Joomla. Infinite loop detected in JError after I moved website on a bluehost server and manually imported sql database for new domain? - sql

I had to move a website on a bluehost server, that is in the Joomla Platform 1.7. I did alot of reasearch on and google and still haven't resloved the issue.
I recieve the following error: Infinite loop detected in JError. I went threw the configuration file and made sure that database and user match up with my new database parameters match up and I am still recieving this issue. Thank you. Urgent response will be very helpful. Currently working on this and this is not a good start. :(

I have ran into the same issue moving my Joomla site from one server to another. What I learned is the following;
Make sure you look at the parameters in configuration.php. Double check if the following variables in your configuration.php file is correct. (Double Check) You did mention that you already have done so. In that case I am 98% sure that you have an issue dealing with file Attributes with configuration.php. Change the Attributes of configuration.php from 444 to 666.
To get detailed information about the error, open the error.php file located in /libraries/joomla/error/ on your server.
In the following code:
public static function throwError(&$exception)
static $thrown = false;
// If thrown is hit again, we've come back to JError in the middle of
another JError, so die!
if ($thrown) {
// echo debug_print_backtrace();
change the line // echo debug_print_backtrace();
to the following:
echo debug_print_backtrace();
Remember- When you change the parameters in configuration.php to you new database make sure you that configuration.php file attribute is set to 666, Otherwise when you go to save the file it will not change. Try this first.. Good luck.


How can I identify where Yii application execution is ending?

Prerequisites: Running on Ubuntu. Using Apache. Yii version is printing 1.1.2.
My question:
I'm helping a friend out with a web app where his application developer abruptly quit. The problem is, I'm somewhat green with PHP and COMPLETELY green with Yii. I'm having a difficult time setting up a test server using the existing code. What's happening is the index.php code calls a CWebApplication-derived class, but the run() method never returns, and all I get is a blank page (this obviously doesn't happen in production). I'm trying to understand how to identify what's happening, and where the execution is just dying.
First, let me say that I ran http:///yii/requirements/index.php, and the requirements checker claimed I had the minimum requirements to run.
Second, my index.php looks like this:
// change the following paths if necessary
$gapi = dirname(__FILE__) . '/protected/vendors/Google/autoload.php';
// remove the following lines when in production mode
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);
// specify how many levels of call stack should be shown in each log message
defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3);
* Manage URL Uppercase or lowercase
$manage_url_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/protected/components/ManageUrl.php';
require_once( $manage_url_path );
$create_web_application = new ManageUrl($config);
When $create_web_application->run() executes, it never returns (printing after it prints nothing), and I get just a blank page.
This class (ManageUrl) overrides createController, but so far it feels like execution never makes it to this function. Placing any print() statements in there shows nothing. $Yii::log() also shows nothing. There's nothing in the application.log under /runtime. Apache's error logs are showing nothing too. It's as if code execution is just going into a black hole.
One final thing to note: I've got mod_rewrite enabled on the server. I followed this outdated howto on DigitalOcean to get things started (
Can you advise me on how to figure out what's going on with this application and why I just get a blank page? I need to figure out where the code execution is going and subsequently dying.

"Access denied" error on 'rename' call when uploading files in Symfony

I'm working on a Symfony project in a Win7/Apache 2.2/ZendStudio environment and I have some trouble getting my file uploads to work properly.
My goal is to let the user create a new entity which can contain arbitrary many "Documents" (based on the article found at I have a form type containing one field of type 'collection' (based on the article found at So far so good. Via jQuery I can add arbitrarily many forms as subforms which works fine. But when I submit my form, very often (but not always!) I get the following exception:
Warning: rename(C:/Programming/Servers/Apache2.2/htdocs/Symfony/app/cache/dev/doctrine/orm/Proxies\__CG__MyMainBundleEntityRecruiter.php.507bf02e30df69.85090364,C:/Programming/Servers/Apache2.2/htdocs/Symfony/app/cache/dev/doctrine/orm/Proxies\__CG__MyMainBundleEntityLecture.php): Zugriff verweigert (code: 5) in C:\Programming\Servers\Apache2.2\htdocs\Symfony\vendor\doctrine\orm\lib\Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\ProxyFactory.php line 194
Zugriff verweigert is German for Access denied. Weirdly, the files seem to get renamed and saved at the right location nevertheless.
Why do I get this exception, does it have something to do with my environment and how can I fix it? I guess this issue is related to Symfony Warning : rename (../app/cache/dev , ../app/cache/dev_old ) : Access Denied . (Code : 5), but not quite sure whether it's the same as it happens in another context. I do also encounter the problem described in this link, though.
Thanks in advance.
I've been running into the same exact issue recently. I don't really have a good sense of why the problem is happening, but the problem is coming from a step in the process where Doctrine is trying to generate proxy classes.
In my config.yml file, under the ORM section of the Doctrine configuration, I changed the value of auto_generate_proxy_classes from %kernel.debug% to false. I've played with it for a while since making the change and haven't been able to reproduce the issue since.
Found this while looking for same answer, it seems to be a windows + Doctrine issue.
Doctrine Ticket with more detailed info
TLDR: Basically the proxy is trying to rename a file that's still being used, works in Linux but not always on windows.
Go to the file that renames the file, then replace it with a windows compatible rename function
private function renameWindowsCompatible($oldfile,$newfile) {
try {
} catch(\Exception $e) {
if (copy($oldfile,$newfile)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
I learned about proxies and saw that it is used with lazy loading.
I had an entity A with a one to one relationship to B.
B was the problem is the proxies directory
I just had fetch="EAGER" annotation in A entity
#ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity=B::class, fetch="EAGER")
private $b;
Then the B proxy was not generated and no more problem with rename.
Hope this help.

