Can Redis do prefix matching? - redis

Lets say I have a set of cities in the world like so:
Where the first letter is continent, next two are country and the trailing 4 are an abbreviated city name.
I would like to be able to search this set by passing in "E" which would return all the entries or EIT and retrieve all the entries for Italy or EFRPARI and get just the Paris entry.
Is this something I can do with Redis?

Generally, it's an Auto-Complete scenario.
Salvatore Sanfilippo (#Antirez), Redis's author, wrote a thorough blog post about how to accomplish this.
UPDATE: I just saw another great blog post, that first takes Salvatore's solution and explains it in a clear way, and second offers another solution that is good also for multiple-word phrases.


How to display only searched string in column in postgresql

I want to only display searched string from a table, as example this is my table:
Table name: guidelines
id content
1 An individual is accused “of” a crime, not “with” or “for” a crime. Accused, often as “the accused”, refers to the individual or individuals standing trial. EXAMPLES: The prosecutor accused the politician of bribery. The accused politician stood trial for bribery. See alleged, charged, suspected.
2 There were a lot of people getting accused on this particular town.
If I use search query to search for "accused", it will show the full result:
SELECT content FROM "guidelines" WHERE "content" 'ILIKE' '%accused%';
An individual is accused “of” a crime, not “with” or “for” a crime. Accused, often as “the accused”, refers to the individual or individuals standing trial. EXAMPLES: The prosecutor accused the politician of bribery. The accused politician stood trial for bribery. See alleged, charged, suspected.
There were a lot of people getting accused on this particular town.
How can I only get the first matching string and followed by the data on the column, as example this is my goal:
Accused, often as “the accused”, refers to th...
accused on this particular to...
update: I updated the table and column name to make it better to differentiate table and column
In Postgresql, you can do that by using position function and substring function. see the following query as an example:
substring(content, position ('accused' in content)) as matched
content LIKE '%accused%'
Try this :
SELECT substring(content from '%#"accused%#"%' for '#') from guidelines;
each # is the place holder defined in the last part for '#' and need and aditional "
So you have % and function will return what is found inside both placeholder. In this case is % or the rest of the string after accused

Is there an easy way to filter result by combining both like %% and in together using OR? I could not find a way

select authorname
from library
where author like '%ROSARIO RAMIREZ CORTE%'
or author like '%Ann Rice%'
Since the Excel sheet I have doesn't provide the exact match of author name, that's why I want to use like and I was able to find the 'missing' record. But I have like 300 authors in my list, anyway to combine the and and in together? Instead keep doing and author like forever?
For example here is my sample result, it is correct but I have to keep adding author like in each new line:
Anne Rice
You can use the IN operator as a shorthand for multiple OR's I'm pretty sure.
SELECT authorName FROM library WHERE authorName IN ('%Ann Rice%', ...)

DAX / Xetra on alphavantage

I am very very happy with Alphavantage.
BUT I can't find the german stocks (Xetra)
I have tried:
(But this works
(But this works:
So my question is - has anyone had any luck getting german stocks on Alphavanta (or another free service. Realtime is not crucial, but obviously a plus).
I use the "Search Endpoint" function to find german stocks on alphavantage.
Let's say you look for "BASF" you could query:[your API key]&datatype=csv
You get a list with possible matches:
BASFY,BASF SE,Equity,United States,09:30,16:00,UTC-05,USD,0.8889
BFFAF,BASF SE,Equity,United States,09:30,16:00,UTC-05,USD,0.8889
BASFX,BMO Short Tax-Free Fund Class A,Mutual Fund,United States,09:30,16:00,UTC- 05,USD,0.8889
BAS.DEX,BASF SE,Equity,XETRA,08:00,20:00,UTC+02,EUR,0.7273
BAS.FRK,BASF SE,Equity,Frankfurt,08:00,20:00,UTC+02,EUR,0.7273
BASA.DEX,BASF SE,Equity,XETRA,08:00,20:00,UTC+02,EUR,0.7273
BAS.BER,BASF SE NA O.N.,Equity,Berlin,08:00,20:00,UTC+02,EUR,0.7273
BASF.NSE,BASF India Limited,Equity,India/NSE,09:15,15:30,UTC+5.5,INR,0.6000
See documentation:
It seems to work with the yahoo symbols on alphavantage, at least for a few stocks (I did not check all). BASF for example works with:
The alphavantage symbols for German securities consist of the Xetra symbol + .DE. For example EUNL.DE (for iShares MSCI World Core ETF). You can find a list of all Xetra stocks here.

