Connect to devices on local network using cocoa - objective-c

I have been trying to develop an app for my ipad which i can use to connect to my local network devices in order to get files and so on without any progress.
What i want to do is to first detect the devices on the network and then select which i want to browse files from by connecting to it.
What i got so far is
#import "BrowseForNetworkDevices.h"
#implementation BrowseForNetworkDevices
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
services = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
serviceBrowser = [[NSNetServiceBrowser alloc] init];
[serviceBrowser setDelegate: delegateObject];
searching = NO;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[services release];
[serviceBrowser release];
[super dealloc];
// Sent when browsing begins
- (void)netServiceBrowserWillSearch:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser
searching = YES;
[serviceBrowser searchForServicesOfType:#" " inDomain:#"local."];
[self updateUI];
// Sent when browsing stops
- (void)netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser
searching = NO;
[self updateUI];
// Sent if browsing fails
- (void)netServiceBrowser:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser
didNotSearch:(NSDictionary *)errorDict
searching = NO;
[self handleError:[errorDict objectForKey:NSNetServicesErrorCode]];
// Sent when a service appears
- (void)netServiceBrowser:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser
didFindService:(NSNetService *)aNetService
//[services addObject:aNetService];
if (![services containsObject:aNetService]) {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"services"];
[services addObject:aNetService];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"service"];
[self updateUI];
// Sent when a service disappears
- (void)netServiceBrowser:(NSNetServiceBrowser *)browser
didRemoveService:(NSNetService *)aNetService
//[services removeObject:aNetService];
if ([services containsObject:aNetService]) {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"service"];
[services removeObject:aNetService];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"service"];
[self updateUI];
// Error handling code
- (void)handleError:(NSNumber *)error
NSLog(#"An error occurred. Error code = %d", [error intValue]);
// Handle error here
// UI update code
- (void)updateUI
// Update the user interface to indicate searching
for(Class obj in services){
NSLog(#"service found %#", obj);
// Also update any UI that lists available services
// Update the user interface to indicate not searching
Any good tutorials on how to perform such task?
Thanks in advance for all the help

You will need both the network devices and your iPad to be speaking the same protocol. You will need to pick an appropriate protocol. It sounds like what you want to do is file transfer - there are many protocols that can handle this that are implemented in libraries for iOS:
- WebDAV
In order for the devices to detect one another you will need to use something like Apple's Bonjour


Bidirectional communication in Distributed Objects in cocoa

I am new to Cocoa programming...I am learning IPC with Distributed Objects.
I have made a simple example where I am vending objects from the server and calling them in the client.I am successful in passing messages from client object to the server But I want to pass messages from server to client[Bidirectional]...How do I do that?
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
MYMessageServer *server = [[MYMessageServer alloc] init];
NSConnection *defaultConnection=[NSConnection defaultConnection];
[defaultConnection setRootObject:server];
if ([defaultConnection registerName:#"server"] == NO)
NSLog(#"Error registering server");
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] configureAsServer];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
//Getting an Vended Object
server = [NSConnection rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName:#"server" host:nil];
if(nil == server)
NSLog(#"Error: Failed to connect to server.");
//setProtocolForProxy is a method of NSDistantObject
[server setProtocolForProxy:#protocol(MYMessageServerProtocol)];
[server addMessageClient:self];
[server broadcastMessageString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Connected: %# %d\n",
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName],
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier]]];
- (void)appendMessageString:(NSString *)aString
NSRange appendRange = NSMakeRange([[_messageView string] length], 0);
// Append text and scroll if neccessary
[_messageView replaceCharactersInRange:appendRange withString:aString];
[_messageView scrollRangeToVisible:appendRange];
- (void)addMessageClient:(id)aClient
if(nil == _myListOfClients)
_myListOfClients = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[_myListOfClients addObject:aClient];
NSLog(#"Added client");
- (BOOL)removeMessageClient:(id)aClient
[_myListOfClients removeObject:aClient];
NSLog(#"Removed client");
return YES;
- (void)broadcastMessageString:(NSString *)aString
NSLog(#"Msg is %#",aString);
self.logStatement = aString;
[_myListOfClients makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(appendMessageString:)
#protocol MYMessageServerProtocol
- (void)addMessageClient:(id)aClient;
- (BOOL)removeMessageClient:(id)aClient;
- (void)broadcastMessageString:(NSString *)aString;
You haven't shown the code for MYMessageServer or MYMessageServerProtocol, specifically the -addMessageClient: method. However, once you have passed the server a reference to an object in the client, the server can message that object like normal and that message will be sent over D.O. to the client.
So, the client is sending self (its application delegate) to the server via -addMessageClient:. The server can simply call methods on the object it receives in its implementation of -addMessageClient: and that will call methods on the client's application delegate object. The server can keep that reference somewhere, such as an array of clients in an instance variable, and continue to message the client at later times, too, if it wants. The server will want to clear that reference out when the connection closes, which it can detect from notifications that NSConnection posts.

