undefnied var in second function - actionscript-2

I have a class in as2 that I have simplified below. The first trace statement in singleLine() works fine (shows 3). But the second in repeat() shows undefined.
Anyone know why?
class DrawLines{
private var numPoints:Number;
public function DrawLines(arr:Array){
numPoints = arr.length;
private function singleLine(){
private function repeat(){

not sure if it will help, but have you tried using this.numPoints instead of just numPoints in the moive?


Controller selection

In my title screen, i have a code saying that the first controller using A is the PlayerIndex.one.
Here is the code:
public override void HandleInput(InputState input)
for (int anyPlayer = 0; anyPlayer <4; anyPlayer++)
if (GamePad.GetState((PlayerIndex)anyPlayer).Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed)
FirstPlayer = (PlayerIndex)anyPlayer;
AddScreen(new Background());
My question is: How can i use the "FirstPlayer" in other classes? (without this, there is no interest in this code)
I tried the Get Set thing but i can't make it work. Does i need to put my code in another class? Do you use other code to make this?
You can make a static variable say : SelectedPlayer,
and assign first player to it!
then you can call the first player through this class,
for example
class GameManager
public static PlayerIndex SelectedPlayer{get;set;}
and right after the loop in your code, you can say:
GameManager.SelectedPlayer = FirstPlayer;
I hope this helps, if your code cold be clearer that would be easier to help :)
Ok, so to do this properly you're going to have to redesign a little.
First off, you should be checking for a new gamepad input (i.e. you should be exiting the screen only when 'A' has been newly pressed). To do this you should be storing previous and current gamepad states:
private GamePadState currentGamePadState;
private GamePadState lastGamePadState;
// in your constructor
currentGamePadState = new GamePadState();
lastGamePadState = new GamePadState();
// in your update
lastGamePadState = currentGamePadState;
currentGamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
Really what you need to do is modify your class that deals with input. The basic functionality from your HandleInput function should be moved into your input class. Input should have a collection of functions that test for new/current input. For example, for the case you posted:
public Bool IsNewButtonPress(Buttons buton)
return (currentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(button) && lastGamePadState.IsButtonUp(button));
Then you can write:
public override void HandleInput(InputState input)
if (input.IsNewButtonPress(Buttons.A)
AddScreen(new Background());
Note: this will only work for one controller. To extend the implementation, you'll need to do something like this:
private GamePadState[] currentGamePadStates;
private GamePadState[] lastGamePadStates;
// in your constructor
currentGamePadStates = new GamePadState[4];
currentGamePadStates[0] = new GamePadState(PlayerIndex.One);
currentGamePadStates[1] = new GamePadController(PlayerIndex.Two);
// etc.
lastGamePadStates[0] = new GamePadState(PlayerIndex.One);
// etc.
// in your update
foreach (GamePadState s in currentGamePadStates)
// update all of this as before...
// etc.
Now, you want to test every controller for input, so you'll need to generalise by writing a function that returns a Bool after checking each GamePadState in the arrays for a button press.
Check out the MSDN Game State Management Sample for a well developed implementation. I can't remember if it supports multiple controllers, but the structure is clear and can easily be adapted if not.

Writing a simple function function in Selenium

I am a fresher in Selenium. I have lots of doubt about Selenium functions. I am using Selenium RC with Java and Eclipse.
I need to write one simple function for adding two numbers. Where will I write that function inside the test()?
How can I call that function if we want any other object for this function? Do we need to declare any header file for calling this function? Please help me.
I would look at this helpful tutorial part 1, part 2
Lets say the function is:
public void waitForElementExistance(final String elementLocator,
final int seconds, final boolean exists) throws Exception {
waitTimeFor(new Condition() {
public boolean verify() {
return selenium.isElementPresent(elementLocator) == exists;
}, 10);
You write this function -- for example -- just above the test()
You can call it in your test() like this:
waitForElementExistance("css=div.buttonlabel:contains(Upload)", 10, true);

Problem attaching WatiN to IE

I am experimenting with WatiN for our UI testing, I can get tests to work, but I can't get IE to close afterwards.
I'm trying to close IE in my class clean up code, using WatiN's example IEStaticInstanceHelper technique.
The problem seems to be attaching to the IE thread, which times out:
_instance = IE.AttachTo<IE>(Find.By("hwnd", _ieHwnd));
(_ieHwnd is the handle to IE stored when IE is first launched.)
This gives the error:
Class Cleanup method
Class1.MyClassCleanup failed. Error
Could not find an IE window matching
constraint: Attribute 'hwnd' equals
'1576084'. Search expired after '30'
seconds.. Stack Trace: at
findBy, Int32 timeout, Boolean
I'm sure I must be missing something obvious, has anyone got any ideas about this one?
For completeness, the static helper looks like this:
public class StaticBrowser
private IE _instance;
private int _ieThread;
private string _ieHwnd;
public IE Instance
var currentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
if (currentThreadId != _ieThread)
_instance = IE.AttachTo<IE>(Find.By("hwnd", _ieHwnd));
_ieThread = currentThreadId;
return _instance;
_instance = value;
_ieHwnd = _instance.hWnd.ToString();
_ieThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
private int GetCurrentThreadId()
return Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode();
And the clean up code looks like this:
private static StaticBrowser _staticBrowser;
public static void MyClassCleanup()
_staticBrowser = null;
The problem is that when MSTEST executes the method with the [ClassCleanup] attribute, it will be run on a thread that isn't part of the STA.
If you run the following code it should work:
public static void MyClassCleanup()
var thread = new Thread(() =>
_staticBrowser = null;
The WatiN website briefly mentions that WatiN won't work with threads not in the STA here but it isn't obvious that [TestMethod]'s run in the STA while methods like [ClassCleanup] and [AssemblyCleanupAttribute] do not.
By default when IE object are destroyed, they autoclose the browser.
Your CleanUp code may try to find a browser already close, which why you have an error.
Fixed this myself by dumping mstest and using mbunit instead. I also found that I didn't need to use any of the IEStaticInstanceHelper stuff either, it just worked.

