In backbone.js how do I bind a keyup to the document - ruby-on-rails-3

I've been following along with a Railscast tutorial of backbone.js and I wanted to extend the functionality to include keyboard control. I added the following to my show view:
class Raffler.Views.EntryShow extends Backbone.View
template: JST['entries/show']
'click .back': 'showListing'
'keyup': 'goBack'
showListing: ->
Backbone.history.navigate("/", trigger: true)
goBack: (e) ->
console.log e.type, e.keyCode
render: ->
$(#el).html(#template(entry: #model))
On my show template I have the following:
<%= #entry.get('name') %></td>
If I select the back link using the tab key, then start hitting random keys I get output in my javascript console. However if I load the page and do not select the link and just start hitting keys I get no output in my console.
How do I bind the event to the document so that it will listen to any keys pressed when loading the screen?

You will need to work around backbone's scope for views.
when you are doing something like this:
'click .back': 'showListing'
'keyup': 'goBack'
you are binding your goBack function to the keyup event raised on your container element of your view. (by default the div in which the view is rendered)
instead of doing that, if you want to bind to something outside your view (which doesn't have it's own view!(*))
Raffler.Views.EntryShow = Backbone.View.extend({
template: JST['entries/show'],
events: {
'click .back': 'showListing'
initialize: function () {
showListing: function () {
Backbone.history.navigate("/", trigger: true);
goBack: function (e) {
console.log e.type, e.keyCode;
render: function () {
$(this.el).html(this.template(entry: #model));
return this;
(*)remark as marked above, you best do this only when the item you want to bind to does not have it's own view, if you have a view for your full page (an app view or something like that) you could bind the keyup in there, and just raise an event App.trigger('keypressed', e); for example.
you can then in your EntryShow view, bind to that App's keypressed event.
App.bind('keypressed', goBack);
keep in mind that you should do something as a delayed event or grouping keypresses together in some situations, as firing every keypress that happens in the body, might be a big performance hit. especially on older browsers.

Your events will be scoped to your view element #el. To capture events on the document, you have to roll that yourself:
initialize: ->
$(document).on "keyup", #goBack
remove: ->
$(document).off "keyup", #goBack
Should do the trick.


Use existing buttons in datatables

I am trying to trigger an onClick event when click on next or previous buttons in data tables. I checked the IDs of the buttons and they are auto generated. couldn't use those IDs. Is this possible ?
You have a page.dt event, fired each time the paging is updated :
table.on('page.dt', function() {
var info =;
console.log('Showing page: '' of '+info.pages);
If you want to target click on the previous / next buttons you can easily do that. To my experience dataTables seems to "eat" the click event simply by updating the view immediately - but you can stay upfront in the chain by listening on the mousedown event instead :
$('.dataTables_wrapper').on('mousedown', '.previous', function() {
console.log('previous clicked')
$('.dataTables_wrapper').on('mousedown', '.next', function() {
console.log('next clicked')
You need to use a delegated event handler because the dataTable controls is recreated each time the dataTable is redrawn. .dataTables_wrapper, .next and .previous is common for all dataTables.
demo ->

How to catch opened event on a ComboBox with Dojo?

I want to know whether a combo box has been opened and call a function that displays an progress bar while it loads the data from a store. I've check the API but no I didn't find any suitable event for what I'm doing.
What I want to do is start a progress bar while the combobox is populated from the store. I've created a widget with the combobox and the progress bar (a custom class) and "decorate" openDropDown function with aspect.before. This is the code I've written:
postCreate: function() {
this.comboBox, 'openDropDown',
lang.hitch(this, function(){
lang.hitch(this.progressBar, 'decrease')
But it seems is not using the right progressBar object.
It sounds like you are looking for something like an "onOpen" event. as of Dojo 1.10 The Dijit/Combobox widget does not support an event like the one you are describing, however it does support a number of other events that might meet your requirements.
I recommend looking into the api for a list of possible events:
However the following code will create a custom "onOpen" event like what you are describing. I've provided a jsfiddle which demos this new event
var comboBox = new ComboBox({
id: "stateSelect",
name: "state",
value: "California",
store: stateStore,
searchAttr: "name"
}, "stateSelect")
// grab the existing openDropDown method
var openDropDownFunction = comboBox.openDropDown;
newFunction = function(){
topic.publish("openDropDown") // add the custom "openDropDown" event trigger
return openDropDownFunction.apply(this);
// replace the old comBox method will our new function
comboBox.openDropDown = newFunction;
// Subscribe to the custom openDropDown event and do something when it fires
topic.subscribe("openDropDown", function(){
console.log("Open Drop Down even trigger");

