work. Null was tried to no success as well. I've tried "null" and null and "". None of them work.

I'm not familiar with our Ruby REST toolkit but directly hitting our WSAPI, you would say (<Field> = null). Notice that there are no quotes around "null".
Also, I'm wondering if the use of contains in your example above is what you wanted. You might want =.

try: { equal :integration_i_d, '""' }
Also, if rally_rest_api seems slow - we're working on something faster here:


Rally custom list query not working on string custom field

I have a custom field being added on user story (HierarchicalRequirement) level.
The WSAPI documentation shows the following details for the field:
Required false
Type string
Max Length 32,768
Sortable true
Explicit Fetch false
Query Expression Operators contains, !contains, =, !=
When trying to create a report using Custom List to identify user stories where this field is empty, I add (c_CustomFieldName = "") to the query.
And yet, the result shows rows where this field is not empty.
How can that be?
I tried querying on null, but it didn't work.
thx in advance
What you're doing should work- are you getting errors, or just incorrect data? It almost seems like it's ignoring your query altogether.
I tried to repro both with the custom list app and against wsapi directly and the following all worked as expected:
(c_CustomText = "") //empty
(c_CustomText = null) //empty
(c_CustomText != "") //non-empty
(c_CustomText != null) //non-empty
It's possible you're running into some weird data-specific edge case in your data. It may be worth following up with support.

Mule ESB: How to do Condition checking in Datamapper using Xpath

i'm facing issue in xpath-I need do a check two attribute values, if the condition satisfies need to do hard code my own value. Below is my xml.
I need to check the condition like inside subroot- if ItemType=Table1 and ItemCondition=Chair1 then i have to give a hard coded value 'Proceed'( this hard coded value i will map to target side of datamapper).
....Will have multiple subroot
I have tried to define rules as below, but it is throwing error
Type: String
Xpath: substring("Proceed", 1 div boolean(/SubRoot[ItemType="Table1" and ItemCondition="Chair1"]))
But it is throwing error like
net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Arithmetic operator is not defined for arguments of types (xs:integer, xs:boolean)
Is there any other shortcut way to perform this.Could you please help me, i have given lot more effort. Not able to resolve it. Thanks in advance.
I am not sure where you are applying this but the XPath expression you are looking for is:
fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemCondition, "chair") and fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemType, "Table")
So here is an example returning "Proceed" or "Stop" as appropriate:
if (fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[1]/ItemCondition, "Chair") and fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemType, "Table")) then 'Proceed' else 'Stop'
To implement the above condition , i was initially tired to do in xpath, gave me lot of error. I have implemented by simple if else condition in script part of data mapper
if ( (input.ItemType == 'Table') and (input.ItemCondition == 'chair')) {
output.Item = 'Proceed'}
else {
output.Item = 'Stop '};
Make sure about your precedence. Example, Here in the xml structure( or converted POJO) ItemType has to be checked first then followed with ItemCondition.
&& not seems to be working for me, change to 'and' operator
If you were first time trying to implement the logic. It may help you.

Mixing 'Like' with comparators in an iif statement?

I'm attempting to use the query builder to formulate a query based on user input on a form, but I'm running into an issue.
I've been using this code to filter and check for null/"ALL" field before which is working fine.
Like IIf([Forms]![TransactionsForm]![ComboActStatus]="ALL","*",
But I run into an issue when I want to do the same thing with fields that signify a range. I attempted this:
IIf([forms]![TransactionsForm]![txtAmountFrom] Is Null Or
[forms]![TransactionsForm]![txtAmountTo] Is Null,
([dbo_customerQuery].[amount]) Like "*",
([dbo_customerQuery].[amount])>=[forms]! [TransactionsForm]![txtAmountFrom] And
But it's causing my entire query to fail. How can I do this similar thing? Use "Like *" in the null case (return everything), but use comparators rather than "like" statements in the second case?
Unless I'm missing something LIKE "*" will return true for all values, so this should work:
IIf([forms]![TransactionsForm]![txtAmountFrom] Is Null Or
[forms]![TransactionsForm]![txtAmountTo] Is Null,
([dbo_customerQuery].[amount])>=[forms]! [TransactionsForm]![txtAmountFrom] And
The code that finally worked for me, and didn't have Access split it into separate lines was:
>=IIf([forms]![TransactionsForm]![txtAmountFrom] Is Null,0,[forms]![TransactionsForm]!
[txtAmountFrom]) And <=IIf([forms]![TransactionsForm]![txtAmountTo] Is Null,9999999999,