NYT article search API not returning results for certain queries

I have a set of queries and I am trying to get web_urls using the NYT article search API. But I am seeing that it works for q2 below but not for q1.
q1: Seattle+Jacob Vigdor+the University of Washington
q2: Seattle+Jacob Vigdor+University of Washington
If you paste the url below with your API key in the web browser, you get an empty result.
Search request for q1
Empty results for q1
{"response":{"meta":{"hits":0,"time":27,"offset":0},"docs":[]},"status":"OK","copyright":"Copyright (c) 2013 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved."}
Instead if you paste the following in your web browser (without the article 'the' in the query) you get non-empty results
Search request for q2
Non-empty results for q2
{"response":{"meta":{"hits":1,"time":22,"offset":0},"docs":[{"web_url":"","snippet":"Seattle's $15-an-hour minimum wage law has cost the city jobs, according to a study released Monday that contradicted another new study published last week....","lead_paragraph":"Seattle's $15-an-hour minimum wage law has cost the city jobs, according to a study released Monday that contradicted another new study published last week.","abstract":null,"print_page":null,"blog":[],"source":"AP","multimedia":[],"headline":{"main":"New Study of Seattle's $15 Minimum Wage Says It Costs Jobs","print_headline":"New Study of Seattle's $15 Minimum Wage Says It Costs Jobs"},"keywords":[],"pub_date":"2017-06-26T15:16:28+0000","document_type":"article","news_desk":"None","section_name":"U.S.","subsection_name":null,"byline":{"person":[],"original":"By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS","organization":"THE ASSOCIATED PRESS"},"type_of_material":"News","_id":"5951255195d0e02550996fb3","word_count":643,"slideshow_credits":null}]},"status":"OK","copyright":"Copyright (c) 2013 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved."}
Interestingly, both queries work fine on the api test page
Also, if you look at the article below returned by q2, you see that the query term in q1, 'the University of Washington' does occur in it and it should have returned this article.
I am confused about this behaviour of the API. Any ideas what's going on? Am I missing something?
Thank you for all the answers. Below I am pasting the answer I received from NYT developers.
NYT's Article Search API uses Elasticsearch. There are lots of docs online about the query syntax of Elasticsearch (it is based on Lucene).
If you want articles that contain "Seattle", "Jacob Vigdor" and "University of Washington", do
"Seattle" AND "Jacob Vigdor" AND "University of Washington"
+"Seattle" +"Jacob Vigdor" +"University of Washington"
I think you need to change encoding of spaces (%20) to + (%2B):
In your example,
When I submit from the page on the site, it uses %2B:
How are you URL encoding? One way to fix it would be to replace your spaces with + before URL encoding.
Also, you may need to replace %20 with +. There are various schemes for URL encoding, so the best way would depend on how you are doing it.

VK API - return city names in latin

I am using VK API to get list of cities in specific country. Does anyone know how to show Russian cities (which are in Cyrilic) in Latin?
Example of JSON response:
I am trying to check if city exists, but if someone enter city name in latin, in some cases city check works, for example Vladivostok is Владивосток, but Moscow is Москва.
I found one solution that works for me: firstly get all cities ids by places.getCities (database.getCities) method and then use database.getCitiesById providing saved cities ids like following:
In request to this API method you can specify needed language by parameter "lang" (e.g. lang=en) and up to 1k comma-separated cities ids (e.g. city_ids=1,2,123,...).
database.getCitiesById official documentation
As an alternative, you can get the static list of Russian cities here. This JSON array contains the slug name of each city in English. It's a free list, so anyone can edit and add correct information for any localities.