dojo make a widget react to a published event

Im trying to figure out how to close a pop up dialog based on a published event .. i.e when a person moves the mouse to another part of the page.(i only want it closed when i move to this part of the page) Is this possible
i have a topic published when the user moves off this area.
_hoverOffArea : function() {
how do i get my popup to subscribe to this topic and close itself ?
var tooltip = new TooltipDialog({
onMouseLeave : function() {
onBlur : function() {
messageTooltip.set("content", rollOver.domNode);{
popup: tooltip,
around: e
You may be over thinking it. The dojo/topic module has a subscribe method which takes a topic name ("messageRollOver/close") and a function to fire when the message is published.
console.log('close tooltip');
You can pass arbitrary parameters to the publish message that are then passed to the subscribe:
console.log("arg1 = ",arg1);
var tooltip = new TooltipDialog(/*params*/);
when the subscribe function is invoked, arg1 would be the second argument to the topic#publish function call.

Show & Hide events for a Sencha Touch navigation view

I'd like to be able to hide and show certain buttons in a navigation view bar when a view is push and popped onto the view stack. Shame I can't control that from the view config itself (but I'll save that moan for another time).
I wanted to know which events I should be using when a view is push/popped on a navigation view. The docs sometimes lie and I've been told many times not too trust it, so I'm not! Come on Sencha, Microsoft wouldn't get away with this!
So Any ideas? When I try to print out all the events for a view I get very unreliable behaviour:
What I've found:
When I push a view I get:
When I pop a view I get:
What the flip is going on?!?
The code to show events happening:
control: {
myViewRef: {
initialize: function() { console.log("initialize") },
activated: function() { console.log("activated") },
deactivated: function() { console.log("deactivated") },
painted: function() { console.log("painted") },
show: function() { console.log("show") },
hide: function() { console.log("hide") }
The code to actually push/pop a view:
onInBoxListViewItemTap: function(scope, index, item, record) {
var detailsView = this.getEnquiryDetailsViewRef();
// push view
var navview = this.getMyInboxViewRef();
Does this stuff actually work properly i.e. Are there concrete events which are guaranteed to fire when a view is pushed and popped?
First of all - you have a typo in your code. You need to reference activate and deactivate not activate_d and deactivate_d.
Second, I would try to subscribe to push and pop events of navigation view and see if it would get you what you want.
I have the same problem.I use painted handler to solve it.
You can't handle 'painted' event in controller
the painted event description

Load html data with AJAX in Sencha touch when panel is shown

I have a TabPanel with a Tabbar and four panels inside. I want to load the HTML content for the fourth panel with an AJAX call when the panel becomes visible.
The AJAX function fetches the data from the server and places it inside the panel, which uses the panel update function. The problem is how to call this function when the panel becomes visible. A simplified version is:
Pages.Contact = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Contact',
html: 'test data',
iconCls: 'user',
cls: 'cHome',
activate: function () {
Pages.Contact.update("my ajax data");
When I go to my panel the body content is not affected. Does anyone know what goes wrong here? I've already tried to replace activate with render and show.
To add event's listeners you need to do
listeners: {
activate: function(){
console.log('activate fired');
But that's not the event you want to listen. It's better to listen for beforecardswitch on the TapPanel object, example:
listeners: {
beforecardswitch:function(newCard, oldCard, index, anim){
if(index == 3){
//loadJson and update card.
// you may want to use this also
//and after the json request has finished set it to false.
The solution was to use:
beforecardswitch:function(object, newCard, oldCard, index, anim) {
As shown by Ilya139 by with the object parameter as first parameter.
Then the index variable returns the correct cardnumber.