AIR Sqlite: SQLEvent.RESULT not firing, but statement IS executing properly

Ok it looks likes like I have stumbled upon a strange timing issue... I made a quick SQL wrapper class for executing sql statements. However after .execute() is called, the SQLEvent.RESULT event is never fired, but the new entry in the DB is created as it should be. The really really odd part is if I put a setTimeout() just after calling execute() the event fires as expected.. I hope I'm missing something really obvious here... Here is a link to an example air app:
And here is the code to the wrapper class:
if you look down at line 51 in the SQLRequest class, you will see the commented out setTimeout() method. To make everything work, just uncomment that line.. but to me this doesn't make any sense...
anyone have any thoughts? I'm totally stumped here...
package com.jac.sqlite
import flash.data.SQLConnection;
import flash.data.SQLStatement;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.SQLErrorEvent;
import flash.events.SQLEvent;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
public class SQLRequest extends EventDispatcher
{//SQLRequest Class
private var _callback:Function;
private var _dbConn:SQLConnection;
private var _query:String;
private var _params:Object;
private var _statement:SQLStatement;
public function SQLRequest(callback:Function, connection:SQLConnection, query:String, parameters:Object=null):void
trace("Creating new SQL Request");
_callback = callback;
_dbConn = connection;
_query = query;
_params = parameters;
_statement = new SQLStatement();
_statement.sqlConnection = _dbConn;
_statement.text = _query;
if (_params != null)
for (var param:String in _params)
trace("Setting Param: " + param + " to: " + _params[param]);
_statement.parameters[param] = _params[param];
//setup events
_statement.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, handleResult, false, 0, true);
_statement.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, handleError, false, 0, true);
public function startLoad():void
//setTimeout(handleTimeOut, 10000);
private function handleTimeOut():void
trace("Executing: " + _statement.executing + " / " + executing);
private function handleResult(e:SQLEvent):void
trace("Good SQL Request");
private function handleError(e:SQLErrorEvent):void
trace("SQL Error: " + e.errorID + ": " + e.error);
public function get executing():Boolean
{//get executing
return _statement.executing;
}//get executing
public function get query():String { return _query; }
public function get statement():SQLStatement { return _statement; }
}//SQLRequest Class
I think what you're missing here is garbage collection.
Haven't tested your code, but this could certainly be the source of the problem.
var sqlReq:SQLRequest = new SQLRequest(handleResult, _dbConn, sql);
The reference sqlReq is local to the function and becomes unreacheable when the function returns. That makes it collectable. I guess there must be some code in the AIR runtime that collects garbage more agressively when there are sql connections involved. Because generally, you'll get away with not storing a ref to your object (at least in a web based environment, in my experience; this is a bug in such code, nevertheless; you just have to be in a bad day to experience it).
The setTimeout masks this problem (or almost solves it, although in an unintended way), because the setTimeout function uses a Timer internally. Running timers are not collected. So, the timer is alive and kicking and has a reference to your SQLRequest instance, which makes it reacheable, and so, not elligible for collection. If your DB call takes longer than the timeout though, you're back in the same situation.
To solve this, store a ref to the object and dispose it properly when you're done.
Another option, if you don't want to change the way you calling code works, is storing a ref to the instance in a class-scoped (i.e. static) dictionary for the duration of the call (this dictionary shoul not use weak referenced keys for obvious reasons).
You are adding a hidden side effect to your method, which is not a sign of good design in general, but as long as you remove it when the call to the DB is finished (whether it succeded or not), you're safe, so I think the problem is more of style than anything else.
What I mean is something like this:
private static var _dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
public function startLoad():void
// add a self reference to dict so the instance won't be collected
// do this in the last line, so if we have an exception in execute, this
// code will not run (or add a try/catch if you want, but this is simpler
// and cleaner, IMO
private function handleResult(e:SQLEvent):void
// remove the self reference before running any other code
// (again, this is in case the code that follows throws)
trace("Good SQL Request");
private function handleError(e:SQLErrorEvent):void
// same comment as handleResult
trace("SQL Error: " + e.errorID + ": " + e.error);
private function addToDict():void {
_dict[this] = true;
private function removeFromDict():void {
if(_dict[this]) {
delete _dict[this];

Actionscript 2 call function from variable

How can i call a function form a variable.
var upfunction = init;
var upfunction = init();
I have tried the above code and it does not work. I want to be able to call that variable from a keypress and change the variables function. For example.
function init(){
//Do whatever
function init2(){
//Do another thing
var upfunction = init();
if (Key.getCode() == Key.UP)
Then later doing
upfunction = init2();
That way i could change the function without having much code. Sorry if this is a noob question but all i do is copy and paste code i have found.
You're almost right with what you've got... just remember that to call a function you need to include the brackets afterwards: 'upFuntion();'. Brackets are also needed when defining the function. The brackets will contain any function parameters.
But to refer to the function (such as when assigning it to a variable) you don't use the brackets: 'upFunction = init;'
So your example would look like this:
function init1():Void {
trace("hello this is init1");
function init2():Void {
trace("hey, this is init2");
var upFunction:Function = init1;//type declaration is optional but recommended
upFunction();// hello this is init1
upFunction = init2;
upFunction();//hey, this is init2