MultipeerConnectivity Session management

I am really stuck at the moment trying to get the grasp of invites in the MultipeerConnectivityFramework.
Right now I have an ipad App acting as the Advertiser and an iphone App acting as Browser.
I have implemented a sharedService for the MultipeerFramework and did the following:
#implementation MultipeerConnectivityService {
MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser *_advertiser;
MCSession *_session;
MCNearbyServiceBrowser *_browser;
- (void)automaticAdvertiseWithName:(NSString *)name {
MCPeerID *peerID = [[MCPeerID alloc] initWithDisplayName:name];
_session = [[MCSession alloc] initWithPeer:peerID];
_session.delegate = self;
_advertiser = [[MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser alloc] initWithPeer:peerID discoveryInfo:nil serviceType:kServiceType];
_advertiser.delegate = self;
[_advertiser startAdvertisingPeer];
- (void)advertiser:(MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser *)advertiser didReceiveInvitationFromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID withContext:(NSData *)context invitationHandler:(void (^)(BOOL, MCSession *))invitationHandler {
invitationHandler([#YES boolValue], _session);
NSLog(#"Invitation accepted");
- (void)automaticBrowsingWithName:(NSString *)name {
MCPeerID *peerID = [[MCPeerID alloc] initWithDisplayName:name];
_browser = [[MCNearbyServiceBrowser alloc] initWithPeer:peerID serviceType:kServiceType];
_browser.delegate = self;
[_browser startBrowsingForPeers];
- (void)browser:(MCNearbyServiceBrowser *)browser didNotStartBrowsingForPeers:(NSError *)error {
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(browser:didNotStartBrowsingForPeers:)]) {
[_delegate browserDidNotStartBrowsingForPeers];
- (void)browser:(MCNearbyServiceBrowser *)browser foundPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID withDiscoveryInfo:(NSDictionary *)info {
[browser invitePeer:peerID toSession:[self getMCSession] withContext:nil timeout:10];
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(browser:foundPeer:)]) {
[_delegate browser:browser foundPeer:peerID];
- (void)browser:(MCNearbyServiceBrowser *)browser lostPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID {
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(browserLostPeer:)]) {
[_delegate browserLostPeer:peerID];
- (MCSession *) getMCSession {
return _session;
But then I am getting as feedback in the console:
-[MCNearbyServiceBrowser invitePeer:toSession:withContext:timeout:] Bad argument session=nil
When I check for the found Advertisers, everything is OK. My advertiser ipad is being found. But how can I manage the invite?
So I don't get it right now... When I send an invitation by the browser, what session do I have to use? On the iPad I set up the session like you can see in the "automaticAdvertiseWithName" method. but on the iphone I don't do this when calling "automaticBrowsingWithName"... Is that the problem? And don't they have to be the same session to successfully connect them? And how can I successfully invite my advertiser ipad to the browser?
I am confused by the notion of creating a new session when one has already been created by the advertiser.
I am actually not sure, if the delegate didReceiveInvitation is adding the peer to the connectedPeers at all.
- (void)automaticAdvertiseWithName:(NSString *)name {
MCPeerID *peerID = [[MCPeerID alloc] initWithDisplayName:name];
self.session = [[MCSession alloc] initWithPeer:peerID];
self.session.delegate = self;
_advertiser = [[MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser alloc] initWithPeer:peerID discoveryInfo:nil serviceType:kServiceType];
_advertiser.delegate = self;
[_advertiser startAdvertisingPeer];
- (void)advertiser:(MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser *)advertiser didReceiveInvitationFromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID withContext:(NSData *)context invitationHandler:(void (^)(BOOL, MCSession *))invitationHandler {
BOOL accept = YES;
invitationHandler(accept, self.session);
NSLog(#"Invitation accepted: %#", self.session);
And when I call the property "connectedPeers" on my session, there are no connected peers at all, even though the delegate found one. Did I make a mistake there?
Your problem is that your session is null at the time you call invitePeer:toSession:withContext:timeout...Anyway you have two options to fix this.
You have two options :
Option 1
- move the peerID creation, session creation and session delegate assignment in a place where its executed at all time. For example in the init code for MultipeerConnectivityService class of if its a UIViewController in the viewDidLoad.
Option 2
- add the following snippet before you call "invitePeer:toSession:withContext:timeout:"
if (!_session) {
MCPeerID *peerID = [[MCPeerID alloc] initWithDisplayName:#"Browser"]; // you can customize the name here
_session = [[MCSession alloc] initWithPeer:peerID];
_session.delegate = self;
Hope this helps ...good luck!