NodeJS - use remote module?

I'm working with node and would like to include a module stored on a remote server in my app.
I.E. I'd like to do something along these lines (which does not work as is):
var remoteMod = require('http:// ... url to my remote module ... ');
As a workaround I'd be happy with just grabbing the contents of the remote file and parsing out what I need if that's easier - though I haven't had much luck with that either. I have a feeling I'm missing something basic here (as I'm a relative beginner with node), but couldn't turn up anything after scouring the docs.
I own both local and remote servers so I'm not concerned with security issues here.
If I'm just going to grab the file contents I'd like to do so this synchronously. Using require('http').get can get me the file, but working from within the callback is not optimal for what I'm trying to do. I'd really be looking for something akin to php's fopen function - if that's even doable with node.
Running code loaded from another server is very dangerous. What if someone can modify this code? This person would be able to run every code he wants on your server.
You can grab remote file just via http
require('http').get({host: '', path: '/mystaticfile.txt'}, function(res) {
//do something

Undefined method stdClass::user() error when using CakePHP Auth

I'm fairly new to CakePHPand am building a site using the Auth component. A couple of times I have tried to do things with this component which have caused the error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::user() in /ftphome/site/app/controllers/users_controller.php on line 395
The line it refers to in this case is
$this->User->read(null, $this->Auth->user('id'));
This error does not disappear when I revert the code back to how it was before the error and I only seem to be able to get rid of it by removing some files on the server (I'm not sure which files, when I tried removing all files in the tmp directory the error persisted so I removed the entire site and restored from the latest svn revesion.
In this particular case I think I caused the error by putting the following code in app_controller
class AppController extends Controller {
function beforeRender() {
$this->set('test', $this->Auth->user());
Which I copied from this thread
A previous time I caused the issue by attempting to update the Auth user details after updating the user in the database.
I can see I'm somehow removing the user object from the Auth object but I can't understand why I need to delete files in the site to get it back or how the code above removes it - any help would be much appreciated.
It looks like in the case I mentioned above, the problem was the app_controller.php file which I'd copied into my app/controllers directory. Just having the file with an empty class declaration causes this error - can anyone provide further insight?
Further edit
I've realised I've been a bit silly and the problem was caused by me putting app_controller.php in /app/controllers/app_controller.php when there was already one in /app/app_controller.php - thanks for the input though Andy, it helps me understand a bit more what was happening.
This error is normally thrown when a class instance (in your case an instance of Auth) has been serialised to disk, then re-read/deserialised in another request but the class definition (i.e. Auth) has not been loaded yet, so PHP creates it as an "stdClass" (standard class.)
When you remove your site files, you're removing the session storage (IIRC it's the Cache folder in a CakePHP app) so at the next request, a new session is created from scratch.
It's been a while since I last used CakePHP (I switched to Zend) so I cannot remember if Cake includes files it requires using an __autoload function or not.
On that mailing list post, someone says that you can this $this->Auth->user() in a view, but in the controller, you can use $session->read('Auth.User') to get the user component. Not sure what the difference is, maybe $this->Auth is a view helper, so isn't available in the controller?

IIS/Cache problem?

I have a program that checks if a file is present every 3 seconds, using webrequest and webresponse. If that file is present it does something if not, ect, that part works fine. I have a web page that controls the program by creating the file with a message and other variables as entered into the page, and then creates it and shoots it over to the folder that the program is checking. There is also a "stop" button that deletes that file.
This works well except that after one message is launched and then deleted, when it is launched the second time with a different message the program still sees the old message. I watch the file be deleted in IIS, so that is not the issue.
I've thought about meta tags to prevent caching, but would having the file be dynamically named solve this issue also? How would I make the program be able to check for a file where only the first part of the filename is known? I've found solutions for checking directories on local machines, but that won't work here.
Any ideas welcome, thanks.
I'm not that used to IIS, but in Apache you can create a .htaccess and set/modify HTTP-Headers.
With 'Cache-Control' you can tell a proxy/browser not to cache a file.
A solution like this may work in IIS too if it is really a cache problem.
(To test this, open using your preffered browser with caching turned off
A simple hack is to add something unique to the url each time
Adding a random number to the URL forces it to be fresh. Even if you don't use the querystring param, IIS doesnt know that, so executes the page again anyways.