Nservicebus SagaData instances? - instance

I am using Nservicebus sagadata for adding messages to MSMQ and I am new to it.
I have a situation where I have to check if there is any active Saga with a saga data. If there is one then I will read my object ID stored in SagaData.
So is there a way to read or check i there is a SagaData created? Does StuctureMap.ObjectFactory.Container is of any help?
Thanks in advance

I think the answers you are looking for are documented here. You can also find samples of a saga in the sample applications when you download NServiceBus. HTH


Is there a way for Rabbit MQ consumer to get the latest message on init?

I am looking to replace an in-house key-value store and dispatch system and I keep hearing that RabbitMQ may be a solution.
I understand that sends and receives messages using queues, and that these events are triggered by producers creating messages, and consumers receiving them.
But what happens if a consumer is created after a message was sent? Can the consumer ask the queue what its last message was? If not, do I need to include some sort of database to store these messages? Or am I looking for some other technology?
A use case is that I want a GUI to get/set parameters that are used by other apps on a local network. On initialization, the GUI needs to know what the last values were.
In an attempt to answer my own question, it may be that RabbitMQ is not what I am looking for. I may want to instead use Kafka which stores its latest key:value pair in a table. Or I may want to use Redis. What do you think?
Thank you for your assistance.
I think I found a satisfactory answer to my question. I'm looking to create a request-reply model, which RabbitMQ is quite capable of handling. Upon opening the GUI, it sends a request to some other process for some variable, stored either in memory or in a database. That process responds with the requested data. Easy enough.

How can I retrieve the content of a Redis channel at the time of subscribe?

When my web app subscribes to a Redis channel (mostly on Application_Start), it should automatically load the current channel content, but not wait for the next publish within this channel.
I couldn't find any way to achieve this - but as this "problem" appears to be so common and trivial I guess there must be an easy solution for this?
In the web app I'm using StackExchange.Redis (in case that's relevant). Who can help? Thx in advance!
The answer is no, there is no option to do this using Redis pub/sub functionality, Redis don't actually store messages which being published to the channel, so you can't retrieve them when you connect to channel.
Take a look at RabbitMQ with their persistent queues and message acknowledgements, which they have out of the box.
As there's obviously no comfortable option available in Redis, I'm now publishing the channel message also as a regular key-value. So the clients take it from key-value store before subscribing to the channel.

Removing Subscribers from NServiceBus/Raven

Using NserviceBus 3.3 with Raven for subscription persistence.
I'm creating a prototype application that will consume messages from a publisher in our test environment. The application will only be used for a few weeks, at which point it may be (essentially) thrown away in its current form.
I don't want the publisher to continue to send messages to the outbound queue for this subscriber. In effect, I want its existence to be completely removed from the system.
How would I go about removing all knowledge of this subscriber from the system?
To do this you need to manage subscriptions manually.
Have a look at the PubSub sample, specifically this file and you also need to tell the bus not to autosubscribe, this sample should provide you with all the code required to do this.
The link to the PubSub article is broken. Here is the new link: https://github.com/Particular/NServiceBus.Msmq.Samples/tree/master/PubSub

how to configure nservicebus using gateway when MSDTC not available either end

I am new to NServiceBus, trying to introduce messaging into a WCF/RPC solution.
Because of architectural constraints and overhead (memory and cpu usage already high) IT Operations will not allow MSDTC. (I'm also keen to avoid 2PC fwiw). I also require messages over http so the NSB bridge looks like a great solution.
Based on these posts (how-i-avoid-two-phase-commit and extending-nservicebus-avoiding-two-phase-commits) it looks to me as though it's possible to use NSB with the DTC disabled.
It sounds like EventStore does manage to avoid 2PC in the same way that I want to setup NSB but at the moment I just want to get NSB to work rather than adding event sourcing into the mix.
Are there any examples of configuring NSB to work this way? I'm quite happy to add the extra complexity (custom message handler with local message state storage) - without 2PC there isn't really another option. I already know of this example (IdempotentConsumer) but the test projects for this repo contain no code. It would be even more helpful if there was an example using nosql storage.
Will I need to alter the NSB bridge to deal with no DTC? I'm guessing no - bridge transactions are only against the local queue but the process that consumes the local queue will obviously need to coded to avoid 2PC. Correct?
Are there any other useful resources/posts around using NSB without MSDTC? The solution (how-i-avoid-two-phase-commit) seems not too complex but given I'm just starting out with NSB it would be great to find a quickstart for this...
I would have thought this would be a common scenario - but there doesn't seem to be much written about avoiding MSDTC while still using NSB. Surely there are others who are using a message bus but aren't allowed to use MSDTC... Is there another obvious way that I've missed?
2) Yes you should be fine. Since you're doing the deduplication your self you don't need the gateway to do it for you. Just configure it to use the InMemory persistence and you should be fine.

Can I have a NserviceBus saga be started by AND handle the same message?

Quick question: I have a saga that can have a scenario where it needs to handle a message that could come in under two situations. One where the saga is still open and one where the saga has been marked as complete.
If the saga is open, great, continue as normal. If the saga is not open it needs to to start a new saga. What is the best practice to handle this situation? IHandleMessages<> works great, obviously, if the saga is open. But won't IAmStartedByMessages<> cause two sagas to be open? This would be bad. Thanks
IAmStartedByMessages<> will not cause 2 sagas to be open if an already open saga can be resolved. You should be fine to just use IAmStartedByMessages<> with no need for an IHandleMessages<>.
You can still handle a message using IAmStartedByMessages<> as long as you make sure you include it in your ConfigureMapping override. That way, depending on how you find existing saga's, you will either return an existing instance or create a new one. HTH.
As I see from NserviceBus sources new saga will not be started if some saga which handles message found. (I checked NBus 2.0)
So your scenario should work correctly. You may easily check this from sample application.
Still, situation you describe is rather strange. I would prefer to have two message types, one for saga start, another for saga work.