How to interrupt AVPlayer for incoming call manually

I've used this method How do I get my AVPlayer to play while app is in background? to have an AVPlayer play in the background so the user can listen while browsing safari etc. Only problem is now AVPlayer continues to play when there is an incoming call and stays playing during the call. Is there a way to catch the incoming call and end call events so AVPlayer can be stopped and started manually?
Through coreTelephony framework we have to find or detect the incoming call. From there you have to initiate your local notification to stop your AVPlayer.
after importing do like this
CTCallCenter * _callCenter = [[CTCallCenter alloc] init];
_callCenter.callEventHandler = ^(CTCall* call)
if ([call.callState isEqualToString:CTCallStateDisconnected])
NSLog(#"Call has been disconnected");
else if([call.callState isEqualToString:CTCallStateDialing])
NSLog(#"Call start");
else if ([call.callState isEqualToString:CTCallStateConnected])
NSLog(#"Call has just been connected");
else if([call.callState isEqualToString:CTCallStateIncoming])
NSLog(#"Call is incoming");
// You have to initiate/post your local notification through NSNotification center like this
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"stopAVPlayer" object:nil];
} else
NSLog(#"None of the conditions");
Refer this :
You could use the CallKit for getting phone call event now. (iOS 10.0+)
This is good for me.
#import <CallKit/CallKit.h>
#interface ViewController ()<CXCallObserverDelegate> {
CXCallObserver *_center;
_center = [[CXCallObserver alloc] init];
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("THIS_IS_A_CALL",NULL);
[_center setDelegate:self queue:queue];
- (void)callObserver:(CXCallObserver *)callObserver callChanged:(CXCall *)call {
NSString *tag = #"callObserver";
NSString *content = #"";
if (call.isOutgoing) {
content = #"call.isOutgoing";
if (call.hasEnded) {
content = #"call.hasEnded";
if (call.hasConnected) {
content = #"call.hasConnected";
if (call.isOnHold) {
content = #"call.isOnHold";
NSLog(#"%# - %#", tag, content);
More detail:

