/me/home doesn't return all the posts - api

I've noticed that me/home in the Graph API doesn't return posts by certain users. I've tried this in my app as well as just using Graph Explorer. It returns most posts, consistently fails to include posts by certain friends. I don't think this is a caching issue, because I've tried over a period of one day with same results. It's not random either. It's the same handful of posts that are always missing.
I checked the posts in question and don't see anything special. And it's happening with newer posts also.
Do I need to add any special parameters to my request ?

Users, in their Facebook privacy preferences, can configure what data 3rd party applications can see about themselves.
What you are seeing is that certain users have made their activities not viewable to your application.


Change in number of geotagged Instagram posts

I have written an app which uses the Instagram API to retrieve geotagged posts containing "#sunset" and related tags. On March 22 - 23 2016, the number of posts being collected dropped dramatically. Has anyone else observed this behavior, or do you have any suggestions for what I should look for? Is it possible there has been a change to Instagram's privacy policy that leads to fewer geotagged posts? I do not think it is due to a change in my code (I have not changed the code, and I am actually collecting the posts using two different methods, both of which display this pattern). Nor do I think it is due to my API key suddenly becoming invalid (the key seems to work).
UPDATE: I discovered other people have been having similar problems. See here:
Instagram API /tags/{tag-name}/media/recent changed behaviour
Instagram /v1/tags/{tag-name}/media/recent endpoint doesn't return min_tag_id in pagination block
UPDATE 2: it appears that both the Python + Ruby Instagram clients were deprecated on the same day, March 22, right before everyone started having this problem: https://github.com/facebookarchive/instagram-ruby-gem/commits/master, https://github.com/facebookarchive/python-instagram/commits/master

DISQUS: Is it possible to get a particular user's posts in a given forum?

I am running a website, whose community is powered by Disqus. I would like to create user profile pages, where the page would display the particular user's most recent activity, but only for my particular site (forum, in Disqus' terminology).
I ran through the entire API documentation, but I could not find a way that would allow me to filter by both user, and forum. I would be able to grab either the entire list of posts for a given forum, or the one from a particular user.
In every API call, there is a mysterious query paramater, where I tried to plug a series of filters, but none of them worked.
Is there something that I could be missing?
It's not that obvious, but you can use the query param as a filter for users. Try something like this:

Twitter REST API - Number of Tweets

I wrote a little Script using Python and Tweepy to save the tweets for a list of users and also to get some basic properties for those accounts.
Somehow the number of tweets stated in the user profile under statuses_count
(for an example of the json description of an account:
https://api.twitter.com/1/users/show.json?screen_name=TwitterAPI&include_entities=true )
does not match the number of tweets i get when iterating through the tweets of the same users profile.
I am aware of the fact, that twitter limits the number of tweets per user available through the API to 3200 and even does not guarantee this number, but this behavior does even occur with users who have well less than 3200 tweets
My question is, whether this difference is common and why this happens?
Is this just an issue of the twitter API, is it caused by deleted tweets (maybe they still count for statuses_count but can not be fetched anymore?), ...?
I haven't messed with the Twitter API in several months, but I remember back when I was working with it I found inconsistencies due to retweets not showing up when iterating tweets, but getting counted in the number of Tweets. This seems to corroborate that, but its several months old and things may have changed since then.
Make sure include_rts is set to true, t, or 1 (in addition to specifying the same for include_entities, which you have done). When these aren't included by default (e.g. user lists) then you can get fewer tweets than what you specified with count.
The Twitter API documentation isn't clear on what the defaults are so it's safer to explicitly specify these optional parameters. And since you're specifically working with the user timeline you might also want exclude_replies turned off.

Twitter REST API consistency with ID placement

Can someone explain to me in, in REST terms, Twitter's design decision with the parameter placement in these two calls? It seems that the :id placement is inconsistent and arbitrary (although clearly this was deliberate).
GET statuses/:id/retweeted_by
Show user objects of up to 100 members who retweeted the status.
GET statuses/retweets/:id
Returns up to 100 of the first retweets of a given tweet.
There are other similar examples throughout their API (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api), so I'm definitely missing something.
Just making guesses here
Someone at Twitter once pointed out that the Twitter API runs on several servlets. I can only assume that this was related - it's easier to map /retweets/* than to map every single combination.
Update: I think that the history of the API itself can also be relevant. Twitter's API hasn't really changed much over the past years, and if it did change then it would be because new features would be added. An endpoint like GET statuses/show/:id is old, while GET statuses/retweets/:id is newer. If Twitter at some point decided to change naming conventions, they couldn't just rename the old ones, since it would break applications.
Another theory of mine is that GET statuses/retweets/:id actually doesn't refer to the Tweet :id itself, but is about the tweets that were based on it. GET statuses/:id/retweeted_by is directly related to the tweet itself, by returning users and not other statuses.
I too am often puzzled by the naming consistency. I'm sure they have their reasons though.
I ended up checking with a friend at Twitter, who says:
"I just talked with the guy who originally wrote those two API
endpoints, and he doesn't remember why. To answer your question,
though, there probably isn't a good RESTful reason for that design."

No results for a specific user in Twitter search API

For some reason, when searching on one specific Twitter user, the search API return nothing. (ie http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=+from%3ATWITTERHANDLE_A) TWITTERHANDLE_A here is the Twitter account name. This user has been active for over a month, has had many RTs, #s and has sent such tweets out as well.
Meanwhile, I created a new Twitter account - we will call it TWITTERHANDLE_B. Immediately after I created the account, I sent 1 tweet and performed the same search as above (http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=+from%3ATWITTERHANDLE_B)
The tweet was returned.
Is there ANYWAY to find out if and/or why a particular user would be blocked from search results? Thanks so much for any help... I'm going crazy here. Twitter's documentation just says sometimes a user's tweets won't be searched!
The documentation you refer to has a link to this page:
The bottom entry addresses your issue, hopefully you can fix it that way.
Bear in mind the search API only grabs results from the last couple of weeks, so if the user hasn't tweeted in a while then there won't be any results.
You could try not using the Search API and grab the results directly:
Works fine for http requests at least... >_<