RavenDB Static Index field with Max() aggregation

My documents have a "Comments" collection, and I'd like to index the "Last Commented Date". I have statically defined index already working for other fields, so there's nothing wrong with my index. But attempting to add this new field is not working. I simply cannot ever get any results when searching by it.
I've tried getting the max date with a Max() aggregation (note that I have to handle cases where there are no comments)
testlastcommented = doc.Comments.Count > 0 ? doc.Comments.Select(c => c.DateEntered).Max() : null
This complains that DynamicList does not support Max(). I could swear that I had an iteration of this using Max() that worked, but now I can't get that working. But regardless even when it wasn't throwing an error, I wasn't able to query on the field.
So then I tried by OrderByDescending/FirstOrDefault as an alternative to Max()
testlastcommented = doc.Comments.OrderByDescending(c => c.DateEntered).FirstOrDefault()
This indexes with no errors. But whatever I do, it's as if the field doesn't exist in the index. I can't get any results with known values.
I broke down and added a calculated "LastCommented" property to the document and indexed that. That obviously works, but I'd rather not have to store a calculated field in the document.
Try this:
testlastcommented = doc.Comments.Select(c => c.DateEntered)
.OrderByDescending(x => x)

Why does this Rails named scope return empty (uninitialized?) objects?

In a Rails app, I have a model, Machine, that contains the following named scope:
named_scope :needs_updates, lambda {
{ :select => self.column_names.collect{|c| "\"machines\".\"#{c}\""}.join(','),
:group => self.column_names.collect{|c| "\"machines\".\"#{c}\""}.join(','),
:joins => 'LEFT JOIN "machine_updates" ON "machine_updates"."machine_id" = "machines"."id"',
:having => ['"machines"."manual_updates" = ? AND "machines"."in_use" = ? AND (MAX("machine_updates"."date") IS NULL OR MAX("machine_updates"."date") < ?)', true, true, UPDATE_THRESHOLD.days.ago]
This named scope works fine in development mode. In production mode, however, it returns the 2 models as expected, but the models are empty or uninitialized; that is, actual objects are returned (not nil), but all the fields are nil. For example, when inspecting the return value of the named scope in the console, the following is returned:
[#<Machine >, #<Machine >]
But, as you can see, all the fields of the objects returned are set to nil.
The production and development environments are essentially the same. Both are using a SQLite database. Here is the SQL statement that is generated for the query:
"machine_updates" ON "machine_updates"."machine_id" = "machines"."id"
"machines"."manual_updates" = 't'
AND "machines"."in_use" = 't'
AND (MAX("machine_updates"."date") IS NULL
OR MAX("machine_updates"."date") < '2010-03-26 13:46:28')
Any ideas what's going wrong?
This might not be related to what is happening to you, but it sounds similar enough, so here it goes: are you using the rails cache for anything?
I got nearly the same results as you when I tried to cache the results of a query (as explained on railscast #115).
I tracked down the issue to a still open rails bug that makes cached ActiveRecords unusable - you have to choose between not using cached AR or applying a patch and getting memory leaks.
The cache works ok with non-AR objects, so I ended up "translating" the stuff I needed to integers and arrays, and cached that.
Hope this helps!
Seems like the grouping may be causing the problem. Is the data also identical in both dev & production?
Um, I'm not sure you're having the problem you think you're having.
[#<Machine >, #<Machine >]
implies that you have called "inspect" on the array... but not on each of the individual machine-objects inside it. This may be a silly question, but have you actually tried calling inspect on the individual Machine objects returned to really see if they have nil in the columns?
Machine.needs_updates.each do |m|
p m.inspect
If that does in fact result in nil-column data. My next suggestion is that you copy the generated SQL and go into the standard mysql interface and see what you get when you run that SQL... and then paste it into your question above so we can see.