Game Center turn-based match data is not saved and/or read

I am planning to develop a turn-based game and is trying to understand how to communicate with Game Center and send and receive mach data. I have read about it and tested this for days now and just cannot get it to work as planned.
The only thing i try to do with the code below is to be able to save and then read the mach data. I am using two sandbox Game Center accounts for the turns.
The turns are sending the same data by pressing "endTurn" button. Every time i run the actual user is authenticated and the app is set up correctly (i believe).
This is a test app without any other purpose than test what i stated. Below is the code i use for the match data processing.
I would really appreciate any ideas and tips on what i may do wrong. Before i started serious testing i did post a similar question but that did not solve this problem,
I also try to catch the participants but with no success, which may mean that it is the problem when processing the completionhandler.
-(IBAction)endTurn:(id)sender {
[_gameDictionary setObject:#"The Object" forKey:#"The Key"];
NSLog(#"_gameDictionary: %#", _gameDictionary);
NSData *data = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:_gameDictionary format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:nil];
GKTurnBasedParticipant *nextPlayer;
if (_match.currentParticipant == [_match.participants objectAtIndex:0]) {
nextPlayer = [[_match participants] lastObject];
} else {
nextPlayer = [[_match participants]objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"_match.currentParticipant: %#", _match.currentParticipant);
[self.match endTurnWithNextParticipant:nextPlayer matchData:data completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(#"An error occured updating turn: %#", [error localizedDescription]);
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
if (self) {
// Custom initialization
return self;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
_gameDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[self.match loadMatchDataWithCompletionHandler:^(NSData *matchData, NSError *error) {
NSDictionary *myDict = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:_match.matchData mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListImmutable format:nil errorDescription:nil];
[_gameDictionary addEntriesFromDictionary: myDict];
if (error) {
NSLog(#"loadMatchData - %#", [error localizedDescription]);
NSLog(#"_gameDictionary: %#", _gameDictionary);
"gk-cdx" = "";
"gk-commnat-cohort" = "";
"gk-commnat-main0" = "";
"gk-commnat-main1" = "";
2013-02-11 22:44:11.707 GC_test1[8791:14f03] _gameDictionary: {
2013-02-11 22:44:13.894 GC_test1[8791:14f03] _gameDictionary: {
The Object = The Key;
2013-02-11 22:44:13.894 GC_test1[8791:14f03] _match.currentParticipant: (null)
The fact that _match.currentParticipant evaluates to nil is troubling. I suspect that _match was never initialized, or is nil, or that it was not obtained from a Game Center facility such as loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler:, the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController, or using findMatchForRequest:withCompletionHandler:.
For a new match, if created through any of these facilities, currentParticipant would be guaranteed to represent the local player. You are not allowed to instantiate a GKTurnBasedMatch yourself.
To resolve this issue at least for testing, you could assign a new _match from within the completion handler of findMatchForRequest:withCompletionHandler:. Only then should you be allowed to press your test button.

NSTextField autocomplete

Does anyone know of any class or lib that can implement autocompletion to an NSTextField?
I'am trying to get the standard autocmpletion to work but it is made as a synchronous api. I get my autocompletion words via an api call over the internet.
What have i done so far is:
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)obj
if([obj object] == self.searchField)
[self.spinner startAnimation:nil];
[self.wordcompletionStore completeString:self.searchField.stringValue];
self.doingAutocomplete = YES;
[[[obj userInfo] objectForKey:#"NSFieldEditor"] complete:nil];
When my store is done, i have a delegate that gets called:
- (void) completionStore:(WordcompletionStore *)store didFinishWithWords:(NSArray *)arrayOfWords
[self.spinner stopAnimation:nil];
self.completions = arrayOfWords;
self.doingAutocomplete = NO;
The code that returns the completion list to the nstextfield is:
- (NSArray *)control:(NSControl *)control textView:(NSTextView *)textView completions:(NSArray *)words forPartialWordRange:(NSRange)charRange indexOfSelectedItem:(NSInteger *)index
*index = -1;
return self.completions;
My problem is that this will always be 1 request behind and the completion list only shows on every 2nd char the user inputs.
I have tried searching google and SO like a mad man but i cant seem to find any solutions..
Any help is much appreciated.
Instead of having the boolean property doingAutocomplete, make the property your control that made the request. Let's call it autoCompleteRequestor:
#property (strong) NSControl* autoCompleteRequestor;
So where you set your current property doingAutocomplete to YES, instead store a reference to your control.
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)obj
if([obj object] == self.searchField)
[self.spinner startAnimation:nil];
[self.wordcompletionStore completeString:self.searchField.stringValue];
self.autoCompleteRequestor = [[obj userInfo] objectForKey:#"NSFieldEditor"];
Now when your web request is done, you can call complete: on your stored object.
- (void) completionStore:(WordcompletionStore *)store didFinishWithWords:(NSArray *)arrayOfWords
[self.spinner stopAnimation:nil];
self.completions = arrayOfWords;
if (self.autoCompleteRequestor)
[self.autoCompleteRequestor complete:nil];
self.autoCompleteRequestor = nil;
NSTextView has the functionality of completing words of partial words.
Take a look at the documentation for this component.
Maybe you can switch to this component in your application.