Integrating JBoss ESB Tools and Maven Integration for Eclipse (M2E) - maven-2

How do I go about creating a Maven project in Eclipse that is also recognizable to JBoss ESB Tools. Is this even possible?

This should help - and then once you've created the project, you can either import or create a new project and use your project's root directory as the base directory for your Eclipse project.


configuring my java EE project in intelij with wildfly

I am trying to figure what configuration I should have for my Java EE project so that I can run it inside IntelliJ and instead of packaging with maven and uploading my war file manually, I want to use WildFly plugin to do that inside the IntelliJ for me.
My project is empty and I initially uploaded the war file into deployments in WildFly manually.
For configuring inside IntelliJ I selected a JBoss server configuration. I have a problem with choosing an artifact here. If the artifact tab is empty, my changes will not show when I run this configuration.
(my IntelliJ is the ultimate version)
What should I do so that I don't need to run
mvn package
before building my configuration
Plugin name is wildfly-maven-plugin. You can find more details in below link

How to download JAR from Maven and add to non-Maven IntelliJ WAR project

I need to setup but i can't make it work at all. I get errors in wildfly deployment.
I setup intellij project, i select framework support for JSF, and Primefaces which are prerequisites. But than docs say:
Add admin theme to your classpath:
How do i do this if i don't use maven? Can i set it up, via some jar file. Also i don't get it, if i download release from github, what is
But even if i added it through maven via Intellij browser it still doesn't work. Can't deploy to Wildfly.
Maven library can be added to non Maven project through Intellij IDEA.
Project structure->Libraries->Add library->From Maven
AdminFaces jars are published to maven central, you can download it there, see here.
Just add admin-template and admin-theme to your classpath.
Also it depends on OmniFaces (2.x) and PrimeFaces (5.1.1 or greater) and also JavaEE apis such as servlet, EJB, CDI, JSF and JPA.
If you are running it outside a JavaEE container such as Tomcat take a look at Admin Starter Tomcat dependencies, you should be able to download them from maven central as well.

How to add facets to an IntelliJ Java/Gradle project to create a self-sufficient war

Download and install IntelliJ 12.04 Community Edition
Create project from external source (point to Gradle build script)
Specify JDK 7 as project's SDK
Note: Project is open source at github: Netflix/karyon
Want to simply war the project. In playing on the commercial version with GAE plugin installed, I was able to specify the Web Application facet, and create the war via the artifact functionality. With the setup described above, the only available facet is Android.
How can I create a self sufficient war (includes all dependencies and hence can be dropped in any container without additional classpath requirements) from within the IDE?
IntelliJ IDEA Community edition doesn't have Java EE support, you need to use some other tool for packaging the war (e.g. Maven).

Link Maven OSGi to Maven NetBeans Platform Project

I am using NetBeans 6.9 Beta and I would like to accomplish the following:
Set up a project representing the main application using Maven (for instance "Maven Project", "Maven NetBeans Application")
Ideally, the project should only contain the necessary libraries to run in Apache Felix (I would like to be able to right-click the project and select "Run in Felix")
I do not want that the project contains all the NetBean Platform APIs
I would prefer to implement the modules using OSGi. For instance "Maven OSGi Bundle", "Maven NetBeans Module" + OSGi
These are the problems, which I have at the moment:
The standard Maven archetype ("Maven NetBeans Application") seems always to select all APIs and I have not found a way to deselect APIs - in normal NetBeans Platform Applications that can be accomplished by going to the project properties and deselected the platform modules) - I guess it has something to do with the NetBeans repository ( Do I have to create another repository?
When creating normal "NetBeans Module" with OSGi support, the modules contain both NetBeans Module and OSGi meta data, which is nice. So, for instance the tool support in NetBeans is available for both technologies. But the "Maven NetBeans Modules" have only NetBeans meta data and the Maven OSGi Bundles have only OSGi meta data).
3. I figured out how to add modules to the project by using project / new and then placing the modules in the Maven project folder. However, I do not quite know yet how I could link to modules from other locations (NetBeans uses Maven modules, which have to be in the same directory as the project?).
Below some useful links for Maven + OSGi in NetBeans NetBeans Maven OSGi Test Specification NetBeans Platform Quick Start Using Maven (6.9) NetBeans Maven BestPractices Maven Documentation Multi-Module Projects
(sorry about the missing protocol but couldn't post the message otherwise)
your nbm-application project depends on all platform projects.. just use the regular maven dependency management (adding/removing dependencies, adding dependency excludes to limit your platform
configure the nbm plugin and the bundle plugin yourself to sequentially append content to the manifest file.. I think Fabrizio Guidici's forceten and bluemarine projects do that in some way..
I don't understand the problem entirely. maven modules are a different thing than netbeans modules. you can for sure compose the application from multiple independently build nb module artifacts.

Howto create an Eclipse Library?

How do I convert my Eclipse plugin so it is seen in Eclipse as a Libary, like JUnit, for example?
Thanks in advance!
This would be taken care of by the Deploy step
(from the excellent tutorials section,
specifically the vogella's "Eclipse Products and Deployment - Tutorial")
Switch now to your product configuration file and select the tab Overview. Click on the "Eclipse Product export wizard" to export your product.
Select the plugin you want to export.
This will create a jar in the directory plugin. Copy this jar to the "dropin" directory in your Eclipse installation directory and re-start Eclipse. Your plugin should now be available.