Apache on Ubuntu and default website w/ VirtualHost [closed] - apache

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Closed 10 years ago.
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i've read that apache on ubuntu requires the first virtualhost file included will be the default website, so everyone prefixes the virtual host file with '000-'
is there anyway around this, such as using default or another option? i would like the default site to be a different file which i cannot change the name of the file so cannot prefix it with 000 (its a hard coded system, and the configs are generated automatically)


What is the difference between configuring SSL in nginx.conf or in sites-enabled? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I configured SSL in my nginx.conf. I'm getting a valid certificate on https://www.mydomain.com however, this shows a 404 as my website is at mydomain.com
Exploring, I see my site inside of available-sites which has a server block with a root and index but not listen block.
What is the difference between these two?
You can place your SSL configuration into either file. If you check the bottom of nginx.conf you will see
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
Which simply includes the contents of all config files in sites-enabled into nginx.conf and continues parsing.

How can I change host Name for Apache tomcat server? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I installed Apache Tomcat 6.0,I tested with simple Application it's working fine.but every time I calling my app with localhost:8080 in the browser.
I want to change host name(localhost) to something like subbu.for this I tried in the following way.
I open command prompt and entered drivers and after selected etc folder, open host file .in this file I changed subbu instead of localhost.After did this I restarted my system and started apache server and entered in my browser like subbu:8080.it's not working.
I hope,you understand what I faced problem.
How can I resolve this.
In /etc/hosts change the line localhost
to be localhost subbu

Tomcat without index.html show files in directory [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I was wondering how you could make tomcat show the files in a directory when an index.html is not in the root directory? Currently it gives me an error page.
description The requested resource
(/Tutorials/ios/exercise-files/Ex_Files_iOS4_Web_Apps/Ch02/) is not available.
Open Tomcat's own /conf/web.xml file (or the one in Servers project if you're using Eclipse), find the <servlet> entry of the DefaultServlet and change the listings initialization parameter from false to true.
See also:
Tomcat 7.0 documentation - the default servlet

How do I change default directory and index file for Apache (installed via XAMPP) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How do I change default Directory and index File for Apache (installed via XAMPP) so instead of looking for htdocs and index, it looks for myPath and myFile, respectively?
The research link you pasted has the first part of the answer to your question, changing the path you want serve but the second part of your question, making it serve "myFile" as the Index is an additional step. See:
So you would add this line inside the relevant tags or even loose in the main httpd.conf file (see the Context section of the above link for valid places to use this directive):
DirectoryIndex myFile.ext
Hope this helps.
Edit the httpd.conf file - the DocumentRoot directory can be updated to whichever directory you would like (and that the process has permissions to). See:
DocumentRoot /usr/web

Changing umask of apache on ArchLinux [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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This didn't work:
Setting the umask of the Apache user
Arch doesn't have a /etc/apache2/envvars file, and changing the /etc/rc.d/httpd script didn't change anything.
Maybe someone can enlighten me how/where to exactly change the rc-script, so apache has an umask 002
After trying again, strangely editing the /etc/rc.d/httpd file works.
Just put
umask 0002
Right after the #!/bin/bash and everything works as it should.
No idea why it didn't work before, but well...